Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 209 Past events

Qi Xuansu roughly summarized what Qi Jiaozheng said.

At that time, Zhou Shuning, the first generation of "Qing Ping Tiao", married Shen Changsheng, the head of the Shen family. They were both celebrities in the Taoist sect and were on the Xuansheng card.

Later, Xuansheng abolished the Qingping Society. There was no second generation of "Qingping Diao". As the first generation of "Qingping Diao", Zhou Shuning did not object to this matter. However, Zhou Shuning's son Shen Qingchen was very angry about this, because he had always regarded himself as the successor of Qingpinghui and abolished Qingpinghui. He suffered the biggest loss, but he was afraid of Xuansheng's prestige and did not dare to reveal it.

After Xuansheng passed away, Taiping Dao, headed by the Li family, supported Xuansheng the most. Any decision made by Xuansheng could not be violated in the slightest. This was the biggest right of the Taoist sect. Seeing that Taiping Dao would not help him, Shen Qingchen colluded with the third generation of Quanzhen Dao masters and began secretly preparing to rebuild the Qingping Society.

It is worth mentioning that the third generation earth master is not the third generation disciple.

In the Taoist sect, one generation of disciples is considered to be twenty-four years old, but this system is actually only implemented with the third generation of disciples. The first two generations of disciples involved too many elders who rebuilt the Taoist sect, and the ages were quite confusing. For example, although Shi Hengbo is a second-generation disciple, he is actually much older than Yao Zu. There are also second-generation disciples who were first-generation disciples who took disciples in their later years and are very young. Therefore, these two generations of disciples basically cannot follow the twenty-four-year rule. Calculated from one generation to the next, it is basically a confused account.

And because Xuan Sheng had a replacement of the deputy head master Da Zhenren during his term of office. For example, in Taiping Road, Donghuang replaced Mrs. Xuansheng, who was the brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Another example is Zheng Yiyi, Yan Feiqing replaced Zhang Luanshan, and the two are junior brothers. There is no need to talk about Quanzhen Tao. The three masters of the first two generations were all from the same generation, so the third generation earth masters were actually the second generation disciples. In other words, the Grand Master and the Third Division are out of sync. The Grand Master may only be in his seventh term, while the Third Division is far more than his seventh term.

To rebuild the Qingping Society, three generations of earth masters contributed manpower and material resources, but it was difficult to come forward and could only hide behind the scenes. Shen Qingchen stepped forward to run the Qingping Society. In order to show his legitimacy, Shen Qingchen changed his name to Zhou Qingchen, which was tantamount to treason. After leaving the Shen family and Taiping Road, he became the second generation "Qingping Diao". This is the origin of the Zhou family.

The Shen family has always been a member of Taiping Tao. Zhou Qingchen cooperated with the Earth Master of Quanzhen Tao, so he was naturally regarded as a traitor to the family and the Taoism, and various things happened later.

At that time, the Li family did not yet have a "Heavenly Court". They were the most pure of the three, firmly occupying the moral high ground, and finally passed a resolution to define the Zhou family. This is also the origin of the Zhou family's historical problems.

Zhou Mengyao is a descendant of Zhou Qingchen, and he is also burdened with this historical problem. The Taoist sect does not want to be implicated only in the case of murder. In other aspects, it is still necessary to be implicated.

Now that the policy is relaxed, it does not mean that past events can be reversed.

Zhou Qingchen's biggest problem is not that he formed a secret association, nor that he betrayed Taiping Dao, but that he went against Xuansheng's decision, and even openly opposed Xuansheng. Even three generations of earth masters couldn't handle this big hat, so they could only hide behind the scenes. So even if we start overturning the case now, it will be very difficult and difficult to pass.

Even if the Qingping Association normalizes and becomes a normal association, the crime of opposing Xuansheng may not be eliminated. These are two different things, and this is also a matter of principle.

Therefore, when it comes to Zhou Mengyao's generation, although they retain their identity as Taoist priests, they can only be wild Taoist priests. This is different from Qiniang. Qiniang wants to be a wild Taoist priest subjectively. She wants to follow the orthodox route, and no one can stop her. Zhou Mengyao had no choice but to be a wild Taoist priest. Of course, Zhou Mengyao could also throw away his identity as a Taoist priest, but it would be difficult to get it back. This was an opportunity for them to reverse the case. The Zhou family still wanted to return to the Taoist temple.

In Zhou Mengyao's case, if Qi Haoran got involved with her, his career would definitely be cut off.

Because the Taoist sect has a background check, which is a mechanism established by the ancient immortals after they sneaked into Yujing, to prevent external forces from infiltrating the Taoist sect. This power is not in the hands of Beichen Hall, but in the hands of Ziweitang. In other words, Ziweitang focuses on prevention, and Beichen Tang focuses on remediation. The two do not overlap and can be regarded as two lines of defense.

When Qi Xuansu entered Tiangang Hall, he was scrutinized, including his mentor, spouse, parents' background, and past experiences, all listed clearly and handed over to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu really saw from this background check

There was a clue, which almost frightened Qi Xuansu at the time.

Don't forget, Qi Xuansu was only a seventh-grade Taoist priest at that time, and he just went to Tiangang Hall to be a soldier. This was just the most basic background check. The higher you go, the more stringent the background check becomes.

In this regard, the children of aristocratic families have a huge advantage. A quick look at the background check shows that their parents, brothers, spouses and elders are all high-level Taoists, otherwise they are not called "genzheng". This is also the reason why many heirs of big families do not know how to do dirty work. They If the files are to be kept clean, the dirty work will be taken over by those children of the family who have no hope of success.

