Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 79 Worm in the Cave

When ordinary people come to this kind of rainforest, even if they are congenital people, they are still in certain dangers. After all, there are some special terrains here, you may die if you fall, there are also various snakes, insects, beasts, and miasma. However, when one reaches Qi Xuansu's level of cultivation and is still a human-immortal inheritance, it doesn't matter.

With strong Qi and blood, snakes and insects dare not get close, and the body is so strong that it is almost as if they are walking on flat ground.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu made extremely fast progress and forcibly carved out a road in the vast rain forest. Along the way, various trees and vegetation were either pushed down or torn up and pulled up, as if a giant beast was passing by.

After searching for about two days, Qi Xuansu finally found a cave deep in the rain forest. There seemed to be some traces of artificial digging here.

After entering the cave, he found that it was all the way down. Qi Xuansu couldn't help but wonder, could it be that part of the city of Paititi has sunk underground? Or is there an underground mausoleum here?

Qi Xuansu thought so and walked deeper into the cave.

There is no light source in the cave, or there used to be a light source, but it has been extinguished now. However, Qi Xuansu has a true pupil, which is not affected at all, and everything is perfectly visible. The deeper he went, the wider the cave became, and Qi Xuansu discovered that there were more corpses on both sides. Some places could be described as piled like mountains.

Qi Xuansu was not a person who came from the war era. He was born in a peaceful era, when the Taoist sect was extremely powerful. Even if there was a war, it would happen overseas. The sound of horse hooves and artillery had not been heard in the Central Plains for nearly two hundred years. Qi Xuansu had only seen the scenes of thousands of miles of red ground, ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and mountains of corpses and seas of blood from descriptions in books, but had never seen it with his own eyes.

Even though Qi Xuansu participated in the Fenglinzhou War and the Southern Continent War, most of those battles took place at the military level. Master Qingwei repeatedly asked to keep Fenglinzhou a popular place, and Xidaomen also conducted an orderly evacuation of the people before the war. It didn't involve the common people too much.

Since it was an army fighting, the number of casualties would be controlled within a certain range. After all, it didn't take 100,000 people, not counting the servant army, for Qingwei Zhenren to quell the Fenglinzhou rebellion. Xidaomen fought with the Holy Court, and the two sides suffered more than 10,000 casualties, which was already a bit broken. If there were more than 100,000 casualties, the balance of victory would have begun to tilt.

But once the common people are involved, a party with low moral standards can easily develop into a one-sided massacre, with hundreds of thousands of people killed at every turn. In addition, war has broken various systems. In the event of natural and man-made disasters, such as plague and famine, no one will organize disaster relief. , then the death toll will be uncontrollable. Over the years, it may be millions or tens of millions of casualties.

Such troubled times are terrifying, with corpses exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. This is not an exaggeration.

The corpses accumulated in the Ghost Kingdom Cave are mainly from the more than 100 years since the Jinzhang went south to the establishment of the Wei Dynasty. To this day, the Dao Sect has not yet finished processing them, which shows the large number of deaths.

Xuansheng was born in such an era, so Xuansheng was determined to save the world. You must know that Xuansheng was born in the home of Zhongming Dingshi, and the ups and downs outside could not touch his head. He could just follow the steps and guide the country instead of leaving the shelter and suffering several deaths. But he still did it. The reason is simply that he couldn't stand it anymore. It's so tragic, it touches the soul.

Qi Xuansu had no such experience, and it was difficult to fully understand Xuan Sheng's feelings at that time just from the words. After all, the death of thousands of people and the death of tens of millions of people are two completely different concepts. For the latter, you can see dead people wherever you go, and all kinds of human tragedies are happening one after another. You can't escape even if you want to, and it's easy to become completely numb.

Qi Xuansu somewhat understood Xuansheng today. I dare not say that he understood completely, but at least he was touched. Along the way, he saw piles of corpses, probably more than 10,000. And for some unknown reason, these corpses did not rot and basically retained the state they were in before death, as if they had just died, which was different from the rotten corpses in the caves of the Ghost Kingdom.

One can imagine the tragic situation that occurred when the country named Paititi perished.

Paiti was nominated as a country, but in fact it was a city-state. This was true for the three major empires including Tawanting. It was a larger city-state alliance with a relatively loose structure.

A truly huge empire is like the Dao Sect or the Holy Court, which spans all continents and has a territory of more than ten thousand miles. Such an empire will not perish due to foreign enemies, but will only collapse due to internal troubles.

This reminded Qi Xuansu of what Zhang Yuelu said.

"Tianyuan, if one day you reach a high enough position, I hope you will not care about the gains and losses of one place at a time, but consider the overall interests, be based on reality, and focus on the long term, and don't do it for your own selfish interests. Or short-term interests, regardless of the overall situation. Dare to be responsible, dare to take responsibility, be a person who stands tall in the world, and be a person who can stand the test of time. "

"Don't be like some people who are obsessed with seizing power by any means necessary. Other than that, they don't have any ideals at all. The starting point for them to do or not do something is whether they can take advantage of it. All day long, the only thing you think about is how to maximize your own interests. For the sake of temporary results, you dare to ignore the consequences of a hundred years. . There is a duplicitous smile on the face, a smile that is not a smile, but a knife hidden in the smile."

