Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 82 The God of Death

In order to verify the two people's speculations, Qi Xuansu found a place similar to the city hall, and indeed found some document records inside.

Qi Xuansu didn't quite recognize these words in Paititi, but Wuniang knew them and could translate them. From this, the two people roughly understood what happened in Paititi back then.

A sudden epidemic enveloped Paititi. At first, no one cared about it, just treating it as an ordinary disease, but they did not expect that it would be the end of Paititi.

The first people to fall ill are the elderly and children. This disease is very strange. It has no obvious external manifestations, but it will make people weak and lead to death. This is also the reason why there are no corpses seen on the street. There is a gradual process of weakness, rather than sudden death on the spot. When the weakness reaches a certain level, the patient must stay at home, lie in bed, and then wait for a while. will die.

At this time, Paititi was still working hard to control the spread of the disease, placing the corpses in the temple area and taking some necessary isolation measures.

But soon, young adults began to fall ill one after another, and the situation became very serious at this time. The lack of manpower caused the situation to become chaotic and out of control. People continued to flee Paititi. As more and more people died, it gradually evolved into a great escape. Those who were unable to escape could only wait to die in Paititi.

Then it corresponded to Andres's report. Perhaps it was this tragic situation that made the last emperor of Paititi seal off Paititi in a desperate mood, and took the remaining people into Paititi. Titi Dongtian.

After everyone left or died, the disease, which had no way of spreading, slowly disappeared. Paititi, which was once prosperous for a while, became an empty city, gradually engulfed by the rainforest, and eventually integrated with the rainforest.

I'm afraid most of those who escaped died on the way to escape. After all, any epidemic will have a period of incubation. Maybe they didn't get sick when they escaped, but they had already carried the disease, and the disease hit them like a mountain during the escape. , and in an environment like the rainforest, it is almost impossible to survive.

Those who were lucky enough to escape would definitely not dare to go back again. Word of mouth spreads, and even people outside will not look for Paititi. After all, it has become a place of death.

After many years, these insiders are no longer there, and the fear of Paititi has faded away. Others want to look for Paititi, but they may not be able to find her. Because without human maintenance, the rainforest will soon engulf all of Paititi’s external communication roads. At this time, if you want to find Paititi, you will have to open another road, and the difficulty will skyrocket. As a result, We can only be like the fishermen in the Peach Blossom Land, unable to find their way back. \u003cb


So Paititi became the legendary lost city, the forgotten city, and with some imagination and exaggeration, the story of the Golden Kingdom was born. In fact, this kind of mentality is not surprising. Many small countries in the Western Region have perished, and then stories about the treasures of these destroyed countries will spread, which can always attract some treasure hunters.

After listening to Wu Niang's translation, Qi Xuansu raised a question: "After becoming an innate person, not only will there be no dirt and leakage, no sweat, no hair loss, no dandruff, and no harm from human diseases. The insect priestess we discovered earlier, judging from the insect cocoons in her body, belongs to the elixir-forming stage and must have the cultivation of an innate person. Could she have died of the epidemic? If she died of the epidemic, then? It means that even innate people cannot ignore this epidemic, which is very strange. I am afraid that this epidemic is not a natural disease in the world, but created by some people. For example, Siming Zhenjun once spread the plague in the Western Regions. "

Wu Niang was not afraid after hearing this. She was a fairy. Even if "Shebi Corpse Poison" was applied to her body, it would not kill her, and she would not be afraid of any diseases.

Wu Niang comforted Qi Xuansu, "Don't be afraid. I have a trick called 'Xuanhuo Healing'. As long as you burn it with fire, any disease can be eliminated and you will be protected from all diseases."

Qi Xuansu didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "I have a warrior physique after all, so I'm not afraid of any disease. Even if there is a disease, if I get burned by you, I'm afraid I won't die of the disease and will be burned to death by you first."

Wu Niang said dissatisfied, "I meant well, but you don't know what's good and what's good. If I burn someone to death, why do you call it 'mysterious fire healing'?"

"I understand Wu Niang's kindness, but I should be fine." Qi Xuansu returned to the topic, "If these diseases are deliberately caused by someone, and no one is immune, then there is nothing the last emperor of Paititi can do. That makes sense.”

Wu Niang followed Qi Xuansu's thoughts and said, "Who created the epidemic? The most likely possibility is of course the gods. The priesthood of plague is mostly associated with death, so a death priesthood often has many branches: plague, fear, killing, and the dead. The world, the moon, etc. Ixichel should not have this kind of priesthood, nor does Chakchel. Kukulkan, he is indeed related to death, but is it the death apostle Samuel? He shouldn’t have arrived at the Southern Continent at this time.”

The Apostles of Hell are located in Hell, and theoretically they can appear in

No matter where they are in the world, there is only one prerequisite: it must be a place where their chosen people and believers set foot before they can manifest their holiness. The elect and believers are like a beacon. In fact, the Hell Apostles began to spread their faith on a large scale in the New World when the Holy Court invaded the New World. It can be seen that there are many hidden believers in the Holy Court.

