Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 125: Surrender

To be precise, just part of the bug.

At the earliest, there were only insect eggs, which was considered the foundation building stage. Later, the eggs turn into larvae and form cocoons, which is the elixir stage. When the adult emerges from the cocoon, it is the golden elixir stage. If the adult can leave the body, it is the Nascent Soul stage. By the time of ascension, the adult worm in the body has completely replaced the original body structure, including the internal organs, spine and brain, which are all part of the adult worm.

So Qi Xuansu only caught part of the adult insect at this time, and the huge pain made the ancestor of the insect people wail loudly.

Qi Xuansu didn't know much about the Insect Man. He thought it was just a small insect. Who would have thought that the Insect Man in the adult stage is already a human and an insect and cannot be separated. In other words, it can be said that the bug has scratched the human skin. At this time, he tore off part of the body of the adult insect, and unknown juice exploded, which was very disgusting.

Fortunately, there was a vicious fire that blocked it, causing it to evaporate instantly.

In the blink of an eye, "Black Sun" Wu Zhu was killed by Utu, and the ancestor of the insect people was dying. The original three-person attack turned into the indigenous leader attacking Hu En'ahan alone.

Although Hu En Ahan had not regained his consciousness at this time, he was not without the ability to fight back.

Warriors who have reached the pseudo-immortal realm also have terrifying instincts similar to the "magic sword" and are known as "killing people in dreams." Even if they have a dream, they can still rely on their body instincts to avoid danger and kill people with punches.

This is the case with Hu En Ahan at this time. If three people arrive together, instinct alone may not be able to cope with it. But there is only one person, and he is also a martial artist, so it doesn't matter whether he has sanity or not. Compared with other inheritances, the martial arts inheritance It is the simplest and most direct. In many cases, no brain is needed, it is just a punch.

When two martial artists fight together, their moves cannot be said to be very sophisticated. The martial artist's subtlety lies in the control of his fists, rather than one move after another. When two martial artists fight, the competition is nothing more than physical fitness, speed, and strength. In all three aspects, Hu En Ahan had the unquestionable upper hand.

Soon, the indigenous leader was injured by Hu En'ahan's fist.

The indigenous leader wanted to retreat, but was tightly entangled by Hu En'a Khan.

Those thousands of warriors were willing to help the leader, but the two warriors were fighting closely and entangled in one place, unable to help each other at all. They couldn't fight together. Even if they were to forcefully attack without distinguishing between the enemy and ourselves, Hu En'ahan's physique was superior. It was Hu En Ahan who took advantage.

It cannot be said that large army operations are useless. It can only be said that these relatively primitive tribes do not understand large army operations.

Whether it's a Taoist sect or a holy court, a large army can fight together to fight against pseudo-immortals or even immortals. For example, dispatching the "Yinglong" fleet, supplemented by existences such as the Alchemist Battalion. Or it could be the Holy Court's Flying Dragon Legion, cooperating with the already powerful Dragon Knights. Generally, it is necessary to set up a position and use external forces.

Although these thousands of warriors are brave, they come from different tribes and cannot cooperate at all, let alone formations. Moreover, they lack necessary external objects, such as various powerful firearms. Once a high-level battle occurs, they will fight on their own. , it is easy to become a spectator or cannon fodder.

During the fierce battle between the two, blood flowed, gradually awakening Hu En'ahan's mind. After all, this is not a real page of the "Hira Sutra", and it is impossible for Hu En Ahan to be immersed in hallucinations all the time.

After Hu En'ahan regained his consciousness, he punched harder and soon beat the indigenous leader to the point where he was unable to fight back.

The indigenous leader had the intention of retreating, and tried to escape even though he was punched, but Hu En'ahan did not intend to give him this chance, and shouted: "Where to go?"

The indigenous leader only felt that Hu En'ahan's voice was like a thunderclap and a slap in the face. His body was shaken, and the energy and blood in his body collapsed. He was stagnant for a moment, and then Huen'ahan strangled his neck from behind. Pull back. M..

Hu En'ahan took advantage of the situation and punched the indigenous leader in the back of the heart. The punch was as powerful as a bow and thunderous. The punch made a loud noise like the sound of a heavenly bell.

The indigenous leader had no power to fight back due to the chaos of Qi and blood in his body. He was punched by Hu En'ahan and flew ten feet away. He barely got up, feeling very embarrassed.

Hu En'a Khan followed him like a shadow, walked around behind the indigenous leader, grabbed the back of his neck with his left hand, seemingly lightly, but made the indigenous leader's feet leave the ground, and then Hu En'a Khan's right fist hit the indigenous leader's back like a thunder. Position, disperse his energy and blood, and destroy some acupoints with powerful fist power. Then he held the shoulders of the indigenous leader, put his knees on the lower back of the indigenous leader, and at the same time used force to break the entire body of the indigenous leader backwards.

Legend has it that Tantai Yun fought with Xuan Sheng back then, and was beaten to pieces by Xuan Sheng. Only his acupoints and body spirit were left intact. His acupoints and body spirit could be placed in the void, just like countless The light spot outlines the outline of a human figure, still able to move freely, truly seeing God and not bad.

It's just that such supernatural powers are only possessed by human immortal bodies. This indigenous leader is only in the creation stage and is still far away from the realm of human immortals. Moreover, he has not practiced the "human immortal refining method" seriously, so he cannot be regarded as the orthodox human immortal inheritance of Taoism. Mainly relying on his natural physique and not much research on body and mind.

