Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 116: A gentleman has no power

Qiniang said dissatisfied: "Are you used to giving orders outside? How can you talk to me?"

Qi Xuansu could only change his tone: "Dear Qiniang, Xuansu has two things to ask of you."

"That's pretty much it." Qiniang said with satisfaction, "Let's talk."

Qi Xuansu said: "When I get married, will you go or not? You didn't go to the apprenticeship ceremony last time. You can't go this time, right?"

Qiniang actually had a plan for a long time, that is, not to go, but she still had to pretend: "Otherwise... let's forget it. On that day, nearly half of the Taoist sect's senior officials will go to congratulate me. Although I am also considered a Taoist sect. , but half black and half white is not suitable for public appearances and has a bad influence.”

Qi Xuansu had already guessed what Qiniang would say: "Qiniang, please pay homage to Gaotang. You are the protagonist here. This is your only chance in your life. If you miss it, there will be no next time. Don't regret it."

Qiniang raised her eyebrows: "I never regret anything I do."

If Tantai Qiong saw this scene, she would probably sigh, you and Zhang Yuelu are mother and daughter, right?

Qi Xuansu said: "Qiniang, you'd better come, just think it's for me."

"Forget it, I'm still not going." Others' half-nudging was a sign of reluctance, while Qiniang's half-nudging showed that she had made up her mind.

Qi Xuansu couldn't say he was disappointed, after all, it was expected: "Well, if you don't go, I will find Master Cihang to take your place."

"Su Zhisheng?" Qiniang raised her eyebrows, as if she wanted to say something, but held back, "It's up to you."

Qi Xuansu said: "The second thing is that I met a man named Zhong Boyu. He used to be a member of the Eight Tribes and Bai Yutang. Now he has been expelled. It was he who got the piece of Xuan from the bank of Cuo Wenbu. Yu', do you still have an impression?"

Qiniang remembered: "I remember that incident. You want to use this person, but you are afraid that it is set up by others, so you want me to help you check it out, right?"

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's right. Aren't you a senior member of the Eight Tribes? It's more convenient."

Qiniang did not refuse: "I will give you an answer in a few days."

Qi Niang is more experienced in how to check specifically, so there is no need for Qi Xuansu to direct and explain.

After finishing the conversation with Qiniang, Qi Xuansu planned to read the book sent by Zhang Wuyue. After reading only a few pages, Tantai Ying came again.

"Is there any result?" Qi Xuansu raised his head.

Tantai Ying sat opposite Qi Xuansu: "All the people who secretly performed blood sacrifices in the city have been arrested. We can conduct a public trial according to our original plan."

Qi Xuansu urged: "Okay, the trial must be clear, the sentence must be clear, the killing must be dignified, and don't engage in secret executions. It must serve as a warning."

Tantai Ying nodded to take note of it, and then said: "On the insect side, capture one alive and kill one."

Qi Xuansu said: "Strict interrogation, I want to know the exact location of Lanyun Sect. You can flexibly control the specific methods to be used. After all, you are an insect man, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it."

"We have already started the interrogation." Tantai Ying finally said, "Utu and Hu En'ahan intercepted the defecting high priest of the Sun Temple, but failed to capture him alive. At that time, there was only a river across the northern continent. In order to To ensure that nothing went wrong, and fearing that things might change if they were too late, they decided to kill the high priest and brought back the Sword of the Sun."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said: "My opinion is that giving the Sword of the Sun to Ixichel should be regarded as a gift to celebrate her ascension to the throne of God King. What do you think?"

"I have no objection." Tantai Ying is not an immortal inheritance. The entire Xidaomen is mainly based on human immortal inheritance and earth immortal inheritance. This kind of immortal thing has no great effect. It is better to follow the trend and do it as a favor.

Qi Xuansu said: "That's it. By the way, when I get married, I hope Master Tantai can come to Yujing."

Tantai Ying was startled, then smiled and said: "Definitely."

Qi Xuansu said: "The specific time has not been decided yet. Once it is decided, I will formally send the invitation."

Tantai Ying withdrew, and Qi Xuansu continued to look through the thick file.

At this point, Qi Xuansu has begun to prepare to "end" his trip to the Southern Continent. The main tasks of the Dao Sect have been completed and the unstable factors have been eliminated. The next step of construction and development is Huangfu Ji's business. Qi Xuansu placed Zhang Wuyue here. In terms of the royal family, Qi Xuansu left behind Huangfu Xi.

The two things Qi Xuansu wanted to do, abolish the blood sacrifice and eliminate the insect people, were now on the right track. By the time these two things were initially completed, it was almost time for Qi Xuansu to return to the Central Plains.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu's main focus is still on solving these two problems and striving for a perfect "end".

This is just the beginning. The key to the blood sacrifice issue depends on the determination of the ancient gods. The key to the insect man issue is to eradicate the insect man's stronghold, which is the Blue Cloud Sect.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

During this period of time, Qi Xuansu did a lot of things. He first read the file sent by Zhang Wuyue, revised a few places, and then gave it to Zhang Wuyue and told him that he could execute it.

Of course Qi Xuansu didn't understand this before, but people can be trained.

Many people will find that the founding emperors, generals and ministers of the past dynasties usually came from the same place, or even the same county.

History has repeatedly proved one thing, as long as given the opportunity, outstanding talents in a county can assemble a core team of the imperial court. The most scarce thing is Bole, that is, the person who discovers these people and leads them, is what Qianlima often has. , Bole does not often have it.

