Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 33: Asking for Slashing

For Jinling Mansion, this was another unusual night. There was quite a commotion, especially the sound of the brigade's spiritual officers moving. Many people did not dare to sleep a wink all night, for fear that another secret association would cause trouble.

Early the next morning, when people walked out of their homes, they found that there were still many armed spiritual officers patrolling the streets. Although there was no full martial law, the atmosphere in the city was still quite tense, indicating that the various movements last night were not uniform. It was a dream, but something really happened.

Soon, news spread that something had happened to Li Cixi of Jiangnan Daofu. There were many spiritual officials standing outside Li Cixi's mansion, looking like they were going to ransack the house. Something must have happened.

For most people, Li Cixi, who has a big tree and deep roots, is no stranger. Although he is a big shot and is quite far away from ordinary people, he is still widely known because he has been in Jiangnan for too long.

To be fair, Li Tianlan's reputation is not too bad. Whatever happens, he hides behind the scenes and does not come forward in person. Most people don't know what he has done. It's just that ordinary people don't care about the high-level struggle in the Taoist sect, so after a brief discussion, it quickly returned to calm.

However, there was a huge shock within the Taoist Palace. Li Tianlan had been the second deputy palace master for more than ten years. The head and chief of the palace had changed several times, but he had always remained standing.

Outsiders didn't know what Li Tianlan had done, but people inside the Taoist government knew about it. As early as the first major Jiangnan case, there was news that Li Tianlan might fall into Skynet. As a result, Fang Linhou became the scapegoat. , the seven-member team of the second Jiangnan case came with great force, and in the end, the fire could not do anything to Li Tianlan.

This is like the story of the boy who cried wolf. The wolf didn't come the first two times, but when the wolf did come the third time, he didn't believe it.

But I have to believe it. Some people still remember that Qi Xuansu, who is now the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall, also participated in the second Jiangnan case, but at that time Qi Xuansu was only a "follower" of Chief Zhang and Chief Lei. But no one expected that in three years of Hedong and three years of Hexi, Chief Qi had captured Li Tianlan ahead of time before Chief Zhang attacked Jiangnan Province three times.

Both those who knew the inside story and those who didn't knew the inside story believed that the matter was related to Chief Qi - this was an obvious thing. When Chief Qi didn't come, everything was calm. As soon as Chief Qi arrived, Second Chair Li collapsed. Oh, how can there be such a coincidence in the world.

Of course, Li Tianlan still has some members, but they are all in panic. Without Li Tianlan as the leader, they will not be able to make any trouble.

Zhang Jucheng took charge of the overall situation and did not personally participate in the arrest of Li Tianlan. In addition to preventing some external forces from taking advantage of the chaos, it also prevented these people from running away. Under Zhang Jucheng's command, they were all closely monitored. Once any action was taken, , take it immediately. The main reason why they were not captured immediately was to interrogate Li Tianlan first, and then arrest them all once the evidence was sufficient. Now I have the advantage, there is no need to take risks to do some illegal operations, but to do it according to the procedures so that others can't find any fault.

What Master Qingwei said "until Li Tianlan" refers to people who are on the same level as Li Tianlan or above Li Tianlan, such as Wu Guangbi. These small fish and shrimps below Li Tianlan are naturally not included.

Zhang Jucheng is now in a good mood. He has overthrown Li Tianlan and further consolidated his authority as the real person in charge. It is not difficult to speak out. There is no obstacle to the implementation of Jinque's decision to block Fenglinzhou. This is called sharpening the knife and chopping firewood.

This made Zhang Jucheng sigh again, no wonder Donghua Zhenren likes Qi Xuansu, who is capable of doing things, able to fight against things, and has a good reputation. He is not the kind of person who becomes arrogant and disowns others when he succeeds. It would be great if the Zhang family had such a successor. To take a step back, if his daughter can gain some momentum and find him such a son-in-law, he will have no regrets.

On the other side, after Qi Xuansu captured Li Tianlan, he immediately contacted Zhang Yuelu.

This has also been Zhang Yuelu's long-cherished wish. Ever since she first emerged in the Taoist sect, she has been inseparable from the Jiangnan case. After several entanglements, she was heading straight for the day when Zhang Yuelu became the real person in charge of the government. In the end, Let Qi Xuansu solve it in advance.

"Qingxiao." Qi Xuansu used a sutra urn to form a projection, and the two of them seemed to be talking face to face.

It was late at night, and Zhang Yuelu across from him was still dressed in formal clothes, but he just took off his lotus crown. Judging from the situation, he must have been awake all night: "Tian Yuan, what happened so late?"

Zhang Yuelu's tone was not relaxed, even a little nervous. As we all know, Qi Xuansu is a person who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. He usually takes the initiative to contact Zhang Yuelu not many times. When he suddenly contacted her in the middle of the night, Zhang Yuelu's first reaction was that something had happened.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Don't be so serious. I came to you so late because I wanted to tell you good news."

Zhang Yuelu felt relieved a little and joked: "What's the good news? Could it be that Jinque has already made a decision and wants you to join Jinque now and become the Master of Shenzhi?"

Qi Xuansu let it slip: "You should be able to guess what I've been doing these days."

