Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 141 Dragon Palace under the Sea

Zhou Mengyao looked at the old man deeply: "What's your name?"

The old man said: "Old Sun Yong."

Zhou Mengyao asked: "Do you know my purpose?"

"I have some guesses." Sun Yong said calmly, "I have heard for a long time that there is a dispute between the three Taoist sects. Qi Xuansu has shown his sharpness and is the candidate for the future headmaster. Since it is a competition, naturally some people do not want to see Qi Xuansu become the great headmaster. It’s necessary to take action to stop it, but it’s hard to do it yourself, so you can’t help but use our help.”

Zhou Mengyao said: "It is rare for you to know about Taoist affairs even though you live far away from overseas."

Sun Yong sighed: "I dare not be ignorant. Master Qi wants to use us as a stepping stone. If he doesn't know, he will die without knowing why. This time the Taoist sect recommends a great leader, not only the Taoist sect pays attention to it" , the Daxuan Court, the courts of various countries, Xidaomen, Steam Gospel, the Western countries, and even the Holy Court, who are not paying attention? Even the Daxuan Court and Xidaomen have been deeply involved in it, and as far as I know, Xidaomen has begun to place bets in advance. So he placed his bet on Qi Xuansu, and the Daxuan court supported Li Changge and Li Zhenren."

Zhou Mengyao said: "A scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out. Taoist friend Sun has a thorough understanding."

Sun Yong said: "If Mr. Zhou has any advice, please speak frankly."

Zhou Mengyao said: "I want to get something back from Qi Xuansu."

Sun Yong said: "I want to live."

Zhou Mengyao smiled: "It's not difficult."

Sun Yong lowered his head slightly: "Just ask Mr. Zhou for instructions."

Zhou Mengyao said: "It's only a matter of time before Qi Xuansu finds the Lanyun Sect. Can you find a way to get him to the spirit world? I will wait for him there to prevent anyone from rescuing him."

Sun Yong is not surprised that Zhou Mengyao knows

It is strange that the higher-ups of the Taoist sect at the level of Immortal do not know about the existence of the spirit world.

Sun Yong asked: "Can you enter or leave the spiritual world? Does Mr. Zhou have a way to enter and exit the spiritual world freely?"

"I have my own way." Zhou Mengyao said, "You don't have to worry."

Sun Yong pondered for a moment: "Yes, but the prerequisite is that Qi Xuansu sets foot on Lanyun Island."

Zhou Mengyao nodded and said: "You start preparing. I have other means. This is just a guarantee measure. If he cannot set foot on Lanyun Island, you don't have to worry."

Sun Yong bowed and saluted: "Thank you, sir."

Zhou Mengyao said nothing more and turned to leave.

Sun Yong didn't straighten his back for a long time.

It wasn't until Zhou Mengyao's figure disappeared that Sun Yong straightened up.

After a while, a middle-aged man with black hair and a black beard came over: "Is this really possible?"

Sun Yong's face was expressionless: "You can't treat a dead horse as a living horse. You can't just sit there and die."

The middle-aged man looked sad.

Under the leadership of Sun Jiatu, Wutu came to a fishing village isolated from the world.

This is one of the residences of immortals.

The fishing village is quite exquisite, somewhat like a Jiangnan garden.

Logically speaking, the Immortals are Taoist disciples, and these villages should have many traces of Taoism, such as Tai Chi, Bagua, and so on. However, there are not many traces of Taoism in this fishing village, replaced by various dragon patterns, cornices, etc. There is a dragon standing on the ridge of the roof, and there are also dragons painted and carved on the walls and pillars. Various poses and expressions, showing the majesty of the dragon.

This is Dragon Worship.

In fact, the emperors of the Central Plains did not highly admire dragons from the beginning. In the era of Zulong and Baidi, they wore flat crowns and twelve chapters of clothing, including the sun, moon, stars, mountains, and dragons.

, Chinese insects, algae, fire, powder, rice, 黼, and 黼 are the twelve chapters. Dragon is just one of them.

After removing the sun, moon and stars, it is the Nine-Zhang Clothes, the costumes of the kings.

Later, for some unknown reason, dragons became the mainstream, and dragon robes replaced the twelve-chapter uniforms.

The emperor has been around since ancient times, and later a real dragon was added to it to become the real dragon emperor. Everything related to the emperor must be added with the word dragon, dragon bed, dragon chair, dragon body and dragon face.

Today, the Daxuan court has returned to its original nature and still retains the element of dragon, but it is just one of many elements.

There were many people with dragon scales in the fishing village, but no one with dragon horns was seen.

In fact, it is easy to distinguish. The higher the degree of dragon transformation, the higher the status. The lower the degree of dragon transformation, the lower the status.

At this time, only some people were left in the village, and others, including senior officials, were not here.

Sun Jiatu explained: "The old dragon is sleeping, and tribesmen from all over the country have been summoned by it. This village is the closest place to the place where the old dragon sleeps. As long as you pass this village, not far away is the sea area where the old dragon sleeps. So this is also the last sentry post.”

Wu Tu randomly found two unlucky ghosts who were alone, and brought them into his divine domain. Then he transformed himself and Sun Jiatu into two people and blended in.

