Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 90 The moonlight is hazy

It must be said that Kukulkan's divine power was so powerful that even the very confident Qi Xuansu had self-doubt. After all, there is no need for Qi Xuansu to take too many risks in this matter, at least there is no need to risk his life. In other words, this was a risky move, but it was made after knowing it correctly.

But if you take a wrong look, then the problem will be difficult to explain.

Maybe the boat will capsize. .

Wu Niang said in a deep voice: "Now we can only give it a try."

Qi Xuansu's face was solemn.

He really has the resources to fight for it, that is, the Buddha's relics. At critical moments, he can deliver an immortal strike, which may have miraculous effects.

It's a pity that Qi Xuansu's cultivation level is not enough. If Qi Xuansu had the cultivation level of an immortal, then he alone would be sure to make Kukulkan suffer.

Although Kukulkan is now extremely powerful, the billowing fire of karma above the Kingdom of God is not fake. When Wu Luo used the fire of karma to attack Master Landa, it was because Master Landa did not follow the path of gods at all, and it was true that it did not attract much. , the power is quite limited. But if it were Kukulkan, he wouldn't dare to think about that scenario, and he would have to blow up the Kingdom of God.

At this time, Qi Xuansu only had the cultivation of creation, and the karma fire he could activate was quite limited. Kukulkan's divine kingdom looked like clouds of fire filling the sky, but in fact, its structure was stable. Its principle was similar to the primer of a projectile. It could not be fired casually, it had to be fired. It was an expert like Wu Luo who used the correct method to detonate. Qi Xuansu mastered the correct method, but his cultivation level was not enough.

But if it were Wu Luo, although Wu Luo had this ability, Wu Luo would not do this. It was not that Wu Luo was kind-hearted, but that Wu Luo also carried a lot of karma fire. She detonated Kukulkan's karma fire. You will also set yourself on fire.

Just when Wu Niang and Qi Xuansu were about to risk their lives, a soft moonlight shined into the kingdom of the sun. No matter how bright the sun was, it could not drown out the moonlight.

Wherever the moonlight passed, moonflowers and night dew sprouted, spreading out like a carpet in preparation for the arrival of their master.

The beautiful Moon Girl descends from the moonlight, surrounded by moonlight, hazy and mysterious.

Correspondingly, a full moon also appeared in the sky, dispelling the sun's light, and the night came like a tide, occupying half of the sky, forming a magnificent scene of the sun and moon in the same sky.

The girl stepped barefoot on the grass, and all the plants were shrouded in moonlight, and there were even fireflies dancing gracefully.

The Moon Girl is holding an ancient pendant-like ornament in her hand. It looks like a weird golden bug, like a person bent as a shrimp. It has many legs and the whole looks like a half-moon. It is both the East and the Southern Continent. style of.

However, Qi Xuansu still recognized it. The insect looked like the nine insects among the three corpses and nine insects. It definitely came from the concept of Taoism in the Central Plains.

Ixichel, the Moon Girl, held the Nine Insect Pendant in both hands with a calm and serene expression. Facing the furious Kukulkan on the other side, she showed no intention of giving in.

God war.

If one god rashly enters another god's kingdom without the consent of another god, it can be regarded as a divine war.

Generally speaking, this rarely happens, because the Kingdom of God is the greatest geographical advantage for the gods. One side is working on an expedition, and the other is waiting for work. If the strength of the two sides is not much different, then the side that has the geographical advantage of the Kingdom of God must be The party that wins and enters other people's kingdoms and takes the initiative to attack will be suspected of dying.

Of course, the Taoist sect has done this kind of thing before, but there are people in the Taoist sect. In other words, if there are many people in the Taoist sect, they will use the more to bully the few. The result also proved that even if Wu Luo had the geographical advantage of the Kingdom of God, he could not withstand the attack of Taoist soldiers and was almost killed in his own Kingdom of God. This situation cannot be treated with common sense.

This is also the reason why the ancient gods are afraid of the Taoist sect. Back then, the seven ancient immortals united to oppose the Taoist sect with great momentum, and even caused a riot in Kunlun Cave. The results of it? After so many years, only two ancient immortals are still resisting. The other five ancient immortals have either died or been recruited. This illustrates a problem. The Taoist sect has the ability to decide the life and death of the gods, and the Taoist sect has enough patience to solve the problem slowly and will not rush for success. It is undoubtedly a terrible thing to be cared about by the Taoist sect.

Ixichel at this time

Of course she didn't have the strength of the Taoist sect, but she appeared in Kukulkan's kingdom and declared war on Kukulkan.

This undoubtedly supports Qi Xuansu's previous speculation to a certain extent.

Kukulkan is playing an empty city strategy.

The huge feathered snake coiled up in a snake formation in the square, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Countless rays of sunshine turned into warriors of the sun.

These warriors do not come from the remnants of Itesumna, but from the sun god Misil, who has the head of a falcon and has wings behind him. He holds a golden long bow in his hand and condenses the sun's beams into arrows.

With the blessing of the sun above our heads, these arrows of light are endless and inexhaustible.

Ixichel did not use the moonlight to fight, but just raised the Nine Insect Pendant in his hand.

