Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 117 Taking Advantage of the Situation

The Three Ways Conflict has penetrated into every corner, and its shadow is always found inadvertently.

Qi Xuansu understands this truth and believes that Ixichel will wake up soon. By then, she may not be so happy.

Who to choose? Is it Qi Xuansu who represents Donghua Zhenren? Or is it Li Changge who represents Qingwei Zhenren?

This is a difficult question.

Because now it seems that it is very difficult to be re-elected as the Grandmaster. There are two biggest permutations. One is the Seventh Generation Grandmaster Donghua Zhenren and the Eighth Generation Grandmaster Li Changge. The other is the Seventh Generation Grandmaster Qingwei Zhenren and the Eighth Generation Grandmaster Li Changge. No matter how he chooses Qi Xuansu, the eighth-generation leader, he is bound to offend someone. The difference is whether he offends him early or offends him late. M..

But it's a dilemma.

But there is also a variable here, and that is Xidaomen.

Although neither Tantai Zhenxiao nor Gong Fu expressed their opinions, Huangfu Ji almost made a clear bet on Qi Xuansu, because Taiping Dao's radical strategy essentially harmed the interests of Xidaomen represented by Huangfu Ji. If Taiping Dao dominates the Taoist sect and really starts to implement these radical strategies, maybe Tantai Zhenxiao and Gong Fu will have ascended and passed away by then. It doesn't matter, but Huangfu is most likely still alive, and he must face this problem. You must plan ahead.

Xidaomen's attitude will also indirectly affect Ixichel.

Qi Xuansu can make the first move, and Li Changge, who succeeds Qi Xuansu, can break the situation later. It's hard to say what the outcome will be.

One of Qi Xuansu's advantages is that he has the status of the Taoist plenipotentiary envoy. When Li Changge took over, the situation calmed down. It is difficult to say whether he will still be awarded the Taoist plenipotentiary envoy.

For Li Changge, the worst possibility is of course that he does not have the status of special envoy and is simply the chief deputy leader of Beichen Hall, which will greatly reduce his voice in the Southern Continent.

The best possibility is to follow Qi Xuansu's old practice and grant the status of Taoist sect's plenipotentiary envoy, which is still to call upon the wind and rain.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to grant the Taoist envoy the status of a special envoy, removing the "full power" and not being able to act arbitrarily. This possibility is quite possible, because the situation is different. Without the civil war and Kukulkan, there is no need for a plenipotentiary envoy. Moreover, Qi Xuansu was supervised by Wu Niang at that time. Now that Wu Niang is gone, there is a lack of supervisory candidates, and this "full power" is also inappropriate.

Three possibilities determine whether Li Changge's start is easy, ordinary, or difficult.

This can be regarded as the first official confrontation between the two. The time at Five Elements Mountain was a bit different. Both of them were chess pieces. This time, the two of them were half chess players.

As for Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei, they were helplessly slow. If there was no Qi Xuansu, it would be a situation where Li Changge would be the best.

Someone may ask, Qi Xuansu was promoted because he had two great achievements. One was to capture Wang Jiaohe and eliminate the remaining poison of the Taoist government in Borneo. The second was to catch up with the internal fighting among the Westerners and sell weapons on a large scale. weapons and successfully completed the financial tasks assigned by Jinque. With these two achievements, Qi Xuansu was promoted to the chief deputy hall master of Beichen Hall.

Li Changge is the chief deputy master of the Imperial Palace, and he doesn't have much credit there. Why does Li Changge get there in one step? Even with the background of Taiping Dao, Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao are not vassals of Taiping Dao.

The reason is not complicated. Li Changge will be specially promoted this time.

There are not many such promotions, but there have been many.

For example, Xiao Yin has become a Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade in one step. This is a treatment that no other Taoist disciple has received. This is a special promotion. On the contrary, the subsequent promotion to the third rank of Youyi Taoist Priest was not that, it was a normal promotion.

Lin Yuanmiao was also specially promoted. From a semi-black householder to a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, plus the position of Assistant to the Qing Palace, he couldn't be more special.

The specialness of these two people is not only special in status, but also special in cultivation. Xiao Yin is at the infinite stage of cultivation, and Lin Yuanmiao is a pseudo-immortal. Xiao Yin may not care about this, but if you ask this dignified pseudo-immortal to start from a ninth-grade Taoist priest, it is really a bit insulting, and it will make the parties involved A lot of dissatisfaction and resentment arose.

There is no need for the Taoist sect to create unstable factors for itself for no reason. At this time, it needs to be more flexible, so special promotions come into being. This is a potential rule recognized by the Taoist sect internally.

There are two prerequisites here. First, the person concerned is a Taoist priest, and the problem cannot be solved by granting a fellow Taoist priest. The second is that the person’s cultivation level is high enough, at least beyond the age limit. A hundred-year-old immortal is not considered capable, but a forty-year-old immortal is powerful.

For example, Ixichel, although his cultivation level is high enough, but he is not a Taoist priest, he can solve the problem by conferring an innocent Taoist priest status of the same grade. There is no special promotion.

The Li family took advantage of this loophole. Li Changge was a Taoist priest himself, and of course he could not be granted a fellow Taoist priest. At the same time, Li Changge successfully accommodated the "Qing Que Pearl", so his cultivation level surpassed that of Qi Xuansu, and he entered the pseudo-immortal first, and then talked about Taiping Dao. Naturally, he could be special promoted.

