Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 22 Human Face Fruit

Zhang Jucheng took a two-pronged approach, intensifying his interrogation of Gu Ying and pressing harder on Li Tianlan by blocking Fenglinzhou.

Because Gu Ying was in Zhang Jucheng's hands, Li Tianlan didn't have enough confidence and didn't dare to try hard anymore, so he could only keep compromising and giving in. The blood that needs to be shed must be shed, and the flesh that needs to be cut must be cut. If it can bring a safe landing, then he will admit it. He was afraid that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng would still not let him go and would kill him.

But Zhang Jucheng also encountered a problem here.

That is, both he and Qi Xuansu underestimated Gu Ying.

This little woman was no ordinary person. At first, her interrogator wanted to deceive her and deliberately didn't say anything and just asked her to explain.

But she was not frightened at all. Instead, she deduced the true circumstances of her arrest from some clues.

She probably also knew that only Li Mingping's case was her flaw, and the other cases had nothing to do with her, so she killed Li Mingping's case without even mentioning Li Minghuang. She only said that she did it for her son. , no matter what the sentence is, she will obey the sentence.

Gu Ying didn't mention a word about Li Tianlan.

As long as Li Tianlan is mentioned, Gu Ying will cry and complain about how sorry she is for Li Tianlan. Li Tianlan is also kept in the dark by her. After all, he is Li Tianlan's biological son Yunyun.

She carried it all by herself.

Gu Ying even proposed to hand her over to Feng Xiantang as soon as possible. Extended detention is also against the rules.

This put Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng into a rather embarrassing situation. Was their original intention to pursue Gu Ying's false accusation? They wanted to open a gap in Gu Ying's body to attack Li Tianlan. If they just sent Gu Ying to Feng Xiantang, wouldn't their work be in vain?

The person definitely cannot be handed over to Feng Xiantang, and the trial will continue.

The only advantage now is information asymmetry.

Thanks to Zhang Jucheng, he transferred Gu Ying to Putuo Island in advance and cut off all contact with the outside world. So Gu Ying didn't know what was going on outside, and Li Tianlan didn't know what was going on with Gu Ying. Therefore, it is not yet known how long Gu Ying can survive in an isolated and unknown situation, and when the psychological defense line will collapse. Li Tianlan is also afraid of making rash moves.

Once the two of them communicate with each other, Gu Ying will have the confidence to persist longer. Li Tianlan knew that Gu Ying could hold on firmly, so he dared to take action.

Things seemed to be at an impasse.

Zhang Qingyue also specifically asked for instructions whether to use some means.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Qingyue is responsible for the Demon Suppression Platform in Dazhen Mansion.

The means he mentioned can also be imagined.

However, Zhang Jucheng rejected this proposal.

Less than ten thousand

As a last resort, Zhang Jucheng didn't want to leave anyone with an excuse. Once the Li family beat someone to death or Gu Ying retracted her confession in court, they would be very passive.

At this time, Qiniang brought Xiao Yin to Jinling Mansion.

After Qi Xuansu learned the news, no matter how busy he was, he had to go and see him.

It is said that Qi Xuansu did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and the same was true for Qiniang. To be honest, Qi Xuansu learned from Qiniang.

But many times, Qiniang is like a clever tip in a storybook. Whenever Qi Xuansu encounters difficulties, Qiniang comes out to help Qi Xuansu solve the problem. After solving the problem, Qiniang brushed off her clothes and left without leaving a single cloud.

The location of this meeting was still chosen at Da Baoen Temple.

This is almost becoming a special meeting place.

But this time it is not the Glazed Pagoda, nor the Forest of Steles and Towers, but the Perfume River.

Qiniang is never afraid to show off her privileges. She doesn't like to pretend to be equal, so she wants to leave Taoism.

At this time, Qiniang got a small boat from somewhere and was boating on the Xiangshui River. She didn't pay attention to the rules of Da Baoen Temple. If you have the ability, use it; if you don't have the ability, endure it.

Xiao Yin also followed Qiniang. Qiniang wore big sunglasses, and she wore small sunglasses. Those who didn't know better thought they were two blind people. As for the big white crane, she doesn't know where she put it. It may have been sent back to the cave in the ghost country, or it may have been fostered somewhere.

Qi Xuansu stood on the river bank and asked a rowing boatman, "Why are you here in Jiangnan?"

Qiniang ignored Qi Xuansu, and Xiao Yin waved to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu sighed helplessly, not knowing what fun rowing a boat would be for someone who could fly. I could only jump onto the boat. My whole body seemed weightless, and the boat didn't shake at all.

Xiao Yin looked up at Qi Xuansu, "Old Qi, do you still remember, riding a crane down to the south of the Yangtze River?"

Qi Xuansu said, "I told you a long time ago that you are going north to the south of the Yangtze River."

"I don't care, I'm just going to the south of the Yangtze River." Xiao Yin pouted, "Riding a crane to the south of the Yangtze River."

Qi Xuansu said helplessly, "Okay, okay, okay, let's go to Jiangnan. As long as you don't smoke or drink, you can go to Jiangnan any way you want."

Qiniang finally spoke, "What's wrong with smoking? Are you smoking your own cigarette? You have so many prejudices."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "You only smoke and don't drink, so you won't talk about drinking, right?"

"I've got someone to talk to you about." Qiniang snorted.

Qi Xuansu returned to the topic, "Tell me, what's going on? You never talk to me about anything, so there must be something going on."

