Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 124 The Psalms of the Hermit

The indigenous leader and the ancestor of the bug people moved first. One was like thunder, the other was like a phantom, attacking Hu En'ahan from left to right.

Even though Hu En Ahan was not very dignified in front of Qi Xuansu, he was always more than respectful. When facing these three people, he seemed to be a different person and laughed loudly: "Are you going to die in a hurry? That's fine, I will." It’s fulfilled for you.”

The indigenous leader had a rough appearance and an explosive style. He clenched his fists tightly, and his warrior blood spread violently. He didn't have much punching power at all. He made a huge explosion sound just by relying on his pure strength.

The ancestor of the insect people is not as rough and savage as the indigenous leader. He still looks a bit like an immortal. Similar to the Taoist earth immortal inheritance, he takes a feminine route. With a wave of his sleeves, five white skulls appear out of thin air. They are: Five colors: black, white, green, red, and yellow, each spitting out mist of different colors, shrouding Huen Ahan.

Facing the joint attack of the two heavenly masters, Hu En'ahan did not dodge or evade, and raised both fists to face the two of them respectively.

The next moment, Hu En'ahan's right fist met the fist of the indigenous leader, causing a loud noise like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. The rain forest below shook endlessly, endless fallen leaves rustled down, and many people were even shaken to death. His heart and seven orifices were bleeding, and he died on the spot.

The indigenous leader's face changed slightly. He fought with Hu En'a Khan, but of course he had to pay a price. Not only was his fist bloody and bloody, but the inner bones of the entire arm were shattered. On the other hand, Hu En'a Khan's fist, Still unscathed.

Hu En'ahan's left fist used his fist to break through the five-color mist, and then divided it into five parts, breaking five skeletons respectively. That's not all. The remaining fists worked together again and went straight to the ancestor of the insect people. It's like the waves of the ocean, one wave after another, one wave pushing against the other. Ripples, large and small, overlap and oscillate endlessly.

The ancestor of the insect man did not dare to confront him head-on, so he flicked his sleeves, and a cloud of white silk shot out, turning into a huge silk net to protect him.

Immediately afterwards, Hu En'ahan's fist enveloped the insect ancestor. For a moment, the ancestor of the insect man felt as if he was sinking into the depths of the sea. His body was involuntarily drifting with the current. Endless pressure came from all directions, either colliding, pulling, squeezing, or rotating. The force was changing rapidly, trying to crush him. Round and flattened.

Hu En'a Khan suppressed the two heavenly masters with one move. One hand showed the masculine power, powerful and powerful, and he could not resist, and the other hand showed the feminine power, with skills close to the Tao. The combination of hardness and softness shows the charm of a pseudo-immortal warrior.

Although the tribe leader and the insect man ancestor cannot be said to have no power to fight back, they immediately understood the truth. If they fight alone, the two of them are really no match. At most, they have some power to fight back, and the result will definitely be beaten by Hu En'ahan. die.

What's even more frightening is that there are also three people on Hu En'ahan's side. They don't know the depth of Qi Xuansu, but they are familiar with Wutu. After all, they were friends not long ago, but now they have become enemies in the blink of an eye. Wutu's strength is not inferior to that of Hu En'ahan. , if this was three against three, it would be a slap in the face.

For a moment, the two of them felt that they were in a dilemma, unable to move forward or backward.

The area of ​​the Southern Continent is larger than that of the Central Plains. This southern rainforest also covers nearly two states. It is really not small. Whether it is the indigenous leader or the ancestor of the insect people, they are all powerful people in this territory. In the eyes of ordinary natives, he is a god-like figure. But the two of them joined forces to deal with one of them, but fell into a disadvantage in the blink of an eye. Thousands of warriors watching the battle all around saw this and were all frightened.

Even if thousands of people attack, who knows how many people will die?

There is one person left who has not taken action, that is Wu Zhu who believes in the "Black Sun". When the two of them took action before, he stepped aside and prepared spells, allowing the two of them to delay. At this time, the spell preparation was completed. At some point, a layer of rolling black mist surrounded Hu En Ahan. Moreover, this layer of fog continued to rise and spread, and soon enveloped Hu En A Khan.

"Black Sun" Wu Zhu opened his hands and created a bone throne under his feet. The black energy condensed into a crown as black as ink on the top of his head. With the movements of "Black Sun" Wu Zhu, the bone throne under his feet and the top of his head The crown ignited with blazing black flames, and "Black Sun" Wu Zhu slowly lowered his head and recited some kind of poem in the language of the Holy Court.

This language is called Latim language, and it is also the language of the Holy See as a formal meeting language and the language of liturgy.

Just like Buddhist Sanskrit, Latim language has a special status and also has special power.

After all, the Hell Apostles were also apostles and once belonged to the Holy See. However, after they fell into the Hell Apostles, they improved upon them and turned their divine skills into magic, giving them more special abilities.

Sirila is not only an apostle of murder, but also an apostle of lies and deception. He wrote the "Book of Sirila" and can even gain power that is not his own through self-deception, and immortals are no exception.

This poem from the "Heritage" has the mystery to confuse people's hearts, even warriors are no exception. On the other hand, Sirilla's "deception" can also enable Wufu to gain higher cultivation level in a short period of time. This is a double-edged sword. It does not blindly destroy, but bypasses Wufu's special defense mechanism.

