Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 80: The Ancient Path of Wild Grass

This altar was not built by the Insects. It has a distinct Southern Continent style. The Insects' style is biased towards Nanyang and the Central Plains, and is generally deeply influenced by the Central Plains culture.

Qi Xuansu walked up to the altar and found that there was a black sun above the altar. He felt that it was unexpected but also reasonable.

He really guessed it right, Paititi was indeed related to the Tide of Shadows.

Qi Xuansu took out the key from Ramon and held it high.

There was no response from the altar.

It seems that this key is not used here.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to put away the key and start researching what this altar was for.

At this time, Wu Niang had already burned those human figurines.

As for the large number of corpses piled up outside, Wu Niang did not move. After the number of corpses reaches a certain level, a "momentum" will be formed, just like when the number of living people reaches a certain level, their vitality will rise to the sky, and the army's camp will be filled with ghosts and gods. It's just that the dead person condenses Yin Qi, not blood Qi.

However, the Yin Qi should not be underestimated. Back then, the Yin Qi in the Ghost Kingdom Cave was too strong, corroding a gap leading to the underworld. This caused the Taoist sect to spend more than two hundred years dealing with the problem of the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, planting emperor willows, and using three major evil objects to clean up the corpses.

Although this place is not comparable to the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, if Wu Niang wants to burn it by force, it will definitely consume a huge amount of money. It's true that Wuniang likes to burn things, but in Wuniang's view, these corpses that have become "powerful" are obviously incombustible. Burning corpses is similar to burning mountains and boiling seas. It is a waste of effort, so they should stay here.

Qi Xuansu quickly discovered some of the mysteries of this altar. There were blood grooves engraved on its surface. These blood grooves were crisscrossed and formed something similar to talismans or runes. It should be that after injecting blood into these blood grooves, the blood grooves could be used. its boot.

For such a large altar, with blood tanks all over the altar, you can imagine how much blood is needed. Even if the blood of a living person is drained, it will not be able to fill a blood tank. It will only take a lot of people.

But it doesn't need to be as many as ten thousand people. The corpses outside should not have died from sacrifices. The ancient god was not afraid of being overwhelmed by the blood sacrifice of more than 10,000 people, but was afraid that the fire of karma would burn the kingdom of God. .

A martial artist can derive from flesh and blood, so Qi Xuansu certainly has enough Qi and blood, but Qi and blood are also the support of a martial artist's combat power and need to be replenished by eating a lot. Qi Xuansu cannot drain his own blood. In the end, Qi Xuansu decided to use divine power instead of blood.

Otherwise, divine power is hard currency, and its plasticity determines that it can be transformed into almost any form and used for various purposes.

After Qi Xuansu injected divine power, the entire altar lit up. The blood grooves were filled with the light of divine power and turned into lines of talismans. Westerners called these runes. No matter what they were called, they were essentially the same. Then the talismans are arranged and combined one by one to form a formation.

In an instant, the entire underground space began to rumble, as if there was an earthquake.

The dead corpses outside also came to life at this moment, as if hibernating snakes and insects were awakened by spring thunder and staggered up. Of course, it was not a real resurrection from the dead, but rather like corpses. Then these living corpses came together one by one. They rushed towards the altar.

At this time, Wu Niang had no choice but to burn it. When she opened her mouth and spat out, the flames swept across and directly burned the living corpses that rushed in first to ashes.

That's not all, Wu Niang puffed up her mouth, and the flames spit out from her mouth continued, turning into a wave of flames, pushing back outward against the tide of corpses.

Some people have read too many words and think that 10,000 people is a small number when an army of one million is easily available. It's a big fallacy. It is said that if there are more than ten thousand people, it is boundless. If more than ten thousand people form a square formation, it will feel like you can't see the end at a glance.

With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it's basically the limit of a battlefield. A large battle can certainly accommodate hundreds of thousands of troops, or even millions of troops, but a battle is composed of multiple battlefields, large and small, some defending the city, some attacking the city, some rescuing, and some blocking. , and the reserve teams are stationary and scattered everywhere, instead of millions of people gathering in one place, which can't even expand the formation.

In this cave, tens of thousands of corpses were piled up, and now they have turned into a tide of corpses. They were originally piled up, layer upon layer.

, now alive, the cave is basically packed. Everywhere you looked, there were living corpses.

This scene is very terrifying. If you have a "superior perspective", you will see that there are basically two tides colliding, one is a tide of flames, and the other is a tide of corpses.

If they were ordinary corpses, no matter how many there were, they would still be burned through by Wu Niang's fire, but these living corpses had become "potential" and brewed a large amount of Yin Qi, which could greatly weaken and offset the power of the flames. This is why Qi Xuansu found that these corpses were not rotten when he came in. With the protection of Yin Qi, it was difficult for Wuniang to break through at once and could only burn slowly. For Wu Niang, it is not difficult, but it is time-consuming and energy-consuming. It is like burning some wet leaves with fire. It cannot be ignited. It cannot be used as fuel itself and can only be burned with other fuels.

