Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 110 The critical moment

I still remember that a long time ago, Qi Xuansu just came to Yujing and followed Sun Yongfeng's path.

At that time, Sun Yongfeng said: "If a headless fly is bumping around everywhere, what result can it produce? There must be key people who can say the key words for you at the critical moment."

This "speech" may not necessarily be a good word, it can also be a bad word.

In other words, whether you are doing something to help others or doing something bad for others, you must say the key words at the critical moment.

What Li Minghuang did can be big or small. If he talks about it now, he will probably punish himself with three glasses of wine. But if he waits until the critical moment when Li Minghuang is promoted to talk about it, it can turn things around. .

Why did Qi Xuansu rise so quickly? In addition to the fact that there are people above him who have repeatedly made new achievements, another reason is that Qi Xuansu does not let others take control of him, is not greedy for money, and is not lustful.

You can't talk about Qi Xuansu's big house in Taishangfang. Li Changge's mansion is just across the street. Li Changge also did it. If it makes Qi Xuansu's life difficult, no one can even think about it. Why can you buy a house in Taishangfang, but Qi Xuansu can't? Therefore, this article cannot be used as an argument.

After Li Minghuang entered the creation stage, there were rumors that he would appoint a chief deputy palace master. It was almost the same period as Qi Xuansu, that is, Qi Xuansu was promoted to the real person, Li Changge took over as the chief deputy master of Beichen Hall, and Li Minghuang took over as the chief deputy palace master of Li Changge's Imperial Palace. Deputy Palace Master.

If Qi Xuansu doesn't move, then Li Changge and Li Minghuang who are following behind can't move either. This means that if Master Qi doesn’t make progress, how can we make progress?

The reason why Li Minghuang was one step slower than Lei Xiaohuan was mainly due to luck. The Jiangnan Taoist government reshuffled the cards. Each of the three families occupied a position. The Taiping Taoist position was occupied by Li Tianlan, while the Quanzhen Taoist position was vacant. Lei Xiaohuan took advantage of the situation, and Li Minghuang could only continue to wait.

Furthermore, Lei Xiaohuan is a female Taoist priest. According to the Taoist principle of placing vases, oh no, according to the Taoist principle of equality, a certain number of female Taoist priests must be guaranteed, so the promotion of female Taoist priests has certain advantages.

It's just that this advantage is only limited to people below Zhenzhi Zhenren. When you reach the level of Shenzhi Zhenren and above, you don’t pay attention to this. Every position is very important and it all depends on your ability. Therefore, the number of women in the ranks of Shenzhi Zhenren, Pingzhang Dazhen, and Deputy Headmaster Dazhen has dropped sharply, and can even be said to be only a handful. For example, the two higher-level Taoist priests, the Grand Master and the Daxuan Emperor, have never been served by women. It is no wonder that many female Taoist priests have high hopes for Zhang Yuelu.

But now it seems that no matter how much the female Taoist priests shout for equality, the male Taoist priests still show their strength. Whether it is Donghua Zhenren of the seventh generation versus Qingwei Zhenren, or Qi Xuansu of the eighth generation versus Li Changge, they are all male Taoist priests.

Therefore, many male Taoists complain that top-level male Taoists raise the banner of equality by sacrificing the rights and interests of lower-level male Taoists. The price is paid by the bottom-level male Taoists, but the good reputation of equality belongs to the top-level male Taoists. The female Taoist priests love to bully the weak. Instead of daring to criticize the male Taoist priests at the top who do not give up any benefits, they actually compete with the male Taoist priests at the bottom.

In summary, male Taoist priests have a high upper limit and a low limit, while female Taoist priests have a low upper limit and a high limit.

In addition to this gender factor, there is a moral issue.

There is no moral problem with Lei Xiaohuan, unless you insist that it is wrong to bully Pei Xiaolou because of Lei Xiaohuan's tall stature. However, Taoists like to promote this model of strong women and weak men. They regard being afraid of their wives as affection and being controlled by their wives. glory.

Because of this style, people from the Taoist sect were often laughed at by people in the Daxuan court. The male Taoist priests of the Taoist sect were not like men, they were gentle and delicate, while the female Taoist priests were not like women, and they were all tough.

Looking back at Li Minghuang, all kinds of bad things happened one after another. The reason why the things about Gu Ying and Zhou Xiaosong were brought out was because Li Tianlan and Lu Yujue were not ordinary people, they were also people with status and status. But if the victim has no backing, then the matter may be suppressed without making any waves. On the surface, Li Minghuang just hooked up with two women. In fact, he didn't know many similar things. With so many pigtails being grabbed, it would definitely have an impact.

Qi Xuansu's intention was obvious. The matters involving Gu Ying and Zhou Xiaosong were nothing if taken individually. At most, they would be punished with three drinks. But if they were thrown out together to make a big fuss when discussing Li Minghuang's appointment, then This will prevent Li Minghuang's appointment from being approved. If the Taiping Taoists want to push Li Minghuang to the top, they must blend with Zhengyi Taoism and Quanzhen Taoism and transfer their interests. If Li Minghuang refuses to transfer his interests, he will take every step slowly.

Even if Taiping Dao finally chooses to push Li Minghuang to the top, they will definitely punish Li Minghuang internally afterwards. This is not as simple as three drinks as a fine. It will definitely make Li Minghuang remember it, otherwise Taiping Dao's resources will not be able to withstand such a situation. Wasteful, you are playing with women and letting Taiping Road foot the bill, there is no such reason.