During the Paititi period, only a small number of members of the Goddess Society were active in the New World, such as Andres Lopez. These people are elites, as can be seen from the fact that Andres can write directly to the Pope and become good friends with the last emperor of Paititi.

It is difficult for these people to become believers of the Apostles of Hell. A person who may be summoned by the Pope. If he becomes a believer of Hell, it will be difficult to hide it from the eyes of the Pope and the cardinals.

At that time, the ancient immortals had infiltrated into the higher-ups of the Taoist sect, but it was True Lord Ziguang who personally took action, and caught up with Xuansheng who was unable to come out of seclusion. Yan Feiqing was planning a major event to recruit True Lord Taiyin, and rarely returned to Yujing, especially Yao Zu. Living in the Yaozu Palace in Lingshan Cave all year round, other real people stationed troops on the border to guard against Buddhism, and the interior was empty, which allowed the ancient immortals to succeed.

The hell apostles are trapped in hell and cannot come out, and they cannot take action personally. Ordinary voters and believers do not have this ability.

Wu Niang deduced from this that it was unlikely that the Hell Apostle did it, and the time did not match up.

Qi Xuansu also agreed with Wu Niang's judgment, "I have always talked about the ancient gods. The ancient gods are not just Itsumna, Kukulkan, Ixichel, and Chakchel, but Itsumna has already Dead, Ixichel and Chakchel are one. I saw in the relevant files of the Dao Sect that there is another god in charge of darkness and death in the ancient god camp. He is the real god in the New World God System. The God of Death corresponds to the Lord Siming in the East and the Apostle of Death in the West.”

Wuniang said, "I know that this God of Death is very mysterious and his name is unknown. His symbols are skulls and obsidian knives, both of which are related to human sacrifice. So I also remind you that if any of the gods strongly oppose the abolition Blood sacrifice, besides Kukulkan, is the god of death.”

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised, "So mysterious, you don't even know the name? When I first read the file, I thought it was because Xidaomen didn't do the job well. I didn't expect that even you didn't know."

Wuniang said, "It can't be said that we don't know anything at all. We only know that his name has only one syllable, and the last surname is unknown. Westerners use the first letter of the Luen Kingdom alphabet to refer to him. This syllable is translated into Chinese as 'Ah'." , should we call him ‘A’?”

It has to be said that Wu Niang is the veteran of Xidaomen after all, and she can tell all kinds of insider information casually.

Qi Xuansu said, "I understand, this name is indeed a bit weird and hard to call."

Wu Niang said, "If Kukulkan is a snake spirit, then this God of Death is an owl spirit. The image is an owl's head added to a human body, and it is rotten all over. It is also called the God of Rot. His priesthood is in addition to In addition to death, there are darkness, terror, natural disasters, etc. Natural disasters include plague.”

Qi Xuansu pinched his eyebrows and said, "The gods here in the Southern Continent are all related to the dead. No matter what kind of gods they are, they must have something to do with it."

Wu Niang sarcastically said, "Blood sacrifice is common, living people are used as sacrifices, and there is also the bad habit of cannibalism. Can such a land still produce a good god who can save all living beings? Take Buddhism as an example, let alone the Buddhism in the Western Regions that uses human skin It is unusual to use human bones as utensils. Other Buddhist sects still encourage people to do good. Not to mention Confucianism and Taoism. Taoism seeks life all their lives, and they are immortal and never have anything to do with death. "

"Although the Holy Court has done countless evil things, it still talks nice. For example, the holy scriptures say that you should treat unbelievers with gentleness and respect them deeply. The holy scriptures also say that you must behave well among the nations. In this way, unbelievers will be able to see with their own eyes your good deeds, and the results will be glorified to the Supreme Will on the day of investigation by the Supreme Will.”

"The priests didn't abide by it, so they could still argue that the Holy Scriptures had good intentions, but they were implemented badly by the priests. There was a shield. Many ancient gods in the Southern Continent didn't even have this shield, and they even encouraged them. The intention is bad, so what’s there to say?”

Qi Xuansu could only sigh, "It seems that there is a long way to go to abolish blood sacrifice. However, I think there are some reformists among the ancient gods who agree to abandon blood sacrifice, such as Ixichel."

Wu Niang sneered and said, "The so-called reform is always a last resort. As long as there are other ways, we will not do it. After all, blood sacrifice has backlash. They don't want to abolish it, but can they withstand the boundless fire of karma?" Since they can't bear it and don't want to die, they have no choice but to quit. No matter how big the addiction is, if they continue to sacrifice blood, I'm afraid they will die before the end of the world comes. "

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully, "We can start from this aspect."

Then, the two of them stopped talking and walked to the palace area together.

As Qi Xuansu expected, the palace area is located in the center of the city and is not difficult to find. However, the entire palace area is shrouded in a layer of red mist, which makes it look particularly strange.

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