Qi Xuansu asked quickly: "Mr. Jiang, Wu Niang..."

Although Wu Niang was not dead, for some reason, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she had passed out. Qi Xuansu didn't know exactly what was going on, but Master Jiang Da was well-informed and had known and been with Wu Niang for a longer time, so he should know the reason.

Master Jiang Da said: "This is her opportunity."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Niang had said before that there might be an opportunity for her here. Could it be that it was relying on Itsumner's blow to break the rear? This is too simple.

Master Jiang Da seemed to see what Qi Xuansu was thinking and said, "Of course it's not that simple."

Having said that, an ancient stone slab appeared in the hands of Master Jiang Da. It looked mottled on the surface and was engraved with an ancient script that Qi Xuansu had never learned. It was not the Central Plains script, nor the script currently used in the New World, nor the Holy Court script. It should be the hieroglyphics of the New World, and it also has certain pictorial features, which contain strange power.

Any words have power, and talismans and runes can be regarded as a special kind of words.

Therefore, Cangjie was shocked when he created characters.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

Master Jiang Da said: "What was left behind after Itsumna's death should be the key to this cave and the pyramid."

Qi Xuansu didn't notice when Jiang Daren put this thing into his pocket. It should be that Jiang Daren had already taken down the stone slab before the sword light completely dissipated.

After all, the Celestial Master is just a projection. There is no return, but direct dissipation. It is impossible to bring things back, so it can only be taken by Jiang Daren. It just so happens that Master Jiang Da is responsible for managing the Taoist immortals, so this saves you the trouble.

"Give me the 'Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans'. "Jiang Daren reached out his hand.

Qi Xuansu followed the instructions and handed Wuniang's body to Jiang Dazhen, but Wuniang's human form was still there unconscious, and the two had not merged into one.

Master Jiang Da asked Qi Xuansu to pick up Wu Niang, and the two came to the top of the pyramid. There was an altar here, which was the place where Itsumna was resurrected.

Master Jiang Da asked Qi Xuansu to place Wu Niang on the altar, and then placed the "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" on Wu Niang's body.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Mr. Jiang, is this okay? I remember that our Taoist sect's 'Ascension Platform' and 'Liu Xiantai' have restrictions and cannot be used continuously. Itsumna just used the pyramid, will it be..."

Jiang Dazhen said: "'Ascension Platform' and 'Liuxian Platform' do have usage restrictions, but this altar is different. Its main function is not to ascend and overcome tribulations, but to offer sacrifices and resurrection, and it is specially used for ancient gods. Resurrection. According to their logical explanation, it should be a new era after the destruction of the sun. To explain it in our Taoist terms, it is somewhat similar to the concept of destruction and establishment, but it is not exactly the same.

"The reason why Itsumna was promoted to a calamity sage was because he was already strong enough. He eliminated karma through resurrection and got rid of all kinds of burdens. At the same time, he gained a calamity by sacrificing Kukulkan. The strength of the Immortal. If Itsumna himself was not strong enough, even if he sacrificed Kukulkan, he would not be able to become an Immortal."

Wuniang has already communicated with Master Jiang Da, so Master Jiang Da knows all the details. Based on the experience of an immortal, he can make a more accurate judgment than Qi Xuansu.

Master Jiang Da went on to say: "After Yitesumna is resurrected, he is equivalent to a quasi-one-kalpa immortal. As long as he can take back the Kingdom of God and other priesthoods, he will have the power of a one-kalpa immortal and can safely survive a natural disaster. If the Dao Sect does not stop it, it means that in the next hundred years, Itsumna can come to the world freely without the help of a container instead of hiding in the Kingdom of God. This also means that Itsumna has the ability to change the entire world. In the new world, many things will get out of control, which we cannot allow."

Qi Xuansu understood.

Taoism is not worried about a one-kalpa immortal hiding in the Kingdom of God. The effect he can exert on the human level is quite limited. However, Taoism is very afraid of a one-kalpa immortal who can freely come to the human world, so he must be eliminated.

In the bud. ..

At the same time, Master Jiang Da also said one thing. This pyramid is not very useful to people in the Taoist sect. Except for immortals, other inherited immortals do not have triple death. Death is death. The so-called resurrection is There is no way to talk about it.

Itesumna actually uses multiple tricks. The first heavenly tribulation is both a disaster and a reward for the immortals. After passing through the heavenly tribulation, not only will they get a hundred years, but they will also be refined by the heavenly tribulation and be able to go further. This is The biggest difference between the One-Calamity Immortal and the Quasi-One Calamity Immortal is here.

Itesumna, on the other hand, broke through and stood up, and obtained a similar effect to the Heavenly Tribulation without undergoing the Heavenly Tribulation. Then he turned around to bear the Heavenly Tribulation. Although he would no longer benefit from the Heavenly Tribulation, Can get a hundred years period.

This is completely different from the principle of Taoist "Liuxiandai".

The key here is the triple death of the immortal, who can place his mark in the underworld, waiting for resurrection. Immortals from other traditions cannot do this, and resurrection is out of the question.

It can be said that this pyramid was basically built for the ancient god system, and the risks involved were also very high. If the ancient god dies successfully, but others do not offer sacrifices to the altar, then the dead ancient god can only remain in a state of death. At this time, the dead ancient god has no way to control others. He is just a piece of fish on the chopping board, and can be slaughtered by others. It is said that life depends on other people's thoughts.