For a person like Li Minghuang, who has a lofty ideal, this is unacceptable.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu wanted to appease Lu Yujue, not to cause trouble now, but to say key words for Li Minghuang at the critical moment, so that he could make Li Minghuang uncomfortable and take revenge on Li Minghuang.

In short, killing Li Minghuang will not be achieved overnight. First interrupt his upward momentum, and then do it step by step. After all, Li Minghuang is not a direct descendant of the Li family, and the patience of the Li family is not unlimited. Regarding Li Tianlan, he has suppressed his nausea once to protect him. This time he will protect him again, but what about next time? When the Li family's patience runs out and they regard him as an abandoned son, then Li Minghuang's good days will come.

At that time, who can Li Minghuang turn to? Zhengyi Dao will definitely not work, and Quanzhen Dao is the only one left. But Quanzhen Dao must consider the attitude of its ally Zhengyi Dao. Qi Xuansu can knock Li Minghuang into the dust as long as he delivers a word to Donghua Zhenren.

As long as he no longer has the status of a Taoist priest, what about his cultivation in the creation stage? Is it really true that Zhang Jucheng is a vegetarian? Even if Zhang Jucheng couldn't take action himself, Ziguang Society could still take it down.

There is no way for blessings and misfortunes, but people call it upon themselves.

For today's Qi Xuansu, Li Minghuang's incident was just an interlude. He had too many things to consider, including the Northern Continent's intelligence system, blood sacrifices and insect-men, getting married, the Southern Continent's layout, and promotion to participation. Things about knowing real people, attacking fake immortals, and the deadly Zhou Mengyao, who is hiding somewhere, and who knows when he will jump out and catch him off guard.

The stalls are getting bigger and bigger, and the available manpower can no longer keep up.

Xu Zu said it well. When talents are gradually exhausted and difficult to cope with, the situation becomes complicated.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu had to start cultivating and enabling some close relatives. Cheng Lixue is one, Liu Hu still needs to continue to practice, and Xiao Yin is also unreliable. It's okay to ask her to fight someone, but if she really wants to handle official business and solve problems, she will be blinded, so she should continue studying.

Wu Niang is a very suitable candidate, but she can't get away now.

Qi Xuansu was very comfortable with Tantai Ying, but it was a pity that he could not take it to the Central Plains. The eldest daughter of the Tantai family would be in charge of Xidaomen in the future, working with Huangfu Ji. Huangfu Xi is also good, and he will not go to the Central Plains either.

Speaking of Tantai Ying and Huangfu Xi, Qi Xuansu did not look down on them just because they were one of their own. They were indeed capable. Qi Xuansu asked them to discuss a plan. The two quickly drew up the plan and submitted it to Qi Xuansu. They were organized and convened again. The matter was discussed, approved, and officially issued for implementation.

The Moon Temple will also cooperate, and Utu represents the Moon Temple.

The temple area has undergone a renovation. The last time Wu Niang fought the incarnation of Kukulkan, the Sun Temple collapsed. It was originally going to be repaired. But now that Kukulkan is dead, the corresponding repair work has been stopped and all preparations have been made. Knock it down and start over again, and build a Taoist temple.

A corner of the Moon Temple was also destroyed and is being repaired, but the temple of Chakchel now belongs to Ixichel, so many priests of the Moon Temple are now in the Chakchel Temple.

The tiger-clawed old woman statue in the temple has been toppled and turned into the Moon Queen. Compared with the Moon Girl in the past, the Moon Queen appears more mature, with more Chinese-style clothing and makeup, and she also wears a layer of clothing that covers her whole body. Like a smoky black veil, from head to toe, it looks like a cloak, symbolizing the power of the night.

The entire interior of the temple was filled with a faint moonlight.

The high priest of the Moon Temple was walking among them, and the priests stopped to salute.

The high priest responded to the greetings and greetings of his subordinates with a warm smile.

As the Queen of the Moon ascended the throne, the Priestesses of the Moon also changed their costumes, becoming more Central Plains-style. They no longer exposed their limbs, but wore wide robes with large sleeves and fluttering robes, even slightly similar to female Taoist priests.

There is a small prayer room deep in the temple, where a woman wearing ordinary priest clothing is praying to a statue of Ixichel that is more than a foot tall.

The moonlight fills the statue, and divine power flows, constantly responding to the woman's prayers.

This woman was Queen Unuratu, who was deposed by Qi Xuansu, but Ixichel saved her and placed her in the Moon Temple.

Unuratu already knew about the fall of Kukulkan, and could only lament her bad fate. She was expected to become the empress of Tawanting, but now Huangfu Xi took advantage. However, in order to compensate her, Ixichel promised to grant her voter status in the near future.

Originally, Ixichel could only have one elector at the pseudo-immortal level, but after she took back the power of Chakchel and the Night, she was already a quasi-one-time immortal, and she had one more electorate. She planned to give this place to Unuratu.

This means that Unuratu will become a powerful figure in the Moon Temple, even if it is not as good as the emperor, it will not be much worse.

Although Unuratu still wears the attire of an ordinary priestess, the High Priest of the Moon already regards her as an equal colleague rather than a subordinate.

The high priest walked into the prayer room and said to Unuratu who was praying: "The Queen of the Moon has sent down an oracle."

Unuratu stopped praying and turned around: "I have received it."

The high priest took out a silver scepter and put it in front of Unuratu with both hands: "The Queen of the Moon hopes that you will lead the team and punish those disrespectful people who violate her will."

Unuratu took the scepter and stood as tall as a man, with a crescent moon at the top.

She lowered her head slightly: "It would be my honor."

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