Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 32 Assassin

The Taoist Gate is a Bagua furnace, refining people is like refining elixirs.

If you want to succeed in this, you must practice some skills. The first level, let’s call it city government or sophistication, does not show attitude easily. The second level is based on the previous level, and is more precise and thoughtful at any time. The highest level is what the Holy Master said: Follow your heart's desires without going beyond the rules.

However, some people deify these things too much, and regard the so-called political strategy as an unparalleled dragon-slaying technique. It seems that everyone does not speak human words, but has deep scheming and top-notch skills, and they often play games against the heavens. They are intertwined and can be reversed at any time. Everyone has an endless supply of back tricks. I predicted your predictions and kept trying to match each other. When the two sides fought, it took hundreds of moves from you and me to determine the winner.

This fills the imagination of outsiders about golden hoes.

These are two different things.

In Vanity Fair, life and work are indeed not that simple, but they are not that complicated either. It’s nothing more than human nature.

It is essentially a grassroots team.

In this world, there are only a few smart and capable people, and there are also a few crazy people. The majority are ordinary ordinary people who are middle-of-the-road. We can only see the present, not the future, and those real people who are high above us are no exception.

As for the immortals, what happened to the immortals? Only the past remains unchanged, the future has countless possibilities, and the immortal can only see one possibility.

In the final analysis, there is calculation, but it is limited to calculation.

Everyone takes one step and sees one step. If you can take one step and see two steps, you are an expert. Who can see ten steps later? Naturally, one could not have known earlier why today would be necessary in the first place.

Li Tianlan's behavioral logic is consistent. His downfall today was all caused by the word money.

The wages of avarice is death.

Some people wonder that at this time, Li Tianlan still failed to escape early due to property issues, which would be a pity for his cunningness. If Li Tianlan could figure this out, why would he wait until now? He has never been greedy from the beginning. With his back to the Li family, who can do anything to get him? Will the second-ranking deputy palace master still lack food and clothing? .qgν.

Li Tianlan is not someone like Fang Linhou or Ma Jinguo. No one has ever forced him, and no one has forced him to be greedy. This is also the advantage of being a child of an aristocratic family. If he takes the initiative to be greedy, he can still live if he commits evil deeds committed by God, but he cannot live if he commits evil deeds of his own accord.

Those who are timid will not dare to engage in this kind of "business". A courageous person must also be confident and will not let go easily.

If you can let go, you will let it go a long time ago. If you can't let it go, you will not let it go until you die.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng were not clever, they had prepared seven or eight clever plans in advance. They improvised and planned to make a fuss about Li Ping. Later, I found that I couldn't move, and I felt worried. It was Qiniang who sent Liu Hu here, and this solved the problem.

When it came to the specific actions, the two just discussed briefly and made a simple division of labor. Then they acted according to the situation and made decisions on the spot, testing their ability to adapt to changes.

It's best to take it down with one move. If you can't take it down, think of ways to take it down.

Therefore, this duel between the two factions is not a game of chess. You come and I make strange moves frequently. It is more like a hand-to-hand encounter.

The test here is still the information gap. With the information advantage, how can you calculate the winning number? Without the information advantage, you are like a blind and deaf person who can only rely on guessing.

Shi Luosi was counterattacked, Wu Guangbi was blocked by Wu Niang, and Li Tianlan had no other backup plan and could only face Qi Xuansu alone.

Qi Xuansu got close in an instant. The burly human immortal body and the phoenix wings that had not yet been retracted made Qi Xuansu's whole body feel like a mountain weighing down on him, making people suffocating.

Qi Xuansu raised his fist high.

The majestic pressure of the Good Fortune Warrior actually made all kinds of gravel and debris on the ground rise up from the ground contrary to common sense, suspended in mid-air, and then unable to withstand the pressure, they were crushed into powder.

Li Tianlan, who was locked by both divine thoughts and fists, could not even move and could not avoid it.

Qi Xuansu punched out.

Li Tianlan flew out and his body fell into the city wall again.

Qi Xuansu used his skill and skill, but the city wall did not shake at all. Li Tianlan seemed to be embedded in it, tightly fitting without any gaps.

Qi Xuansu turned his fist into claws and reached out to grab Li Tianlan.

Wu Guangbi, who was fighting fiercely with Wuniang, could not sit idly by and used his full sword to temporarily force Wuniang back. However, his sleeves were burned by Wuniang, and his whole body turned into a sword light and came straight towards Qi Xuansu.

Wu Niang turned into a flash of fire and followed closely behind the sword light.

Qi Xuansu was experienced in many battles, and he had a similar mind with Wuniang. He immediately changed his direction and faced Wu Guangbi, forming a two-sided attack with Wuniang.

Facing the menacing Wu Guangbi, Qi Xuansu still faced the enemy with bare hands.

To be fair, Qi Xuansu really doesn't know how to use a sword.

As Wu Guangbi said, without the "two swords combined", Qi Xuansu's swordsmanship would really not be on the stage.

Qi Xuansu's right palm was pushed upward, somewhat similar to the "Shi Wuwei Seal", but not exactly the same. .

This form is exactly "Past Sumeru".

The past remains unchanged and Mount Sumeru is unshakable.

Therefore, this posture is the main defense.

Although the palm is facing outward, this palm does not attack the enemy outwards, but protects itself inwards. Within the scope of this palm, it will not move in the past.

