Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 210 Speculation

The two fell into a long silence.

Qi Xuansu fell into deep thinking. Qi Jiaozheng didn't rush him, he just drank tea and waited.

In fact, Qi Xuansu's first reaction was "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

As long as you have the "Heart of Immortality Stone" and enough "Xuan Jade", it is entirely possible to become an immortal in a short time.

The essence of "Heart of the Immortal Stone" is Sanren, and it just fits the performance of the Zhijie Xian.

It is now known that there are a total of three "Hearts of Immortality Stone", one for the Li family and the Yao family, and one is left in Huashengtang as a sample.

As for "Xuanyu", it is not a problem, because "Xuanyu" is spread from Huashengtang, Huashengtang inherited the Creation Project. This is the sphere of influence of Quanzhen Taoism and the Yao family, and the Qingping Society is also secretly To collect "Xuan Yu", no one would believe it if the Yao family did not have "Xuan Jade". Considering the relationship between the Zhou family and the Yao family, this problem obviously does not exist.

It can even be said that "Xuanyu" is only Qi Xuansu's problem, and no one else's problem. Why is he not from a big family? He wasted his time in the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

Now we need to confirm whether Huashengtang's "Heart of Immortality Stone" is still there.

But there is a high probability, because Master Cihang once served as the master of Huasheng Hall for a period of time, and it was Ning Lingge who was the master of Tiangang Hall at that time. Quanzhen Taoism can hide it from others, but it cannot hide it from Master Cihang. Qi Xuansu's mother-in-law-to-be will not listen to the earth master. Qi Xuansu only needs to ask Master Cihang for verification.

Then the second one might be the "Eternal Life Stone".

This method is relatively crude and has many hidden dangers, but it is indeed a quick fix, and Chen Shuhua has verified it. Chen Shuhua mainly relied on himself, so his progress was naturally slow. But behind the Qingpinghui is Quanzhen Taoism, which Chen Shuhua cannot compare with.

But there is another question. If Quanzhen Taoism wants to create an immortal, why choose Qi Haoran? Wouldn’t Yao Shu and Yao Yi be better? Even if they are public figures, arousing suspicion and unable to directly become immortals, then Zhou Mengyao himself is more reliable than Qi Haoran. Why not choose Zhou Mengyao? Not to mention Quanzhen Tao can create two immortals, Quanzhen Tao can have this ability, that is, Taiping Tao and Zhengyi allied to fight against Quanzhen Tao.

Therefore, the path of "Eternal Life Stone" is somewhat unexplainable.

The third guess is that the Qi Haoran that Qi Xuansu came into contact with and the Qi Haoran that Qi Jiaozheng knew were the same person?

After Qi Haoran left the Qi family, whether he was alive or dead, the Qi family could not say that they knew nothing about it, but they certainly did not have a deep understanding. If someone else had stolen Qi Haoran's appearance and identity at this time, the Qi family might not be able to know.

Qi Xuansu made a bold guess. Could the Qi Haoran he knew be Zhou Mengyao?

The "Qingping Tiao" of the Qingping Society is also Qiniang's colleague.

Because Zhou Mengyao is burdened with historical issues, and there are many things that cannot be revealed directly, he must have another identity. Ziguang Zhenjun's lessons have made the Taoist sect very strict with all kinds of reviews, making replacement difficult, and the risk of exposure is high. It can be said that Ziguang Zhenjun has blocked the way for those who come after him. Qi Haoran, the abandoned son of the family that no one paid attention to, became a very suitable candidate. He was far away from the original network of relationships, cut off all kinds of connections, and was alone, like a living dead. It would be difficult to replace him. Discover.

To kill safely, you must first cut off all relationships with the target.

This is like the death of a god, not afraid of physical death, but afraid of being completely forgotten by everyone.

This can explain who Qiniang made the contract with. Qiniang said that he was not an earth master. If this person was Zhou Mengyao, would it make sense?

This contract may be two-way, binding each other, just like the contract made by Zhang Zu and Xu Zu. Xu Zu failed to calculate the contract, and ultimately suffered a loss because of the contract that bound both parties at the same time, and was successfully redeemed by Zhang Zu. .

This contract binds Qiniang and also binds another person. This shows that the two people have done something together, and it is not a trivial matter, so they made this contract.

This matter is confidential.

What is going on?


In addition, there are still many things that cannot be explained. If this guess is true, for example, why did Zhou Mengyao choose Qi Haoran and Qi Xuansu? What is special about the two of them?

There is also the paradox, where does the name "Qi Xuansu" come from?

Was it Qi Haoran or Zhou Mengyao who named Qi Xuansu?

Or did the past Qi Xuansu tell Qiniang the name, and Qiniang told the name to Zhou Mengyao, which then led Zhou Mengyao to name the later Qi Xuansu "Qi Xuansu"?

Where does the time loop begin? Where will the future stop?

Where did Qi Xuan Susheng come from?

Why does Qi Xuansu appear in this world? Does he mean anything to the world? Did he choose the world? Or did the world choose him?

This is a very complex issue.

Qi Xuansu decided not to think about it yet.

If you don't understand, you might as well wait for the Heavenly Master to explain.

Qi Xuansu collected his thoughts

, looked at Qi Jiaozheng again, "Thank you, Master Wanmiao, for answering my questions."

