Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 160 Such a heavenly gate

An angry shout sounded like thunder, and then Hu En Ahan was seen falling from the sky.

Although the five supreme elders are powerful, there are two fake immortals on Qi Xuansu's side. Without Zhou Mengyao, they are indeed no match, not to mention that the five elders are not of the same mind.

Huo Ling's expression changed drastically. She no longer cared about Qi Xuansu and hurriedly drew her sword to resist Hu En'ahan.

It's just that Hu En'ahan's blow from the sky is not so easy to resist. Huo Ling's cultivation level is not as good as that of Hu'en'Ahan. At this time, Huen'Ahan is on top and has a geographical advantage. With one blow, The long sword in Huo Ling's hand broke into several pieces. After all, the Blue Cloud Sect is not as rich as the Taoist Sect. There are not so many semi-immortal beings, let alone immortal beings.

Regardless of the fact that each of the three Taoists has at least two semi-immortal items as a base, it also depends on the identities of these three people. Even if we don't talk about the ownership of the Grand Master, they are also the future leaders of the three Taoists. Any one of the three paths is comparable to the existence of the West Dao Sect. With the power of one lineage, a half-immortal is nothing. How can the Blue Cloud Sect compare? Moreover, Lan Yun Sect suffered two major blows in a row, one in Nanyang and one in Southern Continent. It is already very difficult for it to maintain its current strength. We cannot expect more.

The Dao Sect's crushing of other forces is not only reflected in manpower, but also in material resources.

Taoism can create immortal objects, semi-immortal objects, and even immortals, but it does not mean that others have this ability. This ability is even more difficult than becoming an immortal.

After Hu En'ahan landed, he was also merciless and naturally replaced Qi Xuansu in the fight with Huo Ling.

At this moment, Wutu also "floated" from the ground

Come on, if a warrior is buried underground, because it is absolutely true, then he will probably completely lift up the thick soil with his unparalleled strength. But Utu is not a martial artist, but a shaman who can fake things to be real. He can make himself virtual, and his whole person is like a shadow, ignoring all kinds of physical existence, and can travel freely, which is a more advanced application of the wall-penetrating technique.

"Old Hu, these five old bugs, wherever they are, must be left alive!" Wu Tu already knew the general situation of Lan Yun Sect through soul searching methods, and also knew Sun Yong better. After all, they had cooperated with him before.

Hu En'ahan responded. Although he had some reservations, after all, his level was higher and it was still difficult for Huo Ling to handle.

Qi Xuansu put away "Qingyun" and had no intention of helping Hu En'ahan. He turned to Wutu and said: "The insect people can't be judged by common sense. If they can sacrifice themselves to the insect queen, there must be something wrong with their brains, so We can't all hope to survive. We must find Sun Yong and Chen Yan quickly. I suspect that they are related to the entrance to the spirit world."

While speaking, Qi Xuansu also raised his head and glanced at the green moon in the sky.

Wutu accepted the order in a deep voice, slowly rose into the air, and began to search Blue Cloud Island with a wide range of magical techniques.

Circles of invisible ripples spread from Wutu's body, all the way to the edge of Blue Cloud Island. After reaching the extreme, they returned to Wutu's body in circles, like some kind of echo.

Although Wufu can always have the advantage in one-on-one situations, in terms of the scope of application in complex situations, Wufu is far inferior and appears to be very "clumsy".

Qi Xuansu also took off and returned to the "Ceratopsian Dragon"


In the deepest part of Blue Cloud Island, there is an Ancestral Hall, where the ancestors of the insect people are enshrined.

Daomen also has a similar building, but it is divided into three halls.

Taking Xuansheng Zhongxing Daomen as the dividing line, the hall before Daomen Zhongxing is dominated by Taishang Taoist ancestors, including the Emperor of Heaven and the Patriarch of Sanqing, as well as the Queen of Heaven, the Fifth Patriarch of Quanzhen Daobei, Zhengyi Dao, the three great Celestial Masters, and Taiping Dao. The great virtuous teacher, Lu Xiujing, who reformed the way of the Heavenly Master, etc. Many people are even characters from various myths and legends.

The hall after Daomen Zhongxing is dominated by Xuansheng, and then the Zhongxing ancestors recognized by Daomen themselves, such as Zhang Zu, Xu Zu, Li Zu, Yao Zu, Emperor Daxuan Gaozu, etc.

In addition, there is also a side hall, which is a second-level ancestor. It is not recognized as an "ancestor" by the Taoist sect, but it has also made significant contributions to the Taoist sect, including the great masters of the past dynasties, and some very important ones. Emperor Daxuan, the deputy headmaster Dazhen, the wife of the chief headmaster, Pingzhang Dazhen, Shenzhi Zhenren, and Tantai Yun are also in this hall. If one day, the Xidao Sect truly returns to the Dao Sect, then Tantai Yun should be promoted to the Xuansheng Hall, alongside Yao Zu and others.

Of course, the insect people's ancestor hall is not as large as the Taoist sect. It is divided into three halls. The insect people's ancestor hall only has one main hall, and the insect queen is enshrined in the middle. Of course, Queen of the Insects is a disparaging name for the Taoist sect, just as the insect people refer to the Taoist sect as people of the Demonic Cult. Its image is not that of a bug, but of a graceful and luxurious woman wearing a ribbon.

Sun Yong was in the Patriarch Hall at this time. Because the formation was fully activated, the Patriarch Hall temporarily concealed its traces. Not only did it avoid the artillery fire of the Xidaomen fleet,

, and was not discovered by Wu Tu, but Sun Yong knew that the effect of these formations was limited and would eventually be discovered, so he had to hurry up.

