Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 161 Toad Palace

Qi Xuansu still relied too much on the "Guicang Lamp". The "Guicang Lamp" had successfully warned many times before, making Qi Xuansu feel that the "Guicang Lamp" was already able to give orders. With the "Guicang Lamp" around, Qi Xuansu relaxed his guard.

But at this time, he had lost his pseudo-immortal cultivation, so he used the "Guicang Lamp" to speed up Jiang Dazhen once, but failed to add "lamp oil" in time. At this critical moment, the "Guicang Lamp" gave up his choice again and did not ask for help. Qi Xuansu issued a warning.

Qi Xuansu was unprepared for a moment and was caught by the tentacles, unable to break free. If he still had pseudo-immortal cultivation, he might be able to compete with him, but not only did he lose his pseudo-immortal cultivation, he also lost his vitality and was not even in peak condition. After all, he had just had a battle with Zhou Mengyao and he was going non-stop. He rushed to Lanyun Island without much time to rest.

Then the tentacles began to pull Qi Xuansu back. Other tentacles are also harvested, including insect men and spiritual officials.

Hu En'ahan and Wutu both saw this scene and immediately came to the rescue, but it was too late. Wutu was at the Patriarch's Hall, while Huen'ahan was pressing the bell, neither of them beside Qi Xuansu. Finally, he watched helplessly. Seeing Qi Xuansu being pulled into "Qingyue", as well as the other tentacles, they all retracted into the portal, and then "Qingyue" quickly closed.

Hu En'ahan also looked at the "green moon" "wisdomly", his whole body felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he only had one thought at this time, something bad was going to happen.

Is it too late to defect to Buddhism or Steam Gospel?

For a moment, the expressions of Wutu, Hu En'ahan, and Tantai Ying were surprisingly consistent and completely frozen.

How should I explain this to Daomen?

The successors of Quanzhen Taoism, even the successors of Taoism, are suppressing

Suspected to have died in battle while being an exterminator.

Do you think the real people in Dao Sect believe it or not?

He didn't die in the Fenglinzhou battlefield, Chen Shuhua didn't die in the rebellion, he didn't die in the war between the north and the south, and even the immortals in Paititi Cave didn't die in the fight. Even Zhou Mengyao couldn't help Qi Xuansu, and ended up in a place where there were no immortals or even pseudo-immortals. On Lanyun Island, life and death are unknown, just like the emperor of the former Wei Dynasty who always fell into the water and died. Who would believe it?

To be honest, if they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it.

This was too sudden a turn of events.

Even if it wasn't Qi Xuansu, the top commander was killed on the battlefield, and then everyone else, including the personal guards, had nothing to do. This is unjustifiable and must be punished.

Not to mention Qi Xuansu's special identity.

As I have said long ago, Qi Xuansu's body is no longer his alone's hard work, and his life and death are not his alone's business. If Qi Xuansu dies, will Zhang Yuelu be the only one in the family? If Qi Xuansu dies, does it mean Yao Pei is back?

But even if Yao Pei makes a comeback, even if Yao Pei replaces Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu as a woman and becomes a Taoist couple and maintains their alliance, can the two girls combined defeat Li Changge? It’s not that I look down on Zhang and Yao, but that they exerted their power too late. At some point in the future, the immortal will have a huge advantage over the pseudo-immortal, and it will last for a long time. The two pseudo-immortals Altogether, they really can't beat the immortals. Even now, Li Changge is still a pseudo-immortal, and it is equally difficult to say that he is a deity.

In this case, the Quanzhen Taoist Alliance and the Zhengyi Alliance must simply admit defeat and prepare in advance for the ninth generation master's plan.

Competition, or use Qi Xuansu's death to launch a strong counterattack and directly overturn the table. No matter how Qi Xuansu died, it was all a conspiracy of Taiping Dao. Even if Qi Xuansu committed suicide because he couldn't bear to think about it, it was because of Taiping Dao's instigation and thus launched an attack on Taiping Dao.

This is the most reasonable explanation and the most beneficial.

Qi Xuansu's death is very likely to become a trigger and cause great shock within the Taoist sect.

This is also the reason why Zhou Mengyao did not dare to kill Qi Xuansu. The impact was too great for her to bear. She just wanted to regain control of Qi Xuansu, so Zhou Mengyao only beat Qi Xuansu and did not really kill him. hand. If Zhou Mengyao really has murderous intentions, Qi Xuansu may not be able to delay Jiang Daren's arrival.

As those directly responsible, Tantai Ying, Wu Tu, and Hu En Ahan will end up hard to say. They may be able to save their lives, but their future will definitely be cut off.

"What should we do?" The three people gathered on the "Chorned Dragon" to discuss.

After all, Tantai Ying had a strong backer and made up his mind: "Whether we should inform the gate, we can leave it aside for now, but we must inform Tan Xiushan immediately and let the three great masters make a decision."

Huangfu Zhao was also promoted to Da Zhenren, but in many cases, he represented Huangfu Ji's attitude. The handover of the Huangfu family has already started ahead of Xidaomen. Huangfu Zhao intends to reduce his influence and assist Huangfu Ji instead. Now, just wait for Huangfu Ji to become an immortal, and then the handover of the Xidao Sect level can begin. Huangfu Ji will gradually succeed Tantai Zhenxiao and become the leader of the Xidao Sect. Because Huangfu Zhao is the youngest among the three giants of Xidaomen, the Huangfu family will enter a period of strength until Huangfu Zhao also

Pass away and regain balance.

