Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 83: The Crime of Carrying a Bi

"What is this? Is it the remnant of the plague?" Qi Xuansu looked at the red mist that enveloped the palace.

Wuniang said, "It's not like that. Logically speaking, the palace should be the most tightly guarded. The most likely situation is that the city is full of plague, and only the palace is still a pure land. There is no reason why the palace is full of disease and other places are safe. ”

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh, "The way of heaven has damaged more than it can make up for, and the way of man has damaged more than it can make up for. The Supreme Taoist Patriarch has already explained all the principles of human nature."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and then said, "Think about it on the other hand, if the city is full of plague and the palace becomes the only pure land, then will these red mist be some kind of means used by the palace to resist the plague?"

"We can't rule out this possibility." Wu Niang signaled Qi Xuansu to retreat, "Don't take risks yet, let me do it."

Qi Xuansu didn't show off. Even though he was a martial artist, he couldn't compare to Wuniang who could resist the "Taiyi Technique" head-on. As for the "Heart of the Immortality Stone", it was just the heart, not the "Body of the Immortality Stone".

There is naturally an extremely wide square in the palace, but the wall has been swallowed up by the rain forest, and the square has become a forest. The palace that was supposed to stand out like a flock of chickens has now become hidden in the rain forest, coupled with the presence of red mist, It is impossible to get a full view of the palace.

Wu Niang burned a section of the wall with fire and walked into the rain forest and red mist.

Then Wu Niang felt the vicious divine power hidden in the mist, but again, Wu Niang is a fairy. Although these magical powers are powerful, to her, they are not worth mentioning, just like ordinary people who smoke A few puffs of ordinary mist have little effect.

Wu Niang pointed at Qi Xuansu outside, and a ball of flame penetrated into Qi Xuansu's body, but did not hurt Qi Xuansu at all. It was the "mysterious fire healing" that Wu Niang mentioned before, and then Wu Niang signaled that Qi Xuansu could come in.

Qi Xuansu walked into the red mist and also felt the danger of the red mist. However, the flames in his body immediately cleared the mist that penetrated into his body. It seems that "Xuanhuo Healing" can not only treat but also prevent. Function.

The two switched to spiritual communication.

Qi Xuansu said, "It seems that we guessed wrong. The reason why the epidemic in the city disappeared was not because all the people ran away and died, but because they all gathered in the palace area. Probably because the air of the epidemic was too strong and dense. From invisible to tangible, it manifests into a red mist visible to the naked eye. You know, I don't really believe in human nature. Are these carnivores in Paititi's royal family really so noble that they are willing to use their lives?

In exchange for the survival of the people in the city? "

Wuniang said, "I don't believe in human nature either, so I think these epidemics are directed at the royal family. You have traveled around the world, and you should have heard of many tragedies that wiped out families. The murderers are hidden in the dark, and they usually start with servants, maids, etc." The peripheral members start to kill and slowly put pressure on the main target. Is this the same principle? If someone wants to put pressure on the royal family, they start with the ordinary people around them. When the city is in chaos and the royal family reaches the end of despair, this When the time comes, we can launch a general attack on the royal family and achieve our goal.”

Qi Xuansu thought quickly, "If our previous conjecture is true and all this is related to the God of Death, then what purpose do they want to achieve? Sometimes the massacres in the world are for treasures, treasure maps or secrets of skills, so what do the ancient gods want? ? Or what does the Paititi royal family desire? In addition to the artifacts, it is the cave of Paititi. Although it is valuable, it does not seem to be worthy of the ancient gods. It takes a lot of effort, after all, one immortal object is not enough for so many ancient gods, so there is only Dongtian."

Wuniang said, "I have a guess. The Paititi Cave was originally closed. The door and key were in the hands of the royal family. The ancient gods could not enter it. In order to obtain or enter the Paititi Cave, the ancient gods came to the cave. Paititi reached some deals with the royal family here. At the beginning, the ancient gods should have adopted a gentle policy and wanted to obtain or enter the Paititi Cave in a relatively peaceful way, so there is Yititi here. In the temple of Tessana, the ancient god became the patron saint of Paititi, and sent insect people who had long been loyal to the ancient god to serve as priests. "

Qi Xuansu followed Wuniang's thoughts and said, "Actually, this is a poison wrapped in sugar. The result is that the royal family of Paititi ate the sugar coating and threw away the poison wrapped inside. The ancient gods made a huge investment , but could not get any reward, he became angry. So the God of Death, who represented the dark side of the ancient god, took action and created this terrible plague, emptied the city, and plunged the royal family into despair. ”

"Because it is the collective action of the ancient gods, the resources and divine power that the Death God can use are extraordinary and must be even more terrifying than the 'gift' that Lord Siming sent down in Jinling Mansion. Even though Paititi's royal family is not weak, , unable to cope with it. Faced with this situation, the royal family of Paititi could only choose to open the cave and lead the remaining people to retreat into the cave to avoid the epidemic.

