Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 73 Xiao Yin and Di Liu (Part 2)

It’s not surprising that fairy creatures need divine power.

Even the power of immortals has its limit, and the power of immortal creatures cannot be infinite.

However, many fairy objects are also divided into several systems.

Some prefer heavenly and earthly immortals, praying to heaven and earth, which means "knocking on the gate of heaven", which can resonate with heaven and earth; Wuniang can heal and recover on her own, and can even take medicine. When Wuniang was injured by Xu Zu in Kunlun Cave, she I once ran to Lu Wushen to buy medicine.

There is also "Su Wang", which is the power of dragon veins and earth energy, which can also be regarded as a category of seeking from heaven and earth.

The "Three-Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Sword" is quite special. It is closely related to the "Pillar" of the Demon Suppressing Platform, and its power also comes from the Demon Suppressing Well Cave below the "Xing Column", and the Demon Suppressing Well Cave can absorb the power of prisoners.

Part of the power of "Three Treasures Ruyi" comes from the Kunlun Cave.

There are also some fairy objects that require the user to provide power. They are similar to a converter, converting the user's power into some kind of magical power.

"Guicang Lamp" obviously does not belong to this category. It does not need Qi Xuansu to provide power, nor can it draw power from heaven and earth on its own, so it requires divine power. .

This type of fairy is also represented by the earth master's fairy "Yin Yang Fairy Clothes", which requires a lot of divine support and can also transform other people's power into one's own divine power.

It can be understood that the divine power is the lamp oil of the "Guizang Lamp". Without the lamp oil, the "Guizang Lamp" is still the "Guizang Lamp", but it cannot illuminate.

Perhaps it was because of the various futures deduced by Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin that the divine power of the "Guicang Lamp" was severely depleted. In addition, Qi Xuansu was sent to Lingshan Cave Heaven before, and now it is close to running out of oil, so the "Guicang Lamp" "An unprecedented transaction request was made.

Qi Xuansu has nothing but divine power. The Taoist sect's "Thirty-three Days" stores a huge amount of divine power, which can even make gods transcend. The key is that it can be reimbursed, and Qi Xuansu can approve it himself. It's nothing more than Qi Xuansu filing an application report, and then approving the application report himself, so that he can receive divine power.

Of course, there is an upper limit on the amount of divine power that Qi Xuansu can call upon. If it exceeds this limit, then Qi Xuansu will have to apply to Master Qingwei. If the expenditure of divine power is required to make Wu Zhu become a god, then it must be discussed at Jinque. However, Qi Xuansu doubted that the Zhang family could actually use so much divine power, because the Zhang family had always been in charge of the "Thirty-three Days".

Hearing that it only requires divine power, Qi Xuansu suddenly gained confidence and calmly said, "Okay."

"Guicang Lantern" was indeed reputable, and it directly illuminated a picture without waiting for Qi Xuansu to pay.

What appeared in the picture was the cave of the ghost country, on the bank of the blood lake deep in it, with two figures walking side by side.

At this time, the blood lake not only does not have much bloody connotation, but also reveals a somewhat different atmosphere. One of the figures is none other than Mr. Yin. He was originally the mastermind of the three evil things. After Master Wan suffered a heavy blow, He replaced Master Wan and became the true leader of the ghost country Dongtian. He was also the one with the highest cultivation level among the three great ghosts, and was only one step away from becoming an immortal.

Walking side by side with Mr. Lao Yin was a young girl wearing a light blue feathered coat with a calm expression.

Qi Xuansu couldn't hear what the two people were talking about. He could only see their figures looming in the mist of the Blood Lake. Not far away was the Emperor Willow, where the Yin Qi of the entire cave sky gathered. The willow branches seemed to fall from the sky to the lake. , those mist also come from Emperor Willow.

Then the girl told Mr. Yin something. Mr. Yin nodded in agreement, and then the girl left.

After the girl left, the fog suddenly thickened and obscured the scene.

Qi Xuansu probably understood that this woman was probably the previous incarnation of Emperor Liu. He had heard that the incarnation of Emperor Liu had died together with two ancient immortals, causing heavy damage to the ancient immortal forces.

At this time, another line of text appeared in the halo, asking Qi Xuansu if he had anything to ask.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who is that woman?"

"Gui Zang Deng" replied in words: "The spirit of Diliu."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What is the relationship between Emperor Liu and the elves of Emperor Liu?"

A large piece of text appeared in the halo: "'Emperor Liu' is a Kunlun alien species, left by Taishang Daozu. After being re-refined by Yao Zu, it was activated and rooted in the cracks of Yin and Yang. It lives on Yin energy and communicates with it. The two realms of yin and yang give rise to two great miracles. One is to reverse yin and yang and absorb the yin energy, which can turn the ghosts into the sun world, and release the yin energy to turn the world into the underworld. "Backtracking' phenomenon, Diliu's spirit will not come back to life after death, but will be traced back to the time when she was just born."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a long time and asked the question he was most concerned about: "After going back, will the Emperor Willow Elf still be the original Emperor Willow Elf?"

"Gui Zang Deng"'s answer is only two words: "No."

Qi Xuansu couldn't tell whether he was relieved or more nervous. I was relieved because Xiao Yin was Xiao Yin and not someone else. I was even more nervous because Xiao Yin did not have the ability to resurrect in the traditional sense. Thinking about the past, it was quite scary.

He asked again: "What kind of recollections has the Emperor Willow Elf had so far?"

