Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 162 He Luo Shen

Qi Xuansu guessed correctly, this was indeed an eye, an eye with flashing green light, and an eye without eye sockets or eyelids. It was a single eyeball, hanging high above the Toad Palace. In the dark starry sky around the Toad Palace, tentacles appeared again, which seemed to be human limbs, except that the body was missing.

These tentacles rolled up many insect-men, and the door of the Toad Palace was opened wide. The insect-men were sent into it one after another, and then there was no sound. This scene seemed like they were eating.

As for the spiritual officials who were innocently involved, including Qi Xuansu, they did not move, as it seemed that they were not to their liking.

If this toad palace is the true body of the Insect Queen, then the Insect Queen is quite picky and only eats insect humans. Considering that the spiritual world has been closed for so many years, the Insect Queen is really hungry.

What Qi Xuansu saw at this time was a toad palace with a cyan ball of light hanging high on it and many tentacles protruding from the surrounding void.

This image is indeed difficult to evaluate. First of all, it definitely doesn't look like a human being, and it is very different from the image of a big insect in Qi Xuansu's imagination. Whether it is a worm or a beetle, it has nothing to do with it.

At this moment, a voice sounded directly in Qi Xuansu's heart: "Taoist priest, what crime do you deserve for slaughtering my people?"

This is not a sound made by organs such as the throat, but a mind-to-mind communication similar to "other mind communication", so there is no language barrier.

Obviously, the insect queen is not a mindless monster. Even if Qi Xuansu guesses that she has fallen, she can still communicate with her.

What Qi Xuansu is most afraid of is the kind of people who are completely unable to communicate. For example, after being resurrected by the Ten Wizards of Lingshan, Yaoyao completely lost her mind and communication.

With the ability to communicate, he blindly eats people, and in the end he can only shoot them. If the Queen of Insects is as unreasonable as Yaoyiao and wants to kill people directly, Qi Xuansu really doesn't have any good ideas.

Of course, it is very likely that Qi Xuansu is powerful enough and even dangerous, and can no longer be regarded as an ant, so the queen is willing to condescend to communicate. If an ordinary mortal encounters the insect queen, the insect queen will definitely be too lazy to say anything, and will either let it fend for itself or crush it to death at will. Then the insect queen is an existence that cannot be looked at directly, unknown, and incomprehensible. collapse.

In any case, Qi Xuansu still has a page of the "Xirui Sutra" in his hand, plus a "Buddha Relic" that he was reluctant to use even when he met Zhou Mengyao. Although Qi Xuansu is definitely not the opponent of the Queen of Insects, he can definitely give it to The Queen causes some trouble.

However, judging from the insect queen's actions of directly devouring the insect people, it is obvious that she cannot be expected to pay attention to the spirit of the rule of law. If she thought that Qi Xuansu was guilty and deserved to die, then she would not ask Qi Xuansu this way, let alone give Qi Xuansu a chance to plead guilty. Just kill or eat them directly.

But the Insect Queen still asked this. This is like a method used by some people, first belittling and suppressing the other party, so that oneself can occupy the moral high ground, and then ask for conditions.

Qi Xuansu is no longer Qi Xuansu at Kunlun Mountain Pass. Although he is in danger, he is not too panicked. He is still quite calm and keeps thinking. He replies: "How can there be any reason in this world to feed on the people of the tribe? I don't think so. It’s not the clan members, it’s the food. Killing the clan members should pay for it with life, but destroying the food is just compensation at the price.”

Qi Xuan

Of course, Su couldn't talk to the Insect Queen about the Insects breaking the law and the legitimacy of Xidaomen's elimination of the Insects. Wouldn't that be courting death? He changed his perspective and started from the perspective of the insect queen, interpreting the nature of the insect people through the behavior of the insect queen. That is, before talking about the issue of insect people, we must first define what the insect people are.

You say it’s the tribe, I say it’s the food.

Essentially, you still have to pay compensation, but the price is very different.

This becomes a bargain.

Asking for prices all over the sky, sitting on the ground to exchange money.

This is what the high-level Taoist priests of the Taoist sect are best at. If you want to have the right to speak in the Taoist sect, or fight within the Taoist sect without breaking your skin, there are two magic weapons.

The first is to rely on strength, which is the most important. Whether it is background connections, one's own state of cultivation, or job grade, they are all part of strength.

The second is to rely on eloquence, whether it is to criticize the enemy or to avoid sophistry, it all falls into this category. Once you have strength, how to use it is also a problem, even more so when the enemy is strong and we are weak.

When the Borneo Taoist Government was discussing matters, Jiang Dazhen, who temporarily replaced Landa Zhenren as the head of the government, made trouble in the discussion. Wang Jiaohe relied on his eloquence to make a big move, pulled Landa Zhenren in, and asked Jiang Dazhen to throw a tantrum. , thus temporarily resolving the crisis. If Wang Jiaohe stood up and banged the table with Jiang Dazhen, the result would probably be that he would be taken down on the spot after the discussion.

Qi Xuansu has been in Taoism for so many years and has learned a lot about it.

The voice was silent for a moment: "Who stipulates that you cannot eat tribesmen?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The founders of the three religions think it is impossible, and the supreme god of the Westerners thinks it is impossible.

Most of the gods of various pantheons also think that it cannot be done, and this is already a common rule. "

Both fell into silence.

