Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 98 Killing God

The vibrating void of an ordinary martial artist is just a little bit.

This point may be large or small, depending on your cultivation level.

But Tantai Zhenxiao's shaking void is a thread.

Above the line, the space vibrates and twists, regardless of any defensive means, neither the so-called "shelter" nor the solar field can stop it.

This is different from tearing apart a line of void. The fist of a human immortal is similar to a blunt weapon. It ultimately breaks the void and crushes the void. It is more suitable to fight against existences like immortals that have no fatal vital points. Since there is no critical point, then attack it comprehensively, leaving no dead ends.

This is also one of the reasons why Master Jiang Daren failed to kill Itesumna with two consecutive swords. In addition to Itesumna's own cultivation level being high enough, the Shinto Golden Body is indeed unreasonable.

In all senses, gods are the ones with the strongest survivability. The geographical advantages of the Kingdom of God, the ability to avoid catastrophes, the golden body has no weaknesses and can recover quickly, and the triple death make gods difficult to kill. The presence.

The best way to kill an immortal is not to kill it head-on, but to cut off the source of its divine power and allow it to die naturally. Without the power of the gods, their golden bodies will gradually decay, and they can only resort to other methods, such as using blood sacrifices, which in turn will cause karma, drink poison to quench their thirst, and eventually lead to destruction.

Because of this, the Taoist sect has not been able to completely solve the problem of the ancient immortals for so many years. Although the Taoist sect once assembled heavy troops and severely damaged Wu Luo, it was unable to do its full work because of the support of the Buddhist sect. Every time the Taoist sect dispatched a large army, it mobilized a large number of Real people, spiritual officials, etc. all have costs, so Taoism stopped there.

As for cutting off the source of divine power from the ancient immortals, Taoism has been doing this for many years, mainly to crack down on secret associations. However, it was still because of the support of Buddhism that the problem could not be completely solved.

To put it bluntly, the problem of Taoist ancient immortals is essentially a Buddhist problem. As long as Buddhism still exists, these external forces cannot die out. As long as Buddhism is eliminated, the problem of ancient immortals will naturally be solved.

The problem of Buddhism is far-reaching. Although the Xuansheng era defeated Buddhism with heavy blows and forced Buddhism to sign a city alliance and nominally surrender to Taoism, it was essentially similar to the Wei Dynasty expelling the Golden Tent. The Great Wei Dynasty only drove the Golden Tent out. In the Central Plains, instead of wiping out the Golden Tent, by the end of the Wei Dynasty, the Golden Tent moved south from time to time, and the two sides fought intermittently.

The same is true for Taoism and Buddhism. Taoism disintegrated Buddhism in the Central Plains, expelled Buddhism in the Western Regions, and forced Fenglinzhou Buddhism and Nanyang Buddhism to bow their heads. But Buddhism did not accept its fate and kept making small moves.

Although Central Plains Buddhism has become a Taoist archway, its main function is to unify the three religions, Central Plains Buddhism is still unwilling to give up and has always been connected with Western Region Buddhism.

The war in the Western Regions led by Master Donghua was nominally a war against shamanism, and behind shamanism was Buddhism in the Western Regions.

The Nanyang United Fighting Salvation Society is obviously an insect on the surface

When people come forward to provoke troubles with Taoism, they also have the support of Nanyang Buddhism behind them.

Not to mention the Fenglinzhou Buddhist Sect, they are important members of the Zunbang Sect.

As the ancestral home of the Buddhist sect, Posuzhou had equally serious problems. However, the Taoist sect implemented military control there and stockpiled heavy troops, so the Posuzhou Buddhist sect did not dare to act rashly. However, the Posuzhou Buddhist sect had also been colluding with the Holy Court in an attempt to achieve autonomy. It's just that Posuzhou is too far away from the Central Plains, and very little news reaches the Central Plains, so its presence is low.

As for why Taoism does not completely solve the problem of Buddhism, the reason is not complicated.

The first is that the policy of Taoism has changed, focusing on economic development. This requires a stable environment, which is not suitable for starting a full-scale war like the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. However, local wars such as the Western Region War and the Fenglinzhou War are not suitable. It cannot completely solve the Buddhist problem. It only treats the symptoms of headaches and foot pain, not the root cause.

The second is that Taoism has indeed achieved considerable development. Taoism has become more expensive and does not want to use swords or guns with the relatively poor Buddhism. Taoists also look down on Buddhism a little bit. Water flows to lower places and people go to higher places. People in Buddhism watch Taoists enjoy the glory, while they themselves can only live in poverty. There is a huge material gap. How can they not envious? Therefore, in recent years, many Buddhists have turned to Taoism and secretly flirted with Taoism. The Taoist sect changed its policy during the period of the third generation of great masters and decided to focus on literature and supplement it with martial arts to completely solve the problem.

To put it bluntly, it means talking about Taoism and reciting sutras. Our Taoist sect is good, and you Buddhists say that Buddhism is good. Who is better? Don’t keep talking.

Then let’s compare.

Dao Sect is rich in the four seas. The Central Plains, the Western Regions, Nanyang, overseas continents, and the Southern Continent are all the territory of Dao Sect. They divide the world with the Western Holy Court and are the masters of the East.

What about Buddhism?

Known as Western religion, the Holy Court is synonymous with the West. Taking root in the East and picking up people's wisdom among the three religions will only make great boasts.

What does it mean that facts speak louder than words?

Every time we talk about Taoism, Buddhism, which used to overwhelm Taoism, is always defeated by Taoism, and the offensive and defensive momentum is different.

