Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 176 Silla Joke

Xuanhuang City is the gate of Yujing, and a tiger should be sent to guard it. If a tiger cannot be sent, a dog must be sent, and a pig cannot be sent.

Li Wuji was a man who could be entrusted with important tasks. Even though he was not as good as Huangfu Ji, the tiger of the West Dao Sect, he was by no means a pig or dog, and he still had some abilities.

Someone once wrote an article about Qi Xuansu. Zhang Yuelu investigated all the way to Kunlun Taoist Mansion, but could not continue the investigation and finally dropped the matter. Qi Xuansu suspected that this matter was closely related to Li Wuji, but there was no evidence.

This time the two of them were face to face. An old fox like Li Wuji would not reveal any flaws even if he was secretly instigating them.

After Li Wuji met Qi Xuansu, not only did he not be sarcastic or sarcastic, but he was very enthusiastic. He repeatedly praised Qi Xuansu for being a hero, and they, the old men, retreated.

Those who didn't know thought he was Qi Xuansu's old friend.

Ridiculing Qi Xuansu, provoking Qi Xuansu, belittling Qi Xuansu, looking down on Qi Xuansu, and thinking that Qi Xuansu is not worthy of Zhang Yuelu are things that immature young people would do to fight for their own morale.

The old people have long lost their energy and are no longer full of energy. They always say good things and do bad things, and they just play to praise them. If you really believe their rhetoric and think they are pretty good people, they will naturally end up being eaten to the bone.

Of course, Qi Xuansu would not angrily ask Li Wuji for an explanation, and would not even mention it. On the surface, he would reciprocate the favor and praise Li Wuji for his difficulty and hardship in guarding the Yujing portal.

Huangfu Ji just looks young, but he is not actually young anymore. He is much older than Qi Xuansu. He is Qi Xuansu's old friend. He has been in the power field for a long time, so of course he is familiar with these routines and does not take them seriously.

It is worth mentioning that Li Wuji's reception was unique. In addition to inviting the delegation to visit the completed and unfinished Zicheng, he also led them to visit the statue of Taishang Taozu that was said to be built for a hundred years. It is still in the preliminary construction stage, and it just gives the whole mountain a barely human form.

Finally, I watched a new play at the theater in Qingshi City that was neither Chinese nor Western, or a combination of Chinese and Western.

What's even more amazing is that the performers are not from the Central Plains, but all Silla women.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but wonder: "Why are there still Silla people in Kunlun Taoist Palace?"

The accompanying director of the Kunlun Taoist House hurriedly replied: "These Silla women are all the mistresses of a high-grade Taoist priest. This high-grade Taoist priest fell into the Skynet a few years ago and was first detained in the Kunlun Taoist House. Then they Also followed here."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's not right. Our Taoist sect is not involved. Even if high-quality Taoist priests are arrested, as long as they are not involved or involved, there is no reason to arrest them."

The chief replied: "To be honest, Chief Qi, these Silla women were not arrested by us. They just came here to cooperate with the investigation, but then they stopped leaving. The situation here is more complicated. They are a special kind of mistress who cannot Same as a regular mistress.”

Huangfuji already understood: "You might as well say slave."

"What Huangfu said is true, that's pretty much what he meant." The Taoist priest in charge was already sweating a little.

Qi Xuansu added: "That's not right. Even if they are slaves, our Taoist sect has abolished the slavery system and even abolished the humble status. They should be repatriated to their place of origin. Why are they brought to Kunlun Taoist Mansion again?"

The Taoist priest in charge took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "They were given to that high-quality Taoist priest by the powerful people of Silla. If they are sent back to their place of origin, they will inevitably remain slaves and be transferred to others. Therefore, they are unwilling to go back and would rather stay in Kunlun Taoist Mansion. Speaking of which, these Silla women were raised like skinny horses from childhood. They only learned some skills in singing, dancing and serving men. They could not carry their shoulders or lift their hands, so we took them in. They can only arrange it here."

The so-called thin horses are generally divided into three grades. She studied piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, music, singing and dancing, and was more talented than some ladies in the world. She was a so-called talented woman. The middle class learns to manage accounts and affairs, can manage the household, and can also be a good helper in career. A low-class female celebrity who specializes in cooking and housework is a good wife in the eyes of many men.

These must be cultivated from an early age, and after more than ten years of hard work, they will eventually be sold to the rich and powerful as concubines or mistresses at a high price.

Whether you like reading at night with red sleeves and fragrant flowers, a smart and capable woman, or a good wife and loving mother who cares for her husband and raises her children, there is always one that suits you.

Otherwise, powerful people are used to enjoying it.

When they get older, but they still can't sell it and can't find a suitable buyer, they end up in brothels, where they are expected to become oirans.

This is the "skinny horse".

These Silla women happened to be the best, otherwise they would not have been presented to high-quality Taoist priests by Silla dignitaries, and it would have been difficult to make a living.

Qi Xuansu nodded: "In this way, you have done a good thing. It is just to treat diseases and save people, but also to give them skills."

Huangfu said with a smile: "Silla people are just not promising. As early as the Zulong period, they presented women to Zulong's court as tribute girls. During the Daqi period, they were also famous as Silla maids. During the Dawei period, they were still Silla concubines and Silla palace maids, counting from Zulong, nearly two thousand years have passed. To this day, what Silla can do is still Silla women. They just changed their names, and there is really no progress at all. Thousands of years of inheritance are also amazing.”

