Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 156 The North-South War (8)

"Obviously, this is a risky move."

At the military meeting in Tawanting, the great master Gong Fu said: "But this is also a good move."

He pointed at the map and said: "They say that the enemy must be defended outside the country's borders. We cannot always fight on our territory, but we can also fight on their territory."

"It is undeniable that the Holy Court's mechanized legion operations are extremely powerful. Without the support of the city, it would be difficult for us to resist. However, the Holy Court's steam legion has a huge shortcoming, that is, it is extremely dependent on logistical supplies. And the San Antonio missionary Therefore, it is the largest supply station for the main force of the Holy Court. The supplies from St. York and San Francisco are concentrated here. Once San Antonio is lost, the main force of the Holy Court will become a tree without roots, a grass without roots, and steam machinery. It’s just scrap metal.”

"This military meeting is to establish the determination to capture Laredo and capture the San Antonio Mission."

Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji also attended the meeting.

Master Gongfu continued: "Of course, many fellow Taoists are worried about the enemies outside Monclova and Del Rio. This concern is very reasonable, but we just want to protect the enemies in Germany and Mongolia. Regardless, we focus on attacking Laredo, and then seizing the San Antonio Mission, which is empty and undefendable. As long as we capture San Antonio, the initiative on the battlefield will be in our hands. "

No one expected that Gong Fu, who was always cautious, would go out of his way and become so radical.

On the contrary, Huangfuji, who has always been radical, raised a more conservative question: "If we fight a tough battle and cannot defeat it for a long time,

Logistics and supplies are difficult. If two reinforcements arrive at the same time, we will be attacked from both sides, and the consequences will be disastrous. "

This is not surprising. In fact, it has something to do with the two people's positions.

After Dao Men clearly expressed his attitude, the person in charge of the matter, Gong Da Zhenren, was under considerable pressure. His situation was somewhat similar to Milton, but he was calmer than Milton and did not have a hot head. In fact, it's not that Gong Fu doesn't dare to take risks, but he wants to see if the risk is worth taking.

Now, he wanted to prove one thing to Daomen. Xidaomen respected Daomen's opinions and attitude and decided to give up expanding the situation, rather than being unable to do so. Therefore, he could not just defend without attacking, but also turn defense into offense.

The reason is not complicated. Even if the Taoist sect cannot take it seriously, it cannot let the Taoist sect take it lightly. If the Holy Court keeps suppressing it and relies on dragging tactics until the Holy Court withdraws its troops due to financial pressure, then what will the Taoist sect think?

You guys are like this, you roll your eyes when the Holy Court chokes you, you brag when you let go, and you dare to threaten Daomen by expanding the situation?

Daomen is bound to reconsider the positioning of both parties. Maybe it will be difficult to ask for money from Daomen in the future, because my value has been destroyed.

Taoist viewing is very important.

This battle must be fought beautifully and provide more value.

In the same way, the Holy See knew that the financial pressure was great, but they still wanted to attack by force. The main reason was that the headquarters of the Evangelical Ministry was bombed, which was a huge loss. They had to save face and had no other way out.

This is a political question, not a purely military one. In other words, the military is an extension of politics and serves politics.

Huangfuji did not directly participate in the war, but was responsible for logistics and intelligence. In addition, there was no possibility of expanding the situation.

If he could, he would simply settle military accounts, being conservative this time in order to be more radical next time.

It can only be said that the focus of their thinking is not at the same level, and conservative and radical can also be transformed into each other.

Gong Fu replied: "It is indeed risky for us to attack the San Antonio Mission, but capturing San Antonio can bring about major changes in the overall situation. This overall situation not only refers to the battle situation, but also includes Yujing, Saint The impact on the audience. If you want to take a risk, I think it is worth taking. At this critical moment, you should put aside your worries and never look back. "

On the other side, Joseph and Robert were also discussing this issue.

"For Gong Fu, this is indeed a risky move." Robert pointed to the map and said, "Laredo itself has little impact. The key point is that behind Laredo is San Antonio, a plain with no danger to defend, and there is a railway. Main artery, once Laredo is lost, Tawantin’s army can take the steam train north and quickly reach the outside of San Antonio.”

Joseph nodded: "I understand. Risks and opportunities coexist. It is a risky move but also a good move."

Joseph paused for a moment: "Your doubts are reasonable, but it also depends on the character of the coach. If the coach is Huangfu Ji, who loves to take the wrong direction, I believe he will take the risk to attack Laredo and then advance to San Antonio. But the coach It’s Gong Fu. He’s always cautious and shouldn’t have such courage.”

Just like that, Joseph set the tone, and Robert had no choice but to obey.

In the following period, Milton's battle with Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji continued.

As more and more people

The mobilization and actions were getting bigger and bigger, and the gospel ministry was not just a freeloader, so it still discovered something was wrong.