At present, even if there are talents that are unique in thousands of miles, with the territory of Dao Sect, such a population, and the huge base, there are still a lot of talents. There is never a lack of talents to create, but what is lacking is the opportunity to experience and display.

For example, Xu Kou was originally an ordinary Qingluan Guard, and that was how he was in this life. By chance, he met Master Qingwei, and was promoted. Later, he met Zhang Yuelu, and he was promoted step by step. He was just a mess in this life. There shouldn't be any problem with the real person's name. In the past, Xu Kou couldn't get ahead. Was it because he lacked ability? It's a lack of opportunity.

Qi Xuansu himself is also an example. Qiniang gave him this opportunity, and he was able to practice and use it. Things that he didn't know originally could be learned slowly during the experience, and then he could show his talents. But what if Qiniang didn't give him this chance? He spent his life mediocrely, and no one thought he was a talent.

Of course, the original Qi Xuansu did not understand these economic and trade things, but Qi Xuansu got the opportunity, first went to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further study, and then had the practice of the Borneo Taoist Palace, so he naturally understood it.

Talents are developed through training. No one can rule the world right from birth. The key is to grow through experience.

However, different experiences also lead to different growth directions.

The most sage master of Confucianism said that a gentleman has no weapons.

What is a "tool"? Professional talents who specialize in a certain field are instrumental. They can only be used but cannot control the overall situation. And a gentleman has no weapons, which means that a leader must be an all-round talent, rather than just proficient in a certain field. Taoism explains it as "the use of useless people."

This is the direction of Qi Xuansu's training. Master Donghua never asked him to specialize in a certain field, but kept getting involved in different fields without asking for a thorough understanding. From the grassroots to the battlefield, from the battlefield to tiger hunting, to the economy, and now foreign affairs, ghosts and gods, the next Wanxiang Taoist Palace is biased towards education and retreat, and then it is transferred to the local Taoist government to be the master of the palace. He is in charge of the overall situation. A Taoist mansion can be regarded as a reduced Taoist sect, which is equivalent to an advance rehearsal.

This is essentially a gentleman's indiscretion.

It can be seen from this that Qi Xuansu's training direction is to strive for the highest position, which can also be called perfecting his resume. Except for some special circumstances, if you want to be a great leader, your resume must be comprehensive and there must be no obvious deficiencies. For example, it is not feasible to work as a teacher in the Dao Palace all your life, or to stay in Jiutang without any experience as a leader.

Therefore, the promotion routes of people like Qi Xuansu are very similar. They jump repeatedly across Yujing and local places. Each time they jump, they move up a level and get involved in different fields. This is not the case for other people. Some people have been in the local Taoist government all their lives, while others have been in a certain church all their lives. It cannot be generalized.

On the other side, Qiniang also gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with Zhong Boyu, he was not someone's chess piece. However, after Qi Xuansu re-employs Zhong Boyu, it is hard to say whether his old relationships will come to visit. Qi Xuansu needs to pay special attention to this point.

After Qi Xuansu thanked Qiniang, he called Zhang Wuyue and told him that Zhong Boyu could be used. He also reminded Zhang Wuyue to pay more attention to Zhong Boyu's previous interpersonal relationships.

Zhang Wuyue agreed immediately.

This was all a trivial matter. Master Jiang Dazhen contacted Qi Xuansu and informed Qi Xuansu of a temporary decision, which was to grant Ixichel the same rank as an innocent Taoist priest.

Logically speaking, only the Grand Master has the power to confer Taoist priests of the same rank, but things can always be flexible. The rotating Grand Master is essentially the rotating Grand Master. Although he lacks some key powers, he still has this power. .

Because it was necessary to show solemnity, the Taoist sect considered having Tantai Zhenxiao announce the decision on behalf of the Taoist sect and hold a relevant ceremony. Qi Xuansu, the plenipotentiary envoy, would also attend.

Don't underestimate the origin of the innocent Taoist priests of the same grade. The first-grade innocent Taoist priests of the Taoist sect are still very valuable. The lowest is the retired Lao Shenzhi Zhenren. Moreover, the innocent Taoist priests of the same grade enjoy the treatment of Pingzhang Dazhen, which is higher than that of Baiban Dazhen. Give it a try. ..

Now it seems that Ixichel can be regarded as benevolent and benevolent.

Qi Xuansu dedicated a day to attend the second "coronation" of the Queen of the Moon. The venue was chosen in the divine kingdom of Itesumna. Many people attended. Gong Fu, Huangfu Zhao, Huangfu Ji and others were all present. Qi Xuansu, the full authority The special envoy represented the Taoist sect, and the ancient gods and electors also arrived. The scene was very grand.

Ixichel was very happy and put on the clothes of a real person. She lowered her head slightly and Tantai Zhenxiao, representing the Daomen, put a purple lotus crown on her, indicating that she was one step closer to her goal.

However, a difficult problem was also placed in front of her. When she entered the Taoist situation, she had to take sides. If you choose the right person and reward them based on their merits, you will naturally achieve what you want. But if you choose the wrong person, it will be difficult to say.

The Taoist sect granted Ixichel the same birthright as an innocent Taoist priest now, instead of waiting until the Grand Master was elected and awarded by the seventh-generation Grand Master. The intention was profound.

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