Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 126 All your wishes come true

Qi Xuansu hadn't gotten anything like a trophy for a long time.

There are just a few reasons. The first point is that Qi Xuansu's status is getting higher and higher. Not to mention semi-immortal objects, there are even immortal objects. He doesn't like ordinary things, which are of no use. He might as well be more reserved. The second point is that according to the regulations, Qi Xuansu must hand over the things that Qi Xuansu values ​​​​to the Taoist sect. Even many of the Taoist sect's immortal objects are the trophies of the Taoist sect. The third point is that Qi Xuansu's identity is here. It is not easy to do the job of cleaning the battlefield. He has his own dedicated person to handle it.

This time it was different. The nature of annihilating the insect people was a bit vague. The Taoist sect did not issue a similar order. At that time, when Jinque was discussing the matter, the existence of the insect people was not known. It was Qi Xuansu who discovered the insect people when he went to the southern continent for in-depth investigation. Traces of people. It was Qi Xuansu who was determined to eliminate the insect-men. If anything, it was Qi Xuansu who gave full play to his subjective initiative and decided to do something good.

The key point is that Qi Xuansu has not used Daomen's personnel yet, but has used people from Xidaomen and Ixichel, so the definition is very vague. Qi Xuansu could be upright and take the initiative to hand it over, or he could stay on his own and no one could say anything.

If you really want to say anything, you have to wait until the fall of Master Donghua and Qi Xuansu and accuse them of crimes. This one can be used.

To put it simply, because the definition is vague, as long as Qi Xuansu does not fall, this is not a problem. But if he is really going to fall, he doesn't care about such trivial matters. There are many serious crimes waiting for him.

There were restrictions on the space bag, but Wutu didn't open it in advance, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Can you open it?"

Wutu then took over the space bag and used his pseudo-immortal cultivation to erase the restrictions on it.

Qi Xuansu opened the space bag and found a lot of things inside.

First of all, there are all kinds of bills. Even though Wu Zhu is the king of this rainforest, he has real estate in New Xijing, New Paititi, San Francisco, and San York. When he has nothing to do, he usually goes to Huahua outside. Enjoy the world. Here you are the majestic high priest who plays tricks on gods and ghosts, and outside you are Western priests or Eastern Taoist priests.

After all, the world has changed. The era of hiding money at home has passed. Nowadays, banks have extensive business operations, almost all over the world. With just a few pieces of paper, you can withdraw money without having to carry a large amount of gold and silver. Extremely convenient.

Many bills are not only house deeds, but also deposit certificates from major banks and banks. They include gold and silver, both Chinese and Western. Qi Xuansu roughly counted them, and after further calculation, he found that there were nearly half a million Taiping money, which can be said to be a huge amount. It’s a huge sum of money, and I don’t know how many years of savings it is.

But for Qi Xuansu, money is no longer an important matter. Money is of course important. Whether it is a Taoist sect or a holy court, money is the only thing that matters all day long. Even if you become a great leader, you still have to worry about money. But that's a lot of money, easily worth millions or tens of millions. Small money at the personal level is irrelevant. To put it more exaggeratedly, it is just a number. To put it more restrainedly, it is just floating wealth.

Qi Xuansu's status increased, his power increased, and he became more enlightened. He said, "Leave all these matters to Master Huangfu. After all, Xingang is short of money, so even if I make a small contribution as a friend."

Utu took a handful of bills and accepted.

Although the money could buy a lot of divine power, Wutu didn't dare to tamper with it, let alone line his own pockets. Now that communication is so convenient, Qi Xuansu and Huangfu are definitely going to talk about this matter. If they don't get along, it will be his fault.

In addition to the bills, there were many documents, including correspondence, some official exchanges within the native tribes, etc. Qi Xuansu was too lazy to read any more: "These are handed over to Master Tantai for processing. They want to integrate these tribes, so they should use them. "

Utu agreed again.

What a fake fairy, actually doing such trivial chores. But Wutu had no objection. This was the goddess's order. During this period, he had to listen to the real person's orders.

The words of the goddess are the imperial decree of the emperor and the decree of the great leader. The goddess is the sky, the goddess is the earth, and the goddess is the only one.

The real drama comes at the end.

Qi Xuansu unexpectedly found two pages - the pages of the "Xirui Sutra".

This is a good thing, and something Qi Xuansu has used many times.

Qi Xuansu thought about it and realized that this was indeed very reasonable. There was nothing more reasonable than the followers of "Black Sun" Sirila carrying the pages of the "Heritage Sutra". As for why he didn't use it himself, firstly, the pages of the "Xirila Sutra" did not distinguish between friend and foe, and even Xirila herself had been backlashed. Secondly, he had no time to use it. He had just used a spell and was killed by Utu with a knife.

Qi Xuansu wants to deal with Zhou Mengyao, and he has nothing to fear at the official level of the Taoist sect. Master Donghua protects him, and Tianshi protects him. Zhou Mengyao can lift him up, but can no longer trample him to death. , nothing can be done about him. He was just afraid that Zhou Mengyao was playing dirty tricks and trying to get out of the way. What Qi Xuansu lacked most now was his cultivation. No, something that could quickly improve his cultivation in a short period of time was coming.

To be honest, Qi Xuansu still misses that kind of mentality, the unruly feeling of seeing the three outstanding figures of the Taoist clan like chickens and dogs.

The two pages were rolled up to prevent accidentally seeing the contents inside, just like two scrolls. Qi Xuansu did not give them to Wu Tu this time, but put them in his Sumeru.

