Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 114 Building a Bridge

Qi Xuansu did not take action personally.

Take power, take power. If you have to do everything yourself, then it is not in vain.

However, Qi Xuansu was not idle either and had already comforted Lu Yujue.

They are all people who have been in the Taoist sect for a long time. They don't need to speak too clearly. Just reveal a little bit of meaning and they can understand each other.

Lu Yujue deliberately moved closer to Qi Xuansu in order to take advantage of Qi Xuansu's power to take revenge.

Qi Xuansu also wanted to win over Lu Yujue and lay a foundation for Li Changge.

The two sides naturally hit it off.

In fact, after this happened, the Li family had already entered a situation of choosing between two, either Li Minghuang or Lu Yujue. However, the Li family probably doesn't think so. They have been up there for a long time and are used to being arrogant. They still want to take it all and hope that Lu Yujue can take into account the overall situation. It's best to reduce big things to small things and make small things small.

There is an old saying that goes like this: A king treats his ministers like a piece of grass, and his ministers regard him as a bandit.

It is true that the Li family is powerful, and it is true that others want to look up to you, but these people are not slaves of the Li family.

Lu Yujue also understands the truth that when someone expects you to take into account the overall situation, you are probably outside of the overall situation.

So he doesn't want to take the overall situation into consideration. What he has to do now is to be patient, seemingly taking into account the overall situation, paralyzing Li Minghuang and those who support Li Minghuang, and then give Li Minghuang a thunderous blow at the critical moment.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

Even if Lu Yujue did something, Li Jiaming couldn't do anything to him. First, Lu Yujue belongs to the direct lineage of the Lu family, so he has no background; secondly, Lu Yujue is the master of suffering, so he has some reasons.

Once this matter is brought to the table, legal principles and human feelings will prevail. Talking about legal principles, it is Li Minghuang's moral corruption and the Li family is suspected of covering up. Speaking of favors, the Lu family has been following the Li family for how many years. They are also related by marriage and are more or less relatives. Is this how you treat your own people?

Therefore, the Li family still needs to appease the Lu family instead of punishing Lu Yujue, otherwise they will lose their support.

Originally, Qi Xuansu wanted to give Lu Yujue a few days off, but Lu Yujue actively refused. In his words, it was better to be busy. When he was busy, he would not have the time to think about such bad things.

To be fair, Lu Yujue is still a relatively traditional conservative, so he would care about this kind of thing. If he were someone from the Xiaoyao faction, it wouldn't be a big deal at all.

However, Li Minghuang cannot be regarded as a Xiaoyao sect. Xiaoyao sects are those who can let go of themselves and don't care about others. Li Minghuang is a double-standard among conservatives. He is strict with others and lenient with himself. He can let himself go, but his woman cannot betray him in the slightest. Even if Zhang Yuyue has nothing to do with him anymore, it doesn't make sense that he still feels uncomfortable when he sees Zhang Yuyue getting married and is looking for trouble.

As for Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu

, belongs to the extreme group of conservatives. They are strict with themselves and others. Such people are easy to cause death.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu very much recognized many of the ideas of the Five Dynasties Grand Master. Putting aside some differences in political opinions, they had a lot in common.

While Qi Xuansu was busy, he did not forget to contact Zhang Yuelu.

After all, the wedding is approaching. Although logically speaking, Qi Xuansu only needs to have someone else and doesn't have to worry about it, but Qi Xuansu still plans to ask. Zhang Yuelu and Qiniang each have an idea, and Tantai Qiong, the mother-in-law, and the Zhang family are involved. And, God knows what will happen, he still has to check it himself.

What does it mean to be the head of a family?

Qi Xuansu leaned back on the chair and contacted Zhang Yuelu using "Yun Zhongxin" to ask how the wedding preparations were going.

Zhang Yuelu did not hide it, but roughly repeated the conversation between her and Tantai Qiong.

Qi Xuansu seemed to have no reason to object. Because the dowry matter has nothing to do with Qi Xuansu, according to the rules of these big families, it is the woman's own business how to deal with the dowry, whether it is passed on to her daughter or to her future daughter-in-law, it is up to her to decide. If the person dies unfortunately and has no children, the mother's family will usually take back the dowry.

If the two of them can no longer live together, and Qi Xuansu wants to sell his dowry as an emergency, Zhang Yuelu will have to nod.

So what happened, Qi Xuansu did not express his opinion and respected Zhang Yuelu's decision. As for whether Zhang Yuelu can convince the Zhang family, that is Zhang Yuelu's ability, and it is also difficult for Qi Xuansu to intervene.

Zhang Yuelu mainly discussed the ceremony with Qi Xuansu. This was a matter between the two of them. If Qi Xuansu wanted to make it grand, that was Qi Xuansu's right.

Regarding this point, Qi Xuansu also doesn't like things that are too complicated. "It's good to advocate frugality. As long as it doesn't neglect the guests, I have no objection."

Zhang Yuelu asked, "Who are you planning to invite?"

Qi Xuansu said, "Anyone who should be invited will be posted. It's up to us whether to invite you or not, and it's up to them to come or not."

