Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 109: Trinity Discussion

Seeing that the Northern Continent was temporarily unable to push forward and lacked key figures, Qi Xuansu simply let Shen Yubing busy himself. He summoned Wu Tu, Tantai Ying, Hu En Ahan, Huang Fu Xi, Huang Fu Zhu and others. Discussing Operation Trinity Cleanup.

The so-called trinity refers to the elimination of the remnants of Kukulkan and Chakchel, the elimination of the insect people, and the abolition of the blood-stopping sacrifice.

This is a formal meeting and a process.

Two spiritual officials pushed open the door, one on the left and the other on the right. Qi Xuansu strode into the meeting hall, and everyone inside stood up.

Qi Xuansu walked to the main seat in the middle and sat down, and then the others followed suit.

"Get ready for discussion." Qi Xuansu said, "This time I called everyone to come to Xinpaititi. Some fellow Taoists traveled long distances and worked hard. I want to explain why we chose Xinpaititi, because I think The situation in New Paititi is the most serious. The matter is very important, so I will also announce a rule before the formal discussion begins. The content of this discussion must be kept highly confidential and cannot be spread in any form. "

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment, looked around at everyone, and continued, "Let's start the discussion now. The remnants of Kukulkan and Chakchere, the insect people, and the people who secretly performed blood sacrifices. These three have a certain overlap and are also very strong. The correlation is like weeds in a field, they don’t exist in isolation, but are mixed together, so we can’t help but discuss several issues.”

"First, what is the situation or state of these people in New Paititi?"

"Second, what is the soil in which they exist? Is there a protective umbrella?"

"Third, how should we 'weed'? For some people who have never been involved in farming, some weeds are still very similar to wheat seedlings. How to effectively identify them? Do not harm innocent people."

For Qi Xuansu, this kind of thing is quite familiar. After all, it is almost the same as dealing with the issue of secret associations and is very similar in nature.

The more difficult thing here is not to combat the forces of secret associations themselves, but the issue of the protective umbrella behind the forces of secret associations, because secret associations are only a link in the chain of power and interests. Only when they are protected and endorsed by power can they exist for a long time.

If you want to eradicate secret societies, there are two key points. One is to destroy their core, and the other is to destroy their protective umbrella.

Take the "Heavenly Court" before promoting the normalization of some secret societies. Its core is Patriarch Jin Gong, and its protective umbrella is Taiping Dao. Whether it is to kill the immortal Jin Gong, or force Taiping Dao to give up "Heavenly Court" , are all unrealistic, so by compromising with reality, "Heavenly Court" becomes normalized.

Although the cores of the other Zhiming Cult and Lingshan Witch Cult are equally strong, without the protection of the upper level, they are naturally included in the list of must-strict sects.

Areas of severe attack.

As for why power should serve as a protective umbrella for secret associations, the reason is not complicated. Just as name cannot be equated with power, converting name into power is a technical job. In the same way, power cannot be equated with interests. The realization of power is also a technical job. Clandestine associations are an important channel for realizing power.

Abolition of secret societies will cut off people's financial resources, and may even endanger the power itself. Of course, people have to fight tooth and nail.

Among the people attending the meeting, Huangfu Ximing had the highest status on the surface, but in fact, Tantai Ying had the greatest power, because Tantai Ying represented the Xidao Sect, just like Qi Xuansu represented the Dao Sect, which had little to do with his own position.

Tantai Ying spoke very directly, "I have something to say about the three points mentioned by Master Qi, but I just don't know what Master Qi wants to hear."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "How do you say this?"

"If Master Qi wants to hear something nice, it's not a big problem. It's just ringworm and scabies. It's nothing to worry about." Tantai Ying also dared to say, "Under Master Qi's wise leadership, we will soon be able to eliminate all kinds of diseases." kind of enemy, successfully complete the tasks assigned by superiors, and give a perfect answer.”

Qi Xuansu signaled to stop, "What about those who are not obedient?"

Tantai Ying said, "The bad words are the truth. When Qi Zhenren mentioned these questions, I will answer them one by one. First, their situation is widespread. It can be said that the problem is serious. What we are facing is a mess. Second, of course it exists The protection umbrella is very deep and may even involve some relatively sensitive people. Third, we are faced with a dilemma. Some people hide deeply. If you want to eradicate it completely, you will inevitably hurt innocent people. If it is innocent, it cannot be eradicated completely. Frankly speaking, there is no good way.”

Qi Xuansu said, "According to what Master Tantai said, the problem is quite serious."

Tantai Ying said bluntly, "I don't know what others think, but I think so."

Qi Xuansu looked at the other people.

Huangfu Xi carefully considered his words and said, "Although what Master Tantai said is a bit hard to accept, it is indeed an objective fact. I think if it were not a difficult problem, then Master Qi would not need to hold this special meeting. We should all Treat this issue with caution.”

Qi Xuansu said, "Of course a cautious attitude is important. Does anyone else have any opinions?"

No one said anything, everyone agreed with Tantai Ying's point of view.

Qi Xuan

Su said, "Speaking of the second point, do we here have a protective umbrella?"

