Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 21 Lin Bufan

Click until it ends, that is, until Li Tianlan.

Zhang Jucheng is an experienced Taoist priest for many years and understands it as soon as he hears it.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Juchen didn't want to involve themselves too much. Just the two of them, without the cooperation and support of Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism, didn't have the ability to touch those people behind Li Tianlan.

Therefore, the two of them did not need to change their strategies because of Master Qingwei's greeting, and they could just continue to implement the original plan.

Qi Xuansu's thoughts turned back to Zhang Jucheng's previous words.

When a person like Zhang Jucheng suddenly said something like this, it probably wasn't as simple as praising him, but had a deeper intention.

While Zhang Jucheng affirmed Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, he completely rejected Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei.

In fact, Qi Xuansu was not very surprised.

Yao Pei's problem is very simple, that is, Master Donghua accepted Qi Xuansu as his disciple, and his intention to replace Yao Pei with Qi Xuansu is very obvious, and Qi Xuansu is indeed outstanding now, ahead of Zhang, Li, and Yao. Qi Xuansu occupied Yao Pei's ecological niche and became Yao Pei's superior replacement. While affirming Qi Xuansu, he would inevitably deny Yao Pei.

As for Zhang Yuelu, the reason is not complicated. That’s why Zhang Yuelu’s New Deal touched the nerves of many people.

What does Zhang Yuelu want to do?

Cut off the upper flesh and mend the sores on the door. Do you want the horse to run, but also want the horse not to eat grass?

This cannot be tolerated.

Today Zhang Yuelu is only cutting the flesh of Borneo. If she is made the chief minister tomorrow, then she will cut the flesh of everyone.

Of course, Zhang Yuelu's idea is not without support, but most of them are low-level Taoist priests and some middle-level Taoist priests. They are oppressed and do not have many interests, so they naturally support the redistribution of interests. But how loud can the voices of the lower-level Taoist priests and some middle-level Taoist priests be? When Zhang Yuelu offended most of the high-level Taoist priests, he was immediately besieged on all sides.

Some people may want to say that Zhang Yuelu's proposition has been raised long ago, why is there only a reaction now?

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is one thing to make a claim, but another thing to do it specifically. For example, Yao Pei's idea of ​​building a harmonious Taoism is just an idea.

Zhang Yuelu's approach to change is very appealing to young people, but how to change, to the left or to the right, whether it will thunder but not rain, or whether it will thunder and rain, is open to debate.

So many people are waiting and watching.

Now, with Zhang Yuelu taking office as the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Palace, she has made it clear how she plans to change.

This time it was like poking a hornet's nest.

I thought it was just a slogan, are you really doing it?

You are digging our roots!

Therefore, since Zhang Yuelu piloted the New Deal in Borneo, her reputation has plummeted. Instead, more and more people admire Qi Xuansu. These people neither want to support Zhang Yuelu's internal innovation nor Li Changge's external expansion, and are afraid of war. , fearing change, there was a strong trend of civil service in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and just wanted to maintain the status quo to the greatest extent, so the relatively moderate Qi Xuansu became pleasing to the eye.

This does not mean that they like Qi Xuansu very much. It can only mean that they choose the one that is not annoying from several options that they do not like so much.

Some people may think that Zhang Yuelu is still too impatient. She should hide her true intentions and wait until she becomes the Grand Master and secure her position before revealing her true intentions. The deal is already done and there is nothing that can be done to those people.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu also had her own difficulties.

According to the equal chances of the three shows in the Taoist sect, each person has a little more than 30% chance of winning. Adding Qi Xuansu, that is a 25% chance of winning for each person. Taking into account the early advantages of the two banished immortals and Qi Xuansu's lead in job grade, Zhang Yuelu's chances of winning are even lower.

For every candidate, it is a high probability that he will not be selected as the Great Master.

Instead of betting all your ambitions and ideals on becoming the Grand Master, it is better to start from now. Even if you are not selected as the Grand Master in the end, you can still do some practical things.

This is a rather pessimistic attitude, but also a quite pragmatic one.

Qi Xuansu had understood this a long time ago, but he did not persuade Zhang Yuelu. It was not that Qi Xuansu did not want to persuade, but Qi Xuansu knew Zhang Yuelu and knew that he could not persuade her, so he simply made a bet with her.

From the beginning to the end, Qi Xuansu never thought about taking the initiative to become the "major headmaster's wife". If Zhang Yuelu won, then he would be willing to admit defeat and help Zhang Yuelu with peace of mind.

This does not mean that Qi Xuansu will give up to Zhang Yuelu if he can win. Qi Xuansu has no hobby of cultivating "empresses". Whoever wants to cultivate them should be cultivated. The "emperor" is more enjoyable if he does it himself.

How could assisting Zhang Yuelu by himself be better than having Zhang Yuelu assist him?

This also determines who is the head of the family.

As for being unwilling to be an "emperor" because of tiredness, descendants, and freedom, it's all nonsense.

There is only one reason, and that is that the "Emperor" does not hold the highest power and is just a showman. For example, there is a Second Tribulation Immortal behind the Emperor, so he does not want to be an "Emperor".

Under this premise, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but wonder, did Zhang Jucheng's words mean that Zhang Jucheng actually did not approve of Zhang Yuelu's approach? After all, the Zhang family itself is one of the largest Taoist families. If they really want to reform, the Li family and the Zhang family will bear the brunt.

Thinking further, could this be a test - as long as Qi Xuansu makes it clear that he will not make internal reforms, the Zhang family will support Qi Xuansu instead. This is also a choice made out of desperation. On the premise of not harming one's own interests, it is always better for one's own son-in-law to be in power than for the Li family to be in power.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh.