This is the same as the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven. After the Yin Qi reaches a certain level, many methods will no longer work. We can only start by weakening the Yin Qi, and weakening the Yin Qi mainly relies on the Yang Qi of the human world itself. As long as the source of Yin Qi is blocked, Yang Qi itself can cancel out the Yin Qi. If the speed is not fast enough, it can also be channeled and divided into Yin Qi, similar to flood discharge. ..

Using emperor willow to block the gaps in the underworld and cleaning the corpses at the same time block the source of yin energy rather than eliminate it. It is still necessary to eliminate yin energy by relying on yang energy, similar to the fact that many diseases mostly rely on self-healing.

Of course, Yin Qi cannot be formed in a day. First, it requires a large number of dead people. Secondly, it takes a certain amount of time. Then, it needs a closed environment to prevent Yin Qi from leaking. In this way, a large amount of Yin Qi can be accumulated. This cave is just right. To meet the conditions.

Now it seems that the Yin Qi here may have formed a balance, so these dead bodies were suppressed, like a pool of stagnant water. When Qi Xuansu opened the altar, causing the Yin Qi to become unbalanced, these suppressed corpses were resurrected.

Qi Xuansu paid no attention to Wuniang's side, and focused all his attention on the altar.

After the infusion of divine power, the altar underwent great changes. The black sun slowly disappeared and was replaced by a golden sun.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but it just corresponds to the changes in the cave at this time. It seems that the dark corpse tide of the black sun is retreating steadily, and it seems that the flame tide of the golden sun is advancing in full swing.

As the golden sun appeared, a portal slowly opened on the stone wall behind the altar. Qi Xuansu had also used his spiritual thoughts to scan the area before, but whether it was due to the interference of the surrounding Yin Qi or the obstruction of the altar, he did not discover the existence of this portal.

Qi Xuansu said hello to Wuniang and walked into the door first.

Behind the portal is a passage, with obvious artificial traces, very regular, and going all the way upward. When Qi Xuansu walked out of the passage, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he returned to the valley.

However, compared with the other side, some traces of masonry paving can be seen on the ground here, and there are even some traces similar to curb stones on both sides. However, the surrounding rainforest covers the sky, and it is absolutely impossible to find these traces from above. .

This should be one of the many roads leading to Paititi. In other words, from Paititi's perspective, this portal is the main entrance to the area where the altar is located, and the entrance to the cave that Qi Xuansu found should be the back door.

Qi Xuansu understood that his hard work these days was not in vain, and he finally found traces of Paititi.

After a while, Wu Niang also came over: "The dirty things in the cave have been cleaned up. I almost died of exhaustion. Remember to go back and reimburse me for your magical power."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Wu Niang: "Can't you practice on your own?"

Wu Niang said: "I can also use my divine power, do you think you can use it for everything? Don't you think you don't want to reimburse me?"

Qi Xuansu hurriedly said: "Of course not. When you get back, you can make a symbolic report and I will approve it immediately."

While talking, Qi Xuansu calculated how much credit he had left on hand and whether it was enough for the two of them. If it's not enough, you have to go to Qingwei Zhenren for approval, which is also a hassle.

"That's pretty much it." Wu Niang muttered, "This is an official business, not a private matter."

Next, the two of them walked along this ancient road that was almost lost in the grass. The speed was not very fast for fear of missing some key clues.

No result

Of course, the caution of the two people was justified. They discovered a temple that was covered with green vegetation on the road. It would be easy to ignore it if they just passed by. However, the layout of the temple is different from the current Tawanting Temple. This is normal. The architectural style of the Central Plains has also changed several times. It was already very different in the Zulong era and the Wei era. When the Taoist sect came to power, there were changes again. .

This temple, this ancient road, and the altar built in the cave should be one. That cave was probably a forbidden area of ​​a temple or a secret passage. Qi Xuansu came in from the opposite direction.

The door of the temple was completely covered by vines. Qi Xuansu broke through the vines and found that there were golden sun patterns painted on the ground and walls. It should be the temple of the Sun God. However, the main god is not Kukulkan, but Itsumna.

From this point of view, during the Paititi period, the power of the ancient gods from the north had penetrated into the south, which laid the foundation for the ancient gods from the north to move south in the future. If it hadn't been for the Holy Court's invasion, perhaps the ancient northern gods would have unified the New World. However, the main god Itsumna worked so hard and worked so hard that he could not escape his death in the end. Instead, Kukulkan just sat back and enjoyed the results, which is unavoidable. I think of a person who swears by Luo Shui.

Then again, what does the black sun on the altar mean? The black sun means closing the door, and the golden sun means opening the door?

Do these ancient gods also pay attention to the transformation of yin and yang? Old yin gives birth to young yang, this is a Taoist term.

Wu Niang looked around and suddenly said, "There is something."

After saying that, Wu Niang flashed and went behind the statue of Itesumna. When Wu Niang came back, she had someone with her.

To be precise, it is the corpse of a woman. Judging from her dress, she should be a priest of this temple, and she has a high status. You can tell from the various patterns on her mask. Wu Niang stretched out her hand to peel off the mask on the corpse, and underneath it turned out to be a person with a Central Plains appearance.

Qi Xuansu and Qiniang looked at each other, a little surprised.

Could it be that he is from Xidaomen?

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