To put it bluntly, Taiping Dao's background and his cultivation far beyond the age limit are both indispensable. If it were anyone else, without a Taiping Dao background, they would not be placed in such an important position even if they were specially promoted.

Master Qingwei still suffered at the expense of the Third Master. The Third Master was unwilling to recommend a new Grand Master, but was happy for the three of them to take turns to get rid of the Grand Master's addiction. Even if Master Qingwei had the "Qing Que Pearl", it would be meaningless. After all, Jin Que's second seat, Shenzhi Zhenzhen, has reached the top of his status, and he cannot be a Pingzhang Da Zhenren.

Qi Xuansu's perfect ending is not only the ending for himself, but also the beginning for Li Changge. Regarding the first move at the beginning, Qi Xuansu has already laid the groundwork for Lu Yujue. In the next period of time, Qi Xuansu will continue to make moves.

On the other side, Master Qingwei was not unprepared. For example, Shen Yubing was the one who stood in front of Li Changge, so when Shen Yubing saw Qi Xuansu, he put on a look of disdain, almost provoking. This was his mission.

This was something Qi Xuansu figured out later.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu estimated that his task of rebuilding the Northern Continent's espionage system would probably not be completed. No matter how capable he was, Beichen Hall would not cooperate in all aspects, and Shen Yubing's face was full of confrontation, so it was destined to be impossible to complete.

This credit is reserved for Li Changge. As long as Li Changge takes over, all obstacles will disappear immediately, and then rapid progress will be made.

This will give people the feeling that Li Changge can accomplish what Qi Xuansu cannot accomplish, which shows that Li Changge is better than Qi Xuansu in some aspects.

Qi Xuansu could only eat Coptis chinensis as a mute person, and could not express his pain. After all, facts speak louder than words.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu had to find ways to make amends in other ways and bury the hatchet for Li Changge. For example, he must seek justice for Lu Yujue.

It is true that this puts private fighting above public affairs and seriously harms the interests of Taoism. It is wrong and will be criticized by Huayuan Taoist priests and Qingliu Taoist priests.

But Qi Xuansu had no choice. They made the first move, wouldn't Qi Xuansu fight back? The more you retreat, the more others will advance. Only a strong counterattack can maintain balance and stability and create short-term peace.

Fighting can end wars.

Struggle is the eternal theme of human beings. As long as desire is still there and human nature is still there, it will not stop. As for the Huayuan Taoist priests and Qingliu Taoist priests, they were just not involved. People who have never picked up are talking about letting go, which makes people laugh. Being out of touch with the world and not having the world are two completely different concepts.

In addition, Qi Xuansu also wanted to minimize the negative impact of his failure to complete the reconstruction of the Northern Continent's intelligence system, that is, to cover up the past with other greater achievements, just like Emperor Taizong of Da Qi, whose achievements as emperor were too dazzling , then killing brother and imprisoning father becomes irrelevant.

The problem still has to be the abolition of the blood-stopping sacrifice and the elimination of the insect-men.

Since there is no limit to the means, Jueshengtang's methods will inevitably be more intense and even cruel.

Through interrogation, Jueshengtang now knows the approximate location of Lan Yun Sect. It is located in the sea between the Southern Continent and Luo Suozhou. It is a huge island with various formations set up around it. If you want to penetrate it, you still need to spend some effort. .

Jueshengtang has considered the possibility of a force attack, but the island can move on its own. The movement of the force attack is too big. In the vast sea, I am afraid that before the fleet has discovered Blue Cloud Island, all the bugs on the island have already noticed it and evacuated first. And in the chaos, it is difficult to destroy all the bugs. Therefore, the best way is to penetrate into the interior of Lanyun Island first. After understanding the situation, attack from both inside and outside and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

This method has been approved by the superiors, and the Juesheng Church has begun to select people and prepare for the first infiltration. Bugs can pretend to be normal people, and in turn, normal people can also pretend to be bugs. Before returning to the nest, each bug is an independent individual and has no shared mind, so it can still get away with it.

Tantai Ying originally wanted to take action in person, but was persuaded by his subordinates. Hearing that those bugs were sexually promiscuous, they could not bear the responsibility if Tantai Ying fell into their hands. Master Tantai’s Thunder Fury is no joke.

On the other hand, Qi Xuansu put forward another opinion regarding the abolition of blood-stopping sacrifices, which cannot be stopped only through violent means, but should allow people to stop this behavior spontaneously.

On the one hand, of course, it is the work of enlightenment, making people realize that this is a wrong behavior.

On the other hand, it is to open up more land and build more workshops. When there is more land and more workshops, there will be a shortage of manpower. At this time, the value of people as labor force will continue to rise. From a profit perspective, it is not cost-effective to sacrifice and kill a large number of laborers in vain. For profit, people can sell the rope with which they hang themselves, not to mention other things. For the sake of profit, the blood-stopping sacrifice can naturally be abolished voluntarily.

Taking advantage of the situation is to follow the trend. Violent suppression is only a temporary solution, while the development of the world is the root solution.

This is connected to the aspect of Huangfu's extreme responsibility. Xidaomen has long seen this, but it was just because of the wars in the past that they couldn't care about it. Now that I have my hands free, I naturally have to focus on development. Although pain is inevitable, as long as it succeeds, many problems will be solved.

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