Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 216 Overturning the verdict

This hidden formation leads to a dark room.

There are two people in the darkroom responsible for recording.

It's just that the two of them were a little sweaty at this time.

They are the Li family, and the information revealed at this time is actually related to the top management of the Li family. Li Minghuang stole Li Tianlan's wife and framed Li Mingping.

They are just pawns, and no one can be messed with. If he gets involved, the outcome may be unpredictable.

But the responsibility lies, so the pen is still recording quickly.

This kind of record is very streamlined, that is, time, place, and who said what.

Soon, Xu Kou and the others were almost done drinking and were about to disperse. They each found a woman to accompany them and went to the small single-family courtyard at the back. There are complete facilities and all kinds of people available, so it is a place for enjoyment.

Only then did the two of them stop writing. One of them put together the various records and said to the other: "I will report to the superiors."

Soon, this record was reported to Li Qingnu.

Li Qingnu already knew about it, but she still pretended to be deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly reported it to her superiors.

Not Li Tianyue, but Li Zhuyu.

Although Li Tianyue was Li Qingnu's adoptive mother and it was Li Tianyue who promoted Li Qingnu, Li Qingnu was Li Zhuyu's person.

This may seem unreasonable, but it is actually very reasonable.

Some people resigned and returned to their hometowns, while others rushed to the examination hall at starry night.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. Li Tianyue himself stands with Li Tianlan and others, while Li Qingnu relies on Li Zhuyu, so everything is safe. If one day, the old people in the Li family cannot withstand the pressure of Qingwei Zhenren and the ship capsizes, Li Tianyue can easily jump off the ship and escape.

Li Zhuyu doesn't have holidays. She will handle the subsequent transfer of the case to Feng Xiantang. There are many things at Beichen Tang that cannot be separated from her.

When Li Zhuyu saw such a piece of information.

Her first reaction was to let me seize the opportunity.

Qi Xuansu grasped Li Zhuyu's mentality very accurately. Li Zhuyu was not resentful, but very resentful. Let’s not talk about the importance of the Fenglinzhou war. It can be said that it determined the ownership of the two generations of great masters to a certain extent.

That is, Qingwei Zhenren versus Donghua Zhenren, Li Changge Qi Xuansu.

The results of it? These people were holding back at this time. They saw that the war in Fenglinzhou could not be lost, and deliberately chose this juncture to launch an attack to force Master Qingwei, completely ignoring the overall situation.

Master Qingwei compromised and personally discussed the matter with Zhang Wuliang. Li Changge was even more miserable and was censored by Yao Pei. This has kept Li Changge one step slower than Qi Xuansu. One step is slower and the other is slower. Now he has not caught up with Qi Xuansu, which makes Qi Xuansu stand out. Although it cannot be said that Qi Xuansu has won, the invisible losses caused are huge. Many people now believe that Qi Xuansu is Li Changge's biggest opponent. This is a subtle change in people's hearts. It takes a lot of effort to reverse it.

If anything goes wrong in the Fenglinzhou war, what will Master Qingwei do to compete with Master Donghua as the seventh-generation master? If Li Changge loses to Qi Xuansu again, he will lose the position of two great masters, a sin for thousands of years! Can you afford it?

Maybe people like Li Tianlan don't think so. They bet that Master Qingwei will put the overall situation first, and even if they are wronged, they will not let the war in Fenglinzhou go into trouble. It’s okay for Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Tao to think so. After all, they are outsiders, even opponents and enemies. But you, our own people, think so too. What is your position?

How could Li Zhuyu not be angry? She had wanted to take revenge for a long time, but Master Qingwei had never expressed his stance and had no suitable opportunity, so she did not take action.

Now that the opportunity was presented to Li Zhuyu, it was easy to imagine what Li Zhuyu wanted to do. She didn't even think too much about whether it was strange, mainly because she had been looking forward to this day for too long.

But after all, it is the words spoken at the wine table. You cannot disbelieve them or believe them all. You still need to confirm them first.

So Li Zhuyu came to Fengxian Hall again.

If we follow the normal procedure, it may be a bit troublesome to access the relevant files, but with Li Zhuyu's identity, this is Taiping Dao's sphere of influence, so it can be done with just one sentence.

Li Zhuyu quickly got the file on Li Mingping's case. Li Zhuyu was also a veteran in this field. He noticed at a glance that something was wrong. There was a lack of substantial physical evidence and it was all so-called witness. In essence, the case was forcibly convicted and closed despite insufficient evidence.

If Li Zhuyu hadn't read the information sent by Li Qingnu, she wouldn't have thought too much about it. At this time, she had preconceptions, so it seemed suspicious.

Li Zhuyu learned about the case through other channels, and also learned that Li Mingping had been crying out for injustice over the years, even writing letters in blood.

All signs indicate that Li Mingping is probably unjust.

Li Zhuyu made up his mind and set about overturning Li Mingping's case.

It's not that Li Zhuyu is kind-hearted and wants justice for Li Mingping, but that Li Zhuyu wants to use this incident to beat Li Tianlan and Li Minghuang. It's best to let the two people bite each other.

In terms of the division of camps within the Li family, both Li Tianlan and Li Minghuang are members of Li Tianzhen's faction.

