Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 140 Bonds

Of course Qi Xuansu had considered it.

Objectively speaking, Zhou Mengyao may be good at planning, but she is definitely not good at divination, so there are too many things that she did not expect. She was deceived by Qiniang, cut off by the heavenly master, and eventually fell into pieces.

In this case, Zhou Mengyao may not be able to make plans in advance. In other words, even if the layout is planned in advance, it will not be too detailed, and it will probably be just a temporary rush.

Because Zhou Mengyao could not have determined that Qi Xuansu would come to this sea area very early. She did not have the ability of the Heavenly Master or the Purple Light True Monarch. This is called specialization in the art.

If it were the two latter people, Qi Xuansu would inevitably wonder in his heart whether they had predicted it many years ago and had planned it for many years. After taking into account various possibilities, they had already formed a tightrope and there was absolutely no way to escape.

Of course, Tianshi and Ziguang Zhenjun want to tell Qi Xuansu that it is not that simple. The past remains unchanged, the future is uncertain, and the future has infinite possibilities. Even if you see a scaly claw, you cannot believe it.

This is the biggest problem in predicting the future. We can only see some fragments, with no upper and lower parts. The rest can only be guessed.

For example, Qi Xuansu saw a scene in the future where Zhang Yuelu killed him with a sword. There was no cause or result, only this fragment. So Qi Xuansu began to have various suspicions, which caused the couple to fall out of harmony. When Qi Xuansu finally reached that point in time, he discovered that the Zhang Yuelu he saw was actually Zhou Mengyao pretending to be him.

Otherwise, it would be unpredictable.

Judging from various situations, Zhou Mengyao is not good at divination. Her time is quite limited, and there is no advance planning. She can only take it one step at a time. After all, Qi Xuansu will come here, and there is some chance that he will come here.

Click on improvisation.

If this was a trap, could Zhou Mengyao win the trust of a cunning old dragon in such a short period of time? An old dragon that almost died in the hands of a Taoist man.

At first glance, the old dragon should have a motive for revenge. In fact, it is difficult to say. It is more likely that the old dragon was frightened out of his wits. Let alone revenge, he just wanted to stay away from everything in the Taoist sect.

Zhou Mengyao is a Taoist immortal, and Qi Xuansu is one of the future successors trained by the Taoist sect.

The old dragon will not fail to understand the truth. A dragon that bears the original sin on the Taoist side is involved in the internal fighting of the Taoist gate. No matter who loses or wins, no matter what the outcome, it is the best scapegoat, without exception.

If both parties decide to compromise, then Old Jiaolong will be responsible for all aspects.

Daomen will not let it go.

What about profit? Without talking about revenge, there is almost none. There are many good things in Qi Xuansu, but they all belong to the Taoist sect, and the Taoist sect will not let him wander outside.

Even if the old dragon wants revenge, unless the old dragon can capture both Zhou Mengyao and Qi Xuansu, someone from the Taoist sect will surely benefit, and there seems to be no revenge.

Under such circumstances, the probability of Lao Jiaolong trusting Zhou Mengyao and cooperating with Zhou Mengyao in a play is really slim.

Of course, it cannot be said that Zhou Mengyao will remain indifferent.

Even if the story about the dragon-blooded man was true, she could still have a fight between the clam and the crane to make a profit.

It's right to seek stability, but you shouldn't pursue stability too much. You don't dare to have even the slightest sense of adventure. It's hard to achieve anything if you just seek stability, and it's easier to become submissive.

In addition, Qi Xuansu's greatest confidence comes from the "Guicang Lamp". So far, this fairy has not been sold.

Any warnings.

In the past, the "Guizang Lamp" successfully predicted Huon'ahan's intention to launch an attack, as well as the fall of Kukulkan and the resurrection of Itsumna, which was very reliable.

So after considering various factors, Qi Xuansu thought he could give it a try.

Qi Xuansu looked at Utu and Hu En'ahan: "Knowing yourself and your enemy will lead to victory in a hundred battles. Which one of you will go and see for yourself?"

Wutu volunteered: "Let me go. Even if something unexpected happens, I can be reborn in the kingdom of the goddess."

Qi Xuansu immediately added: "Okay, if the worst happens, no matter how much divine power is needed, it will come from the Taoist sect, and the goddess will not suffer any loss."

Utu became more confident.

This was also said to Sun Jiatu on purpose.

Sun Jiatu looked quite happy, which meant that Qi Xuansu basically agreed.

Wutu's body shape began to change, no longer the image of a black robe, but an immortal man with dragon scales.

The method of transformation is what alchemists and witches are best at.

With Wu Tu's level of cultivation, as long as he is not in front of the old dragon, he should not be discovered.

"Let's go." Wutu and Sun Jiatu left Qi Xuansu's room.

Qi Xuansu walked to the window and looked out.

Not long after, the two figures appeared on the deck outside.

Qi Xuansu watched the two people leave, Hu En'ahan stood behind Qi Xuansu: "It's a bit too coincidental."

Qi Xuansu said: "I have been thinking that these dragon scales cannot be fake, and what happened to the old dragon is probably true. Although it is difficult for Zhou Mengyao to gain the trust of the old dragon, it is probably impossible for Zhou Mengyao to join forces with the old dragon to set a trap for us. But Zhou Mengyao could deliberately leak our information to these immortals

, let the Immortal take the initiative to come to us and lure us into trouble with the old dragon, while she lurks on the side, waiting for the opportunity to move, with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind. "

Hu En'ahan pondered for a moment: "It is indeed possible. Why didn't the real person ask about the Sun family map just now?"