The insect queen was a little torn between wanting to be reasonable and not being reasonable. It was obvious that she wanted something from Qi Xuansu, or if she wanted to get something from Qi Xuansu, she had to be reasonable.

Qi Xuansu was also a little uneasy.

If Ixichel was standing in front of him, no matter how much higher Ixichel's cultivation level was, he would be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, because he knew that Ixichel was absolutely sober and rational, and would weigh the pros and cons. You can talk about everything. With his back against the Taoist sect, he was on the stronger side.

But the Queen of Insects is definitely not comparable to Ixichel in terms of sanity in this state. God knows how much sanity is left in the Queen of Insects who has become like this. If she disagrees and becomes angry, no Taoism will work, because Taoism Just like the law, it mainly plays a punitive role after the fact, and it is a deterrent beforehand - if you do something, I will do it, you can do it.

If you can't be shocked, there's nothing you can do about it. That's why it is said that people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death?

There is no reason to say that he really wants to die here.

Even if the Taoist sect avenged Qi Xuansu, it would be meaningless to Qi Xuansu.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu was also secretly observing and thinking about the true identity of the insect queen.

In fact, there are two types of gods.

One is the innate gods, condensed from a certain concept, and the representative figures are Taiyin Zhenjun. They are not born and raised by their parents, but are born out of some primitive beliefs. For example, the ancients worshiped the moon. Over time, this belief condensed

When he came, he turned into the True Lord of Taiyin. What the ancients thought the Moon God looked like, the True Lord of Taiyin looked like. Therefore, the gods of each ethnic group have the appearance of their respective ethnic groups. It is impossible for Easterners to imagine a god with a Western face, and it is impossible for a Westerner to imagine a god with an Eastern face.

There is also an acquired god, who becomes a god through growth and cultivation. It can be a human or a demon. If it is a demon, then there is a saying that it is the original form. For example, Kukulkan, his true form is the Quetzalcoatl. Wu Luo is a human being, but he is a branch of the ancient human race. He is extremely tall, almost a giant.

Looking at the insect queen, she looks less like a human and more like a demon.

So what exactly is it?

Legend has it that the Yin Moon is formed by the escaping Yin Qi from the sea eye on the bottom of the sea. Moreover, the insect queen still has tentacles, and its active areas are mostly close to the sea. First it was Nanyang, and now it is the sea. It looks like some kind of big monster in the water. .

Is it squid or octopus?

Not quite.

Because the squid's tentacles don't look like this. They have suction cups on them, and there is no tail fin-like thing at the end of the tentacles.

It has tentacles that resemble tail fins, which reminded Qi Xuansu of a strange beast recorded in the "Beishan Jing".

Qiao Ming's mountain, Qiao water flows out, and the west flows into the river. Among them are many Hora fish, one with ten bodies, and their sound is like a barking dog, which has been eaten.

The fish of Ho Luo, with ten bodies and one song, transformed into a bird, its name is old, it was stolen from the pound, injured and killed in the mortar; it flies at night and makes a sound, and runs away quickly when it hears thunder. It means that the bird with ten heads and one body, the fish of Ho Luo, and the bird of ghost chariot can be observed together.

As the saying goes, there is a kind of fish named "Ho Luo", which has a head and ten bodies.

The body is thin and long, and actually looks like a tentacle. The holuo fish is like a fish with ten tentacles under its head. But it just looks like a tentacle, not a real tentacle, so it has a tail fin at the end.

This matches the current appearance of the Insect Queen.

Don't underestimate things like Heluoyu. Although it cannot be compared with the ancient mythical beasts, it can be regarded as a small Kunpeng.

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun is as big as I don't know how many thousands of miles away. It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. The Peng's back is many miles away. It flies in anger, and its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.

Ho Luo fish can also turn into a bird, which is the Guhuo bird, also known as the ghost car, generally referring to the nine-headed bird. It is said that this bird used to have ten heads, which can absorb human souls. One of them was eaten by dogs, so the ghost car has ten heads, and it is opposite to the ten bodies of the Ho Luo fish.

Qi Xuansu looked at the Queen of Insects again, and it looked like a Ho Luo fish.

If He Luoyu really became a god through cultivation, then she should be called God He Luoyu. Just like after Kukulkan became a god, he was no longer Quetzalcoatl, but Quetzalcoatl. The same is true for the Taoist god Lu Wu, named Lu Wu, followed by the honorific title of the god.

But for some reason, she didn't turn into a ghost car.

In this way, it can also explain why the yin moon of the insect queen originates from the sea eye on the bottom of the sea, because the insect queen originally comes from the sea.

It actually corresponds to the bright moon rising over the sea.

As for why the insect queen and the insect people are not the same thing, there is nothing unexplainable, because the insect people are the food of the insect queen, just like humans raising pigs to eat meat. As for the relationship between eating and being eaten, humans and pigs are certainly not the same thing. thing. The insect queen is a human, and the insect men are pigs.

In fact, people from the Taoist sect have never seen the Insect Queen, they just take it for granted that she belongs to the Insect people.

Holy Queen.

If someone from the Taoist sect comes to the spiritual world and sees the Queen of Insects, they will definitely not recognize her as the so-called Queen of Insects, because it is simply irrelevant.

Acquired gods also have an advantage over innate gods, that is, they have a powerful physique, especially when demons become gods. Even if the divine power is insufficient, it will not disappear directly like the innate gods. Regarding this point, Izanozun and Kukulkan are both examples. They have to kill them twice, once to kill the golden body and once to kill the real body.

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