This means that Chakchel was loyal to Itsumna and tried his best to resurrect Itsumna. If it was Ixichel, Itsumna would really be dead.

Moreover, the divine power required for sacrifice is very huge. Just reviving Itesumna's will requires multiple waves of shadows. To fully resurrect Itesumna, Kukulkan must be sacrificed - this is also the reason for Cha's death. One of the reasons why Kechel bewitched Kukulkan to connect the Kingdom of God with the cave. Killing Kukulkan in the Kingdom of God is equivalent to killing Kukulkan in the cave. The sacrifice of a quasi-one-time immortal. The sacrifice was exchanged for the resurrection of a calamity immortal.

Therefore, this altar is very powerful. For Taoists, it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to abandon it.

Master Jiang Dazhen was interpreting the slate in his hand: "The ancestors of Paititi once owned this altar, which opened the prosperous Paititi era. However, each sacrifice required a large number of living people to perform blood sacrifices. In the beginning, Just prisoners of war, then slaves, and later believers, and even nobles. This caused the Paititi Empire to decline rapidly. In the end, the last owner of the altar decided to seal the altar and Paititi's cave and no longer use it. ”

"It is precisely because of such a shortcut to sacrifice that the New World has embarked on a crooked path. Sacrifice has penetrated into the bones of the New World and has been banned repeatedly. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Once you get used to it, The more convenient path is not willing to try the more difficult and correct path. Obtaining divine power through the righteous path of God loving the world is easier said than done. It is like cultivating disciples to become talents, which requires a lot of effort. With blood sacrifices, the ancient gods are doomed to fall."

Qi Xuansu was less concerned about the reflections of Paititi's ancestors and more concerned about Wuniang's situation: "Is this altar useful to Wuniang?"

Master Jiang Da said: "Wu Niang is not dead and does not need to be resurrected. I just use the sacrifices from this altar to help her take the last step. In a sense, if Wu Niang can escape from the 'Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans', then Isn't it a new life? It can be regarded as corresponding to the so-called rebirth and opening of a new era. "

Qi Xuansu finally breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

As for the issue of sacrifice, it is basically not a problem. First of all, Wu Niang's situation is different from It Sumner's. Since she is not dead, there is no need to sacrifice someone, only providing divine power is enough. In order to deceive others, Chakcheer could only use the Tide of Shadows to collect divine power. This can also be regarded as an application of the Night Priesthood. But Taoism doesn't need to hide people's eyes and ears, and Taoism doesn't lack divine power.

Master Jiang Da took out his sutra basket.

The second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest taught "Shangdong Sutra Rui", Shenzhi Zhenzhen taught "Taixuan Sutra Rui", the first-grade innocent Taoist priest taught "Taishang Du Gong Sutra Rui", and the deputy headmaster Dazhen taught "Taishang Daode Jing Rui" .

The "Tai Shang Dao Dao Jing Lu" of the three deputy heads of the great masters corresponds to the authority of the Demon Suppressing Well Cave, the Demon Locking Tower Cave, and the Dragon Palace Cave. The three deputy heads of the great masters also

Some secondary authorities can be divided from the scriptures and given to others to assist them in managing the cave. This is where the concept of big and small keys comes into play.

Jiang Dazhen, as the fourth-ranked Pingzhang Dazhen, was awarded the "Tai Shang Du Gong Sutra" and has two secondary permissions. A secondary authority corresponds to Zixiao Palace, because Zixiao Palace is the residence of the Grand Master, who holds the highest authority, and the Grand Master’s wife and the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace are responsible for the secondary authority.

Another secondary authority corresponds to "Thirty-Three Days".

Of course, there is not only one authority for the "Thirty-Three Days". The highest authority is still in the hands of the Grand Master, and then several secondary authorities are divided and handed over to several great masters. They can be third masters or ordinary people. Ping Zhang Da Zhenren. Because Zhengyi was responsible for the affairs of ghosts and gods in the past, he had a lot of weight in this aspect.

Therefore, the Grand Master is strong, and the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace has the status of the Prime Minister of the inner court. Together with the Grand Master's wife, he can compete with the three deputy Master Masters who are similar to the Prime Minister of the outer court.

Of course, there is no absolute distinction between inside and outside. Depending on the origin of each camp, it is also a situation where there is one among you.

Master Jiang Da directly communicated with Taoism about the "Thirty-three Days".

A powerful divine power ignored the limitation of distance, passed through the boundary of cave and sky, and descended on the altar.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh, if the Grand Master has first-level authority, then Master Jiang Dazhen has second-level authority, Master Qingwei can probably be regarded as third-level authority, and Qi Xuansu only has fourth-level authority, which is different in terms of the amount of divine power he can mobilize.

Light lit up on the altar and engulfed Wu Niang.

Qi Xuansu asked: "How long will it take?"

Master Jiang Dazhen replied: "Don't be impatient. It takes forty-nine days for an immortal to be reborn. Even if everything goes well, it will take at least forty-nine days. If it doesn't go well, it's hard to say. It may be one or two years, or it may be... Three or four years, it all depends on her fortune."

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