Qi Xuansu said: "It makes no sense. Zhou Mengyao will definitely not show up in person, but will create some kind of coincidence so that immortals like Sun Jiatu will learn of our existence by 'accidental'."

Hu En'ahan said again: "If that's the case, why would the real person agree?"

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to press the scar that had not yet disappeared between his eyebrows: "I'm a little tired of it. Things have to be solved. Escape is not an option."

Hu En Ahan understood and said nothing more.

It can be summed up in four words: take advantage of the situation.

After all, Qi Xuansu is not good at "hiding and shrinking", he still likes to take risks in his heart.

To be realistic, it will take a long time for Qi Xuansu to be promoted to Immortal. During this period, he will also be released from the Taoist Palace. As the head of a palace, does he have to hide in the Taoist Palace all day long and dare not see people? There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

It would be better to take advantage of the fact that he is still the Taoist sect's plenipotentiary envoy and can mobilize various resources to find opportunities to teach Zhou Mengyao a lesson. When he becomes Master Shenzhi, the Taoist sect may not have so many resources on its own territory.

To put it bluntly, special times and special circumstances gave Qi Xuansu such great authority, and he also has the right to do so without expiration.

If Zhou Mengyao was hiding from Qi Xuansu, it would be difficult for Qi Xuansu to find her. Now that Zhou Mengyao jumped out, it would save Qi Xuansu's worries.

This can be regarded as a two-way rush.

This is master and apprentice

the bond between.

There is an island overseas, and the insect people call it Blue Cloud Island, because the water there is as blue as the sky, and the white waves are like clouds.

It is very hidden here and is not on the normal route, so it is difficult to find.

However, an uninvited guest came here.

The woman took off the somewhat obstructive curtain hat and dressed like an ordinary woman, wearing a dark green armor. The so-called bijia is a long vest without sleeves, reaching to the knees, and is suitable for both men and women. It is a very common home decoration.

The woman's face is lightly powdered, her face is as white as snow, her eyebrows are set into her temples, and her lips are red and beautiful. His eyes were deep, even more calm and powerful.

This does not mean that women still use makeup to cover up any shortcomings, it is simply a matter of habit. It's like there is no need to eat after ineliating, but many times we still have to hold banquets, and the power of inertia is huge.

She just walked on the island like this, as if there was no one around, without any cover, but the people around her didn't notice it, as if she didn't exist at all, and turned a blind eye to her.

Soon, the woman came to the foot of a cliff. Here there was a large stone that was ground into a chessboard shape. On it were placed many chess pieces also carved from stone. It turned out to be an endgame.

Someone is already sitting on the left side of the chessboard. He is a short and thin old man with white hair and white beard.

He is also the first person on the island who can see a woman.

The old man was originally staring at the endgame, but turned to stare at the woman, without panic: "The arrival of the real person is not welcomed at a distance."

"I'm not a real person." The woman said, "Just call me Zhou Mengyao."

The old man nodded: "Mr. Zhou is here.

Any advice? Are you going to play a game of chess with the little old man? "

Zhou Mengyao said: "I'm not good at calculations. I'm afraid I won't be able to solve this mess."

The old man said: "If you use 'heaven's calculation' to play chess, it will be meaningless."

Zhou Mengyao said: "I know something about insect-men, but this is the first time I have seen an insect-man like you."

The old man smiled and said: "If you swallow an insect egg, my life will no longer be controlled by me. After reaching the cocoon stage, the insect cocoon will produce many worm threads, which will penetrate into the host's internal organs, spine, and brain, further controlling the host's body and changing the host's body." thinking. The cocoon-forming stage is also called the elixir-forming stage.”

"The greater danger in the pill formation stage comes from 'being obsessed'. When a small number of hosts are transformed into bodies, they will realize that they are actually suffering from parasitism. The insect people call this situation the illusion of inner demons. Realizing the truth is Obsessed."

"Because after the host escapes from the control of the larvae, it will become fearful and angry at the parasites that parasitize it, and then massacre other insect people. Therefore, the insect people call the so-called people who are possessed by the devil as people of the devil's way."

"However, there are still some people who choose to hibernate temporarily, still pretending to be ordinary bugmen on the surface, secretly trying to use the power of bugs without being controlled by them, or killing other bugmen and using the bugs in other bugmen's bodies to refine For his own cultivation, he is the best among demons, and can be regarded as a great demon or a giant of demons.”

"According to the insect people's standards, the old man is a pure demonic person, a big devil. Moreover, this demonic person also took advantage of the insect people's decline to sneak into the upper echelons of the insect people and become a

The supreme elder. "

Zhou Mengyao laughed when he heard this and said: "Interesting, the insect people call the people of the Taoist sect the people of the devil's way, and they also classify the devil sect, devil lord, and devil saint. Unexpectedly, the insect people who discovered the truth are also people of the devil's way. Aren’t these poor bugs living a huge lie? They live without knowing why, and they die without knowing why.”

The old man said: "It can be said that they are not even pitiable people, they are veritable pitiful people."

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