Then there are some strange casting materials, as well as medicines and elixirs whose specific uses are unknown. Chinese people like to make medicines into pills, and Westerners like to make medicines into potions. This is a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

Qi Xuansu didn't want these things. God knows if there were any side effects, so he gave them to Wutu, and Wutu could do with them as he pleased.

Wutu then expanded his divine domain to include Qi Xuansu and the insect ancestor.

Utu's divine realm is very monotonous. Looking at the first half, it's not bad. It's nothing more than the night, stars, and the bright moon. After Ixichel took back the power of the stars, moon, and night, Utu's divine realm also changed. But the style of the painting changes suddenly in the second half. There are no moon flowers and night dew grass, only the barren land and the wandering undead. It is a world of the dead.

The moon shines upon the dead and brings them back to life.

The sun shines on all things and gives life to all things.

Utu is good at using the authority of the dead and will definitely touch the realm of the soul.

I saw Wutu's five hook-like fingers pressing on the head of the insect ancestor, burning the flames of death, burning away the outer layer of human skin, revealing the adult insect inside.

This adult insect is like an enlarged and elongated centipede. It has many legs, like tentacles, which can penetrate into every corner of the body. Originally, these tentacles should have connected some meridians and internal organs of the human body, because they were burned away by Utu. That's why his true appearance was revealed. The adult body acts as the spine of the human body, and a vague human face appears on its head, which just replaces the brain and occupies the Niwan Palace.

This sight makes people shudder.

There is a song in the Taoist sect that says: "When I swallow a pill of spiritual elixir, I realize that my fate is not determined by heaven. The golden elixir is made in one day, and the words of the ancient immortals are truly worthy of hearing. If you talk about nine years and three years, it is all a delayed payment." . The cultivation of great medicine is easy and difficult, but it depends on me and God.

If I swallow an insect egg in my stomach, I can't decide whether I will die or not, but it is definitely not up to me.

You can't decide what to sing, but you firmly believe that you are the chosen one.

I was lamenting that others would not live long, but I didn't know that I would be mourned when I returned.

In the end, they are all making wedding clothes for others.

The adult insect was accidentally broken off by Qi Xuansu and was already dying.

Wutu said: "Many people doubt whether the bug-man has a soul. After all, the Nascent Soul's out-of-body experience in the 'Nascent Soul Stage' is essentially bugs leaving the body. Many people even think that the bugs in the bug-man's body have devoured the host's soul. The bugs It’s the soul, and the soul is the bug.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "So is there a soul?"

Utu gave an affirmative answer: "Of course there is animism in all things. Even things that originally had no souls may give birth to souls, let alone things that already have souls."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, and Wu Tu's words were indeed correct. For example, "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" do not have souls. They can only be said to be spiritual. Spirituality cannot be equated with soul, just like divinity cannot be equated with gods. . But by chance, the "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans" gave birth to a soul, which was Wuniang. The same is true for the three corpses. For example, Lin Yuanmiao was chopped out and became an independent individual with his own soul and even his own three corpses.

Wutu stretched out his hand and pressed it on the adult's face, relying on the blessing of the entire divine realm, and pulled it out.

The entire adult insect immediately became stiff and motionless.

Then I saw a ball of gray and evil brilliance in Wutu's hand. It had no specific shape and was twisting and changing.

Wutu held it with both hands, then rubbed it until it turned into little bits of brilliance, and then raised it in front of him.

In the realm of gods, there is a thin line between true and false. When false becomes true, true is also false, false can be regarded as true, and false can be transformed into reality.

They saw these brilliance condensed into a curtain of light in front of the two people.

The vast sea is reflected in the light curtain, and above it is the dark night sky.

The picture kept changing, and an island appeared on the sea. It was foggy and couldn't be seen clearly.

And above the island, there was a dim black moon on the originally empty night, and it looked like a dark eye.

Logically speaking, the night is dark and the moon is also dark. How can we tell? Just because the outer ring of the black moon is still shining brightly, it is separated from the night, just like there are white eyes outside the pupils, so it is said to be like a dark eye.

Qi Xuansu said: "I know the 'Black Sun' Sirila, is there another 'Black Moon'? Wutu, you have been by the side of the Moon God for a long time, have you heard anything about it?"

Wu Tu shook his head and said: "I have never heard of the so-called 'Black Moon'. However, I can conclude that this island should be the Blue Cloud Island of the Insect Man Blue Cloud Sect."

Qi Xuansu nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

Wutu continued: "Blue Cloud Island is different from ordinary islands. It can move at any time. No matter how big the island is in the vast sea, it is insignificant compared to the sea. Blue Cloud Island is elusive and covered by fog. If you want to find it, I’m afraid it’s difficult.”

Qi Xuansu felt deeply that when Jiang Daren came to Nanyang in person, he spent more than half of his time looking for the specific location of Tongzhen Palace. This was because Tongzhen Palace was unstable and needed to be calculated slowly.

There is no exaggeration in the word "big" about the sea. Compared with it, humans are so small. Even if the immortal goes to look for it himself, it will not be easy if there are no clues.

Finding the Lanyun Sect at this time is the same problem, but the difficulty lies in the uncertainty.

Wu Tu pointed at the dark moon on the screen: "Not only is it difficult for outsiders to find the Blue Cloud Sect, but it is also inconvenient for bug-men who go out to return to the Blue Cloud Sect. There must be a sign, and this dark moon should be it."

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "The dark moon rises over the sea, is this the same moment in the world?"

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