Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 157 Blue Cloud Island

Qi Xuansu has two things on his mind right now.

The first thing is, what kind of miraculous effect does such an "Eternal Life Pill" that Sun Lingxiu made from all over the world have? The "Eternal Life Pill" that once made the great ancestor Long Xingshi mobilize people?

It seems that Huashengtang needs to analyze it carefully.

If you still can't trust Huashengtang, then let the Eight Tribes study it carefully through the relationship between Qiniang and Shangguanya, who was also a member of the Creation Project.

Come to think of it, "Eternal Life Pill" is by no means as simple as improving one's cultivation level.

The second thing is that Haiyan, Yinyueyue, and the Insect Man's Blue Cloud Island seem to be almost connected in a line. Qi Xuansu is very close to the truth. Now that Zhou Mengyao's problem has been solved, the next step is to eliminate the insect people. .??.

Qi Xuansu had a judgment that Zhou Mengyao would definitely collude with the insect people, and maybe he had some back-ups. However, as Zhou Mengyao was defeated by Jiang Dazhen, all these back-ups became useless. The insect people may not know this. Instead, he shot himself in the foot.

Now it is best to pursue the victory and find Blue Cloud Island immediately.

Just as Qi Xuansu came up from the water, he felt something was wrong. The sky turned completely dark at some point, and the sky was pitch black. It was not clouds covering the sun, but pure darkness, without any light, except for the moon—— A shining blue moon.

This is very different from the dark moon Qi Xuansu once saw.

Qi Xuansu and others returned to the deck of the "Chorned Dragon". At this time, the entire "Chorned Dragon" was also bathed in green light, like a huge ghost ship, full of gloom.

The people on the boat, including Qi Xuansu and others, all turned pale under the green light, looking like zombies. Coupled with the ghost ship, they were full of ghostly aura.

A blue and white moon breaks through the sea and rises slowly. The blue light is the only light source in the sky. It splashes towards the sea, making the sea even more strange and unpredictable. It is not uncommon to see clear water, but the blue ocean has turned into clear water. It was very shocking.

Qi Xuansu looked up and said, "Is this the so-called Yin Moon?"

As a believer in the moon god, Utu said categorically, "That's definitely not the moon."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand, "Because it is not a real moon, that's why we have to add the word 'yin' in front of it. Now that the legendary yin moon has appeared, Lanyun Island is not far away. Now is the time to exterminate the bugs." At the right time, pass my order and move towards the position directly below the Yin Moon!"

Yang Shaozhen, the leader of the gang, and Lao Pang, the boat master, took the order and left.

Qi Xuansu looked at Tantai Ying again, "Master Tantai, you leave some manpower here to deal with the follow-up matters of Dragon Palace and the Immortal Man, and the other warships will also follow me to pursue Lan.

Yun Dao strives to complete his achievements in one battle so that the southern continent will no longer be infested by insects. "

"Yes!" Tantai Ying also loudly accepted the order.

The "Chorned Dragon" began to move forward at full speed, followed by a group of "Purple Jiaos" behind it.

Yang Shaozhen kept placing small beacon towers along the way. Even if something unexpected happened, Xidaomen and Daomen could follow these beacon towers to find them all the way.

Qi Xuansu did not go to the bridge, but stood at the bow of the ship, staring at the yin moon.

Why does the dark moon glow cyan? Does this mean any changes?

This moon is like a huge eye and a half-open ghost door.

Does the dark moon's green light mean that the portal is opening?

If Yin Yue is really a portal, will passing through this portal be the "Toad Palace" mentioned by Sun Lingxiu? What kind of place is the "Toad Palace" with the three-foot talisman?

Huen'ahan and Tantaiying went to other places, and they were responsible for commanding the subsequent fleet. Only Wutu stayed with Qi Xuansu.

Suddenly Wu Tu stretched out his hand and pointed, "Master Qi, that is Lanyun Island."

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts and looked in the direction of Wutu's finger. Sure enough, he saw that under the yin moon, at the line between the sea and the sky, the dark outline of an island gradually emerged, and as the "Ceratopsian" continued to approach, it became more and more... The bigger.

This island is trying to move, like a big ship riding the wind and waves. It's just that for such a huge island, the speed will definitely not be too fast. At least it can't be compared with an aerial battleship like the "Ceratopsian", so the difference between the two is The distance is still shrinking, getting closer and closer.

"Sure enough, it's Blue Cloud Island!" Qi Xuansu began to give orders, "'Broken Star' is ready."

Although all the "Dragon Eyes A-2" have been consumed in order to kill the old dragon, there are still "Dragon Eyes A-3" and "Fengyan A-2" on the ship. As long as they can reach the top of Lanyun Island, they can drop "Dragon Eyes A-2" "Phoenix Eyes Jia Er" can also cause a devastating blow to the insect people.

There is also the "Purple Jiao" who accompanied the "Chorned Dragon". They are not vegetarians. The specifications of this fleet are quite high. The decisive battle with the Holy Court's "Nautilus" was of this scale. It was nothing more than the "Nautilus". "Ceratopsian" was replaced by "Sun Boat", and some more condor warriors of the ancient gods were added.