This statue of the Insect Queen is a container of divine power. The Insects have either openly robbed it or secretly stolen it over the years, and stored all the divine power collected in it.

After Sun Yong met Zhou Mengyao, he had already released part of his divine power, causing the dark moon to turn into a green moon, illuminating the sea area where Lanyun Island was located like a netherworld.

Previously, the Daomen's artillery fire dyed the sky red, and it was temporarily suppressed. Now the artillery fire has stopped, and the green light has returned. Such an obvious sign, the West Daomen will not turn a blind eye, let alone be indifferent.

The people from Xidaomen will find this place soon. They can't delay it any longer. They must release all their divine power and open as many spiritual world channels as they can.

Sun Yong is not lying at all. He is really a demon among bugs. From the bottom of his heart, he does not agree with the bugs and does not want to dedicate himself to the bug queen. He has even gotten rid of the control of the bugs in his body. He controls the bugs, not the bugs.

The reason why he was lurking inside the Insects was just to grab greater profits, and he really took advantage of the opportunity. With the massive casualties of the Insects, and they were inactive for a long time, he actually gave him The opportunity to rise to the top eventually led him to the position of the five supreme elders of Blue Cloud Island.

It's ridiculous to say that the leader of Blue Cloud Island is actually a traitor who opposes the insect people. How can this be okay?

Of course it won't get better.

Sun Yong later secretly developed Chen Yan as an ally, and the insect people could barely be regarded as human beings.

Powerful, it's hard to describe. Sometimes it can make people risk their lives for a noble goal. This is the glory of human nature, but the dark side of human nature can also burst out with huge power. People can die for money, but they can also risk their lives.

The two of them worked together to exclude dissidents and manipulate power within the Blue Cloud Sect. If the Xidao Sect did not attack the Blue Cloud Sect, maybe in a few decades, the Blue Cloud Sect would still be dominated by the insect people, but they would no longer be the insect people of the Queen of Insects. She is a person in the devil's path according to the definition of insect people. The Queen of Insects is just an illusory legend. No one will ever think about opening a channel to the spiritual world.

Therefore, Sun Yong's thoughts are very clear. What does the future of Lanyun Sect and the inheritance of incense have to do with me? Now that the ship is about to sink, it is important to jump off the ship and escape quickly. As for the trouble that opening the spiritual world channel will cause to Xidaomen, it doesn't matter. The more chaotic the better, the better he can escape.

Logically speaking, if you want to use these divine powers, all five Supreme Elders must agree. Sun Yong does not have such power. However, after Sun Yong formed an alliance with Zhou Mengyao, under the banner of Zhou Mengyao, he obtained another With the authorization of the four supreme elders, he obtained the corresponding token, and he was responsible for opening the channel to the spiritual world at the critical moment, and cooperated with Zhou Mengyao to inhale Qi Xuansu into the spiritual world.

Zhou Mengyao didn't come, but Xidaomen came, but these tokens were still in Sun Yong's hands.

Sun Yong spliced ​​these tokens together to form a strange symbol, which is somewhat like the Buddhist word "ten thousand", but it is one step more than the Buddhist word "ten thousand".

The token slowly rose into the sky and shone brightly.

The statue of the Queen of Insects then glowed, and then became transparent, and you could see something like liquid inside.

The rich divine power flowing through the body. Finally, the statue of the Insect Queen began to disintegrate inch by inch.

The countless divine powers contained in it turned into a huge beam of light and rose into the sky.

At the same time, all the formations in the Insect Patriarch Hall were ineffective under the impact of the huge divine power, and they could no longer hide their existence. But at this time, it is meaningless whether it is effective or not. Such phenomena can be seen with the naked eye, so there is no point in looking for them.

Wutu was the first to arrive, but he was still a step late.

The huge beam of light headed straight for the green moon above.

Qingyue actually moved, just like a crystal ball rotating left and right, up and down without changing its position, resulting in new changes.

The blue light is getting stronger and stronger, and the blue moonlight has paved a "blue cloud road", as if it leads directly to the netherworld.

Qi Xuansu's premonition came to fruition: Yin Yue was indeed a portal, a portal to the spiritual world.

Through the green light, in the depths of the yin moon, the palace can be vaguely seen.

Is that the Toad Palace that Sun Lingxiu mentioned?

Sun Lingxiu once entered it, stole the three-foot talisman, and then returned to the world.

Considering that Sun Lingxiu was able to ascend to immortality in the end, this is not surprising.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t have such a level of cultivation.

At this moment, a huge suction force was generated in this portal, and some lucky insect-men who were not dead flew up on their own, followed this "Qingyun Road" and flew into the "Qingyue" and disappeared.

It seems to have ascended to the sky.

It turned out to be such an ascension.

Even Huo Ling, who is the Supreme Elder, became blank-eyed and looked at the "green moon" in the sky. If Hu En'ahan hadn't pushed her down, this ascension-stage insect-man would have also

Already ascended.

Huo Ling was pushed to the ground, still restless, struggling to fly to the moon.

Sun Yong barely suppressed the restless adult in his body and did not dare to look at the "green moon" above his head. He murmured: "It's time to go."

At this time, Qi Xuansu, who was standing on the deck of "Chorned Dragon", became the person closest to "Qingyue".

Although Qi Xuansu was not affected by the "Blue Moon", many tentacles were poked out from the "Blue Moon". The thickest tentacle among them was comparable to Mr. Yin's "Netherworld Lock", which just rolled Qi Xuansu upright. With.

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