Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 215 Leaked

According to Qi Xuansu's plan, Xu Kou returned to Qizhou. After staying in Qizhou for less than a day, he went to Bohai Mansion.

It's strange to say that even though the Li family has opened many courtyards, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. The ground in Qizhou is relatively clean. Such places are mainly concentrated in Imperial Capital and Bohai Mansion.

Because it will take time to reverse the verdict, Xu Kou cannot delay this process for too long and must do so as soon as possible. This move is not unexpected, because Li Qingnu asked people to hold a poetry meeting in Wutong Garden in Bohai Mansion, or it could be called another name, but that's what it meant. To outsiders, Xu Kou hurried to Bohai Mansion just to join in the fun.

Now that Li Qingnu is out of the sea of ​​misery, she no longer has to show her face. Instead, she hides behind the scenes and becomes a being like her boss. The academy does not dare to neglect the things she has told her. In fact, this poetry meeting had been scheduled a long time ago, but Li Qingnu moved the time forward, so it was not considered hasty.

People in the hospital didn't find it strange. With Master Qingwei returning to Qizhou to take charge of the overall situation, the atmosphere in Qizhou was very depressing. Unlike Jiangnan, where Jiangnan can still try to resist, the overall situation here in Qizhou has been decided, and many people directly accept their fate. Many people break their jars and go to Bohai Mansion to relax, which is where such gatherings are held. good time.

Bohai Prefecture is also on the list of this embargo. Although Bohai Prefecture belongs to the Imperial Palace in name, because the Imperial Palace has been weak for a long time, in fact, Qizhou Daofu has been in charge of Bohai Prefecture, even including the peninsula in Liaodong. The area is also under the jurisdiction of Qizhou Daofu. In other words, Qizhou Province has an inland sea, and the entire sea line, starting from Qizhou, including parts of Zhili and the peninsula area in Liaodong, is under the control of Qizhou Province.

It is said that Bohai Prefecture is under escrow, and the peninsula area across the sea from Qizhou was managed by Qizhou as early as the Wei Dynasty. If you don’t believe it, you can check the administrative division map of Wei Dynasty. Because Liaodong was an important military town at that time, the capital was established instead of the state capital. There were very few people in Liaodong at that time, so it could not be ignored. However, setting up a state government office was too wasteful, so Qizhou was responsible for the civil affairs of Liaodong, and the military was still in charge. The Liaodong Dusi is in charge.

Later, the Taoist sect divided the Taoist government. With the strength of the Li family, there was no way to be polite and declared that the peninsula area has been the inherent territory of Qizhou since ancient times and must be placed under the Qizhou Taoist government. The Liaodong Taoist government could only eat a Dumb loss. Later, the Teikyo Prefecture existed in name only, and the Qizhou Prefecture simply took over the coastal line centered on Bohae Prefecture in the name of escrow, successfully connecting the peninsula area of ​​Liaodong from land, and its influence penetrated from Liaodong to Silla. part of the area, and then use Silla as a springboard to radiate Fenglinzhou.

Therefore, Qizhou Dafu and Qizhou are completely different. Qizhou is an ordinary state, and Qizhou Province is a behemoth with an inland sea.

The Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture was no less generous. During the Wei Dynasty, the Jiangnan region was actually divided into two states. When the Taoist sect divided the Taoist Prefecture, in order to integrate resources and develop the economy, all these two states were assigned to the Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture. under the name. Only Luzhou Daofu was left, which separated Qizhou Daofu and Jiangnan Daofu. At the same time, the river must be guarded by Huaihe, and Jiangnan Daofu was not allowed to completely control the river.

The same is true for Lingnan Daofu. The two largest islands in the Central Plains were all assigned to Lingnan Daofu, making its area larger than that of Qizhou Daofu, which has been expanding again and again, and approaching Shuzhou Daofu and Xizhou Daofu. It is a veritable avenue. Mansion.

Because maritime trade has developed and entered the so-called Age of Discovery, the most prosperous line is the coastal line. Nowadays, the dust in Jiangnan is uncertain and the situation is complicated; Lingnan is too far away, and for northerners, the "miasma" is deep; the imperial capital is too serious and restrained; Liaodong is too bitter and cold, and it is not a world of flowers; then Bohai Mansion becomes the most suitable place.

It was against this background that Xu Kou came to Bohai Mansion. He was not a scholar, nor could he recite poems or compose poems, but given his status, he could still be a guest.

As soon as they arrived at Wutong Garden, many people greeted Xu Kou, but Xu Kou just nodded casually.

Xu Kou can only be regarded as a minor figure in Yujing, but when he leaves Yujing, he becomes a powerful figure that many people want to make friends with.

On the other hand, the local emperors had to bow their heads after going to Yujing.

For example, Qi Xuansu, when he was in Borneo, he was a powerful influencer and attracted everyone's attention. But when he went to Yujing, he had to stay low and be small.

Xu Kou could naturally put on airs and act more reserved at this time.

It happened that the commander of the Qingluan Guard was also here. When Xu Kou was still in the Qingluan Guard, the two had known each other and had a pretty good relationship. The commander invited Xu Kou to have a drink with them.

Xu Kou did not refuse. There were several people sitting at the same table, including wealthy businessmen and officials. Several businessmen were complaining that their business could not be done. Many of them complained about Jinque, and they even started to feel weird.

Xu Kou interrupted these complaints at the right time, and then brought the topic to the romance aspect.

