Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 149 The North-South War (1)

Huangfuji was not only responsible for intelligence, because Qi Xuansu shared his pressure, he was also in charge of military law. Traitors must be caught, and other perpetrators must not be ignored either.

Half a month into the war, two high-ranking military officials at the level of deputy general were caught reselling military supplies. Huangfuji caught them and killed them on the spot. Their heads are still hanging under the city gate.

Others don't have such power, so a real person at Huangfuji's level must make the decision. At this time, Xidaomen's control over the army was demonstrated.

Gong Fu wanted to focus on military command, and simply left the logistics to Huangfu Ji.

Huangfuji had just finished solving the military law issue, and now he had to supervise the issue of urging ammunition - the Holy Court's logistics were tight, and Tawanting could not be said to be wealthy. Whether it is cracking down on buying and selling, or focusing on production at the rear, the essence is to ensure logistics.

Soldiers and horses should move forward before food and grass are used. This is a true insight that has existed for thousands of years. War is all about logistics.

Huangfuji's energy was dispersed, and Qi Xuansu became the main source of information.

Qi Xuansu's work is also very tedious. He has to deal with both external and internal affairs.

Needless to say externally, the main purpose is to confront the gospel ministry.

Internally, we need to pay attention to certain trends of thought.

Since ancient times, when fighting, we must pay attention to the teacher's reputation and stand on the moral high ground. Some people within Tawanting always try every possible means to eliminate the justice and legitimacy of their own side, trying to obscure, mystify, and unhistorize what happened in the past, in order to achieve some ulterior motives.

Recently, there have been many voices saying that the Northern Continent is the inherent territory of Steam Gospel, and that Xidaomen's blowing up the headquarters of the Gospel Ministry was an act of aggression. It was actually Xidaomen who started this war, and it was Xidaomen who was unreasonable.

There are also some voices who simply act like I am strong and I am justified. Because the steam gospel is powerful, it is just and virtuous. Only those who are virtuous in the world can uphold it.

Qi Xuansu said in a joint meeting between Jueshengtang and Beichentang, "Recently, some people are always chattering, saying that we are going to do the trick of the ancestor dragon burning books and entrapping Confucian scholars. I would say that some people are guilty and have taken their seats. . Statements are normal, and contradictions are normal. There are contradictions everywhere in the world. The key is that some people like to make their own evaluations and add their own "unique insights" to clearly recorded public historical materials. This is not rigorous. They may bring in some private goods, produce wrong views and influences, or even secretly oppose Tawantin under the banner of Tawantin. They are like a piece of rotten meat with maggots. They rot themselves and drag others around them. Rotting together and spreading continuously, this must be dealt with, and it is also unacceptable

Have to deal with it. "

Under Qi Xuansu's instructions, Jueshengtang launched a series of internal investigation work, and found that the mastermind behind the incident actually came from within Xidaomen.

This is not surprising. Xidaomen is not rich and cannot compare with the Steam Gospel next door. What kind of grandeur is it? There are high-rise buildings. A city can be divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. There is even a legendary New Atlan under the sea. Tis, and in New Paititi, three-story buildings are rare, let alone three-story urban areas. Whether it is a desire to be strong or a lover of money, the water flows downward, and people's hearts always want to be high even when they are high.

It’s just that no matter how good the thing is, it belongs to others, not to you. If you always want to take shortcuts and make some leftovers, it’s useless.

On the other side, the battle situation in the Southern Continent also gradually reached Yujing, attracting widespread attention.

Qi Xuansu's name can occasionally be seen in the battle reports sent back.

Including Xidaomen, he ranked sixth among the official real people who clearly participated in the war and were recognized by Daomen.

There is no way, the nine masters of Xidaomen are all treated the same as Master Pingzhang and Master Shenzhi. Regardless of Qi Xuansu's heart for Master Pingzhang, he is actually an ordinary master, not even Master Shenzhi - - Logically speaking, the Taoist sect should have sent a great master Pingzhang to take charge in person. That would be enough weight, but the situation did not allow it.

Of course, Xidaomen is not just as simple as dispatching five real people, but including Gongfu and Huangfuji, there are only five real people officially recognized by Daomen, and there are many people whose identities have not been officially recognized by Yujing of Daomen. , belonging to the real person inside Xidaomen.

Regarding this battle, there are many opinions and voices within the Taoist sect.

"It's okay to lose Del Rio. The key point is that it only lasted three days and two nights, which is too short. Throughout history, many important cities and towns, even if they were lost, only fell after being trapped in the isolated city for several months and running out of ammunition and food. Yes. Let me tell you, the situation in this battle is not optimistic. Xidaomen is so arrogant that they are trying to expand the situation. Fortunately, Daomen does not agree. If they really want to obey them, we don’t know what will happen now. "

There are those who watch the fun and don’t mind it.

"Qi Tianyuan has been going smoothly for so long, and this time he finally stepped into the mud of the southern continent. I'm afraid he will stumble this time."