Alex came to Milton's office and reported to Milton: "According to other intelligence, nighttime steam train transportation on the line from Monterey to South Laredo suddenly became more frequent and increased than before. More than three times, there are also ships departing from Brownsville at night. Is there something new here? Or is Lord Abraham telling you that Tawanting actually wants to attack Laredo? "

Milton couldn't help being shocked and came to the map: "What do you mean, are you really going to attack Laredo?"

Then Milton immediately ordered: "Notify the 'Cuckoo Bird', let her immediately find out the relevant situation and report immediately."

An archbishop hurriedly took the order and left.

Milton was a little irritated and slapped his hand on the desk hard.

There was only a "rustling" sound, like eating away at mulberry leaves, and the entire desk immediately turned into ashes, and the objects in the desk seemed as if they had never existed.

Milton's order was naturally placed on the table of Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji.

Qi Xuansu spoke first: "This is expected. With such a large-scale mobilization of personnel and materials, the Holy Court is not blind and deaf. It is almost impossible to avoid being noticed by the Holy Court at all."

"How does Brother Qi Dao think we should deal with it?" Huangfu Ji asked, "The words in it are harsh. It seems that Milton is getting impatient."

Qi Xuansu looked at the map and fell into deep thought: "There is no railway between Monterey and Del Rio. Such a large-scale railway transportation could be said to be for the purpose of attacking Germany.

Del Rio's preparations are really unjustifiable, and the movements in Brownsville have nothing to do with the attack on Del Rio. "

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment and had an idea: "We set up a posture to attack Del Rio. The original intention was to attack the east and attack the west. The real purpose was to cover the main attack on Laredo. Let's just reverse it and say, Monterey and Brown The mobilization of personnel and materials by Sver was actually a deliberate attempt to attract the attention of Del Rio, in order to induce Del Rio to send troops to assist Laredo. This move was actually a cover for the main attack on Del Rio. "

"Then we deliberately exposed several loopholes to make the enemy think that we were building a plank road overtly to covert Chen Cang, and to make the Holy Court think that Laredo is the 'Plank Road' and Del Rio is the 'Chen Cang'. In fact, it's just the other way around, Laredo is the 'Chen Cang' 'Chen Cang', Del Rio is 'Plank Road'."

Qi Xuansu changed the terms of true intention and false intention, true and false, false and true.

Huangfu Ji clapped his hands: "Okay, let's do it. Don't rush to reply to the information. Please wait and reply. Let our people move first and set up suspicious formations. After the Holy Court detects these suspicious formations, they will cooperate with us. information, the effect is better.”

Late at night, the entire temporary headquarters of the gospel ministry was still brightly lit.

Milton was sitting behind his new desk, his face gloomy, and he no longer had the calmness of the past.

At this moment, the Archbishop hurried into the office: "The Cuckoo Bird has replied."

Milton perked up and said, "Read it."

The archbishop hurriedly said: "The personnel in Monterey and Brownsville are gathering to cover the movement of their main force.

Intended to mislead the Holy Court. "

Milton breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "It seems to make sense."

The archbishop sent another piece of information: "Our people found traces of what appears to be an alchemist camp in the direction of Del Rio, and it seems that a large teleportation gate is being established."

This once again strengthened Milton's wavering confidence.

In fact, Milton already had suspicions, but at this time he had no way out. He had to believe it, he didn't dare not believe it, he had to believe it. He didn't dare to overturn his previous conclusion. Any piece of information that could support his conclusion was like a dose. A shot in the arm.

He was like a gambler who was blinded by gambling, putting all his money on the line and walking all the way to the dark side, hoping for a miracle to happen.

Will a miracle happen? of course not.

Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji on the other side were also finishing.

With preparations in all aspects completed, the war in Laredo will begin as soon as Master Gong Da gives the order. By then, Tawantin's true strategic intentions will be exposed, and there will be no need to continue covering up.

In other words, the drama between Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji is coming to an end.

Judging from the results, so far, the Holy Court has not increased the strength of Laredo, but has deployed a mobile force between Laredo and Del Rio, with the intention of supporting either side at any time.

The current situation is that there is a railroad between Del Rio and San Antonio, and there is a railroad between Laredo and San Antonio, but there is no railroad between Del Rio and Laredo, only the Rio Grande.

Without the railway, the Holy Court's steam corps was not as fast as the cavalry.

If you take care of both sides, I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of both sides.

Qi Xuansu is considered complete

into a task.

For this reason, Gong Da Zhenren also commended Qi Xuansu on behalf of Xidaomen. Because Qi Xuansu was not under the control of Xidaomen, there was no way to express the personnel aspects. The focus was on other aspects. Xidaomen gave Qi Xuansu a secret that was not passed down. The second half of the "Tantai Quan Yi" passed down by Taiyun - "The Holy Fist of Three Generations".

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