Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 91 The Final Chapter of Shadow

Chayak came on the wind and manifested beside Kukulkan.

His entire body was shrouded in a layer of mist, making it difficult to see his true appearance.

The sun warriors immediately turned their arrows and pointed them at Chayak.

Chayak didn't make any move, but the rain suddenly became stronger, turning from a gentle spring rain into a violent storm.

The raindrops became denser and denser. At first they were connected into a line, and later they turned into a curtain of water.

For a time, these golden sun warriors became blurred under the wash of the heavy rain, and all the light arrows were diluted in the heavy rain. In the end, these warriors transformed by the sun's light slowly melted like clay figures and turned into a puddle of mud in the water.

Chayak, the rain god, swayed and was divided into four gods, occupying the four directions of east, west, north and south respectively.

With Kukulkan's condition, he still couldn't win against Ixichel. Now, with one against two, he was immediately at a disadvantage.

The four gods took action at the same time, hitting the four vital points of Quetzalcoatl.

For an instant, the entire Kingdom of God seemed to stand still.

In any case, Chayak was once the second god after Itsumna. This can be seen from the fact that he survived the Holy Court's raid. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even if he survived Suffering a heavy blow and never being the same again, it should still not be underestimated.

After a while, everything came alive again.

The strong wind and rain could not last for long, and slowly stopped, the clouds opened and the fog dispersed.

The sun that reappeared has undergone great changes. It was originally at the peak of the sky, but now it is waning.

It was dusk.

The sunset dyed the sky red.

But this is far from over. After dusk, darkness should fall, and that is the world of the moon.

Ixichel has completely suppressed Kukulkan.

This time it is no longer the sun and the moon standing side by side, but the next step is the rotation of the sun and the moon, with the moon completely replacing the sun.

Quetzalcoatl, who was hit in the vital part, did not struggle, but froze, motionless.

The four gods reunited as one and transformed into Chayak, the rain god.

Then Quetzalcoatl's huge body began to disintegrate like a river of golden sand, turning into countless golden sands that were sprinkled throughout the divine kingdom.

These gold sands contain extremely powerful solar power. Some of them fell on the palace and blew the palace into ruins. Some fell on the barren land and directly turned the land into scorched earth. Some fell on the tree creatures. , and burn them all.

Qi Xuansu raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Although the setting sun in the dusk has been faltering, it has not turned into the night and the moon.

Isn't Kukulkan dead?

Qi Xuansu couldn't help being surprised and looked at Ixichel again.

Moon Girl responded to Qi Xuansu's question: "Master Qi, he was just the incarnation of Kukulkan just now, and his true body is still in the dormitory. However, killing his incarnation also caused him great losses. Cha and I His Highness Yak is going to enter Kukulkan’s chamber next. Does Master Qi want to be a witness? ".b.

Qi Xuansu would naturally not agree. With his cultivation level, if he was involved in a fight between gods and immortals, wouldn't that be courting death?

At this moment, Wu Niang suddenly said: "Let's take a look. You can use the weapon to incarnate."

Qi Xuansu understood what Wu Niang meant. Immortals are naturally not afraid of fights between gods. Qi Xuansu used the "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" to condense the incarnation of soldiers and weapons, and became one with Wu Niang. With the cultivation of a pseudo-immortal, even if he couldn't intervene, he could at least protect himself. However, Qi Xuansu's true self will leave this place. It is best to return to Paititi Cave and retreat immediately if there is any slight mistake.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

This is not the first time that Qi Xuansu has done this. When he went to Huangquan Kingdom, he controlled "Emperor Shakti" to enter because his cultivation was not enough. It would be nice to have "Emperor Shakti" at this time, and he could be deeply involved in it, but unfortunately there is not, so he can only become a spectator.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Xuansu had relied on Wuniang to gather the incarnation of Bingjie. He himself retreated along the snake path from where he came. The incarnation of Bingjie led by Wuniang followed Ixichel towards the road bathed in golden light. Go up the stairs.

Library just now

The incarnation of Kulkan poked his head out from the top of this staircase. It can be seen that this staircase is wide, and at the end of it is a golden light curtain, blocking the way.

At the other end of the golden light curtain is Kukulkan's dormitory. It can be seen that this place has broken away from the category of palaces and other buildings and has become abstract and illusory. It is called the dormitory, but it is more like an independent palace within the Kingdom of God. Special space.

At this moment, a piece of black mist floated over, carrying the smell of rot, and then the black mist condensed into a rotten man with an owl head, holding an obsidian knife in his right hand and holding a skull in his left hand.

It is Apuche, the northern god of death.

As an evil god, it is not surprising that he chose to rebel against the main god.

Ixichel smiled and said: "Your Highness A. Puch, you are here too, please open the road to the trespassers for us."

Apuch did not participate in this rebellion against Kukulkan for free. At this time, he emphasized his conditions again: "According to our agreement, after killing Kukulkan, I will obtain his death priesthood. "

Ixichel still smiled: "This is natural."

"I am willing to serve you, Her Majesty the future Queen of the Moon." Apuche raised the obsidian knife in his hand and swiped it from top to bottom on the golden light screen in front of him.

