Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 37 Cleaning up the mess

After Zhang Yuelu arrived at the Wanxiang Dao Palace, he received an exceptional reception. After all, he is the successor of Master Cihang, and is expected to join the ranks of Master Shenzhi in the future. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace should not neglect him.

The exception here is not about the material standard treatment. Wanxiang Taoist Palace will not easily leave such a handle. The main issue is who will come forward to receive it. Although the real person in charge of the palace did not show up, it was the second deputy palace owner who showed up in person.

The Vientiane Taoist Palace is also the only one among many Taoist palaces that has the position of deputy palace master.

Zhang Yuelu checked Qi Xuansu's relevant files here and learned about the dusty past.

To briefly summarize, in that term of the Dragon and Tiger Club, Yue Liuli took personal revenge, Qi Xuansu was plotted by Yue Liuli, and almost died at the hands of Wan Xiuwu.

This confirmed part of Zhang Yuelu's guess.

But there are still many things that cannot be explained.

Just when Zhang Yuelu was planning to continue the investigation, Zhang Yuelu received an official letter from Tiangang Hall.

The two Taoist priests in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan" were dead and one was imprisoned. Jinque suspected that a secret society of demons was involved and ordered a thorough investigation by Tiangang Tang. Zhang Yuelu happened to be nearby, so Tiangang Tang decided to let Zhang Yuelu take charge of the case.

Zhang Yuelu immediately set off for Zixian Mountain.

It took a long time from the eighth day when Yang Yang informed the Taoist sect in the name of the 7000th household of Qingluan Guard, to the Taoist sect reporting to each level, and finally to Yujing to form a decision.

When Zhang Yuelu arrived at Zixian Mountain, it was already the third day after the incident.

At this time, "Tianle Taoyuan" has been closed for business, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.

Now the person who controls the situation in "Tianle Taoyuan" is actually the outsider named Ba Tianyang. In the past three days, some Taoist deacons had raised objections, but on the eighth day Yang raised his objections with just one word.

He has already reported to the reporter, and it won't take long for the Taoist sect to send someone to deal with the matter. Considering that the two Taoist priests in charge are involved in this major murder case, and Zixianshan has repeatedly obstructed the handling of the case, so before this, all The Taoist priests in "Tianle Taoyuan" are not allowed to act rashly. If he couldn't wait for even three days, it would make people doubt whether it was related to this case.

No one wants to get involved when the situation is unclear. In addition, the eighth day Yang only blocked the exit of "Tianle Taoyuan", Tianle Palace, warehouse and other few places, and did not imprison anyone, so it was not necessary to do so. Approved the practice of raising on the eighth day.

As for Liu Futong who was imprisoned, he was not imprisoned on the eighth day, but by Su Ran.

After Zhang Yuelu met Ba Tianyang, he quickly took over "Tianle Taoyuan" and got a preliminary understanding of the case from Ba Tianyang.

Although the eighth day Yang did not know that Zhang Yuelu was tracking down Wei Wugui, out of loyalty to his friends, he deliberately downplayed the existence of Wei Wugui and replaced him with a very vague "colleague in black", who was no longer Wei Wugui. He could kill Su Ran alone, but with the help of everyone.

Zhang Yuelu arrived here for the first time and was not familiar with the situation yet, so he did not think deeply about it. After she had a preliminary understanding of the case, she ignored Liu Futong, who was imprisoned in Tianle Palace, and went to check on Su Ran's body first.







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