Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 158 The Supreme Elder

The Lanyun Sect actually has the strength to fight, but at this time, people's hearts are distracted and they have no strength to fight.

As the leader, Sun Yong and others have already begun planning to escape. All their actions are just to delay. How can people unite.

Sun Yong and others saw clearly, so what if they could repel the Xidaomen fleet? With the foundation of Daomen and Xidaomen, they will soon make a comeback, and they will pay more attention and increase their efforts. After all, there will be a time when they cannot defeat them. As the leader, Sun Yong and others may not be able to escape a blow.

Therefore, in the opinion of Sun Yong and others, it is better to give up the resistance directly and use Lanyun Island to feed Daomen and Xidaomen. The weaker the resistance of Lanyun Island, the less attention it will attract from Daomen and Xidaomen. Lanyun After the island was destroyed, this matter also passed. Instead, they were able to take advantage of the chaos to survive and just lay dormant. This is how the insects escaped from Daomen and Xidaomen last time.

After having this idea, Lanyun Island presented a one-sided situation, and its demise was a foregone conclusion.

However, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, and also because of Zhou Mengyao's relationship, Sun Yong and others also left a back-up to ensure that Qi Xuansu would not be able to calm down the chaos on Lanyun Island soon, so as to leave enough space for themselves. time.

This backhand is to open the channel to the spiritual world.

Normally, the yin moon is a dark moon, with only a ring of light dividing the dark moon from the night. But what Qi Xuansu saw today was a green moon, emitting endless green light and blazing Yin Qi.

This is a sign of opening the channel to the spiritual world.

Qi Xuansu looked at the green moon above from time to time, and felt more and more that this was a portal. Behind the portal was either the spiritual world or the so-called Toad Palace.

Soon, the bombardment phase came to an end. Although it was a war of wealth, the bombing could not continue like this. The cost issue was an issue that could not be ignored. Therefore, after using heavy artillery to defeat various defensive methods, ground troops finally entered the scene to achieve a comprehensive clearing.

At this moment, a spiritual officer came to report that they found a palace. The above-ground part had been blown up. However, there was still a huge underground palace that was not seriously damaged. The guards there were very strong and could not be attacked. They asked for support. .

The Taoist priests of the Taoist sect are never afraid of taking the lead, so Qi Xuansu decided to go there in person. After all, he was not the fleet commander and had little influence.

When Qi Xuansu arrived, the spiritual officials here had already roughly cleaned up the ruins on the ground, revealing the entrance to the underground palace. It can be imagined that when the palace was not destroyed, the entrance to the underground palace must have been very secret. However, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Xidaomen fleet, the ground part was directly flattened, and the entrance was revealed.

The members of the Alchemist Battalion used magic to roughly estimate the size of the underground palace, which is enough to hide thousands of people. There must be no shortage of various ordnance, food, formations, and talismans. Judging from several attacks by the Spirit Officer, there are many insect masters inside. , there are many so-called "Golden Core Stages", which are most likely the hiding place of a certain insect big shot, so they chose to report them to the flagship.

Although there is no daylight in the underground palace at this time, it is brightly lit. It is not a dark dungeon. The core area of ​​the underground palace is also magnificent, like a palace where a night banquet is being held. It has an exotic style, with thick carpets and layers of hanging hangings. A huge crystal chandelier like a spindle.

In addition, there are many women dressed as dancers from the Western Regions. Their feet are bare and their navels are exposed, but their faces are covered with a layer of tulle. Their graceful postures make people daydream about them.

These women are serving an obese old man. This man is half bald on the top of his head and has a hair on the back of his neck.

There are six or seven pleats?[(.)]???*?*???,

The neck is almost thicker than the head?,

The huge belly is stacked layer by layer?,

Waist circumference is very exaggerated?,

The whole person is like a hill. Except for a piece of yellow cloth around his waist, everything else was naked and he was sitting on a huge soft couch.

This soft couch looked very spacious even for two people lying on it, but this obese old man sat on it alone, and it felt like he was sitting out of a chair, which showed that he was huge.

This person is none other than Lu Zhu, one of the Supreme Elders of Lanyun Sect, who is as famous as Sun Yong.

There are a total of five Supreme Elders in Lanyun Sect, corresponding to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, namely Sun Yong corresponding to the earth element, Chen Yan corresponding to the fire element, Huo Ling corresponding to the gold element, Feng Yang corresponding to the wood element, and Lu Zhu of water element.

Among them, Chen Yan was the middle-aged man with black hair and black beard, and Feng Yang was the man in green shirt who rushed to Qi Xuansu alone and was killed by the fire.

The five supreme elders were headed by Sun Yong, who first secretly formed an alliance with Zhou Mengyao. Seeing Zhou Mengyao's failure, he conspired with Chen Yan to sell Lanyun Island in exchange for a chance to escape in the chaos. The elder did not know this.

Feng Yang chose to die singing, while Lu Zhu hid in the underground palace that he had run for many years.

But no matter how these charming women served, Lu Zhu couldn't calm down his mood, and he could no longer enjoy himself as before. After all, the sound of gunfire outside could not fool anyone, and the several attacks attempted by the spirit officers were not fake, and they all showed that Xidaomen has already arrived at the doorstep.

