Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 155 The North-South War (7)

Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji met again, again about the mole.

"Master Gong Da gave me an order to mislead the Gospel Ministry with intelligence. After much thought, I came up with only one way, which was to find out the insider without alerting the Gospel Ministry, and then use this insider to The ghost sends messages to the gospel ministry to confuse the situation," Qi Xuansu said.

Huangfu Ji understood it immediately: "What Brother Qi Dao means is that someone will use the trick to work in reverse, and send wrong intelligence to Joseph and Robert through the spy, leading to wrong judgment, so as to achieve the purpose of concealing the true strategic intention of our army. This method is good, as long as it is used properly, it can be worth tens of thousands of troops. "

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "But the first step is to find out the traitor."

As he spoke, Qi Xuansu put a list on the table: "These are the suspects selected by our two departments to jointly handle the case."

During this period, most of Huangfuji's energy was focused on logistics. Today's artillery shells, tomorrow's food and grass, and the day after tomorrow's military doctors, he paid little attention to the matters of Juesheng Church. This was the first time he saw this list, so he quickly browsed it: "They are all old people from Xidaomen, many familiar faces."

Qi Xuansu said: "Only in this way can we hide it deeply."

Huangfu looked very carefully at the names on the list. This Xidaomen tiger was aggressive and adventurous, but that didn't mean he was a brainless fool.

Qi Xuansu did not disturb him. After all, Huangfuji knew these people better than Qi Xuansu, and his judgment was more accurate than Qi Xuansu's.

At this moment, Wu Niang appeared in front of Qi Xuansu again, still in a state that only Qi Xuansu could see.

In a state of boredom: "I thought I could go to the battlefield with you and join the Fire Company, but it would be better for you to spend all your time reading files in a small house and wasting your cultivation."

Qi Xuansu responded: "Westerners have a saying called 'war machine.' The word 'machine' is used very well. We are all parts of this huge machine, and we all have to serve this machine, and we all have our own duties." position. If a part wants to break away from this system, or has to face this system, and other gears are rotating forward, but it wants to rotate backward, there will be a big problem, either it will be crushed, or the machine will Fault paralysis, always choose one.”

"You are always reasonable. You have said both right and wrong. It is really a loss for the Taoist sect if you don't become a Taoist priest. Fortunately, you became a Taoist priest." Wuniang started to get angry.

Qi Xuansu didn't take it seriously: "Thank you for the compliment. This is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation for a Taoist priest."

After a while, Huangfuji said: "The war has reached this point, and the Holy Court can hardly sit still. The most important thing in the world is money, and war is the most money-consuming thing." , the Holy Court’s strategy is to fill it with gold and silver. They may not care about human lives, but they have to care about gold pounds and gold crowns. They will definitely activate this mole in the near future, and have even activated this mole. , intending to seek breakthroughs from within ourselves.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I think so too, this is our opportunity."

Huangfu said slowly: "Since the scope of suspicion has been reduced to this point, let's set up a trap and catch a turtle in an urn."

"What kind of trick?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Huangfu Jidao

: "It's very simple, just use the elimination method. Regarding the different intelligence leaked by these people, whoever the Holy Court reacts to will be the insider. The intelligence is all true. As long as they are loyal to Xidaomen, then the leaked intelligence It doesn’t count as a leak. A mole can only leak one piece of information in the end. As long as the mole who instigated Hu Enchawen’s rebellion is caught, I think it’s a good deal.”

Qi Xuansu thought for a while: "We can give it a try, but this person can connect the Holy Court and Hu Enchawen. He must be scheming, and he may not fall into the trap. And we can't wrongly accuse a good person. If this person sees through our plan, he will backhand him." What about blaming others?"

Huangfu Ji said: "We are just identifying the target, and we will conduct in-depth investigations later. We will not wrongly accuse a good person. Moreover, each piece of information only targets one person and must be kept strictly confidential. If Brother Qi and I are both tested, I am the traitor. I only know the content of the information in my own hands, and I don’t know the content of the information in Brother Qi’s hands. How can I blame Brother Qi? But if the content of the information in Brother Qi’s hands is known to me, then Qi Dao will be blamed. Even if Brother Dao leaks the secret, it can’t be said to be unfair.”

Qi Xuansu nodded: "That's okay, but when leaking information, you need to pay attention to the method and method. It can't be too blunt and the scene must be done well."

Huangfu laughed extremely: "Those who work in this industry are all masters of acting. Just leave it to them."

This is the advantage of being a leader. As long as you set a general direction and implement it in detail, your subordinates will figure it out. This is what is called "I just want results."

The two discussed for half the night, mainly about what information should be leaked.


