Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 113 Action (Part 2)

In Qi Xuansu's earliest arrangement, Wutu and Huen'ahan were in charge of the insect people, Jueshengtang was in charge of the remnants, and the Beiya Forbidden Army cooperated. Tonight, the plan was temporarily changed. Huangfu Zhu's side attacked the Insects. Hu En'ahan and Wutu did not show up.

If Hu En Ahan and Wu Tu took action in person, even if these two insect men were already in the adult stage after emerging from their cocoons, they would never be opponents. If they were replaced by Huangfu Zhu, they would have to go through a lot of trouble.

There is a reason for this, of course. Utu discovered traces of the high priest Kukulkan, and the two were sent to hunt down the high priest.

The temple system of the gods is still relatively primitive and simple, not as complicated as the Holy Court. The high priest is the highest person in charge of the temple, equivalent to the Pope of the Holy Court, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

The high priest of the Sun Temple was originally a chosen one of Kukulkan. He had pseudo-immortal cultivation, and was inspired to develop divinity. He had his own divine domain. Over the years, he had taken advantage of his position to intercept divine power. So even though Kukulkan has died, he still retains the shamanic cultivation of the pseudo-immortal.

As soon as Kukulkan fell, the high priest felt something and understood what had happened. He probably had a premonition that Ixichel and Xidaomen would not let him go, so while Ixichel was still discussing with the gods, he rolled up the semi-artifacts in the temple and hid.

After that, there was no action from Daomen and Xidaomen, so he thought that the news had passed, and he couldn't hold it in anymore. After all, he couldn't hide for a lifetime, so he wanted to take many secrets to the north and join the Holy Court, and then he leaked his traces.

Qi Xuansu issued a strict order, asking Utu and Hu En'ahan to capture this man. It would be best if he could be captured alive. If he could not be captured alive, he must be killed. He could not be allowed to escape to the northern continent alive.

Compared to this major matter, a few insect men were insignificant and were left to Huangfu Zhu and others to deal with.

In the territory of Tawanting, Hu En'ahan and Utu can mobilize all forces to assist in the pursuit and interception, and gain an advantage. The high priest cannot go all the way north, and still has to hide or even take a detour, just like Qi Xuansu returning from the northern continent Like the southern continent.

Hu En'ahan and Utu divided their troops into two groups, one responsible for chasing and the other responsible for blocking.

On the banks of the Rio Grande, the High Priest was finally successfully blocked by Huon Ahan.

In front of Qi Xuansu, Hu En'ahan always kept his posture low. Now Huen'ahan no longer deliberately restrains his aura, and the energy and blood all over his body is freely distributed. To the ghosts and ghosts, it is like a dazzling sun, which will kill them if they see it. If Huen'ahan shouts loudly, it will be a spring thunder earthquake. , enough to make the alchemist's Yin Shen go out of his body and fly away.

The power displayed by Hu En'ahan is entirely the result of his body and blood. In a sense, he is still in human form, but he is not inferior to the ancient giant beasts. The most powerful one is the ability to restrain Wu Zhu and Alchemist. .

high priest

Not daring to be underestimated, he took out the Sun God's divine sword and prepared to fight.

The next moment, Hu En'ahan's figure had disappeared, and instantly appeared at a position more than ten feet in front of the high priest. With his five fingers hooked, he grabbed the high priest's face.

Hu En'a Khan's speed was beyond the expectations of the high priest. It was incredible. In this flash of lightning, the high priest could not dodge and could only stab Hu En' A Khan's throat with his sword.

This sword was also very fast. If Hu En'ahan didn't duck and dodge, he would be stabbed through the throat immediately.

At the critical moment, Hu En A Khan's right hand held the Sun God Sword that was piercing his throat. Although the tip of the sword had touched Hu En A Khan's throat, it only pierced a scarlet blood spot and failed to pierce. Hoon Ahan instead made a fist with his left hand.

Hu En'ahan, who has reached the pseudo-immortal realm, has condensed the qi and blood in his body to the extreme, almost like a solid rather than a liquid. The body and spirit in the acupoints are in a state of deep sleep without being stimulated by qi and blood. Only in this way can it be guaranteed Hu En A Khan maintains his normal form and will not harm those around him due to the escape of blood and energy in his body. But if the energy and blood begin to be transported, the energy and blood begin to flow again, injected into the acupoints in the body, and the body and mind are activated, then Hu En'a Khan will be able to burst out with majestic power comparable to the "Ten Thousand Corpses of Dali Zun".

There is nothing flashy about this punch. It relies on unimaginable physical strength. Moreover, the martial arts body can extend the length of the body at will, and there is no situation where the arms are not long enough.

The high priest did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and activated his divine power to the extreme, condensing a miniature sun between the two.

An almost devastating punch pierced the sun. The real fire of the sun and Hu En'ahan's majestic blood canceled each other out, and then the fist of flesh and blood collided hard with the forehead of the same flesh and blood body.

Huge ripples spread, and the ground under their feet instantly turned into a glass-like texture. This was actually because the temperature of the blood and flames was too high.

The advantage of human immortals and human immortals is that their bodies are extremely powerful. The other inheritors used their faces to meet the fists of the human immortal inheritors. The result can be imagined. The face of the high priest has been completely sunken and unspeakably distorted. .

