Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 78 Valley

Qi Xuansu flew towards those high mountains, and his flight altitude continued to rise, changing from low-altitude flying to high-altitude flying, preparing to cross these high mountains and enter the valleys behind these high mountains.

At first glance, these high mountains look like snow on the tops of the mountains, but this is not the case. These high mountains are also covered with rain forests, but the tops of the mountains are covered with a layer of white clouds, which looks like snow.

Just when Qi Xuansu passed through these white clouds, an unexpected thing happened. Qi Xuansu found that he had lost his sense of direction. He didn't know the east, west, north, and west, and it was difficult to distinguish the front, back, left, and right. All he could see was a vast expanse of white. It’s so unusual for a heavenly creation to fall into an environment like a ghost beating a wall. It can be seen that there is something fishy about these white clouds. They should be some kind of protective measure, just like the Taixu illusion around Yujing - of course , the current Taixu Illusion Realm is closed and will not be opened easily, so there will be no obstacles when going to Yujing.

This is also reasonable. Paititi is a forgotten country. The last emperor made it clear that he did not want outsiders to enter. Although it is very hidden, it is inevitable that some people will come here by mistake. This line of defense is To prevent some people from entering Paititi by mistake.

Faced with this situation, Qi Xuansu remained calm. Although it was a pity that he was not a good alchemist and could not use the "Taishang's Perspective", he still had the martial artist's "Zhulong True Pupil", which could see through illusions and see through all kinds of things. An illusion.

In an instant, the blood energy from all over Qi Xuansu's body rushed towards his eyes, and his body and spirit at this location also shone brightly. If the light in his eyes was substantial, he could "see through" the surrounding white clouds.

But at this moment, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and the white clouds that were very quiet just now were quickly stained with a layer of black, and there was a faint sound of thunder. It looked like the white clouds turned into rain clouds. A storm or hail was about to come, and Qi Xuansu happened to be there. Among the rain clouds.

The next moment, countless purple thunder and lightning shot towards Qi Xuansu from all directions. Qi Xuansu did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and kept punching, smashing these thunder and lightning, leaving only countless small electric rays scattered between the sky and the earth.

The color of the black clouds is getting darker and darker, the thunder is roaring, and the purple lightning is wandering uncertainly.

Amidst the thunder, a huge vortex slowly appeared in the middle of the layers of black clouds.

Qi Xuansu has seen similar whirlpools more than once, but most of them were looking up from below. This is the first time he has seen this kind of horizontal perspective, as if he encountered a whirlpool on the sea and was about to suck him into it.

Then I saw countless small thunder and lightning converging into a larger thunder and lightning in the center of the vortex. Then this thunder and lightning began to rotate along the trajectory of the vortex, extending from the center of the vortex to the periphery of the vortex, and the speed became faster and faster. , finally at the moment of breaking away from the vortex, towards Qi Xuansu

Comes lasing.

Qi Xuansu had already taken out the "Pure Bodhi" and slashed it out with a light sword. It was not earth-shattering. The sword's power was like a faint mist. Under the pressure of the rolling thunder, there was no trace of it.

This sword was extremely weak compared to the sky thunder, but in front of this sword the sky thunder suddenly exploded into flying fireflies all over the sky.

At this moment, a figure broke through the sea of ​​clouds and appeared in front of Qi Xuansu.

This figure wears a helmet that looks like a goshawk, with a mask covering the face, and the armor is decorated with many feathers, like the wings of a goshawk. Each feather was rolled with dazzling thunder and lightning, as if a set of larger thunder and lightning armor was surrounding it.

Qi Xuansu only responded with a punch.

The fist's intention is so sharp that it can destroy everything.

The thunder and lightning surrounding the goshawk warrior was directly penetrated by this punch.

The goshawk warrior could only try to dodge, but he was still punched in the chest, sending his whole body flying backwards several dozen feet.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation to pursue him and punched out again with a powerful punch.

The Goshawk warrior was enveloped by the fist and could not dodge, so he could only receive the punch forcefully. As a result, Qi Xuansu's armor cracked, and golden divine power escaped from it.

This is a puppet, not a living person. Its principle is somewhat similar to the Taoist spirit officer armor, but the Taoist spirit officer is a living person wearing armor, not a puppet, and has greater subjective kinetic energy.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and kicked the puppet into two pieces with a "kui ho" kick. The two broken bodies fell into the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared.

Qi Xuansu continued to scan the surroundings with his true pupils, and found that the way out was in the center of the whirlpool, so he had no choice but to head towards the whirlpool.

At this time, there was no thunder and lightning in the whirlpool. Qi Xuansu flew directly into the center of the whirlpool. There was a downward passage connected here, just like the entrance to the sewer. Qi Xuansu did not have time to think too much and plunged into it.

When Qi Xuansu entered the downward "pipe" composed of thick clouds below the vortex, various thunder and lightning appeared on the surrounding "pipe wall", wandering erratically. After Qi Xuansu broke in, like frightened snakes and insects, they rushed towards Qi Xuansu shot forward.

However, the Immortal's reputation for being invulnerable is not in vain. Qi Xuansu just lit up his body and let the thunder and lightning travel around the surface of his body without damaging the inside.