Regardless of how the Buddhist masters recite sutras, for ordinary Buddhist disciples, we have not seen how good the Paradise is, but we can clearly see how majestic and enjoyable the Taoist priests are.

seeing is believing. There are many wavering people in Buddhism. As long as Taoism is willing to give them a chance, they are willing to work for Taoism.

In order to combat the corrosion of Taoism, Buddhism also has some measures. One is to promote asceticism, and ascetics are very popular.

Tao, with disheveled hair and ragged clothes, must endure what ordinary people consider to be painful things in order to exercise his will and dispassion. Second, it is closed to the inside, preventing ordinary Buddhist disciples from seeing the prosperity of the outside world. These measures were effective in a short period of time, but Buddhism also stalled.

In fact, the Taoist sect had a similar experience. At that time, the Taoist sect had just experienced the Chidi Thousand Miles in the late Wei Dynasty and the decades-long dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. Finally, peace had been settled, and everything was waiting to be done. The Taoist sects who went to the west saw this. The prosperity of the Holy Court was greatly shocked, and the hearts of the people inside were floating. Only then did the Taoist sect completely make up its mind to completely stop fighting with the Buddhist sect and make every effort to develop the economy.

After Taoism formulated a strategy based on its own experience and feelings, which focused on literature and supplemented by martial arts, the effect was immediate. There were people close to Taoism in various overseas continents, and they spontaneously turned their hearts to Taoism. Taoism took advantage of the trend to promote the Central Plains, and gained a lot.

If you want to break the trick, it is easy to say but difficult to do. That is to develop oneself and become no weaker than the Taoist sect on the material level. Naturally, one will gradually no longer be interested in the Taoist sect.

The strength of culture and doctrine often comes from economic strength.

This is a very simple human nature problem. People's hearts always want to be high when they are high. When people live, they must firstly think about it, that is, hope, and secondly, have vanity. No matter how difficult it is, as long as you are better than others, you will be happy.

Development issues are easy to talk about, but to actually put them into practice requires several generations of hard work, great courage and superb means.

Take Buddhism as an example. If you want to develop, you must let go of restrictions and face the "corrosion" problem of Taoism. What if you are killed by Taoist chanting before it develops? What should I do if the Taoist sect disintegrates from within before it has even developed? This depends on the courage and means of the senior Buddhist leaders.

Now it seems that Buddhism does not have the courage or ability. Their teachings are essentially pie-in-the-sky. All good things are in the afterlife, in the Paradise of Paradise. If everyone pursues a good pregnancy, who cares? Now? Who is still going to fight?

Taoism is different. Taoism has always pursued this life, not the next life, so it seeks immortality. Moreover, from the very beginning, Taoism pointed out that practical factors such as law, lovers, wealth, and land are indispensable. It is not like what Buddhism advocates. Taking pride in suffering, Taoism has the motivation to seek better development and a better present.

Therefore, Taoism does not use force to solve Buddhist problems. Killing is the next best thing and killing one's mind is the highest priority.

Back to the topic, no matter how difficult it is to kill a deity, it doesn’t mean that it cannot be killed.

The Dao Sect dispatched three immortals this time, and they were three top-ranked immortals, which was enough to give Itesumna enough face.

How could Itsumna not die?

After Tantai Da Zhenren shocked the void, It Sumner's golden body

It was also completely distorted, and the structure was no longer stable, turning into a chaotic state of uncertainty.

It was as if the neat military formation was disrupted and turned into a rout.

The Celestial Master once again grasped "Qingyun". Although the two swords cannot be combined, for the Celestial Master, just one sword is enough.

Master Jiang Da mastered the "Shuntian Sword" and struck out the third sword.

Almost at the same time, the Heavenly Master also took advantage of the situation and drew his sword.

The two immortals relied on their own cultivation, extensive knowledge, and rich experience to forcibly combine their swords.

A mighty sword light descended from the sky and enveloped the defeated Itsumna.

Itsumna continued to condense into a human form, and was repeatedly defeated into a twisted and disintegrated state.

The newly resurrected King of the Ancient Gods is inevitably heading towards his next death.

Itsumna barely condensed into a head, and his body had completely turned into a twisted shadow, struggling to make a sound.

"I am willing to surrender!"

"Let me go."

"don't want……"

Tianshi and Jiang Daren were completely indifferent and continued to activate the sword light.

The One-Calamity Immortal is too dangerous. Daomen can seal and suppress such an existence, but it is basically impossible to control it. If this is the case, then Itesumna can only die, Daomen cannot leave such a hidden danger.

The sword light became stronger and stronger, and Itsumna's figure was gradually engulfed by the sword light, and only a vague black shadow could be seen.

The mighty sword light created huge ripples, sweeping across the cave sky.

The black shadow under the sword light became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Only then did Tianshi and Jiang Dazhen put away their swords.

At this point, the slaying of the gods was successful, demonstrating the power of the Taoist sect.

Under the perception of the three immortals, it was impossible for Itsumna to play any trick of pretending to die.

The Heavenly Master threw "Qingyun" to Qi Xuansu again and slowly dissipated. After all, it's just a projection, not the real person.

Jiang Dazhen and Tantai Dazhen are the descendants of their deities.

Master Tantai rushed towards the Kingdom of God, Master Jiang was not in a hurry to go back, but came to Qi Xuansu's side.

At this time, Qi Xuansu had already found Wuniang who was shot down. She was indeed a woman who had once resisted the "Taiyi Technique". Wuniang could not be said to be in serious trouble, but her life was not hanging by a thread.

When Qi Xuansu saw Master Jiang Dazhen coming, he quickly took the initiative to salute.

Master Jiang Da waved his hand to indicate to Qi Xuansu that there was no need to be polite, and his eyes fell on Wu Niang.

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