Zhang Yuelu thought about it seriously and said with some uncertainty: "Based on the time, you should still be in Jiangnan Daofu now. When you were in Yujing, you mentioned Li Ping's matter to me. Could it be that..."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "You guessed it right. Uncle Zhang and I teamed up and successfully captured Li Tianlan. Is this good news?"

Zhang Yuelu was stunned for a while, then leaned back on the chair, feeling quite relieved: "Of course it's good news. After so many years, we finally got this old ghost down."

This sigh can be described as sincere. When Zhang Yuelu was a young girl, she fought with this old ghost and almost died in Jiangnan. Now she is the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Palace and is about to get married. It finally comes to an end, and this period of time is really not short.

Qi Xuansu said: "It is considered as revenge for you. When someone intercepted and killed you, it was these people led by Li Tianlan who did it. For me, it is a shock. No matter who is behind it, this is a warning. "

Zhang Yuelu looked reminiscing and said softly: "Do you still remember what happened back then? The two of us walked from Yujing back to Yunjin Mountain. That was considered a trip to the world, right? On the way, I also learned some slang from you in the world. But there’s no use for it, and you don’t say these dirty words anymore.”

"How could I forget?" Qi Xuansu said, "That was the most relaxing and happy day in my life. That's why I have to tell you the news as soon as possible."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "Three big whites should be floating around."

Qi Xuansu also used this topic to retrieve the memories of when the two first met: "I remember that before we left Yujing, we went to see a new play. The tickets were given by Ning Zhenren. It was good. I went to see it again, but I never had the chance. I was so busy that I couldn’t get enough time to go there.”

Zhang Yuelu joked: "The key is that no one will send tickets anymore."

Qi Xuansu said: "I thought you were going to say that if our love lasts for a long time, how can we stay together day and night?"

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand and said, "I can't tell."

The two chatted for half an hour before ending the call. Qi Xuansu returned to Tianxin Dao Palace before dawn.

Tianxin Taoist Palace is the core of Jiangnan Taoist Palace. For the Taoist government, there are not many secrets in the Taoist Palace. Unless there are only two people like Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng talking in secret, no matter how confidential things are, they will disappear in the Taoist Palace in a short time. There will be wind. Wherever the wind goes, whoever observes the direction of the wind will be able to seek benefits and avoid disasters.

Li Tianlan was arrested late at night. In less than half an hour, the news spread throughout the Taoist mansion. The east had not yet turned white, the red sun had not yet risen, and the whole Taoist mansion was already filled with a mighty dawn breeze.

At this time, the lobby of the Taoist Palace was already full of people, with numerous Taoist crowns and dazzling crane cloaks.

However, it was different from usual times. At this time, the camps were clearly divided. Some people looked terrified, as if they were waiting for the final judgment. Others were obviously more relieved, but they also looked serious.

There was silence in the entire lobby.

After a while, Zhang Jucheng strode in, with the wind blowing under his feet and high spirits.

Lei Xiaohuan was half a body behind, following Zhang Jucheng to the left, and to the right was a spiritual officer in black armor, taking the place of Li Tianlan, the second deputy palace master.

It was very uncommon for spiritual officials to participate in discussions. When Qi Xuansu was in Borneo, he could only bring in two first-grade spiritual officials to participate in the Taoist government's meetings. Normally, spiritual officials could not participate in the affairs of the palace master.

This adds to the unusual atmosphere today.

Zhang Jucheng and the others entered from the south gate, passed through the passage between the two camps, and came to the foot of the north wall.

The Five Thousand Words of Taozu was engraved on the wall. Zhang Jucheng turned around, facing the crowd with the Huanghuang Five Thousand Words behind him.

Lei Xiaohuan and Lingguan also stood on his left and right.

Zhang Jucheng looked around and said, "Fellow Taoists, maybe some of you already know, maybe some of you don't know yet. The second deputy palace master, Li Tianlan, is currently under investigation by the Taoist sect for being suspected of serious violations of the law."

Once Li Tianlan, who had been standing in the Jiangnan Provincial Government for more than ten years, fell, even though there were rumors early on, people who were not part of Li's party still had doubts, while those who attached to Li Tianlan were lucky. Now that they heard Zhang Jucheng's announcement in court, it was like Tian Feng. Mighty and thunderous!

People who were not from Li Tianlan's group immediately showed expressions of excitement.

The Li Party camp was as if it had been beaten by frost, and everyone looked defeated, frightened and confused.

Zhang Jucheng continued: "If there are people who are accomplices in the crime and confess to the Taoist government as early as possible, they can still be lenient. If they are stubborn and stubborn, they will regret it when they are found out by the Taoist government. They will be dealt with severely and severely. Don't It’s said to be unforeseen.”

As soon as these words came out, many people became even more panicked.

Zhang Jucheng said: "Deputies of the palace, assistants of each branch, and directors and deacons of each department, if they are aware of the illegal activities of Li Tianlan and his accomplices, they can report it immediately. Depending on the specific situation, it will be counted as meritorious service. As for daily dependence, Li Tianlan, I hope you will repent and fight back, and the Taoist government will be merciful as appropriate!"

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