, the ancient gods can also follow into the cave. "

"These disease mist are only forcing the royal family, not killing the royal family, so they finally gathered and stayed in the palace instead of other places. From this, it can also be concluded that the gateway to Paititi Cave must be in the palace among.”

Wu Niang clapped her hands and said, "The analysis is very good. There are no big flaws in the logic. That should be it. The ancient gods came for the cave and finally succeeded in occupying the cave. At that time, the leader of the ancient gods was Itsumna. The Holy Court did not invade the New World. Later, Itesamna left the key to the Paititi Cave in his and Ixichel's ruins. Then the Holy Court invaded, and Itesumna was defeated and died. Kulkan seizes power and leads the Old God south to the Southern Continent.”

Qi Xuansu asked, "Why did they leave the key in the Northern Continent?"

Wuniang said, "It is said that Itsumna has the ability to predict the future. Maybe he saw a certain future when the Holy Court army was approaching, so he deliberately left the key and waited for the destined person. If you are this destined person, it means that Yi Tsumna’s prediction was correct, you have indeed come to Paititi now with the key.”

Qi Xuansu thought of the immortal methods of the Heavenly Master and True Monarch Ziguang, and how he traveled back and forth between the past and the present was within their expectations. Naturally, he did not dare to underestimate Yite Sumner's methods, even if Yite Sumner was already dead.

Qi Xuansu took out the key and said, "If this is the key to the cave, how can others enter Paititi's cave?"

Wuniang said, "The cardinal keys of the Dongtian are actually divided into big and small, just like the water gate has a main gate and a branch gate. As long as the main gate is pulled down, the branch gate will be useless. Take the Kunlun Cave Sky as an example, 'three treasures are as you wish' It is the main gate, which can open or close the cave. But there is only one "Three Treasures of Good Luck" and there are so many people entering and exiting the Kunlun Cave. You can't let Jiang Hedao open the door to the Queen of Kunlun Cave every day, right? , Dao Sect has added restrictions at each entrance and exit, and you must have the key given by the Dao Sect to enter and exit. "

Qi Xuansu understood. It was like the people who built the cave only set up one big lock with only one big key. Later, people added many small locks with many small keys. Then the big lock was always open and could be opened by the small keys. Small lock controls access.

The key in Qi Xuansu's hand is a "little key".

Qi Xuansu said, "So, the artifact held by Emperor Paititi is the 'main gate' of the cave, which is equivalent to the 'Three Treasures Ruyi'. Previously, the entire Paititi Cave was in a closed state, so

In the past, the ancient gods could not enter. After Emperor Paititi had to use an artifact to open the cave, the ancient gods entered it and occupied the magpie's nest. Since then, the cave has been open. However, the ancient gods have added some access control, so now there is no need for artifacts to enter and exit the cave. But it needs the key of the ancient god. "

Wuniang said, "That's what it means. Don't underestimate the restrictions set by multiple ancient gods. When the Six Enlightenment Wizards and God Lu Wu went to war, the Six Enlightenment Wizards jointly set up a formation, and even God Lu Wu couldn't do it." There is no way to break through. So without the key, we will definitely not be able to enter the Paititi Cave."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask, "Wu Niang, can you contact Mr. Jiang? If all this is as expected by Itsumna, then it may not be a good thing after I go in, and I may have to face the gods directly."

Wuniang said, "Even if Daomen can come in a short time, they will still be alone. It is more realistic to count on Xidaomen and Ixichel."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and continued deep into the palace area.

Soon, Qi Xuansu and Wu Niang came to the base of the main body of the palace. Strangely enough, these rainforest vegetation were not affected by the disease mist at all and were still growing vigorously. Under the destruction of the rainforest, this once majestic palace The palace was very dilapidated at this time. Many places were jacked up by plants growing from the ground and became uneven. The outer walls were covered with moss, making the place blend in with the rain forest in color. In addition, the palace resembled a trapezoid shape. , at first glance I thought it was a small green hill.

The two of them walked along the steps to the main hall of the palace. The door was closed and there was a line of text written on it.

Wu Niang read it directly, "When the seal was opened, there was a huge earthquake, and the full moon was as red as blood, because the wrath of the gods had arrived."

Qi Xuansu said, "It seems that our guess is good. The wrath of the gods is actually anger. The opening of the seal should refer to the seal of Paititi Cave. Then it is said that there are things in the cave that can make people overcome calamities and ascend. Most of them are. It’s true. No wonder the ancient gods are fighting for it.”

Wu Niang sighed, "A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade."

Qi Xuansu asked, "It is said that there are such things in Kunlun Cave?"

Wuniang said, "Of course there is, but it can only be opened by the 'Three Jewels', so the 'Three Jewels' are the symbol of the great leader's authority, ranking first among all immortals."

After saying that, Wu Niang slowly opened the door of the palace, "Maybe my chance is here too. After being an immortal for so many years, can I truly transform into an immortal?"

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