As for why Qi Xuansu did not encounter censorship problems again, it was because he went to Ziweitang and Donghua Master took over. Ziweitang is responsible for the background check. As the real person in charge, Donghua wants to modify Qi Xuansu's file. It can only be said that it is easy. If Donghua says there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Qi Xuansu was a small person at that time. No one paid attention to him, so it was naturally easy to operate. When someone follows him, they can only see his new profile.

But the Zhou family is different. This is a public case, and it can be said that everyone knows it. Let alone Donghua Zhenren, it is difficult for even the headmaster to operate in private. It must be brought to the table.

When it comes to the table, it involves Xuan Sheng. If it weighs a thousand pounds, it's hard to say.

Because of this, Qi Haoran's affairs were very complicated, and Qi Jiaozheng could not help him. He could only watch this brother drift away, and all his efforts were in vain.

After Qi Xuansu cleared his thoughts, he asked, "How did the two of them meet?"

Qi Jiaozheng replied: "Tianyuan, you should know that our Taoist sect attaches great importance to the experience of the grassroots. If I want to promote him, I must first send him down for training, which can also be called 'gilding'. The best place is of course Shuzhou , but in order to avoid suspicion, I still let him go to Zhongzhou. It was during the period of decentralization that he met Zhou Mengyao. I don’t know how he met him. Is it someone else who approached him intentionally or was he really like him. It was just a chance acquaintance, and I still can't be sure. By the time I found out about it, the matter was already spread."

Qi Xuansu could hear the deep helplessness in Qi Jiaozheng's tone.

This is understandable. If it were him, he would send Xiao Yin to Jiangnan Daofu for some training. After not seeing her for a while, Xiao Yin would take back a character similar to Wu Guangbi, and he would go crazy.

Who can bear this?

If Zhou Mengyao really entered the Qi family's home, there would also be problems with the background checks of the rest of the Qi family.

It’s not that your parents are dictatorial. The family is for me, and I am for the family. I have to consider it from the standpoint of the family. I don’t ask you to revive the family, but at least don’t hold it back.

Qi Jiaozheng sighed: "I talked to him several times and advised him to break off this bad relationship and correct his mistakes. I can help him mediate and maybe there will be some improvement. But he is stubborn and wants to follow Zhou Mengyao was together, and I even approached Yao Yi and Yao Shu to ask them to take care of the Zhou family, but in the end it was nothing. So, the two brothers completely broke up, and I expelled him from Qi in anger. He also changed his name. Quanzhen Taoism could not accommodate him, and Taiping Taoism would not want him, so he went to Zhengyi Taoism."

Qi Xuansu can probably understand why Zhengyiyi took Qi Haoran in, because the Zhang family also had historical problems. In order to solve this problem, Zhang Wushou paid a huge price. He had no Taoist companions, no children, and even his own sister was killed with one sword. The real The lonely person.

In this way, many things can be explained.

Why does Qi Jianyuan think Qi Haoran is in the wrong? From the perspective of the Qi family, Qi Haoran has indeed failed the family.

Why do the Qi family want to say that Qi Haoran is dead? Because this incident is too bad and may also affect other people in the Qi family. They should simply remove Qi Haoran and pretend that this person does not exist.

Why was Qi Jiaozheng so secretive about this before? It was only a matter of one party that the family scandal should not be publicized. More importantly, his mother-in-law might affect his career.

But there are still some things that cannot be explained.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "In that case, where did Qi Haoran's immortal cultivation come from?"

If Qi Haoran had achieved immortal cultivation early on, it would be impossible for few high-level people in the Taoist sect to know about Qi Haoran, and it would also be impossible for him to be expelled immediately, let alone Qi Jiaozheng's turn to promote Qi Haoran.

Moreover, Taoism is very tolerant towards immortals. Master Lan Da has always been indifferent, Wang Jiaohe is in power, Lingshan Witch Cult and Zhiming Sect colluded with Buddhism to cause trouble. If we look closely, they are all inseparable from Master Lan Da. But is Master Lan Da of Taoism a crime of negligence and dereliction of duty? ? Finally, when it comes to rewards for merit, Master Landa not only did nothing wrong, but actually achieved merit.

The key is that Master Landa is not greedy for power, stays away from high-level struggles, and has the highest combat power. No matter who is the leader, he likes such an immortal. A small mistake, what does it matter? That was a Taoist senior who worked hard and had high moral standards. What happened to a small mistake? So there is no room for people?

There is a lot of room for so-called strict standards, it all depends on how you say it. The same standard applies to people and not things. The same thing, different people, will have different results.

If Qi Haoran was an immortal, then Zhou Mengyao's matter wouldn't have been so ugly, and there would be plenty of room for change.

It can be seen that when Qi Haoran broke with Qi Jiaozheng, he was not an immortal or a pseudo-immortal, and his cultivation level was only mediocre.

So what was the opportunity that allowed him to suddenly become a suspected corpse-resolving immortal in such a short period of time?

What happened during this time?

This is the key to solving the mystery.

Qi Jiaozheng smiled bitterly: "I also want to know what happened, but it must have nothing to do with the Qi family. If the Qi family has such ability, wouldn't it be better for me to be an immortal myself? I can also compete with Taoist Brother Xuanji. The great master is honored.”

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "In other words, Qi Haoran only gained immortal cultivation after leaving the Qi family, and it is probably related to Zhou Mengyao."

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