It cannot be directly related to fundamental secrets, such as the main attack direction decided by Gong Da Zhenren, otherwise the drama after digging out the mole will not be possible, and misleading the Holy Court's strategic judgment is the fundamental purpose. But it is impossible for ordinary small information to impress such a big fish, it must be a little bit fierce.

Because it involved Xidaomen, it was difficult for an outsider like Qi Xuansu to talk, so Huangfuji finally made up his mind.

The information is multifaceted and even diverse, including information about defense deployment, food and grass, personnel, Taoist movements, and ammunition reserves.

On the next day, Huangfu made careful arrangements and handed over the tasks in several batches, with different people in charge and no overlap.

After the arrangements were made, Huangfu Ji said to Qi Xuansu: "Now we are waiting for the results. If it were normal times, this scheming big fish might not act rashly, and our little bait might not be able to catch the big fish, but now the Holy Court's If Bian wants to win quickly due to financial pressure, it will definitely put pressure on him, so he has to move even if he doesn't want to. This is our opportunity. "

The next two days were uneventful. Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji did not have time to wait. They continued to investigate when it was time to do so, and did not place all their hopes on "fishing".

On the fourth day, the Holy Court finally responded.

The Holy Court launched an attack on an armory in Tawanting, directly dispatching three airships, and launched a carpet bombing of the armory. The scene was like a sea of ​​fire, and then the bombing triggered a fire inside the armory. With the explosion, the entire armory turned into a mushroom-shaped black cloud rising into the air.

Don't underestimate an arsenal, here are the

Putting a lot of ammunition will make the situation more difficult for the defenders and help the Holy Court siege the city. Burning grain and grass is a classic tactic at home and abroad. Many times, it's not that people can't hold on anymore, but that they run out of ammunition and food.

Huangfu was greatly relieved, and immediately based on the intelligence comparison, he initially locked the target.

This person's surname is Du Juanzhi, and she is a woman. According to the Xidaomen system, he is a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. Although his status is not low, he is not really a high-level person within the Xidaomen. He is still far from a pseudo-immortal. It is hard to imagine that such a person helps Hu Enchawen matched with the Holy Court.

Qi Xuansu read the profile of this person, which included a portrait. He was average in appearance, not outstanding in appearance, rather dull, taciturn, and a bit unsociable, but he did not make things difficult for others. He was considered a good-natured person, not the kind of smooth-talking person. temper.

If Qi Xuansu went to investigate on his own, I'm afraid he wouldn't doubt this person easily, at least not immediately. It can be seen that Beichen Hall and Juesheng Hall were not just freeloaders. They kept narrowing the scope and did not miss her. In the end, they relied on Huangfuji's elimination method to screen her out.

In addition, Huangfuji also asked about the casualties and losses in the armory. The specific losses in ordnance were irreparable, but the injured must be treated well and the dead must be heavily compensated.

As for whether these people died of injuries caused by Huangfuji, Huangfuji didn't care.

Casualties are just a number, he only wants the optimal result with minimal loss.

If the mole cannot be dug out, the losses in the future will definitely be greater and more people will die. Huangfu will use intelligence to eliminate it and decide to

I'm sure someone will have bad luck.

Compassion does not control soldiers, it is never an empty statement.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu had another glimpse of light in front of his eyes.

So far, Qi Xuansu has no idea what the principle behind the activation of the "Gui Zang Lantern" is. It seems to be completely random.

What Qi Xuansu saw this time was still the future, but it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with Huangfu Ji.

It seems that many years later, Huangfu is obviously much older, and his short beard has turned into a long beard. A sword was inserted into his chest and passed through his heart.

However, Huangfu seemed to be fine and his expression was calm.

There was another man who was seriously injured, and was taken down by Huangfu Ji's attendants. He knelt on the ground, but he still held his head high and cursed Huangfu Ji for betraying them. If it weren't for Huangfu Ji, his brothers would not have died. He will die under the bombing of the Westerners. He is here to take revenge today.

Huangfuji finally remembered the past "fishing" years ago, but he still didn't care.

People always die in wars. When a large army retreats, it is difficult for those who stay behind to survive. Is this also betrayal?

In a war, everyone can die. Even Huangfuji himself almost died in the hands of Joseph. How could a person who didn't care about his own life care about the lives of others.

Huangfu Ji reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword on his chest and pulled out the sword. Because the sword did not hurt his body or mind, the wound healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end nothing was left.

Huangfu Ji threw the long sword on the ground: "Let him go."

The scene ends abruptly here.

Qi Xuansu came back to his senses and felt a little emotional.

Once upon a time, he was also such a little person who couldn't help himself, so he didn't

Willing to follow Qiniang's advice, give up the freedom of the world and enter the hierarchical Taoist sect.

Everyone knows the sorrow of little people. Everyone wants to control their own destiny, so everyone wants to climb up.

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