The long poem recited by the "Black Sun" Wu Zhu is like looking at a incomplete page of the "Hira Sutra". There is no bonus of false power, only madness, disturbing the mind, and weakening the power in exchange for controllability. It will not backfire on itself, and you can also choose to exempt your own people. However, it takes a long time to prepare, and if you fight alone, you have no chance to use it.

Even Huen Ahan was in a trance for a moment, remembering everything in the past, and seeing Huen Chavin who had been dependent on each other since childhood. He seemed to have gained the power to resurrect Huen Chavin. He could bring Huen Chavin back to life with just a move of his fingers. Everything It's all back to how it used to be.

Hu En Ahan vaguely knew that something was wrong, but he was still immersed in this illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

This fatal lack of concentration left Hu En'ahan with an irreparable flaw, and the indigenous leader and insect ancestor took action again.

As long as Hu En'ahan is dealt with first, even if the remaining two people are troublesome, they are not completely helpless.

But at this moment, the three of them all sensed a strong and rising sword intent, and at the same time, this sword intent was directed at the Insect Man Ancestor among the three.

Dragons and tigers share the same fate.

The Insect Man Ancestor who was about to take action froze for a moment under the pull of the sword.

Although the insect man ancestor broke away from the pull of the sword in an instant, at this moment, Qi Xuansu, who was just watching the battle, was already in vain. With a fierce momentum, he came straight towards the ancestor of the insect people.

The insect ancestor gritted his teeth and decided to ignore it. He made up his mind to deal with Hu En'ahan first even if he resisted a sword attack.

But to everyone's surprise, "Black Sun" Wu Zhu's head flew high into the air.

The black crown fell and disappeared.

"Black Sun" Wu Zhu's headless body began to shake violently.

The next moment, countless black auras emerged from the decapitated corpse. Immediately afterwards, countless tiny cracks appeared on the surface of "Black Sun" Wu Zhu's body, and countless black auras spewed out from the cracks.

These black gases burned fiercely and turned into black flames.

The Throne of Bones collapsed in the sea of ​​fire.

A bright moon appeared quietly, and the silvery moonlight fell in the sky.

The person who took action was Utu.

The reason why the three of them dared to join forces to attack was because "The Psalms of the Holy Scriptures" was a large-scale spell that would affect everyone except the caster and those exempted by the caster. In their view, this spell Not only did he restrain Hu En'a Khan, but he also blocked Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu, which was a killing two birds with one stone.

However, they did not expect that Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu would not be affected.

Compared with Hu En Ahan, Utu has a major advantage, that is, Utu has spiritual sustenance. He believes in Ixiqir extremely devoutly, and this belief first came from the admiration and love of the humble for the noble goddess. Whether it is self-deception or weakness, in short, Utu, who has faith, is not easily affected by this spell, and Utu is not the first to bear the brunt and is less affected.

Hu En'ahan is different. He has no faith at all. He nominally believes in Taoist ancestors, but Taishang Taoist ancestors are too elusive. He himself is struggling between emotion and power, and his mind is full of flaws.

As for Qi Xuansu, he has used too many pages of the "Xirui Jing". First, he has rich experience in dealing with it, and second, he has some tolerance. Just like drinking too much alcohol, this spell really can't affect to him.

The Insect Man Ancestor was greatly horrified and barely looked out of the corner of his eye, just in time to see the death of "Black Sun" Wu Zhu. But the imminent sword energy left him too busy to care.

Wutu was responsible for dealing with the "Black Sun" Wu Zhu, while Qi Xuansu targeted the insect ancestor.

Qi Xuansu arrived with "Qingyun" in hand. No matter how the Insect Man Ancestor dodged, he still pierced the Insect Man Ancestor's eyebrows with a sword. It was as if Qi Xuansu had predicted all the possibilities in advance and accurately predicted the Insect Man Ancestor's fate. At first glance, the movement looked like the ancestor of the insect man took the initiative to hit Qi Xuansu's sword tip.

Of course Qi Xuansu doesn't know how to use Yao Pei's "Heavenly Sword". Although Zhou Mengyao is his master - the former master, he has never taught this. Even if he did, he would not be able to learn it at the time. This is "returning to Tibet" "light" effect.

After this period of exploration, Qi Xuansu probably understood that if he wanted the "Gui Zang Lamp" to work, he would need to add more lamp oil, just like burning incense in a temple. The so-called lamp oil is magical power, and it can often have miraculous effects at critical moments.

After all, the ancestor of the insect people is in the same realm as Qi Xuansu. Logically speaking, even if he is not Qi Xuansu's opponent, he can still compete with Qi Xuansu. Unfortunately, Qi Xuansu has too many immortal objects on his body, which is not reasonable at all, so there is no reason to say it.

Moreover, the ancestor of the insect people did not know in advance that Qi Xuansu had the "Gui Cang Lamp" in his body. This was a calculated calculation without intention. How could the ancestor of the insect people prevent it?

"Qingyun"'s sword energy crazily strangled the life of the insect ancestor.

The ancestor of the insect people wanted to resist, but the evil fire followed closely. When Wu Guangbi encountered Qi Xuansu's evil fire, he was very troubled, not to mention the ancestor of the insect people who was not as good as Wu Guangbi.

The insect ancestor stared at Qi Xuansu and cried out in pain: "Qi! Xuan! Su!"

Qi Xuansu's face was expressionless, and his left hand, burning with evil fire, stabbed into his chest and took out a "worm" that was constantly struggling.

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