Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 177: Picking up the pen and looking around at a loss

The gift is very good, but Qi Xuansu is not in a hurry to give it. He needs to finalize the draft of the report first. This draft cannot be left to others and must be completed by Qi Xuansu himself.

People say that when you draw your sword and look around you feel confused, Qi Xuansu felt as if he was looking around with a pen and feel confused.

Although he started drafting the first draft when he was in Danxiushan, when he arrived in Yujing, he still had not officially finalized it.

This report is not easy to report.

Master Qingwei's side is just one of them, the key is to go to Jinque to discuss it.

Why is Qi Xuansu confused?

Because there is a context here, which is the follow-up actions of Tao Sect. How to do it, how to do it, and what direction it is, are closely related to Qi Xuansu's report.

Some people may want to say, there is nothing to worry about, just write normally.

If things in the world were really that simple, it would be better.

The situation Qi Xuansu is facing now is that he could have written a report according to normal logic, but under the influence of various external forces, he had to integrate various viewpoints, or in other words, seek a balance between various forces.

Again, this will be related to the next Taoist decision-making.

What are these external forces? What are the so-called "various viewpoints"?

In fact, it is very simple. Should we coexist as equals or intervene forcefully? Is it to develop harmoniously or to promote integration?

There is great disagreement here.

Although Qi Xuansu has his own opinions and positions, it does not mean that Qi Xuansu will have a head-on conflict with some people now. Qi Xuansu can be regarded as someone who has been on the battlefield. On the battlefield, there is not only forward charging, but also temporary retreat and patience. On this battlefield where there is no smoke, it means giving in and compromising.

Sometimes compromise is about moving forward better in the future.

Not to mention, the current rotating Grand Master is the National Master, and his immediate boss is Master Qingwei. Qi Xuansu simply cannot withstand such great pressure.

Now there are two paths before Qi Xuansu. One is to follow the above meaning and win a relative balance with necessary compromises. The other is to seek truth from facts and say one thing at a time, but this carries considerable risks.

What does Qingwei Zhenren mean?

Qi Xuansu had communicated with Master Qingwei beforehand, and Master Qingwei said in a rather subtle way that Qi Xuansu's contribution would not be wiped out, and Jinque would recognize and affirm Qi Xuansu's contribution. However, Qi Xuansu's report should not only talk about achievements, but also talk about it, and it should be talked about in a big way. It should be based on the overall situation and metaphysically talk about the problems and shortcomings revealed by this incident in the Southern Continent.

If you have a problem, you must solve it.

How to solve the problem?

Of course, you need to be deeply involved in it in order to understand the issues and

And solve the problem.

There is nothing logically wrong with this.

But what would Xidaomen think? And this is contrary to Qi Xuansu's proposition.

When it comes to route issues and direction issues, it is difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong based only on the surface rather than actual verification.

When they were in Nanyang, after the family banquet, Zhang Yuelu took Xiao Yin and left first, leaving only Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji. Huangfu Ji took this opportunity to take the initiative to talk to Qi Xuansu.

Huangfu Ji said, "I heard that regarding this report, Beichen Hall's opinion is to talk about problems and shortcomings."

Qi Xuansu did not ask where Huangfuji heard about it, but asked, "Is this what Taoist brother Huangfu is here for?"

"Yes." Huangfu got straight to the point, "Frankly speaking, I don't agree with it."

Qi Xuansu repeated again, "Brother Huangfu disagrees."

Huangfuji's tone was very serious, "Yes, I don't agree. In the past three years, or even thirty years, the achievements of Xidaomen in fighting for the independence of the southern continent and fighting against the Holy Court invaders are obvious to all. From the nine Daomen who were defeated by the Daomen, From real people recognized by the Taoist sect to those not recognized by the Taoist sect, including those thousands of soldiers fighting on the front line against the Holy Court, it can be said that each of us is fighting with our lives, fighting from the thorns. There is a bloody road, and it is no longer the hard work of a certain person, but the hard work of thousands of people. Only by hard work and hard work can we achieve today's results. "

Huangfu Ji paused for a moment, "But now, some people want to deny our achievements, talking about problems and shortcomings. I think this is very unfair to Xidaomen! It is also absolutely difficult to agree. Of course, I am not Jin Que’s Master, I am not qualified to participate in Jin Que’s discussion, let alone express any opinions, so I can only express my opinion to Brother Qi.”

Qi Xuansu understood very well that Huangfuji's words not only represented him personally, but also represented the entire Xidaomen.

So Qi Xuansu said, "Of course I understand what Taoist Brother Huangfu said. My stance and my views are not unknown to Taoist Brother Huangfu. But just as Taoist Brother Huangfu said, I am also not a counselor of Jinque." Although real people are qualified to participate in Jinque discussions, they are only reporting and observing, and have no right to express opinions. "

Huangfuji said, "Of course I know about this, but on such a big issue of right and wrong, I can only count on righteous men like Dao Brother Qi to fight for every point they can for the sake of justice."

What else could Qi Xuansu say?


Regardless of whether he is a righteous man or not, he cannot reject Huangfuji.

He needs to implement his position and views, and also needs Xidaomen's support and recognition.

But it's a dilemma.