Several confidants were also in this palace, and one of them said: "Master, although those spiritual officers who cannot attack may be the first level of Demon Lord, it will be very dangerous."

Lu Zhu waved his hand and swept away a woman lying on him. He stood up suddenly, and the soft couch that had been oppressed for so long bounced up.

Lu Zhu walked slowly in the palace. Although there was a thick carpet, every step he took made a huge noise, as if the palace was shaken three times.

"How are the other elders doing?" Lu Zhu didn't even take a look himself, relying entirely on reports from his subordinates.

One person replied: "Before the Xidaomen spiritual officer completely blocked the exit of the underground palace, Elder Feng had already fallen and died under the Xidaomen's artillery; Elder Chen was still organizing manpower to resist, but with little effect; Elder Sun moved towards the Patriarch Hall Went there, apparently trying to open a passage to the spirit world; as for Elder Huo, he is nowhere to be found, I don’t know if he is dead or has escaped.”

Lu Zhu stopped and snorted: "They are all a bunch of trash. The Mu Xing lineage is good at formations, but Feng Yang, a fool, wants to die on his own. The Jin Xing lineage is good at swordsmanship, but he has disappeared. Still. There is an earth element and a fire element. These two have always had ulterior motives and cannot be counted on. Now we can only rely on ourselves. I am a water element and am good at poison, water, poison and mist. I can control these. Release them and repel the people from Xidaomen first. When the Xidaomen offensive slows down a bit, we will look for opportunities to break out and leave Lanyun Island."

Lu Zhu's abacus was similar to Sun Yong's, but it was a pity that he had just woken up now, so naturally he would be one step behind Sun Yong.

Everyone suddenly accepted the order and left separately to prepare.

Qi Xuansu had already entered the outskirts of the underground palace, with Wu Tu beside him.

At this time, although Qi Xuansu no longer has the cultivation level of a pseudo-immortal, he still has the cultivation level of the creation stage. With Wu Tu escorting him, he really has nothing to fear. After all, he killed Jiaolong and defeated Zhou Mengyao. These are all immortals at the first level. The remaining bugmen have become insignificant, unless they are legendary

The insect queen comes in person.

When Qi Xuansu and Wu Tu entered a place similar to a side hall,

A group of black shadows rushed out from every corner?,

Rushing towards Qi Xuansu.

Are these figures not living people?,

It’s the poisonous puppet made by the insect people33[(.)]?3 @? @?3?,

At first glance, it looks like a zombie, but it has been injected with various poisons and emits a strange green light. In addition, his eyes were gouged out and replaced with gems, his heart was dug out and replaced with strange talismans. At the same time, his skin was painted with strange talismans that were different from those of the Taoist sect, allowing the operator to control it like an arm.

These poisonous puppets attack them, and the gems that replace their eyes emit evil light, which can confuse people's minds. When they get close, they can spit poisonous mist from their mouths, making it difficult for people to guard against them.

Qi Xuansu was not polite and directly used his fist to hit the cow across the mountain, shattering the talismans that replaced the hearts of several poisonous puppets.

The poisonous puppet immediately lost its ability to move, and then began to expand, as if it was constantly inflating. In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a round spherical shape. Countless spikes appeared on its skin, and then exploded with a bang. The spikes were like hidden weapons. There are also poisonous blood, poisonous water, and poisonous mist, which are more common in the underground palace.

The power of crazy shooting in a small and enclosed space can be imagined.

Other poisonous puppets also triggered a chain reaction, exploding one after another. Even if they could block those spikes, the poisonous water and poisonous mist were pervasive. As long as they got a little bit of it, for ordinary people, they would immediately be in danger of death. , no wonder the spiritual officials couldn’t attack.

Qi Xuansu was not afraid and directly used Bimi Huzun's "True Sun Fire".

Qi Xuansu knows how to use three kinds of fire, namely the "evil fire" obtained by refining the yin energy of Furong Mountain and Huangquan Kingdom by Yi Zangnuo Zun, the "red lotus karma fire" produced by Wu Luo's manipulation of blood sacrifices, and the "evil fire" produced by Bimi Hu Zunxuezida Among Sun Tathagata's "True Sun Fire", the "True Sun Fire" is the most yang and strong, and it is also the most capable of restraining the poisonous energy that is biased toward Yin and evil.

The "True Fire of the Sun" directly turned this side hall into a sea of ​​fire, and even the poisonous mist was directly burned away.

The insect-men who were secretly manipulating the poisonous puppets saw that the situation was not good and wanted to retreat, but Wutu had already crossed the sea of ​​fire and came to them, directly restrained them and began to violently search for souls.

Normally, this kind of method would be difficult to allow, but it doesn't matter now. Wutu soon learned the general situation of this underground palace, and these insect-men have completely turned into walking zombies, without any sanity anymore. It can be said.

Wu Tu returned to Qi Xuansu and reported to Qi Xuansu, including the layout of the underground palace and the situation of the owner of the underground palace, Lu Zhu.

Qi Xuansu said: "Then take down the Supreme Elder Lu Zhu directly and make sure he doesn't get away. Then inform Hu En Ahan that in addition to the dead Feng Yang and Lu Zhu who have been found by us, there are three more They are Sun Yong, Chen Yan, and Huo Ling. We must search carefully and eliminate all evil."

Wutu accepted the order in a deep voice.

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