Hu En'ahan agreed: "That's all we can do. I hope Master Qi can hold on."

Wu Tu made a praying gesture: "Qi Zhenren Ji people have their own destiny."

Of course Qi Xuansu is not dead, at least not yet.

After he was caught by the tentacles, although he couldn't break free for a while, he did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, he kept trying various methods, including using Izanagi's "Evil Fire" and Wu Luo's "Red Lotus Fire" I don't know which fire played the role. After the tentacles pulled Qi Xuansu into the world of "Qingyue", they hurriedly released Qi Xuansu and couldn't help but twist.

It's like holding a bowl of hot soup, resisting the burning sensation, and after bringing it to the table, you quickly let go and blow on it.

After Qi Xuansu was freed, he naturally wanted to leave here as soon as possible, but "Qingyue" had been closed, but he was trapped in this unknown area.

After all, Qi Xuansu has been in and out of various caves many times and has rich experience. Based on the richness of the energy of heaven and earth and the similarities and differences in some so-called rules of heaven, he can probably judge that this should be a divine kingdom or a cave.

If Qi Xuansu were a human immortal, he could break the void and break through the wall. If Qi Xuansu were an immortal, he could come and go freely without even causing damage. It is not nonsense to say that immortals are like butterflies.

But Qi Xuansu is not even a pseudo-immortal, so he is trapped here.

This was also the reason why the tentacle let go of Qi Xuansu with confidence. He couldn't run away anyway, so there was no need to rush.

As for the origin of this tentacle, it is probably the legendary insect queen.

Of course Qi Xuansu must actively carry out self-rescue.

"Moon in the Water" is still in Qi Xuansu's hands,

So can Qi Xuansu leave through the "Moon in the Water"? Or simply invite Master Jiang to come over? Of course you can, but there is a problem. Qi Xuansu just used it once when dealing with Zhou Mengyao. "Jing Hua Shui Yue" cannot be used in a short period of time. To use a firearm, it is waiting to cool down.

How about contacting Zhenjun Ziguang? Of course, we can contact you, but it’s meaningless. Unless the Purple Light True Lord comes, there’s nothing you can do. The supreme elders of the insect people are already created beings. If the insect queen can feed on these insect immortals, she must be at the level of an immortal. Existence, the incarnation of a pseudo-immortal at the level of a god is useless. Moreover, in the territory of the Insect Queen, it occupies a geographical advantage. Even if True Lord Ziguang comes, he may not be able to get good results. After all, True Lord Ziguang does not have as many immortals as Jiang Dazhen.

Furthermore, after the Daomen defeated the Insects in Nanyang, they had searched for the existence of the spirit world, but could not find it. Therefore, the Daomen did not know the specific location of the spirit world. Even if they knew Qi Xuansu's situation, it would be difficult to find it in the first place. Coming to the door, Qi Xuansu must at least insist on going to the Taoist Gate to find the location of the spirit world.

Qi Xuansu was about to despair. At this time, power was of little use and he still had to rely on his own cultivation. Xuansheng is already an immortal at his age. If he had Xuansheng's cultivation, he would not be dragged in at all. Even if he was dragged in, it would be a trick. Now he can find a decisive battle with the Insect Queen.

It's just that I haven't seen the insect queen yet, and strangely enough, after those tentacles retreated, there was no movement.

Qi Xuansu looked up. In a sense, this place was very similar to the moon, or in other words, it was similar to the moon.

There are similarities between Ixichel's Kingdom of God and Lord Taiyin's Guanghan Palace.

The ground under your feet is neither clouds nor mist nor water. It is like starlight condensed into ice, and like glass paved on the ground, making it difficult to distinguish and reflecting human figures. Above the head is a vast starry sky with countless stars, and a palace can be seen vaguely in the distance. It does not look like a human palace at all. It is crystal clear, as if it were made of crystal. The color is slightly dull, but also glows with light fluorescence. The stars and rivers flowing above the palace are really like a fairyland. No wonder the insect people think this place is the sky. No wonder Sun Lingxiu calls it the Toad Palace.

It really looks too much like the moon and the lunar palace.

Could the so-called insect queen be a mutated moon god?

Qi Xuansu suddenly had an idea.

After all, compared to the Sun God, the number of Moon Gods is too small.

Immortals will also change. For example, the feathered serpent god Kukulkan transformed into the sun god Kukulkan, and even wanted to go one step further and become the sky god Kukulkan. This is a positive change. Of course, there are also negative changes. In the words of the Holy Court, it is "degeneration". There are many examples, such as the murderous apostle "Black Sun" Sirila, and the death apostle Samuel. These hell apostles were also brilliant in the past, but now they are not. Each one is more bizarre and terrifying than the other.

Of course, the apostles of the Holy Court are indescribable in terms of their true nature. Before they fell, even if they were brilliant, they were still very terrifying.

However, judging from the statue of the Insect Queen created by the Insect Man, the Insect Queen's human form is very upright and majestic. This guess may be true.

The fallen moon god, the insect queen.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu felt a chill pass by, making his martial arts body tremble slightly.

After a moment, the "Magic Sword"'s instinctive reaction was to stop firing, as if it was stuck in half.

Qi Xuansu faintly felt as if there were eyes hiding somewhere, watching him.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously looked up and saw a green moon again.

If the previous "green moon" was the entrance to the spiritual world, then what is this green moon?

However, Qi Xuansu soon discovered that it was not a cyan moon, but a huge ball of light, or in other words, an eye emitting a faint cyan light.

It was watching Qi Xuansu.

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