Not for himself, but for Zhang Yuelu.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu felt a little sorry for Zhang Yuelu. How could she endure that ubiquitous loneliness? Although it is easy to say that tens of millions of people have gone away, the suffering involved is really hard to describe.

No wonder she always wants to change him, she so needs a like-minded fellow traveler.

Qi Xuansu could be considered a fellow traveler, but there were still some differences between the two.

However, due to the interruption of Master Qingwei, the opportunity was missed. No matter what Qi Xuansu thought, he could not respond to Zhang Jucheng immediately and could only talk about it later. If Zhang Jucheng really had this intention, he would still have a deep talk with Qi Xuansu.

On the other side, Li Tianlan received two pieces of news at the same time.

On the one hand, there is news from his own family that his wife was taken away by Zhang Jucheng's people.

On the other hand, there was news from the family that Zhang Jucheng and Qi Xuansu decided to take action against him.

Li Tianlan immediately realized that the situation had reached a very critical point. If Gu Ying could not withstand the pressure, he would be involved immediately. Zhang Jucheng will not be soft-hearted. The real person in charge will take him down immediately without leaving any room.

The key is how to avoid getting him involved.

If Zhang Jucheng imprisoned people in a local hell, then he could send someone to send a message to Gu Ying to hold on and hold on firmly. There would be a way.

But Zhang Jucheng had already expected this and imprisoned Gu Ying directly on Putuo Island. Li Tianlan didn't even know where she was, and naturally had no way of sending messages inside. He could only count on Gu Ying herself.

However, Li Tianlan did not sit still and wait for death. While preparing for the worst case scenario and preparing an escape route, he took the initiative to find Zhang Jucheng.

When the Jiangnan Daofu was first established, the Dao Palace of the Dao Palace was located on Putuo Island, and later moved to Tianxin Dao Palace.

This matter will also follow the dispute between Confucianism and Taoism.

The three major palaces of the Confucian sect are Wanxiang Academy, Tianxin Academy, and Sheji Academy. After the defeat of the Confucian sect, only the Sheji Academy remained. The Wanxiang Academy was rebuilt into today's Wanxiang Taoist Palace. Tianxin Academy was destroyed by the war. Later, Jiangnan Taoist Government built Tianxin Academy on the site of Tianxin Academy. Because it was a reconstruction, it could no longer be compared with the Wanxiang Academy that had been expanded repeatedly. It did not build an independent palace and set up a master in charge of the palace. Instead, it became the location of the Taoist Palace of the Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture, which is equivalent to the Sheji Palace of the Borneo Taoist Prefecture.

Zhang Jucheng and Li Tianlan are usually at Tianxin Dao Palace, so it is naturally very easy to meet.

Early this morning, when Zhang Jucheng was walking towards his mortgage room, Li Tianlan happened to "encounter" him.

So the two of them walked side by side.

Zhang Jucheng got straight to the point: "Brother Li Dao, you came just in time. I just wanted to find you. I want to inform you about Gu Ying."

Li Tianlan was calm on the surface: "I don't know much about the specific situation. I just heard that it was related to some false accusation. However, as long as it is reasonable and legal, I will resolutely obey the Taoist government's decision and cooperate with the Taoist government's investigation."

Zhang Jucheng deliberately showed some sympathy on his face: "Of course I know that Brother Li Dao doesn't know about it. After all, it involves Brother Li's son. If Brother Li really wants to know, he will never allow them to behave like this."

"It's also about my useless traitor?" Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Jucheng sighed: "Yes, the so-called case of 'stepson forcing his stepmother to rape' was actually an unjust case, and Xian's nephew was wronged. When Chief Qi accompanied fellow Taoists from Xidaomen to visit Luosuozhou Taoist Mansion, Xian The nephew complained to Chief Qi, and later the matter attracted the attention of Deputy Hall Master Li of Beichen Hall and Deputy Hall Master Lu of Fengxian Hall. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the unjust case was overturned and the nephew was acquitted. "

Li Tianlan's face turned slightly gloomy: "So that's how it is. It's great."

Zhang Jucheng said this deliberately, giving people the illusion that Li Zhuyu and Lu Yushu had reached a consensus with Qi Xuansu. It was the three of them who worked together to overturn the case, and it was the Li family who stabbed Li Tianlan in the back. Maybe Li Tianlan wouldn't believe it, maybe Li Zhuyu had already had a fight with Li Tianlan, but what if? If there are dates but there are no dates, hit three poles first.

Zhang Jucheng continued: "Feng Xiantang has started the compensation process for the nephew, and at the same time, we must hold accountable the personnel handling the case for dereliction of duty, and also hold accountable the person who made the false accusation, which was Gu Ying came forward to accuse the wise nephew of forcing her to rape her, so I couldn't escape her involvement, so I sent someone to arrest her. As for not saying hello to Brother Li beforehand, it was because I was afraid that Brother Li would be embarrassed, and I hoped that Brother Li would understand. "

"I understand, of course I understand." Li Tianlan nodded, his tone not very good.

Zhang Jucheng was still worried about killing people: "There is one more thing. I didn't want to tell Brother Li Dao, but then I thought about it carefully and couldn't hide it from Brother Li. This case also involves another person, although now There is no conclusive evidence, but according to what the nephew said in the Luosuozhou Taoist Mansion, there was another person who committed adultery with Gu Ying, and it was Li Minghuang of Tiangang Hall. It was probably because the nephew discovered the affair that they attacked her first. To be strong, frame him up."

Li Tianlan's face turned black and blue.

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