Even if we put aside past grudges and only talk about future interests, Li Zhuyu still has reasons for overturning the case. It's very simple. Neither Li Zhuyu nor Li Tianzhen can threaten Li Changge's position. Li Changge's status as the third generation leader is unshakable. This is something recognized both internally and externally.

The biggest competition is between Li Zhuyu and Li Tianzhen. Who will be the second person in the Li family in the future?

Li Changge is doing the face, but who is going to do the lining? this is a problem.

Li Tianzhen has the support of many elders of the Li family, including Grandmaster Jin Gong, so she is full of confidence. Behind Li Zhuyu is Qingwei Zhenren, who should not be underestimated either.

This essentially continues the conflict between Qingwei Zhenren and the elders of the Li family when he was young.

Qi Xuansu noticed this precisely, so he could feel Li Zhuyu's pulse and be sure that she would not remain indifferent.

In fact, even if Qi Xuansu came directly to seek cooperation, Li Zhuyu would most likely agree, but some of the subsequent actions would be difficult to carry out, so it went in a circle.

In Li Zhuyu's view, the verdict must be overturned quickly, because if Xu Kou told other people at the wine table, the news would spread soon, and even reach the ears of Li Tianlan and Li Minghuang. He must hurry up before they know Before that, they had completed the reversal of the verdict and caught them off guard. If we wait until they react before overturning the case, there will be great resistance.

If they start in advance and kill people and silence them, there will be no possibility of overturning the case.

This is what Qi Xuansu specially told Xu Kou. He must put some pressure on Li Zhuyu to prompt her to reverse the case immediately instead of letting it go temporarily. After all, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng couldn't afford to wait. After passing through this village, there would be no such store. The decision of Jinque and the visit of the Xidaomen delegation were both rare and hard to come by. It was already a strong east wind. People have everything ready and all they need is the east wind, but they just did the opposite.

Just as he said, Li Zhuyu immediately contacted Lu Yushu and prepared to reverse the case.

The Lu family supports Zhenren Qingwei and is reliable enough.

Logically speaking, Li Zhuyu should ask Master Qingwei for instructions beforehand, which would add variables. However, it happened that Master Qingwei had gone to Qizhou and was presiding over the overall situation at the Qizhou Taoist Office. At the beginning of the Fenglinzhou war, Qizhou was the base camp. It can be seen that there were many involvements in various aspects. Naturally, the elders of the Li family were indispensable. Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. Even with the prestige and power of Qingwei Zhenren, it still takes a lot of effort. After a lot of hands and feet, there is no time to separate at this time.

Li Zhuyu simply did not ask Master Qingwei for instructions and report.

I have to say that Qi Xuansu chose this time well.

Because Qi Xuansu could accurately grasp the pulse of Li Zhuyu, but not the pulse of Master Qingwei. He really didn't know whether Master Qingwei would focus on the overall situation of the Li family. It would be best to avoid Master Qingwei.

On the other side, Qi Xuansu also contacted Ye Qingshuang.

Because it was a private call, Qi Xuansu's address was very casual: "Sister Ye, how are you doing lately?"

It is true that the title "Sister Dao" is too strange, and the word "Dao" is often omitted.

Ye Qingshuang's voice came: "Tianyuan, we just met at the 'Emerald Plains' not long ago, and I toasted to your master and apprentice. Don't you know how I am lately? You are famous for being carefree. If you don’t want to go to the Three Treasures Hall, let’s just say it.”

Qi Xuansu thought about it and realized that he really had this problem. Master Cihang, Li Qingnu, and Ye Qingshuang all had it either explicitly or covertly.

Because Qi Xuansu doesn't like to socialize, and has not developed the habit of keeping in touch and deepening relationships when nothing happens, it is inevitable that people will have the impression that Qi Xuansu, a kid, usually doesn't fart when he is fine, and never sees anyone. Once he takes the initiative to contact You, then something must be wrong.

Therefore, there is no need to go to the Three Treasures Hall.

Even if he occasionally moved around, he still showed perfunctory and reluctance.

If this kid hadn't been strong enough, with a strong enough background, and lucky enough to do this, he would have been promoted to the fourth level of Taoist priest.

What about your worldliness?

So arrogant!

But looking at it from another perspective, this is also the advantage of Qi Xuansu. If everyone could be like Qi Xuansu and never run away, then many complicated things would become simpler.

Qi Xuansu retracted his thoughts and said: "It's like this. Li Ping's matter has become clearer. People from the Li family should come over soon to reverse the case."

Ye Qingshuang was a little surprised: "Li family? I thought you were going to take action yourself."

Qi Xuansu was very modest: "How can I have such great ability? Feng Xiantang won't listen to me. I just let the Li family know. Although the Li family is relatively united, they are not monolithic."

"You borrow a knife to kill people, and you borrow Zhong Kui to fight ghosts." Ye Qingshuang also knew about the Li family's affairs, "What do I want to do?"

Qi Xuansudu: "Hand Li Ping over to the people who want to overturn the case. Don't be too deliberate. Don't make them suspicious. Also, be on guard against Li Tianlan's group of people who want to kill people and silence him."

"Don't worry." Ye Qingshuang said, "I have locked Li Ping in an absolutely safe place, and he is guarded by my confidants. I have been running Luo Suozhou for so many years, and Li Tianlan still can't reach here."

Qi Xuansu said: "Of course I believe Sister Ye, just in case."

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