Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 38 Sensation is a barrier

Qi Xuansu returned to reality, still in a daze.

Yao Yueyan, Yao Ling, Yao Pei, the Yao family must be run by women, and men can only be reduced to vassals.

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt that being a man of the Yao family was really not interesting. It was better to be a man of the Zhang family or the Li family. At least he could be the master of the family. In the past, some people said that he was Yao Xuansu, but now he has to make a serious statement that his surname is not Yao.

However, there was a generation gap between Yao Ling and Yao Pei. The middle generation, Yao Yi, Yao Shu and others, were all men. There was a lack of women with the blood of the great witch, so Donghua Zhenren succeeded in taking the throne. It can be seen that the Yao family is not willing, but they have no choice but to use Donghua Zhenren as a transition. Donghua Zhenren, a person with a different surname, is not willing to do this, so naturally he will have differences and conflicts with the Earth Master, which corresponds to this.

As for the issue of having children, for the Yao family who have established the creation project, isn't it easy to create a human being? Not to mention induction conception and the virgin mother giving birth to a child in a manger, even if a man gives birth to a child, it is not a problem. Have you heard of the legends of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom and the Zimu River?

Qi Xuansu even suspected that the Yao family could extract bloodline power, but this bloodline was only suitable for women and was incompatible with men, so it naturally could not be implanted. Therefore, only women in the Yao family could ascend, which is somewhat similar to the special status of the Qingqiu Mountain bloodline of the Li family. .

One thing is very strange. Yao Xianglian and Yao Yueyan, like the Zhang family and the Li family, all have three-character names. Later, for some reason, the Yao family started to use two-character names. I don't know what the purpose is. The others were okay, barely tolerable, but the name Yao Qi sounded perfunctory from the inside out. Yao Qi, whose pseudonym is Qiniang? As expected of being picked up.

Also, the Ten Witches of Lingshan and Wu Yang are both women, which shows that the ancient witchcraft is a typical yin and yang decline, so he got the "Heart of Immortality Stone" inherited from the witchcraft, will there be any side effects?

Is there a possibility that this "Heart of Immortality Stone" was originally prepared for women like Zhou Mengyao, Qiniang, and Yao Pei, but because he entered the Lingshan Cave, Qiniang who had the "Heart of Immortality Stone" He changed his mind and finally gave him the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". This produced a series of consequences. Although the Yao family and Zhou Mengyao did not agree with Qiniang's approach, they could not change it and could only make mistakes. At the same time, in order to prevent Qiniang from leaking the secret, Zhou Mengyao came forward to sign a contract with Qiniang.

If this speculation is true, even if Qi Xuansu finally pays the price that has been marked in his destiny, but ends up going down another terrible path, that is unacceptable. He must find a solution.

The idea of ​​​​this method is not difficult. As we all know, the Lingshan Ten Witches and Wu Yang also have a common boss, that is the Emperor of Heaven. In various legends, it is often the Emperor of Heaven who orders the Ten Witches and Wu Yang to do this and that, usually to save their lives. People dominate. It can be seen that in this system, it is not just about the rise and fall of yin and the decline of yang. The Emperor of Heaven is known as the Three Thousand Queens, which represents the absolute yang, corresponding to the yin of the eleven witches, and also to the heaven and earth.

If we can find the inheritance or things related to the Emperor of Heaven, can we reconcile Yin and Yang? Maybe we can use this as an opportunity to break through the shackles of being banished to immortals the day after tomorrow.

Kunlun is also known as the capital of the emperor. The "emperor" here refers to the Emperor of Heaven, so the solution is likely to be in the Kunlun Cave.

If you want to explore the Kunlun Cave in depth, you must obtain permission from the Taoist sect.

That is to say, become a great master.

As long as you become the Grand Master, the Zixiao Palace will be the daily residence of the whole family, the Zifu will be the courtyard for casual walks, and the Kunlun Cave will be the back garden.

As a result, there was one more reason to have to compete for the title of Grand Master.

Qi Xuansu thought so and looked at the scroll in his hand.

This was formed by the divine power of True Lord Purple Light, and it also came to the real world with him. It did not dissipate, but immediately solidified, just like the real thing.

The higher the level of the spell, the closer it is to reality. At the level of Zhenjun Ziguang, one can already create things out of nothing, which is to create something out of nothing, which is extremely real.

The scroll was rolled up at this time, with little starlight scattered around it.

It is obvious that True Lord Ziguang has deep scruples about the Earth Master's lineage. Some words cannot be said clearly. It may be that after mentioning it, the Earth Master will feel emotional and even take revenge on True Lord Ziguang. True Lord Ziguang may not be afraid, but he also doesn't want to She had many enemies of life and death for no reason, which would hinder her ascension in the future, so True Lord Ziguang finally chose to tell Qi Xuansu in this way.

To put it bluntly, just don't speak human words and let Qi Xuansu understand. When I realized it, it was because of the enlightenment from the True Monarch Ziguang. If you can't realize it, you can't blame others. You can only blame yourself for your own inability.

Qi Xuansu stood up and unfolded the scroll.

This is a painting of a figure from behind.

However, Qi Xuansu still recognized it at a glance. This was a certain generation of Earth Master. The reason is not complicated either. The shape of the crane cloak and the fish tail crown on the head.

The great masters of Zhengyi Dao wear a hibiscus crown, the great masters of Taiping Dao wear a Ruyi crown, and the great masters of Quanzhen Dao wear a fishtail crown. ..