Zhang Yuelu pondered for a moment, "When you are free, draw up a list, and I will draw up a list too. Let's compare it and check for any omissions. You have a wide network of contacts, and you may have connections in the world."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Marriage is a matter between two families. For orphans and widowers here, the interpersonal relationship is relatively simple. The Zhang family is a thousand-year-old family. I don't know how many in-laws are old, so that's the big one."

Zhang Yue

Lu said, "Don't talk about me. Your current master is Donghua Zhenren. Master and apprentice are like father and son. As a disciple, you are getting married. For the sake of the master, there will be no less guests. I'm afraid it will be no worse than last time." Apprenticeship Ceremony."

Qi Xuansu said, "By the way, I do have a question. Ceremonies are all about details. The key is to entertain guests. You are getting married this time, not getting married. You should focus on my side. It's easy to talk about the male guests. Since There is a master coming forward, but there are still few female guests. "

Zhang Yuelu was a little confused, "Qiniang should entertain the female guests. There's nothing to say about that, right?"

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid that Qiniang will refuse to come forward. Based on my understanding of her, she is indeed capable of such a thing, and there is a high probability that she will do such a thing. However, the master has always been alone..."

Zhang Yuelu still didn't understand, "You Qi Xuansu, you actually have an idea against my master."

Qi Xuansu didn't pretend to be stupid. "It's obvious that some elders of your Zhang family started this idea. I can only agree with it."

In fact, Zhang Yuelu has also considered this issue. After all, the children are older, and parents should consult their children's opinions on such matters.

Of course, Master Cihang would not ask Zhang Yuelu directly, but Zhang Yuelu's sisters still talked about this topic and expressed their opinions. If Master Cihang objected severely, her disciples would not dare to mention this matter casually, lest they I got into trouble with Master. Since there is such a trend, it explains the attitude of Master Cihang to a certain extent.

Zhang Yuelu's attitude was to respect the decision of Master Cihang.

This is a very passive attitude, which can also be understood as inaction.

Now it seems that Qi Xuansu is different from Zhang Yuelu. His attitude is more proactive. He not only respects, but also supports, and even wants to push it.

Zhang Yuelu said, "Could it be that for the sake of our marriage, we should let the two of them form a Taoist couple first? Isn't that too hasty? And there is no such reason."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "You are just rigid-minded. Why can't you look at it from another angle and use our marriage as a test and warm-up."

Zhang Yuelu is not a fool. Qi Xuansu understood it immediately, "What you mean is that the male host has been determined, and it must be your master Donghua Zhenren. Because Qiniang is absent, our wedding lacks a hostess, so let my master come." As the hostess, we come forward to receive all the female guests. However, we do not need to mention the relationship between my master and your master to test the outside world's reaction. If the two of them really mean this, then their joint attendance this time will become a success. A warm-up for formalizing the relationship later.”

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's what I mean, kill two birds with one stone."

Zhang Yuelu did not object and asked, "What should Qiniang do? Will she be sad?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but be touched. Even though Qiniang and Zhang Yuelu didn't like each other, Zhang Yuelu still knew the difference in this matter and considered Qiniang's feelings immediately. This is one of the reasons why Qi Xuansu likes Zhang Yuelu. He talks about matters based on the facts, unlike some people who have prejudices and always talk about them. They wish they could start digging up old scores decades ago and make the whole family unhappy.

Qi Xuansu said, "I have asked her before. She is unwilling to come forward. I can't tie her over. I will definitely ask her formally again. If she still disagrees, then I have to respect her." For her opinion, the two of us can just offer her a cup of tea in private."

Zhang Yuelu nodded, "That's all we can do."

Qi Xuansu said, "If Qiniang doesn't agree, then it's up to you to come forward and invite Master Cihang."

Zhang Yuelu said, "Okay. The worst I can do is get scolded by the master."

Qi Xuansu was confident, "In my opinion, this is a good thing that benefits both sides. They are also a little moved, otherwise they would not have expressed their stance all the time. This is an attitude in itself. It is like bullying the small with the big, as long as you are not standing on the side of the weak. Even if you remain neutral, you are on the side of the powerful. Therefore, if you don't object, you agree. It's just that the two of them are old and have to stand up and act as ministers. To put it bluntly, they can persuade others. , give me a few words of advice, give me a step, build a ladder, and promote good things to show my filial piety."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but laugh, "You have a lot of little thoughts."

Qi Xuansu said, "There is nothing wrong with kissing each other."

Zhang Yuelu said nothing more, her attitude was just like this, it would be good if it could succeed, and it would be no pity if it couldn't. Since Qi Xuansu was very enthusiastic and cared about this matter, she didn't mind cooperating with Qi Xuansu.

This is just like an ordinary family. When the children are young and ignorant, opinions are not very important. But after a child becomes an independent adult, his or her opinions become important. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu have reached this point. Master Shenzhi is around the corner, so their opinions cannot be ignored. Their attitudes can often influence the thoughts of Master Cihang and Master Donghua to a certain extent, just like the three princes can influence the thoughts of Master Cihang and Donghua to a certain extent. The thoughts of the Third Division.

Qi Xuansu is actively exerting this influence to push things to develop in the direction he wants.

Zhang Yuelu remembered something and asked, "By the way, do you have a suitable candidate for best man?"

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