After all, the Insect Man cannot be compared with the elite army of Steam Gospel.

It seems that the insect people on the island are also

Knowing the arrival of the army, they are starting the formation on the island.

Can it really withstand the power of just one island?

At this time, Sun Yong was standing on the highest point of Lanyun Island, looking up at the blue moon and the approaching air fleet.

"Zhou Mengyao lied to us." The man with black hair and black beard said in a deep voice, "She played a trick to lure the snake out of its hole."

Sun Yong slowly shook his head, "It's not like that, it's more like she fell into the hands of her disciple. She once said that she had other methods, but it seems that most of these methods failed. The disciple does not have to be inferior to the master, in this master-disciple situation The battle does not have to extend to Blue Cloud Island, it has already ended in advance, but it is pitiful for us little characters to be in an embarrassing situation, unable to advance, unable to retreat, and have to sit back and wait for death. "

The man with black hair and beard hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Although the divine power we have accumulated cannot completely open the passage to the spiritual world, it is not difficult to open a gap and we can escape into the spiritual world."

Sun Yong shook his head, "Does it make any difference whether you die in the hands of a Dao sect person or in the mouth of the Insect Queen? You and I both know what the nature of the Insect Man is. We want to open the channel to the spirit world in order to allow the Insect Queen to come. As long as we are in the human world, we can do a lot. But if we send it to the Queen of Insects by ourselves, we will really be reduced to meat on the chopping board."

The middle-aged man was a little anxious, "What about surrender? We are willing to surrender. Doesn't Taoism pride itself on being civilized?"

Sun Yong glanced at him, full of discouragement, "Firstly, this time it is Xidaomen who came here instead of Daomen. Secondly, Daomen will never forget what happened when Nanyang United fought against Daoist Salvation Society. Daomen always have enmity. If you look at the fate of the Japanese in Fenglinzhou, you should understand this."

"This won't work, that won't work either. Can we just wait for death?" The middle-aged man, with his hair and beard spread out, looked at Sun Yong with red eyes.

Sun Yong was still very calm and softened his tone: "In this big Blue Cloud Island, besides me, you are the only one who can't keep calm when something happens. How can this be possible? Of course we will not wait for death. We want to live. The key point is It is necessary to have a charter and not to be like a headless fly. The more important things are, the more calm you have to be. ”

The middle-aged man felt very aggrieved, but after all, Sun Yong was the one who talked about the matter. Sun Yong was at the helm of this big ship. After being scolded, he had no choice but to control his temper.

Sun Yong then said, "Prepare to abandon the island and escape. Maybe some fools will help us attract the attention of those Taoist priests, and at the same time use all their divine power to open the gaps in the spiritual world and do everything possible to cause chaos, and then we will take the opportunity to escape." "

The middle-aged man nodded, "Zhou Mengyao previously arranged for us to get Qi Xuansu

Going to the spirit world, we have already prepared according to her request. The green moon above our heads is proof. Now we only need to give an order to open the gap in the spirit world immediately. "

Sun Yong said, "We are divided into two groups. You go and arrange the manpower to attack, and I go to open the gap in the spiritual world. No matter how far it goes, we will meet at the temple thirty miles away from the port on the west coast in half an hour."

Soon, Daomen began to attack the island.

The scenery of Lanyun Island is not bad, but at this time, the sky and sea can no longer be seen. In addition to the dark sky and the cyan moon, red beams and fireballs are constantly falling in the sky, like a huge meteor fire rain.

The red beam of light was like a sharp arrow, tearing apart the outer formation barrier, and at the same time condescendingly "named" some defense facilities. The red light flashed, and fortresses were constantly being penetrated and blown up, even those hidden deep in the mountains.

After the red fireball landed, it exploded violently, and the smoke rose, as if hot magma was pouring out, swallowing the mountains and forests. The fire spread everywhere, turning into a sea of ​​​​fire, and carrying out a covering large-scale attack.

Under the alternating attacks of "Dragon Eyes" and "Phoenix Eyes", ordinary bugmen were very small, and together with the bugs in their bodies, they soon died in these raging fires and turned into ashes.

From the insect man's perspective, it was as if the sky had been torn open into huge crimson cracks, from which flames continued to pour out.

The roaring sound of the explosion was like the roar of thunder, shaking the entire island.

The smoke and red light even obscured the blue light of the overcast moon.

This is an age of iron and fire.

Qi Xuansu didn't even take action, he just stood on the bow of the ship, overlooking the bottom, where the flaming flowers were blooming enthusiastically.

At this moment, a figure in a green shirt soared into the sky, ignoring the blazing fire, and headed straight for the "horned dragon" where Qi Xuansu was.

"Only my Lanyun Sect..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, he was attacked by concentrated fire. More than a dozen red lights converged into one, and even turned into a dazzling white light. A green shirt turned into a black shadow in the white light, and became more and more... It gets fainter and eventually disappears completely, leaving no trace behind.

His voice only appeared briefly, and was soon obscured by the roar of artillery fire and the sound of violent explosions.

No matter what heroic words he had, they all lost their meaning under the sheer firepower.

There is never a trace of romance on the battlefield. This is not a place where death is like a summer flower.

There is only heroism and tragedy.

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