Although the Earth Master in the portrait had his back to Qi Xuansu, he turned his head and looked back at the same time, revealing a side face.

But it's a pity that even the side face is covered with a bronze mask, making it difficult to see the true face.

Qi Xuansu knew that this mask was a relic of the ancient witch sect. After the witch sect was destroyed, it fell into the hands of Xu Zu. Because Qi Xuansu is a veteran player of the Xuansheng Card, Xu Zu either wears this mask or hangs it around his waist in different portraits of the Xuansheng Card, which is all very memorable.

Qi Xuansu had an intuition that this was Yao Yueyan, the fourth generation earth master.

In addition, there are many details in the painting. For example, there is a layer of clothing under the crane's cloak. It is as black as ink and has shadows swimming around. It should be the fairy "Yin Yang Fairy Clothes". It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and can cast " The magical power of "The Universe in the Sleeve" has two sides, Yin and Yang, each with different magical powers.

There is also a seal hanging on the Earth Master's waist, which should be "Heaven Yang, Earth Yin, Candle Dragon Seal".

These all reveal the identity of the Earth Master, and help Qi Xuansu rule out the possibility of the current Earth Master Yao Ling, because the "Heaven Yang Earth Yin Candle Dragon Seal" is not in the hands of the Earth Master. Now this seal is in the hands of Donghua Zhenren .

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is not Difei Mountain or Kunlun Jade Capital, but more like Lingshan Cave.

The black Lingshan, the broken and stagnant mountain, the continuous thunder and lightning, the ravine-ridden land, and the apocalyptic sky all correspond to the Lingshan in Qi Xuansu's memory.

Yao Yueyan is walking towards Lingshan?

Are you going to Yaozu's palace?

Is this a fragment that Zhenjun Ziguang saw in the past?

Qi Xuansu was speechless for a long time.

Since it has been determined that True Lord Ziguang cannot speak human language, Qi Xuansu will definitely not let Qi Xuansu see the truth at a glance.

After Qi Xuansu found nothing more, he was about to close the painting. Suddenly, his heart moved. He tried to infuse divine power into the scroll, and then the painting came to life.

In the painting, Yao Yueyan stretched out her hand and pressed on the bronze mask, making a gesture to take off the mask on her face, but she stopped just as soon as her chin was exposed. No matter how much Qi Xuansu poured in his divine power, there was no movement at all.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but cursed, "You're just so appetizing, aren't you?"

He could finally see that Ziguang Zhenjun and Tianshi were indeed a family, and they both had the same virtues, so they had to say that half of them were hidden and the other half was hanging on him. He was like a stupid donkey, looking at the carrots that would never be eaten before him, and took steps to run forward in the direction they wanted.

Qi Xuansu closed the scroll in his hand and stopped thinking about it.

Now at least some of the doubts have been solved. The Earth Master had a plan. Qiniang may have ruined this plan to a certain extent, but she was helpless and unable to resist the Earth Master. She should be fishing for fish and water now.

Then the crisis Qi Xuansu faces should mainly come from Earth Master and Zhou Mengyao.

This roughly corresponds to some of Qi Xuansu's speculations.

Because there is a conflict between Master Donghua and Master Donghua, Qi Xuansu wants to stay close to Master Donghua and use the big tree of Master Donghua to shield Master Earth from the wind and rain.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also has an enemy who is Taiping Dao. This has nothing to do with conspiracy. The main reason is that Qi Xuansu hindered Li Changge's path. The two have a clear competitive relationship. It is related to the highest power. It is a life-and-death struggle. There is no concession. possible. In order to deal with Taiping Dao, apart from Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu also had to make good friends with Zhengyi, because of the dispute between Zhang and Li, because the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu attacked the Quanzhen Dao with one hand and the Taiping Dao with the other, but did not touch the Zhengdao.

Another point is that Ziguang Zhenjun mentioned his Taoist companion, which should be Zhang Yuelu. According to Zhenjun Ziguang, at some point in the future, Zhang Yuelu will fall into a huge crisis and be unable to escape. At this time, another fake Zhang Yuelu comes to him to gain his trust, and then Backstab him.

This inevitably made Qi Xuansu think of the Earth Master's concern for Zhang Yuelu. Don't forget that it was the Earth Master who was the first to take a fancy to Zhang Yuelu and promote him!

Qi Xuansu suddenly came up with the idea that if Qiniang hadn't caused trouble, would this "Heart of the Immortality Stone" fall on Zhang Yuelu? After all, no one said that the innate banished immortal must not be able to use the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". What if it can be used? Xuan Sheng will not use it.

Qi Xuansu respected Zhang Yuelu very much and regarded her as an equal. Qi Xuansu would not have to shoulder everything by himself, and then only wanted Zhang Yuelu to be carefree under his wings.

This is a common problem that many men are proud of.

But it is also contempt for women, treating women as babies without the ability to move.

If Qi Xuansu really did this, the first person who would be unhappy would be Zhang Yuelu. In her opinion, this matter is also my business. Why do you make the decision for me? Why don't you tell me? We are equal partners and allies, helping each other instead of being attached to each other and being a parasite. I don't need to hide behind or under anyone's wings. If you can do it, so can I.

So Qi Xuansu planned to tell Zhang Yuelu about this matter, firstly to ask Zhang Yuelu to help with the details, and secondly to let Zhang Yuelu be on guard so that he would not be betrayed and still think about other people's good things.

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