However, gods also have the advantage of gods, and that is the realm of gods.

The high priest quickly expanded the divine domain.

If the core of Qi Xuansu's divine domain is Diliu, his treasure Xiao Yin, then the core of the high priest's divine domain is a sun boat.

This is the authority of the sun god Misir. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, over and over again.

, the Misir people believe that the sky is the vast sea of ​​​​sky, and the sun sails twice like a ship, once in the daytime, from east to west, flying across the sky. Another time at night, traveling from west to east, through Hades. This is the origin of the solar boat.

The high priest appeared on the bow of the sun boat and repaired his smashed face with a golden body. Countless golden eagle warriors appeared on the deck, holding long bows and shooting thousands of flaming arrows, covering the sky like a sea of ​​fire. When the air pressure is down.

Hu En'ahan held his breath and concentrated the energy and blood in his body to the extreme. The energy and blood visible to the naked eye rose, and billowing heat waves emanated from his body, causing the surrounding scene to become distorted and blurred.

Then he punched out with all his strength.

Shocking void.

As Hu En'ahan punched out, the void above shook, shook, and twisted, and the flames that relied on space dissipated.

Hu En'ahan punched again, and the entire divine realm was shaken, and many places became blurred, like a landscape painting encountering water. The golden light transformed by the divine power vibrated in circles, and many golden eagle warriors exploded into gold sand and dispersed in the wind.

This is only shaking the void, not breaking the void.

The high priest also had to use his special skills, regardless of the loss of divine power, to condense a pyramid completely composed of the sun's rays above the solar boat.

The "Pyramid of Light" continues to radiate outward, like a sun.

The "sun" suddenly set in the west and engulfed Hu En Ahan.

For a moment, Hu En'ahan seemed to be in a boundless ocean of light. The light even penetrated into his body, filling his meridians and Dantian, making him "transparent inside and outside", like a Light Man, assimilate him into a part of the sun's rays.

At the same time, Hu En'ahan also clearly sensed that the flow of time began to slow down, and its principle was similar to the "Zhou Guangshi". According to Tantai Yun, the founder of the Xidao Sect,'s understanding of the "Zhou Zhi Shu", when the flow of time is almost stationary, If you take action, it will be almost like light in the opponent's eyes, and the space you see from your own perspective will become flat, just like paper folding.

I have to admit that these ancient gods do have some abilities. They can't control time, so they use light to reverse time, and they get some results.

Hu En'ahan felt that his thoughts were getting slower and slower. Even if he had the means to shake the void, he could not get out.

That's all. The extreme light also generates high temperature, which has melted the armor worn by Hu En'Ahan into molten iron. The light that penetrated into Hu'en'Ahan's body is also burning Hu'en'Ahan's internal organs. If it weren't for the human and immortal pregnancy, God, the inner part is also indestructible, Hu En Ahan will die under this move.

In this way, the two people

It fell into a deadlock.

It depends on who can survive the other, whether Hu En'ahan's energy and blood will be burned out first, or whether the high priest's divine power will be exhausted first.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, and a moon appeared in the realm of the sun.

As the moon appeared, darkness struck, quickly competing with the sun and light, turning into two worlds.

A world with incomparable brilliance, endless sunshine and endless light. Another world, dark and mysterious, where the soft moonlight revives the dead, is also the world of the dead.

The expression of the high priest changed: "The intersection of divine realms."

Divine kingdoms can intersect, and divine realms can also intersect, which is essentially similar to a boarding battle.

Someone launched a divine war against the high priest.

The person coming was none other than Utu.

A flash of moonlight, like cold lightning, disappeared in an instant.

I saw a very thin line emerging behind the high priest, as thin as a hair, appearing and disappearing, intermittent and continuous, making it impossible for anyone to notice. In an instant, the thin thread solidified and turned into a blade of light, slashing towards the back of the high priest's neck.

The high priest occupies the geographical advantage of the divine domain, and his instinctive reaction is the sharpest. He does not see or hear, and avoids danger. He immediately senses the danger, turns around and holds the sword with the Sun Sword in his hand.

This is not a knife in the normal sense, but a sickle.

A huge black figure appeared out of thin air with a strong aura of death. This black figure was covered in a black cloak, with black mist billowing, and there was only empty darkness under the hood.

The huge black shadow holds a long-handled scythe. Compared with the death apostle Samuel, there is less of a scale symbolizing fairness and more of a bright moon.

Utu swung his giant scythe and slashed at the high priest.

This giant scythe is just a shadow, making no sound wherever it passes.

The sword cuts the soul.

The high priest couldn't think twice, so he had to withdraw his divine power, manifest the dharma, and resist Utu's sickle.

Hu En'ahan escaped from the trap and immediately unfolded his human immortal body. He stepped forward again and again. The ground beneath his feet shattered and a deep pit was created. Then he took advantage of the power of this kick and his whole body was like thunder. He rushed out, dragging a series of afterimages behind him, and punched the high priest's real body directly.

Hu En Ahan's body and soul then punched together.

The high priest held his sword in front of him and blocked the punch at the critical moment. However, Hu En'ahan's strength was so terrifying that the high priest retreated nearly a hundred feet without any chance of fighting back.

Utu took advantage of this opportunity and cut off the high priest's dharma image in half with a sickle.

The giant scythe continued to attack the high priest.

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