Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 72 Xiao Yin and Di Liu (Part 1)

These two futures belong to relatively complete "lines", and some of the "lines" have ended abruptly.

Among these "lines" that ended abruptly, some were due to "Gui Zang Deng" that was not deduced, and some were due to Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin dying midway, and naturally there was no result.

For example, there is a "line" in which Qi Xuansu was involved in the internal fighting among the ancient gods in the southern continent. Unfortunately, he died early and did not reach the stage of internal fighting in the Taoist sect. Then "Gui Cang Leng" did not deduce that far, only deduced a small part. When Qi Xuansu died, it indeed caused a certain sensation and received various posthumous titles from the Taoist sect. However, Qi Xuansu's death was like the splash caused by a pebble thrown into water. It was nothing in the long history of Taoism and was soon forgotten.

Xiao Yin was also quickly forgotten. First she followed Zhang Yuelu, but later Zhang Yuelu went "crazy" and was imprisoned by the Zhang family. Xiao Yin has disappeared since then, probably back to the ghost country Dongtian.

There is also the "line" that Xiao Yin died halfway. Xiao Yin dreamed of another self. It was an ordinary afternoon. Xiao Yin went out to hunt for treasures as usual. Neither Qi Xuansu nor Zhang Yuelu thought much about it. They just thought that Xiao Yin would come back after playing outside for a few days as usual. But I never expected that Xiao Yin would never come back again.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu panicked and hurriedly searched everywhere, but Xiao Yin seemed to have disappeared from the world, leaving no trace.

One day many years later, Xiao Yin suddenly came back, but she was already dying. No one knew how she entered Yujing. She seemed to be fighting her last breath and relying on her obsession to return home. After that, she couldn't hold on any longer, and she didn't even wait until Qi Xuansu sent her to Huasheng Hall.

Finally, Qi Xuansu took her back to the cave of the ghost country and buried her under the emperor's willow.

Naturally, "Gui Cang Deng" did not continue to deduce, and it did not say whether Qi Xuansu eventually became the Grand Master.

Of course, Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin both died, which meant it ended on the spot, not even the subsequent short deduction.

There is an obvious logic here, that is, at least one of Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin must be alive for this "line" to continue. Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin are key figures and belong to the "protagonists". As for the others, whether Zhang Yuelu or Qiniang, including the third division, they have no influence on life or death and are considered "supporting characters".

From this, we can deduce a conclusion that there is some connection between Qi Xuansu, Xiao Yin and "Guizang Deng".

So Qi Xuansu took out the "Guizang Lamp" and pointed it at Xiao Yin. If the conditions were met, he woke up the "Guizang Lamp" that had been "pretending to be asleep".

This also reminded Qi Xuansu of what happened last time. When he returned to the Lingshan Cave in the past, he gathered these three elements. Qi Xuansu was in seclusion, the "Guizang Lamp" placed aside, and the " "Gui Zang Deng" Xiao Yin fell asleep inexplicably. .

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but have a guess. Was it because Xiao Yin touched the "Guizang Lamp" that he returned to the Lingshan Cave in the past?

If this guess is true, what ability does Xiao Yin have to cause such consequences?

Qi Xuansu's first reaction was Di Liu.

Of course Xiao Yin herself does not have such ability. How can a little girl who was beaten by Fenglinzhou monster and screamed have the power of an immortal. But Di Liu was different. Emperor Liu is even better than ordinary immortals. It is said that two ancient immortals died because of Emperor Liu.

Before that, Qi Xuansu read some documents and information while at the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, and initially came to another conclusion.

The caves, kingdoms of gods, spiritual worlds, and hells that have never touched the ground are between the human world and the boundless and mysterious world. This is a special dimension where heavenly catastrophes can be avoided, and it is no longer a category of the human world. But this is not a place to ascend, so you can still return to the human world.

Time is confused here, and space is not stable. Many things that cannot be done in the human world can be done here.

So Qi Xuansu can go back to the past.

However, there is still a question that has not been completely solved. Even if the dimension between heaven and man is very special, achieving this goal requires extremely huge power. According to the estimation of the Taoist seniors, theoretically two people are needed. It will only work if the One Calamity Immortal joins forces.

At present, it is known that there are only three immortals including Zhenjun Ziguang, Wu Luo and Tianshi. This is of course very powerful, but it is not enough to reverse time.

Qi Xuansu suspected that there were other immortals involved, and there was more than one.

Combining the two speculations, it may be possible not to involve other immortals, but to replace it with Diliu, who has huge power.

The Heavenly Master is a quasi-one-kalpa immortal. According to the performance of the national master on the battlefield in Fenglin Prefecture, a quasi-one-kalpa immortal is at least equivalent to a semi-ordinary immortal. In addition, the "Gui Cang Lamp" is a professional counterpart of the immortal. , part of Wu Luo's power, part of Zhenmojing Dongtian's power, he can be regarded as a one-tribulation immortal. Zhenjun Ziguang plus God Liu can also be considered a one-kalpa immortal, so this is probably the right match.

Qi Xuansu has always suspected that the Celestial Master can remotely control the "Guizang Lamp" because there is a precedent for this, whether it was Qi Xuansu's encounter with "Izanozun's left hand" or his later confrontation with Qingwei Zhenren in Yizanozun's kingdom. , the Heavenly Master can control the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Swords" and even influence Qi Xuansu through "Qingyun".