Everyone's expressions were solemn.

Utu slowly said, "Maybe there was in the past, but it shouldn't be now."

Qi Xuansu said, "I won't talk about the past, only the present. We have initially reached an agreement on the specific understanding of this issue, which can be described as 'difficult'. Then we will discuss how to do it specifically." problem."

Tantai Ying has always been fearless, quite a bit like Xiao Zhang Yuelu, and was the first to speak: "We must first make up our minds, especially Qi Zhenren, to investigate whoever is involved, and even take them directly." If we are too determined to do anything, it is better not to do anything. Secondly, we must strictly guard against cover-up and leaks, so I suggest that we implement mutual supervision and cross-handling of cases. "

Qi Xuansu affirmed, "This proposal is very good. I have always had determination. No one will doubt this."

Utu looks at the nose with the eyes and the mind with the nose.

Qi Xuansu continued, "As for the specific issues of mutual supervision and cross-handling of cases, I think this is the case. Wu Tu and Hu En'ahan are responsible for the insect people; the Jueshengtang is responsible for the remnants, and the Beiya Forbidden Army is cooperating; as for the abolition of the blood sacrifice, The Moon Temple will be responsible, and the Nanya Forbidden Army will cooperate. Master Tantai will not be responsible for the specific tasks, but will assume the responsibility of supervision. If there are any problems, report them directly to me."

Qi Xuansu looked around again and said, "If there is no doubt, let's vote."

"I agree."




"no comment."

Qi Xuansu said, "Very good, unanimously passed. Fellow Taoist Huangfu, please discuss with Master Tantai and come up with a specific implementation plan as soon as possible. After we discuss and vote, we will start implementation and strive to complete this trinity cleaning before Qingming Festival." Take action to restore a pure land to New Paititi.”

They both agreed in unison.

Qi Xuansu stood up and said, "Let's do it this way. I have two final requirements. One is to keep it secret, and the other is to do it quickly."

After the discussion, Qi Xuansu went to see Lu Yujue again and had an in-depth conversation with him again.

On the surface, Qi Xuansu comforted Lu Yujue as his boss, hoping that he could work with peace of mind.

In fact, Qi Xuansu was still trying to win over Lu Yujue.

He hoped to plant a nail for Li Changge.

After all, the two of them have now made it clear that they are their biggest competitors. Over the years, the Li family has often made tricks on Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu cannot just take a beating without fighting back. Killing Li Tianlan is just the beginning. Far from over.

In principle, stability is the main goal in overseas continents, and important positions will not be changed easily. Although Qi Xuansu will not be in office for too long and will soon go to the Wanxiang Dao Palace to be the master of the palace, it is foreseeable that Lu Yujue will still Staying in this position for a period of time is quite irreplaceable.

If Qi Xuansu can establish some kind of contact with Lu Yujue, he can further improve his layout in the southern continent and understand Li Changge's movements more easily.

Of course, if Qi Xuansu wants to truly win over Lu Yujue, he must take some practical actions, and the key lies in Li Minghuang.

Qi Xuansu wanted to deal with Li Minghuang, so he had a good reputation. After all, Li Minghuang was sorry for Zhang Yuyue, and Zhang Yuyue had a good relationship with Zhang Yuelu. As Zhang Yuelu's Taoist companion, it made sense for Qi Xuansu to stand up for his sister-in-law.

Compared with yesterday, Lu Yujue was not so excited, but he still couldn't swallow the breath. This kind of hatred cannot be faked. After all, it is reasonable for a family member.

Lu Yujue said, "Since ancient times, there have been three favors and two vengeances: the favor of nurturing, the favor of saving lives, the favor of knowing someone, and the hatred of killing my father and taking away my wife. If I just forget it, not only will I not be able to swallow this breath, but others will Look down on me too."

At this time, Lu Yujue had already regarded Qi Xuansu as a potential target who could help him get revenge, and did not doubt his presence. Qi Xuansu did not have the ability to ask Li Minghuang to seduce Lu Yujue's wife. He was just following the trend.

Qi Xuansu said, "Yu Ting used to be my subordinate, you are also my subordinate, and you are brothers and sisters. Out of such affection, I want to help you. Can you consider working with Feng Xiantang? Contact me. Deputy Hall Master Lu.”

There are also people in the Lu family, such as Lu Yushu, who is of the same generation as Lu Yujue, and they are both "Yu" generations.

Lu Yujue sighed, "The Li family wants to protect Li Minghuang, but she doesn't dare to disobey the Li family's wishes."

Qi Xuansu thought that the heat was almost done, and Zhuang Ruowu said, "I won't hide it from you. Li Tianlan's matter has caused quite a stir. When I interrogated Li Tianlan, Li Tianlan once confessed that Li Minghuang had committed adultery with Gu Ying behind his back, and had also teamed up with Gu Ying to frame him. Because of Chief Zhang’s cousin, I originally wanted to take this opportunity to investigate Li Minghuang, but Master Qingwei personally came forward to stop the case. I had no choice but to stop here. I still keep the relevant evidence.”

Lu Yujue clenched her fists tightly, her face uncertain.

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