"Gui Zang Deng" responded with text: "The first elf is the most powerful. Her strength is comparable to that of an immortal, and her mind is the most mature. She is no different from an adult woman. In the end, in order to protect the cave of the ghost country, she fought with an intruder who invaded the cave of the ghost country. The ancient immortal died together, and the three evil creatures defeated another ancient immortal at the cost of serious injuries. The second elf only grew to the stage of a girl, and finally died during a trip. The third elf only had the stage of a child and was still normal. Survive.”

This is different from the legend that Qi Xuansu heard. The first generation of Emperor Liu elves did not kill the two ancient immortals. They just don’t know how the ancient immortal who was repulsed fell, and his death is also counted. On the head of the Emperor Willow Elf. Perhaps it was this serious injury that led to his subsequent downfall.

Qi Xuansu could also conclude from this that the woman just now should be the second generation Emperor Willow Elf, and she still looked like a girl.

It has to be said that Qi Xuansu's questions and answers with "Guicang Deng" are a bit like inviting immortals.

According to Zhengdao, who is in charge of the affairs of ghosts and gods, no matter what kind of immortal you invite, whether it is the Pen Immortal, the Disc Immortal, the Chopstick Immortal, or the Dustpan Immortal, they are essentially a simplified variant of the witchcraft "Fuji" witchcraft. .

"Fuji", also known as "Fuji", generally refers to using a horizontal stick and a pen. Two people hold the horizontal stick with their fingers and smooth the sand table before reading.

"Fuqi" first originated from the worship of the legendary Zi Guxian, and "Zi Guxian" is one of the many identities of Zhenjun Ziguang, just like Zhenjun Siming is also the folk Kitchen God. It is not surprising that a deity has multiple identities.

If you follow the genuine method of recruiting, you will be invited to the True Monarch of Purple Light, and generally there will be no big problem. If the program makes an error, or uses those simplified variant versions, it will easily attract evil spirits and ghosts wandering around, which will cause great harm to people. Many people will go crazy or even die.

To this day, Ziguang Zhenjun is still running this business, and he has accumulated a lot of incense and dedication. The more advanced one is direct revelation and face-to-face service, and Qi Xuansu is one of the customers of this service.

Then it is not surprising that the immortals of Zhengyi have similar methods to Ziguxian.

This is all one family.

However, the service recipients of "Guicang Deng" are higher-level, usually the Celestial Masters of the past dynasties, Pingzhang Daren, and even the Grand Master. The lowest level is Qi Xuansu's level. But even Qi Xuansu, "Gui Cang Deng" often ignored him. Not to mention others.

At this moment, the fog dispersed again, and the scene on the screen changed again.

Mr. Lao Yin was sitting alone on the edge of the island where Emperor Willow took root, looking at the surging lake of blood. He was writing and drawing with his trophy brush "Unconstrained". At this moment, Mr. Lao Yin suddenly heard a voice coming from above his head. The sound of a little girl laughing.

Mr. Lao Yin looked up in surprise and saw a little girl sticking her head out among the branches and leaves above the emperor willow and smiling at him.

Mr. Lao Yin was surprised and waved the little girl to come down.

I saw the little girl hugging a wicker and sliding down directly.

Mr. Lao Yin quickly reached out to catch the little girl, so that the little girl didn't fall.

Qi Xuansu recognized at a glance that this little girl was Xiao Yin, because the current Xiao Yin had only grown up a little, and was two or three years older than the little Yin in the picture.

Later, Mr. Yin had a granddaughter. The three major yin objects met at a meeting and decided that since it was Mr. Yin who discovered it, the little girl would also be named Yin. One character from each of the three yin objects would be named Yin Wanmiao. .

Xiao Yin suddenly appeared on the Emperor Willow. It is not that the Emperor Willow bears a fruit, and the melon is ripe and the stem falls. Xiao Yin breaks out of the fruit, but it seems to be born in response to the gathered breath of the Emperor Willow. This kind of phenomenon is collectively called It is "Metamorphosis" - the name of Huashengtang comes from this. Creation is to artificially create the phenomenon of Metamorphosis.

Therefore, Diliu is not Xiaoyin's original body, Xiaoyin is Xiaoyin. It can be said that she is the elf born from Diliu, but it cannot be said that she is Diliu itself. It's just that she was born from the Emperor Willow, and she was born with the mysteries of creation and the appearance of an immortal, so it is very easy to improve her strength. In terms of qualifications, she is very similar to Qi Xuansu and other acquired immortals, who rely on external things for advancement. As long as there is enough external force, the promotion speed is far faster than that of ordinary immortals.

In addition, although Xiao Yin is not Diliu himself, he is naturally very closely related to Diliu. If Diliu itself is regarded as a fairy, then Xiaoyin is a bit like the incarnation cut out by Diliu, with many three It has a special ability that no big ghost creature has, and it is more closely connected with the ghost country and the cave.

At the same time, Mr. Lao Yin also understood that the second generation Emperor Liu Elf probably died outside.

After that, there are some glimpses, mainly about Xiao Yin's growing up experience. He first moved around the Diliu River, then slowly expanded to the entire ghost country, Cave Heaven, then the ghost pass, and finally followed Qi Xuansu to the human world.

When you are happy in the world, you don’t think about the ghost country and the cave heaven.

The picture disappeared, and the lights of the "Gui Cang Lantern" flashed, urging Qi Xuansu to settle the final payment.

Qi Xuansu used his divine power, and both "Guicang Deng" and Diliu disappeared.

Qi Xuansu found that he was still standing in front of the sutra urn, and Xiao Yin over there was talking loudly: "I don't want this old lamp, take it away quickly!"

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