There was a strong corrosive aura attached to the blade. After contacting the golden light curtain, it made a hissing sound, and the black aura corroded a ravine on the golden light curtain. ..o

Apuche cut repeatedly, and the golden light curtain was like butter, being separated bit by bit.

The three gods passed through the portal one after another and broke into Kukulkan's chamber.

Sure enough, this place no longer looks like a temple, but more like an illusory space. It is not the golden color as imagined, but pitch black.

In the center of this space, there is a platform made of gold. Some look like a couch in the Central Plains, and some look like an elongated and enlarged throne. Except for the pure gold material, there are no other unnecessary decorations.

A huge feathered snake was lying on the golden platform, its wings were folded, covering the snake's body, and it was sleeping.

Although Qi Xuansu was just watching, he shared his senses with Wu Niang. At this time, he finally understood why Ixichel could conclude that Kukulkan was bluffing.

Because in addition to the majestic power of Kukulkan, Kukulkan's body also has powerful blood and a strong body that comes from a natural alien species. Even if Kukulkan does not become a god, he can still take another path.

The previous incarnation had only divine power but no flesh and blood. It was just a paper tiger.

The three gods and Wu Niang, an existence infinitely close to the gods, finally woke up the sleeping Kukulkan.

He slowly opened his eyes, his erect snake eyes swept across the gods, and he couldn't hide his weakness in his loud voice: "What are you going to do?"

Neither the God of Death nor the God of Rain responded, but looked at the Moon Girl in the middle.

Ixichel took charge of the situation at this time, as the Northern God of Death called her - the future Queen of the Moon.

From a young girl to a queen, this is Ixichel's purpose.

She secretly accumulated strength and made many plans to overthrow Kukulkan and become the fourth generation of god kings after Unabuku, Itsumna, and Kukulkan. At the same time, she repeatedly showed her favor to Qi Xuansu , hoping to be recognized by the Taoist sect behind Qi Xuansu.

Now, Ixchel is only one step away from success and just needs to get rid of Kukulkan. .c0

Ixichel did not rush to speak, but turned his gaze to Wu Niang: "Dear Taoist messenger, I believe you have seen all kinds of illegal affairs in Kukulkan. What is your opinion?"

Wu Niang replied: "I have no objection."

Ixichel took Wu Niang's attitude as acquiescence. She put away the pendant that symbolized the insect-human covenant and took out a silver box.

This is the famous "Ichichel's Silver Box", an artifact that can bring destruction.

This is one of the reasons why the God of Death and the God of Rain chose to follow Ixichel, not only because Ixichel offered generous enough conditions, but also because Ixichel had enough force to deter them.

Even when Itsumna was alive, Ixichel was ranked fourth among the gods, higher than Death and Kukulkan.

Kukulkan's snake eyes showed panic and fear, but he still said: "You only have the silver box, and you also need the key of Chakchel. That key is not in your hand."

This artifact is somewhat similar to the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Swords". It is divided into two parts. One part is naturally the silver box in Ixichel's hand, and the other part is in the hand of Chakchel. It is the key to the silver box. It is called It is called "Chak Chel's Lock Wheel" and is in the shape of a dagger.

By inserting the lock wheel into the silver box, you can activate the power of this artifact and kill the gods, just like Jiang Daren killed Chen Shuhua with "Su Wang".

When Ixichel was split into two, this artifact was also split into two, with the Moon Girl and the Tiger Claw Old Woman each holding one half.

"You are wrong." Ixichel said calmly, "'Chakchel's Lock Wheel" is also in my hand. "

Ixichel held "Ixichel's Silver Box" with his left hand, and a New World-style diamond-shaped dagger appeared in his right hand, which was "Chakchel's Lock Wheel".

Kukulkan's panic turned into despair: "How could it be? How could it be?"

At this time, the voice of the tiger-clawed old woman suddenly sounded in Kukulkan's mind: "The god Itsumna once predicted that when a great disaster comes, the god Kukulkan must sacrifice himself to the sun, otherwise the gods will will perish."

"The day of sacrifice has come."

"Kukulkan, the Crimson Fire will guide you and keep you true to our original oath."

"From now on, solar eclipses will no longer represent the Holy Palace. We keep the sun, and you will clear away the shadows."

Kukulkan finally understood everything and roared loudly, with a voice like thunder: "I was fooled by you! I was fooled by you!"

It's just that it's too late, Kukulkan is too weak now and can't even leave the Golden Platform.

This golden platform looks like an altar.

Ixichel inserted the dagger in his hand into the silver box inch by inch. The dagger was the key and the silver box was the lock.

When the dagger completely penetrates the silver box, the lock is opened.

Qi Xuansu, who was about to leave Kukulkan Palace, felt something in his heart and turned around to look.

I saw that the sun in the dusk was getting dimmer, and a shadow appeared on its western edge.

It was as if someone was using an ink pen to continuously trace the outline of the western edge of the sun, making the lines darker and thicker.

Qi Xuansu had seen this scene before, in the foreshadowing of the "Gui Zang Lantern".

The solar eclipse is coming.

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