Qi Jiaozheng put down the tea cup in his hand and said, "I actually also want to know what the truth is. If one day, Tianyuan can solve this mystery, my cousin has really encountered an accident. I hope Tianyuan will know. Just say hello to me so that I can take care of the funeral."

Qi Xuansu was silent.

Qi Jiaozheng has been in the Taoist sect for many years. He can definitely guess what Qi Xuansu can guess. This brother has been away for many years and suddenly has the cultivation of an immortal. It is unreasonable no matter how you look at it. He was probably poisoned, so he That’s why.

Qi Xuansu suffered another small blow. It was originally just a matter of fake death. Now even his identity may be fake. Naturally, his feelings are not real. What else can be real?

What a mistake.

You can't even think deeply about this kind of thing. Is this a play? This "Qi Haoran" or Zhou Mengyao is actually just a supporting role. The protagonist is Qiniang, who asks Qiniang to save Qi Xuansu and gain Qi Xuansu's gratitude, so as to control Qi Xuansu.

If Qi Xuansu had not traveled to Lingshan Cave and knew that he and Qiniang had a fateful relationship, Qiniang did have enough motivation to save people, and he would inevitably think about it in this regard.

This raises another question: Did Qiniang tell others about Lingshan Cave Heaven? If so, how much did you say? Did he only mention the name "Qi Xuansu", but mentioned other words? Or did you tell everything in detail?

However, it cannot be said that there is no gain at all. At least it has pointed out a direction for Qi Xuansu, which is to use "Qingping Diao" Zhou Mengyao as a breakthrough. Qi Xuansu still has some connections in the Qingping Society, which should be useful. It just so happened that he was going to Qizhou Daofu, so he could meet Li Qingnu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Qi Xuansu quickly came to his senses, changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about Qi Wangui."

Qi Jiaozheng said nothing, but this was exactly what he came for.

Some things don't need to be explained too clearly, just understand them.

Now that Qi Jiaozheng has shown his sincerity, Qi Xuansu must of course give in. This is a compromise.

Qi Xuansu said, "Whether it is Gu Dalin's confession or our investigation, one thing is certain. The death of this female instructor is inseparable from Qi Wangui, who was the envoy. But in terms of motivation, Qi Wangui There was no explanation for the return. According to Gu Dalin's explanation, Qi Wangui said that the female instructor was his mistress and had been pestering him, so he took the murderous step."

Qi Jiaozheng thought for a while,

He said, "Qi Wangui is a lecherous and henpecked person. Killing someone with this motive is not unexpected."

Obviously, Qi Jiaozheng recognized this statement.

Qi Xuansu said nothing more.

If Qi Jiaozheng refuses to compromise, then Qi Xuansu will naturally dig deeper and make Qi Wangui's motives public. He may even let the people of Beichen Hall freely use their skills to add to Qi's list of things done by various secret associations in the past. On Wan Gui's head, the final commotion

The city is full of storms, killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Now, Qi Jiao is about to deal with it in a low-key manner, so it is enough to investigate here. There is no doubt about the murder, and Qi Xuansu will not delve into the other matters.

In front of Qi Jiaozheng, Qi Xuansu took out "Yun Zhongxin" and contacted Li Zhuyu, "Deputy Hall Master Danjin? You hand over Qi Wangui and Gu Dalin together with the files to Fengxian Hall. Follow the normal procedures. Nothing will happen." Needless to say, that’s it.”

This was also Qi Xuansu's attitude. I handed Qi Wangui to Feng Xiantang and then stopped asking about it. How Feng Xiantang will judge him, whether to kill him or let him go to a Taoist temple, that is Feng Xiantang's business. Whether you, the real person in charge, want to go to Feng Xiantang to ask about it and save Qi Wan Gui's life, that is your business. I won't interfere.

Qi Xuansu only did one thing, that is, he did not investigate further and left some room. If Qi Wan Guizhen was accused of secret association, he would not be able to save him even if he wanted to.

At the same time, this is how Qi Xuansu isolates himself. If someone takes this to make trouble in the future, it will also be Feng Xiantang's responsibility. He is only responsible for the investigation and not the trial. It was Gu Dalin who killed the man, and it was Qi Wangui who ordered him. He did not wrongly accuse them, nor did he let them go, nor did he find anyone to take the blame. It was clear and obvious. Qi Xuansu could not be said to have neglected his duty.

As for the female instructor, is she innocent? If they were innocent, why did they let those children exclude Xiao Yin? Can't it be fair and just? Did you get instructions from someone? After being killed in the end, do you still expect Qi Xuansu, the victim, to seek justice for her?

There is no such truth.

From beginning to end, including Qi Xuansu and Qi Jiaozheng, there were no innocent people, let alone good people.

A better ending? You're looking for the wrong person, and you're looking for the wrong place.

This is a life and death struggle.

Qi Jiaozheng is still satisfied with this result. Qi Wangui's position is definitely not guaranteed, and his rank is not good enough. But with some operation, he should be able to save his life. It is better to be sent to Kunlun Taoist Temple to practice Taoism than to go to the execution ground. Internally, There are explanations to the outside world.

So Qi Jiaozheng said goodbye and left.

Qi Xuansu did not leave in a hurry, but contacted Master Cihang again, "Is it Secretary Qian? I am Qi Xuansu, is Master Cihang available now?"

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