In an instant, black wormholes appeared one after another around her, densely packed, like a honeycomb, and then more and more worms came here from the wormholes. Some insect men still had expressions of surprise and fear on their faces, but they still rushed towards the sun warriors guarding Kukulkan.

Magic weapons of all kinds faced the rain of arrows from the sun.

Suddenly, both the insect men and the sun warriors suffered heavy casualties.

Although the bugs are selfish by nature and will never risk their lives for other people's affairs. They will definitely seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is a foolish dream to expect them to die without fear, but since they have swallowed the bait called "Foundation Building Pill", then They can't help it. You have to go even if you don't want to die. There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

The Nine Insect Pendant in Ixichel's hand is the key to controlling the Insect Man.

They say it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it. Ixichel has raised these bug-men for so long and used them today. ..

As for the Nine Insect Pendant in Ixichel's hand, it comes from the Insect Queen and is a witness to the covenant.

When the Insects formed an alliance with the Ancient Gods, it was not the Insects who sent representatives. They were not qualified to be on an equal footing with the Ancient Gods. In fact, it was Itsumna who entered the spiritual world through the intersection of the divine kingdoms and met the Insect Queen.

The Insect Queen agreed to form an alliance with the Ancient Gods. She would send Insect Men to assist the Ancient Gods in going south. In return, the Ancient Gods would ensure the continuation of the Insect People and help them open up a passage to the spiritual world. Therefore, insect people can serve as priests of the ancient gods and be reused by the ancient gods.

This pendant in the shape of nine insects is the witness of the covenant between the two parties, so there are two completely different styles. When the insect people face the pendant, except for a few old monsters in the "Nascent Soul Stage", they basically have no power to resist. Can be driven at will.

At the beginning, it was Itsumna who personally controlled the power of the bug-men. At the same time, the bug-men also became his spies to monitor the followers of other gods, including the followers of the rain god Chayak and the followers of the corn god Youmu. Focus on monitoring objects.

Later, Itesumna died in battle, and this artifact fell into Ixichel's hands, so the insect people obeyed Ixichel's orders, and Ixichel also protected the insect people in various ways.

It all makes sense.

At this time, Ixichel regarded the insect man as an abandoned son who consumed Kukulkan's divine power, and did not feel any pain at all. It seems that her promise to Qi Xuansu that she would solve the insect problem was not a lie, and she has now begun to solve the problem.

As Itsumner's partner, Ixichel is very clear about the contents of the covenant and the attitude of the Insect Queen.

The Insect Queen also doesn't feel sorry for ordinary Insects. She only cares about those adult Insects in the "Nascent Soul Stage". She promised the adults the vision of ascension, describing the spiritual world as an existence similar to the fairy world, a secret realm of bliss without birth or death, into which the adults could ascend.

In fact, the spiritual world is not the so-called fairy world, but the insect nest of the insect queen. The insect queen swallows the ascending adults and obtains more powerful power. This is more clever than blood sacrifice. As long as the lie can continue to be maintained, as long as those adult insects are still there, another batch of larvae will hatch soon, and the queen will continue to live for thousands of years until the end of the Dharma. ..

Ixichel personally suppressed the sun in the sky, which was the original power of the Kingdom of God, and used insect-men to consume Kukulkan's divine power. But even so, they were just evenly matched. If he wanted to defeat Kukulkan, Not even close.

At this moment, it suddenly started drizzling in Kukulkan’s Kingdom of God.

Like cow hair, like flower needles, like filaments, they were densely woven diagonally, from far to near, and finally enveloped the entire palace, with a thin layer of smoke covering the roofs of various buildings.

Along with the drizzle came dark clouds, which blocked the moon and blurred the sun. The sky was either bright or dark, gloomy and gray.

The drizzle falls on the night dew grass and moonflower, making them bright and full of vitality. But falling on the sun and the sun warriors made them dim, like dim yellow lamps, reflecting a little yellow light.

Needless to say, this is the arrival of Chayak, the rain god.

As expected, Ixichel had allies and backup, and he came prepared this time.

Qi Xuansu probably understood that the reason why Ixichel was reluctant to take action was that they didn't know Kukulkan's true and false status, and they did not dare to test Kukulkan rashly. After all, Kukulkan's strength was there, and they were afraid of alerting the enemy. . But Qi Xuansu rushed in like a fool, and instead helped them find out Kukulkan's true identity. They concluded that Kukulkan was bluffing, and then decided to take action.

Now it seems that Kukulkan is indeed bluffing. Although he looks very powerful, in his own Kingdom of God, he is only evenly matched against Ixichel, who is not as powerful as him. This is very telling.

It's just that Qi Xuansu didn't understand something.

Where is Chuck Chell?

Could it be that Chakchel and Ishchel have always been one and the same? Is the statement of splitting in two a deliberate attempt to deceive Kukulkan? If this is the case, then there is no need to support Kukulkan in the first place. Without the support of Chakchel, it would be difficult for Kukulkan to successfully seize power.

In other words, Chakchel was initially forced by the pressure of other ancient gods to choose the lesser of two evils, and had to push Kukulkan, who seemed to be easy to control, to the position of main god, and the two of them reached an agreement. Some kind of agreement, but later Chakchel discovered that Kukulkan was not that easy to control and was suspected of burning bridges, so Chakchel decisively turned his back and betrayed Kukulkan?

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