If the Celestial Master can control the "Guicang Lamp", could it be said that Xiao Yin secretly touches the "Guicang Lamp" as expected by the Celestial Master? However, considering that both Tianshi and Ziguang Zhenjun are experts in divination and predicting the future, it is not difficult to predict this.

Qi Xuansu now has a rough guess outline.

All this was the plan of the Heavenly Master. Maybe the Heavenly Master had insight into the Earth Master's plan, or maybe the Heavenly Master knew some of the facts. In short, the Heavenly Master wanted to do the fruit picking, so he personally promoted the matter.

Qi Xuansu actually became a pawn in the game between the Heavenly Master and the Earthly Master.

However, Qi Xuansu can't blame the Heavenly Master, because the Heavenly Master never forced Qi Xuansu and always followed the trend. If Qi Xuansu didn't want to find out, the Heavenly Master's plan would have no effect.

After this incident, Qi Xuansu roughly figured out the reason why he returned to Lingshan Cave.

But this also raises a new question.

Is this guy Xiao Yin so powerful?

Qi Xuansu had known for a long time that Xiao Yin was Di Liu's elf, but he didn't think Xiao Yin was that powerful. Di Liu was powerful, but Xiao Yin obviously couldn't exert Di Liu's power. It was most straightforward to fight against others. The performance of Xiao Yin's combat power is just that. He has a strong body, strong self-healing ability, sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and an amazing appetite, and then he is gone.

Xiao Yin is different from Wuniang. The essence of Wuniang is "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans", which can be understood as the essence of "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" to form a human being. Wuniang is not a human in nature, but a fairy, so immortals are also It is difficult to kill Wu Niang. Xiao Yin's body is not Di Liu, because Xiao Yin is born from Di Liu. Qi Xuansu understands that Xiao Yin is the fruit of Di Liu, so Xiao Yin cannot be equated with Di Liu. Of course, Sun Heyu cannot hurt Di Liu, but he can hurt Xiao Yin. Yin, this also shows that Xiao Yin and Di Liu are not one and the same.

This reminded Qi Xuansu of something Zhang Yuelu once mentioned to him.

Lin Yuanmiao, Pei Xiaolou, and Ji Jiaozhen were brothers, known as the "Three Friends", and they met to drink and fish whales together.

Xiao Yin also wanted to join in, but the three grown men rejected Xiao Yin's proposal because she was too young. Whale fishing is addictive. Sometimes the three of them can fish for a whole day. After being immersed in it, Lin Yuanmiao no longer cares about Xiao Yin, which indirectly caused Xiao Yin to sneak out.

In the end, Lin Yuanmiao personally took action and found Xiao Yin who was playing hide and seek with "Tian Ting".

Zhang Yuelu asked Xiao Yin what she wanted to do. Xiao Yin said that she dreamed of another self and buried treasure in Nanyang. She went out to hunt for treasure. Of course Zhang Yuelu didn't believe it, which led to a series of events that later led to Xiao Yin being sent to Wanxiang Taoist Palace to study.

Even though Qi Xuansu had heard it at the time, he also didn't believe Xiao Yin's words and only regarded it as Xiao Yin's excuse to excuse himself. Now it seems that this may not be an excuse, but the truth.

Just as I was thinking about this, the light of the "Guizang Lantern" suddenly became dark, and Xiao Yin's full-length image appeared in it.


Seal script refers to the shape of bamboo; Tuan refers to the collection of pigs; pigs are the shape of elephants. Seal script is the font before official script. Seal script is divided into large seal script and small seal script. The seal script includes oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Zhou inscriptions, stone drum inscriptions, etc. Xiaozhuan is the font used in the same text as the Zulong Implementation Book.

This kind of writing still has certain traces of hieroglyphics, and is rarely used now. However, Wanxiang Taoist Palace has a special course. Because many records within the Taoist sect are written in small seal script, even oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, this course is specially offered. However, with the beginning of the Dao Sect Translation Movement, Dao Sect unified these ancient materials, compiled them into volumes, and re-recorded them all in modern characters, so this course on ancient characters has become an elective.

No need to ask, Qi Xuansu had never taken this course in the past, and the layout of the seal was special, so it made a joke in front of Yao Pei.

However, Qi Xuansu can be regarded as a courageous person after realizing his shame. After his level reached a high level, his qualifications improved and his learning efficiency was greatly improved. In addition, after his status reached a high level, he must be able to learn two strokes of calligraphy, so Qi Xuansu made up for it again, and it was not a problem to identify the seal script.

This line of seal script is asking Qi Xuansu, "Do you want to know the origin of Xiao Yin?"

Qi Xuansu thought about it seriously and did not agree directly. Instead, he asked: "Then, what is the price?"

Qi Xuansu's experience told him that there is no free lunch in this world. Let's not talk about the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". It has not been dealt with until now. There are also the revelations of True Lord Ziguang, the help of the Heavenly Master, etc., etc. It illustrates the fact that all gifts are secretly marked with a price. Even if the price is not charged now, it will be charged in the future. It is better to ask in advance.

"Gui Zang Deng"'s response was simple: "Divine power."

Qi Xuansu was not surprised. Divine power was indeed hard currency, a currency higher than peace money. The gods recognized that the key to the strategic materials of Taoism and the Holy Court was that divine power had infinite plasticity.

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