I saw that Qi Xuansu's whole body quickly faded from color, like a silhouette in a pile of old papers, an image in history, a picture that has turned dark yellow.

No matter how fierce the mighty sword light was, it became meaningless. The sword light passed directly through the range of Qi Xuansu's palm, as if Qi Xuansu did not exist at all, it was just an image, without any impact on him.

Of course, "Past Sumeru" is not invulnerable. If there is no space to carry it, then time is meaningless, and Wufu's broken void realm can be broken.

It's a pity that Wu Guangbi is the descendant of the Earth Immortal and does not have such means.

However, this move also has a shortcoming. First, it is impossible to perform other actions while maintaining this state. Second, it consumes a lot of money. Even if Qi Xuansu is close to the pseudo-immortal, he cannot maintain it for too long. Almost at the same time as the sword light ends, Qi Xuansu This state also ended, and he even became temporarily weak because his cultivation was not as good as Huangfu Ji's.

Wu Guangbi was about to use his sword against Qi Xuansu again, but Wuniang had already arrived and stood in front of Wu Guangbi.

"Go away."

Wu Guangbi stood on his head with his eyebrows raised, and swept the sword in his hand.

In an instant, the entire space was only black and white, with countless ink-like sword marks crisscrossing each other, becoming denser and denser, and converging into a huge ink mark.

Wu Niang did not dodge at all and allowed the sword to fall on her body.

Her true body is an immortal object, and destroying an immortal object is probably even more difficult than killing an immortal.

When Wuniang faced Xu Zu and Xuan Sheng in the Kunlun Cave, Xu Zu directly used the "Taiyi Technique", but the result was only a serious injury to Wuniang, but allowed Wuniang to retreat calmly. Not to mention that Xu Zu was not good at dealing with others. In terms of fighting, among the Taoist ancestors, Xu Zu killed the most people. He even once fought against all the immortals on his own. How could Wu Guangbi compare with Xu Zu?

Wu Guangbi raised his eyebrows and noticed this. It was really pointless to continue fighting like this, so he could only force her back temporarily. He was about to push Wu Niang away with his sword energy, when he suddenly found feathers one after another coming from "Seven Birds and Five Birds". "Fire Fan" floated out and then fell on him. The colors were different, including phoenix feathers, green luan feathers, and Bi Fang feathers. They were all the feathers of various divine birds, and these divine birds had one thing in common: they were good at Use flame.

Wu Niang smiled and said: "Burn into ashes."

There were more and more of these feathers, covering Wu Guangbi's entire body, and then various flames came out from the gaps in the feathers, burning Wu Guangbi into a flaming human form.

Qi Xuansu said deliberately: "Wu Niang, use all kinds of fire to refine him to death."

"What do you need to say? If I can refine him to death, I will definitely not be lenient. If I can't refine him to death, it's useless for you to say." Wu Niang said, "Go and do your business."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and moved towards Li Tianlan.

The brigade of spiritual officers finally surrounded them, waiting for Qi Xuansu's order.

The spiritual officials always arrive late after the matter is over.

However, Qi Xuansu did not count on them and ordered: "Capture a bunch of people."

The spiritual officers suddenly accepted the order and stepped forward.

Anyone can see that the situation for Li Cixi is over, and there is no need to worry about anything at this time.

However, the leading spiritual officer still asked specifically: "Chief, this Westerner seems to be the representative of the Holy See in Mary Cathedral."

Qi Xuansu only responded with three words: "I know."

The people below understood immediately and didn't ask any more questions. Since Chief Qi knows this person's identity and ordered his arrest, it means that Chief Qi knows the consequences and does not need to remind him too much.

After Shi Luosi was backlashed, he had no power to fight back. Faced with the black hole of the gun, he surrendered very wisely: "Don't kill me, I am a representative of the Holy Court."

The faces of the second-grade spiritual officers were hidden under the dark visors, and their expressions could not be seen clearly. Apart from asking for instructions from their superiors, the spiritual officers hardly spoke and only waved their hands.

Two spiritual officers came forward and took Shi Luosi away.

Li Tianlan was punched twice by Qi Xuansu and was severely injured. These spiritual officers were not ordinary people. Not to mention the second-grade spiritual officers, the other spiritual officers were all fully armed and surrounded Li Tianlan. They were highly nervous and all the firearms in their hands were aimed at them. That’s right, Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan didn't resist anymore and closed his eyes in despair.

The second-grade spiritual officer raised his hand and made a forward movement.

The spiritual officers moved forward slowly, while most of the spiritual officers still pointed blazing guns at Li Tianlan. Then two third-grade spiritual officers stepped forward and lifted the second deputy palace master off the city wall. .

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "Take it away!"

On the other side, Wu Niang failed to refine Wu Guangbi after all. Various flames flickered on and off, and finally the feathers flew away, and then Wu Guangbi turned into a sword light and rose into the sky.

The leader of the avenue did not stop for a moment and fled directly.

Just as the spiritual officials were about to raise their blunderbuss, Qi Xuansu raised his hand to stop him: "Don't waste your efforts, let him go."

It wasn't that Qi Xuansu was soft-hearted, but the greeting from Master Qingwei had an effect - until Li Tianlan.

Qi Xuansu is not a character who can walk sideways in the Taoist sect. Master Qingwei took a step back, and then he kicked his nose and face, which was a bit disrespectful.

Is Master Qingwei really a clay Bodhisattva?

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