Li Wuji was quite emotional: "It is said that the Japanese are ambitious, but if you want to be ambitious, you must have strength. In this aspect, the Japanese are much better than Silla."

After telling Silla jokes, the tour ends here.

Because the Kunlun Taoist Palace was only one step away from Yujing, the delegation did not stay overnight at the Kunlun Taoist Palace and set off directly for Yujing.

It’s finally time to arrive in Yujing.

As the Grand Master on duty, of course the Imperial Master would not greet him in person, but the Taoist sect still gave him a high standard of reception, and the Master of the Ancestral Sacrifice Hall, Ning Lingge, personally came to greet him.

After arriving in Yujing, Qi Xuansu no longer had to accompany him, and had his own ancestral hall responsible for foreign affairs reception.

So after Qi Xuansu said hello, he took a step forward and returned to Beichen Hall.

The nine halls of Daomen can be said to be famous, but in fact, these nine halls are not very eye-catching, or not ostentatious.

Ziweitang, the head of the nine halls, is located in Zifu and is attached to Jinque. The remaining eight halls are located in Xuandu, coincident with the Bagua direction. If you look down from above, you will find that Jiutang, Jinque and Zixiao Palace form the pattern of Tai Chi Bagua.

As the saying goes, the great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. When it comes to the word "Rong", Tiangang Hall deserves the title, so Tiangang Hall occupies the position of Qian Gua, which is the northwest position. Beichen Hall is also related to "Rong", but it is upright, so it occupies the position of Kun Gua, located in the southwest.

Tiangang Hall and Beichen Hall are not far apart, which is also convenient for the intelligence secrets to be transmitted and connected as soon as possible and submitted to the plan. Zhengyi controlled the Tiangang Hall, and Taipingdao controlled the Beichen Hall. They cleverly used the dispute between Zhang and Li to prevent the two halls from truly joining forces to control military power. I have to admire the ingenuity of Xuansheng's original design.

Qi Xuansu led a large group of people to the gate of Beichen Hall. Beichen Hall had already received the news, and Shen Mingxin, the second deputy hall master, came to greet him, including Qi Xuansu's secretary Chen Jianchou.

Qi Xuansu and Shen Mingxin exchanged a few words, mainly because Shen Mingxin complimented Qi Xuansu for his hard work and new achievements.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qi Xuansu has returned victorious this time. All parties in the Taoist sect have given a high standard of reception to the Xidaomen envoy, which also shows that the Taoist sect recognizes the "achievements" of the Xidaomen this time. Qi Xuansu has naturally properly completed the tasks assigned by the Taoist sect. .

Master Qingwei can't be said to be disappointed. After all, it was his idea to use Qi Xuansu, and he even tried to go against everyone's opinion. Now that Qi Xuansu has made meritorious deeds, Master Qingwei's face is both bright and meritorious, which shows that he has the ability to recognize people.

No one would jump out to make Qi Xuansu unhappy at this time.

After entering Beichen Hall, Qi Xuansu was not in a hurry to see Master Qingwei. He first ordered Lu Yujue to place Audrey properly. The two had known each other since the Southern Continent, and Lu Yujue was an old man from Beichen Hall, so it was naturally more appropriate. Then Qi Xuansu took Chen Jianqiu back to his signing room.

Speaking of which, Qi Xuansu has not been to the chief mortgage room a few times. However, during the period when Qi Xuansu was away, Chen Jianchou was responsible for taking care of this place. This is why Qi Xuansu deliberately did not take Chen Jianchou with him. He needed to stay in Yu. Jing has a reliable confidant.

As early as the Daqi period, ten Jiedushi envoys from Fanyang, Hedong, Pinglu, Shuofang, Hexi, Anxi, Beiting, Longyou, Jiannan and Lingnan would set up backyards in the capital.

The ten stay in the backyard are responsible for the various affairs of the ten Jiedushi envoys in the capital, ranging from the dispatch of money and grain, the presentation of memorials, to the purchase of gifts and travels. In addition, Liuyingyuan was also the intelligence agency of each Jiedushi envoy stationed in the capital. It not only collected local intelligence and summarized it for the court, but also served as the eyes and ears of the Jiedushi envoys in the capital.

In the Daomen era, various local governments also set up their own agencies in Yujing, which were called the Beijing-based signing houses. Their nature was similar to that of staying in the backyard.

Qi Xuansu stayed far away from Yujing. He could not be deaf and blind, but he also had to keep track of the trends in Yujing. Chen Jianchou was left in Yujing by him. He did not need to set up a signing room in Beijing. His signing room in the main hall of Beichen Hall was just right. suitable.

For example, Chen Jianqiu was in charge of purchasing gifts this time.

Qi Xuansu asked directly: "How are you preparing the gifts?" M..

Chen Jianchou replied: "Chief, according to your request, I purchased gifts shipped from the Southern Continent that have the characteristics of Tawanting. They are crystal skulls that can talk and sing. It is said that after collecting thirteen genuine ones, It can predict the future. The ones I bought are imitations. They can only speak and sing, but they cannot predict the future. They are good as decorations. There are also two Tawanting pottery figurines, two each of Cihang and Mrs. Tantai. The total cost was about 8,900 Taiping, and according to the chief’s wishes, all was recorded in the old lady’s account.”

With that said, Chen Jianchou took out two suitcases and placed them in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu opened it and glanced at it: "Very good."

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