Qiniang didn't beat around the bush, "Have you been in trouble recently?"

Qi Xuansu did not deny that "there is indeed some resistance regarding Li Tianlan."

Qiniang said, "Then do you still remember that before the second major Jiangnan case, I asked you to do something."

Of course Qi Xuansu remembered it.

At that time, he traveled overland for a thousand Taiping coins, running all the way from Xiping Mansion in Yongzhou to Tianshui Mansion in Liangzhou, then from Tianshui Mansion to Xijing Mansion in Qinzhou, then from Qinzhou to Zhongzhou, and finally arrived at Longmen. Mansion, a full three thousand miles away, this is still the beginning.

Qi Xuansu met the "Bodhisattva Man" of the Qingping Society in Longmen Mansion, and escorted "Bodhisattva Man"'s righteous daughter Liu Hu from Longmen Mansion. He experienced various difficulties and obstacles, including the interception and pursuit by some Jianghu people, the major case of Zixian Mountain, and the encounter with the "Bodhisattva Man". He went to the 7000th household of Qingluan Guard, the foxes in Qingqiu Mountain, the Miemen of Jiangling Mansion, the two elders Fenglei of "Tianting", Xu Kou, the Shen family, Japanese pirates, and even had an inexplicable fight with Zhang Yuelu, and finally came to Bohai Mansion handed the person over to Li Qingnu.

According to the "Bodhisattva Man" at the time, an enemy from many years ago showed up again, and this time he went to take revenge. If it goes well, it won't take long. If it doesn't go well, it's hard to say. It could be a few months or a few years. As for the worse case scenario, it is gone forever. To put it nicely, he was just in case, but to put it harshly, he was making arrangements for his funeral in advance. If he can come back alive, he can just bring his adopted daughter back. If he couldn't come back, he wouldn't let his adopted daughter live on the streets.

Later, Qi Xuansu never saw "Bodhisattva Man" again, and never heard about Liuhu.

Of course, the main reason is that he doesn't care about these little things. Just as Li Qingnu said when he ridiculed him, his mind is filled with world affairs.

Now Qiniang brought up the old matter again, Qi Xuansu reacted immediately.

Liu Hu’s identity.

Regarding this matter, he talked to Qiniang at that time.

This matter involved the first major Jiangnan case. At that time, Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall jointly tried the case. The main person involved in the case, Fang Linhou, wanted to survive and asked his family to give ten yuan to the deputy head of Beichen Hall who was responsible for the matter. Wan Taiping's official ticket, but after he was named by Master Donghua, it was destined that no one could save him. The deputy hall master accepted the money and agreed, but during the court hearing, the deputy hall master of Beichen Hall took out the 100,000 peace money intact and gave it to Fengxian Hall in the name of bribery, and even There were also photos taken as evidence, giving Fang Linhou the final blow. He was punished with an additional penalty and was executed immediately.

Fang Linhou was just an abandoned son who was thrown out by others. He had some influence, but he was not a big deal. No matter how hard Feng Xiantang tried it, it couldn't come out. Because Fang Linhou's weakness is his family, he may not survive if he tells her, but his wife and children will definitely die, so even if he kills him, he doesn't dare to tell him.

Qi Xuansu asked Qiniang at that time if Liuhu was the daughter of Fang Linhou.

Qiniang gave a negative answer.

The major Jiangnan case involved not only one Fang Linhou, but also many people. Among those people, there were those who actively participated, and some who participated passively. There were those who killed people who were not unjustly killed, and there were also those who innocently took the blame. They all know more or less the inside story, and they all have wives and children.

According to Qiniang, Liu Hu's father was a small role, just a person who handled specific tasks. He was silenced by his own people when Beichen Hall first started investigating, and he did not even live to see the gate of Fengxian Hall. This man's wife died and he had only one daughter. He himself seemed to have had a premonition, so he entrusted his daughter to someone else in advance, that is, "Bodhisattva Man".

Qiniang also said at the time that Fang Linhou was involved in so many secrets and inside stories. How could the people behind him, including bosses, friends, colleagues, and subordinates, leave his family alone? That is not something Qi Xuansu can interfere with.

Obviously, Qi Xuansu is not what he used to be. He can not only intervene, but also bargain with the real big shots.

So Qiniang brought up the old story again.

Qi Xuansu asked, "Liuhu is protected by you?"

"Of course." Qiniang said, "Someone wanted to silence her, but I noticed it, so I transferred her to test your abilities."

Qi Xuansu was a little excited. "Although the evidence of the second Jiangnan case was destroyed by a fire and Siming Zhenjun, Liu Hu definitely has important evidence related to the first Jiangnan case. She is also a personal witness." , otherwise those people would not silence me. Qiniang, tell me the truth, what is Liu Hu’s true identity?”

Qiniang no longer conceals "their

In fact, you guessed it right, she is Fang Linhou's daughter, but she is a deeply hidden illegitimate daughter, so she was missed. It is true that Fang Linhou is a scapegoat, and it is also true that he is unclean. There is no need to overturn the verdict for him, but we need fairness. Fang Linhou is already dead. Will Fang Linhou's accomplices die? "

Qi Xuansu clicked his tongue and said, "These righteous words come from your mouth, which is quite ironic."

Qiniang directly took Xiao Yin's hand and said, "Xiao Yin, let's go back to Borneo and ride a crane to Nanyang."

Qi Xuansu hurriedly stopped him, "I was wrong. I'm wrong. Why don't you hand the person over to me first?"

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