Sun Jiatu has a high status among the immortals, so he knows many secrets. Under his leadership, we passed through this fishing village smoothly. As for why the two of them didn't come from the sea, it was mainly because there was no cover and the target was too obvious, so it would be easy to alert others. It would be better to sneak in as immortals from the fishing village, which would be less likely to attract attention.

Utu and Sun family

Tu came to the coast and looked as far as the eye could see.

The sea surface in the distance seems very calm, but it always gives people the feeling of an undercurrent. The tide rises and falls, and the waves continue to hit the rocks, rolling up thousands of layers of snow, and then falling back into the sea again, over and over again. this process.

From Wu Tu's perspective, it's not that simple. There are many strange fish swimming under the sea. They should be ordinary fish that have been mutated by the breath leaked by the dragon. It is reasonable for the Dragon Prince to have some shrimp soldiers and crab generals around him.

This can be regarded as the innate magical power of monsters and beasts, because the aura is too huge, not only does the blood contain extremely powerful original power, but even the escaped aura can cause various things around them to mutate.

In those days, God Lu Wu was always accompanied by two kinds of strange beasts, one was a strange beast called "Tulu" with a sheep's head and four corners, and another was a divine bird named "Qinyuan", which was shaped like a bee and had a large size. Like a mandarin duck. If stung by it, any bird or beast will die, and any tree will wither. These two strange beasts were born due to the escaped breath of God Lu Wu.

Immortals do not have this ability. Human immortals may have some influence, but human immortals are good at controlling their own Qi and blood to keep them in a state of silence.

Farther away, about a hundred miles offshore, some figures were walking on the waves, and even some half-human, half-dragon figures were sitting cross-legged on the sea. These figures basically have the cultivation level of heavenly beings, which shows the depth of the immortal people's background.

Utu continued to look through his divine power.

In the middle, surrounded by many Immortals, there are many dark stone pillars sticking out of the sea, forming a large circle. Some people sit on the top of these stone pillars, which are the upper echelons of the Immortals.

There is no shortage of masters in the Infinite Stage or the Creation Stage.

Sun Jiatu said: "The place where the old dragon sleeps is surrounded by those pillars."

Wutu nodded, turned into a shadow and sneaked into the sea water, heading towards the place where the old dragon slept.

With Wutu's level of cultivation, no one could detect him, and he quickly approached the core of the sea area.

Then he saw a dragon palace.

Those pillars that stick out of the sea are rooted in the seabed, like walls. A gorgeous palace is located under the seawater, decorated with various rare treasures and shining brightly.

As an aborigine from the Southern Continent, this was the first time Wutu saw this kind of oriental-style underwater dragon palace.

Although there is still quite a distance, Wutu can already truly feel the mighty dragon power coming from it, which makes people feel surrendered.

In a sense, the sea water nearby has been completely "polluted". In such an environment, you may get some benefits, such as spitting fire, controlling water flow, etc., but you will also unknowingly Forming obedience to the dragon, one becomes as humble as a slave. In the end, one loses all self-will and becomes a puppet.

This is the case with those strange fish, and the same is true with the immortal people who transformed into dragons.

In response to that sentence, all gifts from fate have already been marked with a price in secret.

If nothing else happened, the old dragon would be sleeping in this gorgeous palace.

Utu decided to investigate further. It would be best to find out the defense structure and troop allocation of these immortals so that he could have a clear idea. Don’t forget, Wu Tu also went to the battlefield and was deeply involved in Xidaomen and Steam.

He also made great achievements in the war of the Gospel. Although he mainly charged into battle, he could be regarded as a man who knew the soldiers under the influence of his ears and eyes.

On the other side, Wu Tu passed on what he saw to Qi Xuansu through magic.

Qi Xuansu and Hu En'ahan stood in front of a mirror-like light curtain, and everything Wu Tu saw appeared on this light curtain.

Hu En'ahan's face was quite solemn: "Even without the interference of Mr. Zhou, it is not easy to deal with this old dragon."

Qi Xuansu did not refute this statement: "Things are never simple, the key is man-made. As long as the plan is right, even Kukulkan and Itsumna will fall, not to mention a seriously injured old dragon."

Hu En'ahan said: "The ship carries the 'Dragon Eye Jia Er', which may be able to work wonders."

Qi Xuansu said: "This is natural. We need to inform Tantai Ying that if the matters on land are almost settled, let Xi Tiangang Hall prepare to go to sea. Whether it is Lanyun Sect or Changsheng people, we want them all."

On the other side, Wutu continued to go deeper, getting closer and closer to the Dragon Palace.

From a distance, this Dragon Palace is quite gorgeous, but when you get closer, you will find that it is actually quite rough, mainly because it is covered up by various jewels. The door was terrifyingly large, just like Kukulkan's bedroom, allowing the old dragon to come and go freely when he showed his true form.

However, the door was tightly closed at this time, and one could only faintly hear the sound of a huge creature sleeping soundly, like muffled thunder. Between the breath and the breath, one could not tell whether it coincided with the rise and fall of the tide, or directly drove the tide here. It was so wonderful.

Except for some "Lunbo boats" patrolling back and forth around the Dragon Palace,

There seems to be a layer of formation protection. If you break through forcefully, not only will the immortals above be alarmed, but the sleeping old dragon may also be awakened.

So Wutu just circled around, and after confirming the general situation, he quietly retreated, preparing to report to Qi Xuansu.

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