There are many people who take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

"The key now is not to watch Qi Tianyuan's jokes. The Westerners are serious this time. They really want them to conquer Cusco all the way and attack the city of New Paititi. The situation in the southern continent is completely corrupted, and the Taoist sect will not end. ? After all, the Dao Sect and the Holy Court have not yet broken up, no matter what the actions under the table are, on the surface it is still good for you and me, but there is no room for failure in the Southern Continent, and the financial problem of the Dao Sect has just improved, how can this happen? "

There are also worried ones.

"It shouldn't be like this. Now the Holy Court is just approaching the city of Monclova and has not directly launched an attack. Preliminary judgment is that it should be a logistical problem. The Holy Court pays attention to mechanized army operations, which is of course very powerful, but these steel giants In order to get started, all kinds of supplies are indispensable, which puts great pressure on logistics. The more the Holy Court attacks, the longer the logistics supply line will be, and the supply will become more difficult. The progress of the Holy Court will inevitably slow down. In my opinion, it was not Qi Tianyuan who stepped in the mud of the Southern Continent, but the Holy Court who stepped in the mud of the Southern Continent."

There are also people who hold very similar views to Huangfu.

Zhang Yuelu happened to be here in Yujing in the past few days. Because Nanyang is one of the important financial supports of the Taoist sect, the joint discussion between Shibotang and Duzhitang also invited her over to arrange tasks. At the same time, he politely expressed that Jinque We have begun to prepare in advance for the worst possible outcome in the Southern Continent. At this time, Nanyang must be stable.

Of course Zhang Yuelu understood what the worst outcome meant.

I also understand why Jinque made such a decision. As Qi Xuansu said, we cannot open two fronts at the same time. Once we start a war with the outside world, we can no longer start a war with the inside. We must slow down.

Zhang Yuelu walked out of the Chiming Palace where the meeting was taking place. Hearing these various voices, he felt a little heavy.

Just before he took two steps, all the sounds suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Yuelu looked up and saw that it was Master Cihang who had come over - a meeting at Jinque had just concluded, and all three princes participated. Master Cihang was indispensable as the leader of Tiangang Hall.

Master Cihang signaled the accompanying secretary to leave, and Zhang Yuelu came with him instead. He joked, "One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain and hunt the tiger. Can your tiger not survive?"

Zhang Yuelu sighed, "I'm afraid some of Nanyang's measures won't last. It's said that they have begun to prepare for the worst results. But there are so many problems, so we just let it go and give up all our hopes."

On the southern continent? "

Master Cihang said, "Actually, the situation is not that bad. Some people are just making a fuss on purpose, under the guise of being prepared for a rainy day. It's hard for you to refute them."

Zhang Yuelu said, "If the war in the southern continent can end as soon as possible..."

Cihang Zhenren said, "The situation reported in the Xidaomen report may not be true. Depending on the purpose, it may be deliberately exaggerated or deliberately concealed. If you want to know the truest situation, why don't you ask Tianyuan? He is here On the front line, he is in charge of internal and external intelligence, and he is the person who knows the real situation best. "

Zhang Yuelu sighed softly, "Of course I understand this. I'm afraid that he will report the good news but not the bad news."

"Some men like to do this." Master Cihang did not deny it. "Sometimes when you do this, you will feel that you are very noble and great, and you will be moved to a mess. On the surface, you are afraid that women will worry, but in essence He looks down on women and thinks that women can't help him. He just wants to wait and hear the news. Why don't he report the good news or the bad news when reinforcements are needed? Of course, there are indeed a considerable number of women who do not live up to expectations and can do nothing but worry. Anything else. Whether Tianyuan will do this or not depends on how he views you."

Zhang Yuelu felt relieved.

She is not a burden. If she were, Qi Xuansu would not recommend her to be the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Palace.

After Zhang Yuelu returned to his residence, he quickly contacted Qi Xuansu through Sutra.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Yuelu heard a continuous sound like thunder.

Master Cihang was right, Qi Xuansu seemed to be on the front line.

Then I heard Qi Xuansu talking to someone else, "...Go to Master Huangfu and let him handle it. Okay, I have other things here..."

Zhang Yuelu took the initiative and asked, "Where are you? Why is there such a loud noise?"

"Can't you guess where I am?" Qi Xuansu's voice was very relaxed. "I am in Monclova, separated by a city wall. Outside is the Holy Court's army, and there is an artillery battle on both sides."

Zhang Yuelu hesitated and asked, "Are you okay there?"

Qi Xuansu said, "It's not a big problem. Regardless of the ferocious artillery fire of the Holy Court, the strong wind and rain will not last long. The Holy Court's three axes are about to be used up. As the saying goes, the only way is to open the dense places of flowers and willows. The wind is violent and the rain is fierce. When you are in a hurry, you can only find your feet if you stand firm. Once we have a firm foothold, it is the Holy Court's turn to be anxious."

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