Just when Qi Xuansu started writing but could not finish it, and was recalling his conversation with Huangfu Ji, Li Zhuyu came to Qi Xuansu's signing room.

The signature room of the chief deputy hall master is of course "deep in the courtyard" and is divided into several floors, including a reception room, a small meeting hall, a study room, a quiet room, etc. Qi Xuansu's study room is inside, and Chen Jianchou's secretary room is outside.

Chen Jianchou immediately stood up and said, "Vice Hall Master Li."

Li Zhuyu looked at Chen Jianqiu: "Secretary Chen, is Chief Qi here?"

Chen Jianchou replied, "Chief Qi is signing the pledge room, but Chief Qi has ordered that no one else should disturb except for the affairs of the real person in charge."

Li Zhuyu didn't make much fuss. This was the confidence of the chief deputy hall master. The second deputy hall master was still at the same level, and the other deputy hall masters were all subordinates. Except for the real person in charge of the hall, including the second deputy hall master, no one else is qualified to ask what the chief deputy hall master does.

Li Zhuyu asked again, "Does Chief Qi have any plans today? For example, Xidaomen's foreign affairs activities, or visiting real people from other Taoism halls."

Chen Jianqiu said, "That's not true. Chief Qi is currently busy reporting on the manuscript."

Li Zhuyu smiled and said, "That's why I'm here. Secretary Chen, can you tell me that I want to talk to Chief Qi?"

When Chen Jianchou was about to speak, Qi Xuansu opened the door and walked out, so he silenced his voice and stepped aside.

"Dan Jin is here." Qi Xuansu said, "You are a rare visitor. What brought you here?"

"Danjin" is Li Zhuyu's cousin. The two worked together in Fenglinzhou and Borneo, and now they are under the same roof of Beichen Hall, so they talk more casually.

Li Zhuyu stopped talking to Chen Jianqiu and turned to Qi Xuansu, "Chief Qi, since you came to Beichen Hall, you have not stayed in this room for more than ten days. Where can I find you?" You can’t let me follow you to the Southern Continent.”

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "So, it's still my fault."

With that said, Qi Xuansu turned around and pushed open the door and entered the reception room inside, jokingly saying in a joking tone, "Deputy Hall Master Danjin is here. He must have some advice. I am all ears."

This was not a yin and yang thing. Qi Xuansu could probably guess what Li Zhuyu came to see him for, so he deliberately used jokes to adjust the atmosphere.

Li Zhuyu

He knew this well, and with a smile on his face, he followed Qi Xuansu's words and said, "I don't dare to give advice. I am not Chief Zhang, how dare I give advice to Chief Qi."

Qi Xuansu pretended to be dissatisfied: "Dan Jin, are you saying that I am henpecked? Or are you saying that Chief Zhang is like a tigress?"

"I didn't say anything. You said it all yourself." Li Zhuyu waved his hands repeatedly.

She was actually laying the groundwork to make the atmosphere more relaxed first so that there would be a buffer so as not to offend Qi Xuansu.

The two of them sat down respectively, and Chen Jianqiu came in with tea.

Li Zhuyu held up the tea cup with her hand, but looked at Qi Xuansu and said, "Chief Qi, I read the draft of your report, and to be honest, I think it's inappropriate."

Qi Xuansu took a sip of tea and said calmly, "What's wrong?"

Li Zhuyu also adopted a calm and matter-of-fact attitude, "You have added a lot of content talking about Xidaomen's achievements, which is about half and half as much as talking about problems."

Qi Xuansu did not deny, "That's right. I did talk about this issue dialectically from two aspects."

Li Zhuyu slowed down his tone and spoke earnestly: "Tianyuan, this won't work. If it is discussed at the Jinque meeting, it will conflict with the spirit of the higher-ups. It is now very clear. The higher-ups have affirmed the contributions of you and Xidaomen. , the next step is to find problems and deficiencies, and then improve the goals and directions for the next step based on the problems and deficiencies. If you present your results like this, you will be suspected of taking credit. "

Qi Xuansu did not refute Li Zhuyu's words, but said, "I know, but I just have to consider the feelings and mood of Xidaomen. No matter what, we are all Taoist friends, from the same sect, and we cannot write two words of 'Tao' in one sentence. If it chills people’s hearts, the impact will be extremely far-reaching. This is a bigger problem that cannot be ignored.”

Li Zhuyu said, "But this time we are mainly reporting to Jinque and discussing internally, not reporting publicly, let alone telling the world."

Qi Xuansu put down the tea cup in his hand, "Even if you want to find problems, you should do it on the basis of seeking truth from facts.

superior. Work is work, and mistakes are mistakes. "

Li Zhuyu sighed, and instead of confronting Qi Xuansu, he changed his direction, "Before I came to see you, the Imperial Master had already summoned the real person in charge. His intention is self-evident. The Imperial Master attaches great importance to this Golden Que." When discussing matters, I would like to say something unpleasant from the perspective of a friend. You can’t push back, let alone hit the stone with an egg.”

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment, "I have no hard feelings. I only want to say one thing. This credit does not belong to me, Qi Xuansu, nor to our Beichen Hall. It belongs to the tens of millions of people in the West Dao Sect and the Southern Continent. It is also the hard support of countless manpower and material resources from all over the Dao Sect." How can we not talk about the results? "


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