When the wine was half drunk, the topic gradually became outrageous. They stopped talking about national affairs and started talking about things between men and women.

Xu Kou seemed drunk, but slowly led the conversation.

Someone asked: "Brother Xu, you have a bright future now, why don't you renew your relationship? Could it be that so many Taoist fairies can't get into Brother Xu's eyes?"

Xu Kou pretended to be drunk, waved his hand and said: "Female Taoist priest? It's unspeakable, unspeakable."

"Why is it so unspeakable?" Several people suddenly became interested.

Xu Kou said: "The fairies from the Taoist sect are all nothing more than gold and jade. After all, they are male thieves and female prostitutes."

Everyone laughed, and someone advised: "Old Xu, why can't you look away? A real man has three wives and four concubines. When a woman has power, she will naturally raise a pretty boy. By the way, they also invented a new word called What is it, a milk dog or something?”

"I remember it was a little wolfdog." Another person said.

"On the contrary, it's just a dog." These people responded with a joking attitude, "I heard that there are mothers and daughters who compete for the pretty boy, and they really dare to play, and they don't want the three obediences and four virtues."

"What are you talking about? I heard that some female Taoist priests not only sleep with you, but also personally accompany the pretty boy to have a relationship."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. If there's no benefit, why should those young Taoist priests serve them? As for their Taoist companions, it's not that they don't know, they just turn a blind eye and play their own way, or how can they talk about it? What a turtle."

"This is also forced out. The Taoist sect is so tight on the issue of men and women, and every report is accurate. The male Taoists are also afraid. They would rather be a cuckold than lose their official hat."

"Some female Taoist priests nowadays, especially those who are older and more powerful, seduce directly without being subtle at all. If seduction fails, they resort to force. Well, equality in Taoism is true equality, and we are all equal in this aspect. ”

"Otherwise, it's better for the imperial court to do this. How can the Taoist sect do this?"

"We are the ones who are going to die, we are the ones who are responsible for the cattle and horses, and if you dare to play this trick of living here and there, is it really a disadvantage for you to be a man's sword? If this kind of thing happens to me, hehe, then just watch."

Xu Kou was just drinking, and he wanted to bring the topic in this direction.

Only then does it appear unobtrusive.

Soon, someone said: "That's not necessarily true. Real big shots shouldn't have to worry about such things."

Xu Kou sneered: "Not necessarily!"

Everyone at the table looked at Xu Kou: "Brother Xu, how do you say this?"

Xu Kou pretended to be six or seven points drunk. Everyone will get drunk if they are not drunk: "Is the second deputy palace master considered a big shot? Once he wears a cuckold, he has no temper. Maybe he is kept in the dark. ”

Everyone's curiosity was aroused: "The second deputy palace master? Where is the second deputy palace master?"

Some people have already begun to make plans. Xu Kou has been to three Taoist mansions, namely Qizhou Taofu, Lingnan Taofu, and Borneo Taofu.

The second deputy head of Qizhou Daofu has not changed in these years. He has always been alone, without a wife and children, so he can be ruled out. When Xu Kou went to Lingnan Daofu, Zhang Yuelu was the second deputy palace master, but Xu Kou's tone clearly meant that he was talking about a man, not a woman. In the same way, when Xu Kou went to the Borneo Taoist Palace, the second deputy palace chief was Xu Jiaorong, who was not a man either.

So which second deputy palace master is Xu Kou talking about?

Xu Kou motioned for everyone to come over, and then lowered his voice: "It's Jiangnan Daofu."

"Li Tianlan?" Others also lowered their voices, "Isn't it possible?"

"But Li Cixi did marry a young wife, an old man and a young wife."

"I know. I have to say that Li Cixi's wife is really charming."

"By the way, I heard that a few years ago there was a case where a stepson forced his stepmother to rape him. Could it be Li Cixi's son?"

"I know, it's him, Li Mingping."

"Lao Xu, is this what you're talking about? I heard that the stepson didn't succeed."

"It's not a secret. What did I think?"

"Lao Xu, you are not well informed. This is old news."

Xu Kou pretended to be provoked: "You know what the hell, that stepson is the scapegoat, and there is someone else who really succeeded."

"Who?" Everyone looked at Xu Kou again.

Xu Kou deliberately looked around, then lowered his voice and said: "The person who can steal the second wife is certainly not an ordinary person. This person is also a member of the Li family. He is now the deputy head of Tiangang Hall and can be regarded as my boss."

Someone immediately guessed: "Li Minghuang?"

"It's probably him."

"That's right. This man is very good at dealing with women. He also captured the eldest daughter of the Zhang family back then."


"Shit Zhang Yuelu, Chief Zhang's temper is as evil as a god, smelly and tough. Who dares to provoke her? Li Tianzhen, isn't Mr. Li really good? It's not like he hit his head and broke his blood. I'm talking about Zhang Yuyue."

"What happened to Zhang Yuelu? Chief Qi Qi Xuansu provoked him, but nothing happened."

"How many Qi Xuansu are there in the Taoist sect? Looking at the current situation, apart from the young national master Li Changge, it is also Qi Xuansu. The three outstanding figures in the Taoist sect should be called Shuangjiao."

"I didn't expect that it was my own family that stole one of my own. According to the Li family's seniority, Li Tianlan is Li Minghuang's uncle. Doesn't this mean that Li Minghuang stole his aunt?"

"Hey, it's a big family. It's common for someone to pick up ashes and raise a brother-in-law."

While these people were talking, an extremely secretive formation was quietly operating in the corner.

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