Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 148 Three Axes

About a few hundred miles west from the San Antonio Mission, on the other side of the Rio Grande, is the important border town of Del Rio in the Southern Continent.

Strictly speaking, the Rio Grande passes through Del Rio, with the north and south occupying half, facing each other across the river.

The Westerners had built a railway between the two a long time ago, using steam trains to transport troops from San Antonio in just a few hundred miles.

After the war broke out between the two sides, the Holy Court quickly assembled its troops through the railway. According to the plan, it crossed the Rio Grande and launched an attack on the Tawanting garrison on the other side.

The two sides fought fiercely for three days and two nights, and finally Tawantin's army withdrew from Del Rio.

The Holy Court troops occupied Del Rio, and the former Tawanting command post became the Holy Court's command post.

Two steam carriages without horses drove into the gate of the command post. Can a carriage be called a carriage without a horse? Of course it can, just as a road without a horse can still be called a road.

Two officers in general uniforms stepped off the steam carriage, the badges on their chests shining in the sun.

The two had obviously known each other for a long time. They greeted each other warmly as soon as they got out of the car and seemed to be complimenting each other.

"This time in the battle of Del Rio, your First Artillery Division was the leader."

"The natives are the natives. They have old minds and are only qualified to fight with bows and arrows. Even with the help of the Easterners, they still do not understand the significance of mechanized legion operations. Their combat concepts are an era behind ours. The Battle of Del Rio is an example. ”

Both generals were very ambitious.

They walked into the command post building and met in a room on the third floor the Holy See Cardinal Priest Robert A.


Facing Robert, who was wearing a priest's uniform, the two generals became respectful.

"I just took office not long ago and am not yet familiar with the specific responsibilities. You two are responsible for commanding this critical battle of Del Rio and are familiar with the combat situation, so I invite you two to come over and understand the specific situation." Although Robert is A priest, but more like a traditional military aristocrat, with a stern and resolute face and gray temples.

The two generals were like two soldiers, standing straight.

Robert put his hands behind his back and looked out the window: "This time we captured Del Rio, what were your respective casualties?"

The two generals looked at each other, and the general from the infantry division was the first to speak: "Our infantry division has a full strength of 18,000 people. The reduction in this battle is about 5,000 people."

Another general from the artillery division said: "The casualties of our artillery division are not large, but the ammunition consumption is very large."

There was not much expression change on Robbit's face reflected in the glass window: "In your opinion, what are the casualties in Tawanting?"

The artillery general responded first: "The casualties should be more than 8,000."

Robert was noncommittal and asked: "Do you think Tawantin's abandonment of Del Rio was a passive retreat? Or was it an active strategic retreat?"

After all, the infantry general was fighting on the front line, and his understanding was relatively clear: "We tried to pursue, but encountered a fierce blockage, so I think it should not be a passive retreat, but an active strategic retreat."


The artillery general disagreed: "Whether it is a passive retreat or an active retreat, there is nothing to worry about. Our last defeat was caused by carelessness.

It gave Tawantin wrong confidence, so he dared to provoke us without overestimating his capabilities. But what they don't know is that after the steam revolution, our combat concepts have undergone earth-shaking changes. Mechanized combat is by no means comparable to flesh and blood. Their self-proclaimed firm will will be ruthlessly crushed by our steel torrent. "

Robert turned around: "Very good."

Tawantin's army retreated to Monclova, where they organized a defensive line.

Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji also came here.

The two also met the chief military officer who had just withdrawn from Del Rio - because it was Xidaomen who rebuilt Tawanting's military system, it used the military system of the Central Plains, which was very similar to the Daxuan court.

The commander-in-chief also complained: "If we were to fight hand-to-hand, my soldiers would not only not be afraid of the Westerners, they would even have the upper hand. The key is that the Westerners' artillery fire was too fierce. An artillery division would have enough fucking power." Equipped with three hundred heavy cannons, this is unreasonable. After a salvo, three hundred shells were fired, and immediately there was a sea of ​​fire, comparable to the alchemist battalion and the priest group, as well as their airship troops, which were condescending. Throw bombs and then use machine guns to shoot them, so those young soldiers dare to hit them on the nose. "

Another general officer also said: "This kind of urban assault battle is no better than a field battle. The power of artillery is infinitely amplified. We can't hide when we defend the city. But our artillery can't compare with others, so we have to be passively beaten." We need artillery so much. And airships are also a problem. When can our airships be put into combat? "

Huangfu is extremely knowledgeable about military affairs.

He comforted the two people and said: "The problem of artillery can be solved immediately. Master Gong Da has already gathered the scattered artillery everywhere to form a large-scale artillery group, with unified dispatch and unified command. It is expected that there will be more than a thousand guns. As for the problem of flying boats. , have to wait a little longer.”