In fact, what are immortals most afraid of? Of course not law

Although the technique is often accidentally manipulated by the immortals, it is difficult for the immortals to completely kill the human immortals. Therefore, in addition to the "Taiyi Technique" of the earth immortals, it is also the fist intention of the human immortals. . The body and spirit are the foundation of the human immortal. The human immortal condenses the body and spirit to connect the mind to the heavens. The key is the word "meaning", and the fist intention is also the word "meaning". As the two major means of the human immortal, they are originally From the same source.

If you use your fist to kill the body god, you can completely kill the body god and destroy it to see that the god is indestructible. Therefore, the most common way of death for human immortals is a life-and-death struggle between two human immortals.

At this time, Qi Xuansu was using all his strength to operate the realm of seeing gods and being indestructible inherited from human immortals. At the very least, it would take Huangfu Ji or Hu En Ahan's fist level to break through his defense. Naturally, these thunder and lightning were incomparable.

Qi Xuansu resisted the pressure of thunder and lightning and continued to dive into the sea of ​​clouds.

The entire vortex is a funnel structure, with an inverted cone at the top, like an inverted triangle, and a tubular part connected to the mouth at the bottom. At this time, Qi Xuansu is all the way down in this tubular part.

Soon, a little light appeared, which was the exit of the billowing sea of ​​clouds, but there was also a goshawk warrior puppet guarding here, the same as the previous one.

Qi Xuansu went from top to bottom, and naturally stepped down with his "kui hoof". .??.

The puppet was immediately put under great pressure, like an overwhelmed steam man, with crackling sounds all over his body, and divine power was constantly escaping.

Qi Xuansu's figure seemed to be of great weight, and the pressure on the puppet was increasing, and his figure gradually became rickety.

After Qi Xuansu stepped on it, his body turned around, turning his head down and his feet up, and he punched again.

When I first learned the Fist Intent, the Fist Intent had little impact on dead objects. Instead, the fist itself had a great impact on the dead objects. But after reaching the Shattered Void Realm inherited from the Human Immortal, the Fist Intent turned into substance and could also attack dead objects. Comparable to sword energy.

Under Qi Xuansu's punch, the puppet was also destroyed and fell into the air.

Qi Xuansu also left the cloud passage and looked back. The sky above behind him was covered with dark clouds. A huge vortex was slowly rotating, with thunder and lightning surging in it. A passage also made of black clouds extended below the vortex. , like a tornado, he came out of here just now.

From the outside, this sea of ​​clouds seems to be nothing. There is no need to take this passage. You can come out from other places, maybe faster.

In fact, it is not the case. The directions in the sea of ​​clouds are upside down. I think it is going down, but maybe it is going up.

forward, I feel that going forward may be going back, and it is constantly changing. It is quite similar to the "Xingluo Sword Formation" of the "Twenty-Eight Sword Techniques of the South Dou". On the contrary, this passage under the vortex will not change. It seems long, but it is actually the only flaw.

Qi Xuansu withdrew his gaze and looked down. There were mountains all around, and in the middle was a valley surrounded by mountains. This place was also densely covered with rainforests and vast and vast, with many ravines, deep valleys, and dangerous streams and ponds scattered among them.

Looking down from above, it feels quite unfathomable and profound. This kind of rain forest often produces miasma and mist, and the clouds and fog locks it, making it hazy and mysterious.

This is the valley where Paititi was. Looking at the situation, the old city site of Paititi has been completely engulfed by the rain forest. If you want to find the entrance to the cave, you have to search on the ground.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu lowered his figure and entered the rain forest in the valley.

As an outstanding talent trained by the Taoist sect, Qi Xuansu has dabbled in some Qi-gaining techniques, but he doesn’t know whether it’s because the Feng Shui in the Southern Continent is different from that in the Central Plains, or because the situation here is special. In short, Qi Xuansu’s Qi-gaining methods are completely useless because of various situations. Li Qi doesn't correspond to it at all, and there's no way to look at it. There is a lot of fog here. When I took out the compass Qiniang gave me, I could only see the pointer spinning wildly, but it also failed.

There is no other way, Qi Xuansu can only forcefully open a way - he does not dare to let Wu Niang set fire to the mountain. Friends who often set fires know that it is easy to set fires but difficult to extinguish. Once the fire spreads, especially mountain fires, it is difficult not to mention the gods. Save, at least Qi Xuansu will be difficult to reverse. By that time, the entire valley had turned into a big fire pit, and all the ruins were burned to the ground. Moreover, the smoke caused by wildfires is likely to cover the entire Cusco with a layer of ash, which will alarm Xidaomen.

Fortunately, Qi Xuansu's human-immortal heritage is best suited for this kind of dirty work. It is not as delicate as other heritages. When it comes to mountains and rivers, it can tear up various plants with bare hands and open a path. , with this trace of walking, it is also convenient to avoid repeated exploration.

However, other inheritances have their own delicate principles, such as the immortal inheritance, which is good at divination. If you set up a stick and see which way the stick falls, then go there, and maybe you can find it.

Although Qi Xuansu already has the Dao Fruit Realm, he is not good at this Dao. To put it simply, he has never learned it. It is impossible for him to go to Zhenjun Ziguang to seek enlightenment for such a trivial matter. The cost is too high. After all, considering the next step You may encounter various emergencies when entering the cave, so you still need to plan the reasonable distribution of your divine power and not use it for such things. And I don’t know if True Lord Ziguang can take care of this.

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