Therefore, the indigenous leader has been seriously injured by Hu En'a Khan. This is the warrior who can still breathe. If he is replaced by the alchemist, he can prepare to seize a new body - provided that the soul can escape.

Hu En'ahan carried the half-dead indigenous leader and walked towards Qi Xuansu, his expression not very good. Originally, he wanted to show his face in front of Qi Xuansu and perform a performance of taking the lead in an army to show that this second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest had no white seal, but he almost exposed his butt. In the end, Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu had to take action.

How could Huen Ahan not be angry?

However, Qi Xuansu didn't care about this. What he valued was not all Hu En'ahan's force. Although force was indeed very important, he still had to abide by the rules as long as he could not break them. After he left the Southern Continent, he needed to stay in the Southern Continent. There is someone of his own who has enough weight. After all, Zhang Wuyue is still too young. Huangfuji is important enough, but he cannot be regarded as one of his own, he can only be regarded as an ally, because Huangfuji is a separate person and is not attached to anyone.

At this time Qi Xuansu was considering another issue.

Could it be that Zhou Mengyao really wasn't nearby?

Just now, he and Wu Tu took action, which was the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack, but Zhou Mengyao didn't make any movement. Could it be that Zhou Mengyao didn't intend to take action in the southern continent, but just wanted to mark Qi Xuansu in advance to ensure Qi Xuansu's whereabouts? The real "surprise" is yet to come?

Of course, Qi Xuansu was not defenseless. He always kept the Buddha's relics in his sleeves, within easy reach, and he specially added lamp oil to the "Guicang Lamp", not to deal with the insect ancestor, but to give an early warning. Once Zhou Mengyao decides to take action, the "Guicang Lantern" will definitely predict the future in advance, and Qi Xuansu can respond in time, activate the Buddha's relic, and send Zhou Mengyao a Buddha's palm.

But Zhou Mengyao didn't take action, so the opportunity to "return to the hidden lantern" was given to the ancestor of the insect people, allowing him to experience the power of immortal creatures.

Qi Xuansu now had to reorganize his thoughts. Zhou Mengyao's move was a bit like a trick to tire out the enemy. It caused Qi Xuansu to remain highly nervous at all times, but keeping the heartstrings tight would cause problems. Wait until the moment Qi Xuansu relaxes, then A thunderous strike. Anyway, Qi Xuansu was in the light and she was in the dark, so she could afford it.

As a result, Qi Xuansu could only place his hope on the "Gui Cang Lantern". He used to be hungry for nine meals in three days, but now for his own safety, he must let the uncle eat eight meals a day, and he must not miss the key moment. When Wu Niang comes out of seclusion, the old saying goes, he has Wu Niang.

This made Qi Xuansu think, could it be that the Heavenly Master had anticipated this day? That's why he kept the "Guicang Lantern" with him to guard against Zhou Mengyao.

If this is the case, then the devil is as good as the devil.

But having said that, if the Heavenly Master is so powerful, how can the Earth Master be any worse? Going around and around, Zhou Mengyao's backstage is probably the Earth Master.

At this moment, Hu En'ahan brought the indigenous leader to Qi Xuansu. He saw that the surface of the indigenous leader's body was sunken downwards in places and bulged high in places. His bones were broken and his flesh was broken. He was almost out of shape. Fortunately, he had the physique of a martial artist. Still breathing, not dead.

Hu En'ahan asked for instructions: "Master, how should we deal with this person?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Ask him whether he wants to live or die. If he wants to live, then surrender to Tawanting, actively cooperate with Tawanting to integrate various tribes, and at the same time hand over all the followers of the Insects and Hell Apostles. If you want to die, there is no stopping you. he."

Hu En'ahan said solemnly: "Understood."

With the defeat of the three masters, thousands of warriors who were still highly motivated just now have fallen into chaos. Some began to flee, some stayed in place, at a loss, and others intended to launch an attack to recapture the leader.

Huen'ahan spoke a few words to the tribal leader in the dialect of the southern continent. Although the leader still looked unwilling, after being threatened by Huen'ahan for a few times, he still nodded and agreed.

Then Hu En'ahan took this person to recruit the soldiers, and some people kept putting down their weapons. In fact, these soldiers don't want to fight, and no one wants to die. They just lack a step. Now that their leader has been reduced, the step has also come.

After all, Hu En'ahan is a general who guards one place, and he is very familiar with these things, even more skilled than Qi Xuansu. Therefore, Qi Xuansu only needs to decide the direction. As for how to implement it, it is up to the people below to consider it. Just as the Taoist sect sent Qi Xuansu over and told him only one goal, as for how to achieve this goal, it would test Qi Xuansu's personal ability.

Utu was considered to be a member of the priest class and was not from the same group as the warrior class such as Huen Ahan, so he did not participate and just stayed by Qi Xuansu's side.

Qi Xuansu handed the half-dead insect-man ancestor to Wutu: "Wutu, there must be many secrets about the insect-man in this insect-man's body and mind. Can you help me dig them out? Especially about the various secrets of Lanyun Sect. situation."

Utu asked: "Dead or alive?"

Qi Xuansu said: "He doesn't need to live."

"As you wish." Wu Tu showed a charming smile.

Wu Tu remembered something again and took out a Western space bag and handed it to Qi Xuansu: "By the way, this was found on the hell believer. Maybe the real person will be interested."

Qi Xuansu took the space bag and had the long-lost feeling of walking around the world again.

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