After seeing off the two general officers, Huangfuji said to Qi Xuansu: "We don't have the advantage to begin with. We are barely evenly matched. Hu En Chawen also leaked all the information about the border army. Del Rio was lost. It’s also expected.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I am not trying to increase the enemy's prestige. This kind of firepower is probably slightly better than the Taoist army on the Fenglin Prefecture battlefield. No wonder the Holy Court is so arrogant, saying that it only considers the cost of war and does not consider the war. A matter of victory or defeat.”

Huangfu Ji said: "The key is the cost of the war. The Holy Court fought so smoothly because it poured out artillery shells regardless of the cost. But these artillery shells did not fall from the sky, they were produced by factories and cost money. Holy Court How long the Holy Court's inventory and finances can last is a question. Don't underestimate those Western businessmen. They don't care about the overall situation. If they are really pressed, they dare to rebel this time. A quick battle, but for us, it will be a protracted battle. It is like two people running. The Holy Court runs very fast at the beginning and exerts great force, but it is inevitable that it will be weak later. "

Qi Xuansu nodded in agreement and said, "This is what we have to do. We need to understand the financial situation of the Holy Court and don't be fooled by their tricks."


Huangfu sighed: "It's a pity that Sun Zhongnu rebelled, leaving us in the northern continent."

The intelligence network was greatly damaged and many things became troublesome. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Things must be looked at from both sides. We also caught the 'Ape God' and launched a comprehensive investigation. The Holy Court is now looking at it with both eyes."

Huangfu Ji joked: "After all, they are talents who came from the Wanxiang Dao Palace. Their theories are very solid, unlike wild people like us."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "Wanxiang Dao Palace."

"Why, are you resentful?" Huangfu was a little curious, "Logically speaking, this is your root, it shouldn't be."

Qi Xuansu said: "I don't have to worry about my affairs. Chen Sesame has spoiled the millet. The key is the children's affairs."

"The child was bullied?" Huangfuji was not very shocked. Some things spread far and wide, and it was inevitable that they would be distorted. Strictly speaking, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were quasi-Taoist couples, but from the perspective of the Southern Continent, the two were Taoists. As a couple, Huangfu didn't find it strange that Qi Xuansu had a child.

Qi Xuansu nodded: "Let's leave it at that."

Huangfuji became more and more curious: "As far as I know, that Zhang family sibling is not a soft-tempered person. People in Yujing say that she acts domineeringly and never wants to suffer losses. With her here, can such a thing happen?"

Qi Xuansu said: "She is probably confused because she cares. She became a mother for the first time, so she was a little timid and lost her sense of proportion. In addition, she was also very busy, had limited energy, and was under a lot of pressure, so she finally lost her footing. . Back then, my mother told me that a man can only handle things after he has a wife and children. It seemed that she had the same idea. I talked to her once and she felt that the children should not be involved.

You have to consider your children, so you have to give in. But in my opinion, it is already involved. The more we retreat, the more others advance. In short, when the war is over, I have to go back and deal with this matter. "

Huangfu smiled and said: "If possible, I can go there with you. I have long wanted to visit the famous Wanxiang Taoist Palace."

Qi Xuansu laughed it off.

While the two were talking, a director of Juesheng Church came in and reported to them: "Master Huangfu, Master Qi, we have just intercepted the encrypted message sent by the San Antonio Mission to St. York."

Huangfuji took the paper for copying and deciphering the message, browsed it quickly, and handed it to Qi Xuansu: "Whatever you say, they really have a problem with cost. San Antonio has begun to urge the supply of ammunition to St. York. It seems that they The inventory is not sufficient.”

Qi Xuansu took it and read it: "But this also reflects from the side that the Holy Court wants to promote a strategic decisive battle as soon as possible and decide the outcome in one battle."

Huangfu smiled coldly: "Then we can't do what he wants. War costs the most money, and the Holy Court's style of play is expert at burning money. In the past, they could make up for the shortfall by looting. Not only did they not If they lose money, they can even make a fortune, and naturally their morale will be high. Now they are attacking our important towns and reducing them to ruins everywhere they go. Nothing is left. At the same time, they themselves have also suffered heavy losses. As long as we are determined not to cede territory or pay compensation. , but it depends on how long they can persist.”

Xidaomen dared to expand the situation, not because it was overestimating its capabilities, but naturally it had some confidence. As long as we can hold the Holy Court's three

With a sharp move, you can gain an advantage.

The key is how to block this extremely fast three-axe. When the Holy Court fought against the three great empires of the New World, they didn't even use up three axes. Usually, one ax could end the war. This was the reason for the Holy Court's arrogance.




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