"Such people will only regard the Taoist Sect as their own private property and take it away. In the end, they will only make the Taoist Sect irreversible."

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts and continued to move forward, arriving at a huge underground space. There was a high altar, and in front of the altar there were densely packed human figurines.

Qi Xuansu didn't pay attention at first, because there were many human figurines in the southern continent, most of which were pottery figurines, painted with oil paint, and commonly found in various altars and tombs. However, when Qi Xuansu walked forward, he found that these human figurines were not pottery figurines or stone figurines, but rather seemed to be made by living people.

Qi Xuansu broke off the palm of the human figurine and found that it was empty inside, with no flesh, flesh, or bones. Then a large number of black bugs emerged from the figurine, some like beetles. The origin of these bugs was unknown, but they were not afraid. Qi Xuansu's strong blood energy crawled towards Qi Xuansu's body, and Qi Xuansu's true pupils could see clearly that the mouthparts of these insects were sharp. If ordinary people encountered them, they would be eaten up in the blink of an eye.

Before Qi Xuansu could take action, Wu Niang had already appeared and helped Qi Xuansu burn all the insects with a fire.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Wu Niang, what are these insects?"

Wu Niang hesitated a little: "It's a bit like a voodoo in witchcraft. The ancient witchcraft only represents the witchcraft of the Central Plains and radiates to the Jinzhang Grassland and Nanyang. In fact, witchcraft also exists in other places, and according to the local customs Different cultures have their own characteristics. The strange thing is that this kind of witchcraft seems to be a method from southern Xinjiang. How could it come to the southern continent? "

Qi Xuansu said: "Has someone found this place first? Yes, even Wang Jiaohe has a map, so it makes sense for others to walk ahead of us. Could it be someone from Xidaomen?"

Wu Niang thought for a while: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Back then, Xidaomen was a mixed bag and was divided into the evil camp. There is no guarantee that someone would not be proficient in southern Xinjiang witchcraft and then follow Xidaomen to the southern continent."

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt something in his heart: "It's the Insect Man! In those days, the Insect Man originated from Nanyang. Witchcraft was rampant in Borneo, and it was not far from southern Xinjiang. Moreover, the Insect Man, they are bugs, and it is reasonable to control them. Previously, I I asked Hu En'ahan to send people to investigate various ruins, and they found some traces of the insect people. I thought it was a coincidence, but I didn't expect the insect people to actually find this place. "

Wu Niang checked a few more human figurines. After all, she was an existence older than the Fox Fairy of Qingqiu Mountain. She was well-informed in every sense, and said: "You reminded me, you should know about Western vampires, right?" , there are two kinds of descendants they develop, one is the real descendant, that is, the young vampire, and the other is the inferior slave, who is controlled, also called the derivative body. In fact, the same is true for the insect people. Excellent people are given. After taking the insect eggs called 'Foundation Building Pill', they turn into insect-men. The eliminated people become the containers for hatching the eggs. The insects are implanted into their bodies, and then the insects eat their internal organs. When eggs are laid in the body, the person used as a container will quickly dry up, leaving only a layer of skin inside, so the bodies of these human figurines are empty.”

Wuniang paused for a moment: "The method you just used was wrong, causing the sleeping eggs to turn into larvae. However, these eggs need to be further screened. The later the eggs awaken into larvae, the greater their potential, which determines whether they can To form a pill, only the most perfect insect eggs can become the material of the 'Foundation Pill'. It would be good to have one suitable egg out of about a hundred."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment: "When I leave the Southern Continent, I must complete two things. One is to eliminate the insect people, and the other is to abolish the blood sacrifice. It is considered that my trip to the Southern Continent was not in vain."

Wu Niang agreed: "Good, good, good, it's all good governance. If you can use the power of Taoism to promote the completion of these two things, it will be considered a great merit."

Qi Xuansu was not in a precarious mood, he really wanted to do something practical. He was influencing Zhang Yuelu invisibly, and conversely, Zhang Yuelu was invisibly influencing him.

The noble are the stupidest and the humble are the smartest.

Many of Zhang Yuelu's actions may seem stupid to others, but she is noble. This nobility does not come from blood, but from behavior and spirit.

There is certainly nothing wrong with subordinates obeying superiors, and Taoist priests obeying Jinque. However, one cannot blindly obey superiors and do whatever the superiors say. If the superiors don't say it, it will not be good for one's own future, so don't do it. This doesn't work.

Of course, sometimes, it is good to be able to do whatever the superiors tell you to do, but I am afraid that those who have to resist will be either passive and sabotage, or over-execution. .

Qi Xuansu asked: "What to do with these human figurines?"

Wuniang said: "It's easy to handle. Just set it on fire. I'll burn it. I'll make sure not a single insect can escape."

This is a standard Wuniang answer. If a problem can be solved with fire, other methods will never be considered.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and decided that this was really the best way, so he asked Wu Niang to burn all the human figurines, and he walked up to the altar surrounded by human figurines.

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