Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 163: Everything can be discussed

Obviously, God He Luo is a real being and a member of the gods. This solves a dilemma.

Because they are gods, they can hide in the Kingdom of God to avoid catastrophes and survive for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. Because he has a powerful true body, even if his divine power is insufficient, he will still not die for the first time.

It's true that it's a loophole in the rules of heaven.

However, the premise of all this is that there are no foreign enemies, and it is like a closed kingdom, enjoying itself behind closed doors. If there are foreign enemies, then there are two different things.

Wu Luo and others can also do this and survive, but there is only one problem. The end of the law is coming, and they cannot survive for many years. They have to fight, so the ancient immortals have to continue to make trouble.

Qi Xuansu guessed that He Luo Shen asked him for help in this regard.

Speaking of which, his trip to the Southern Continent was like hot cakes. Both the righteous god Ixichel and the evil god Ho Luo Shen all took a fancy to the Taoism behind him and wanted to rely on the Taoism to seek transcendence.

This means that the Taoist sect does not want to start a large-scale war with the outside world, and still focuses on development. If it really wants to expand its army and is willing to spend money, it will not be a problem to recruit four or five gods at will.

But Qi Xuansu also wanted to complain. Did he really think of him as Master Yan Da? At that time, Master Yan was a great master, in charge of the affairs of ghosts and gods. He was also a special envoy authorized by Xuansheng himself. Only with Xuansheng's strong support behind him could he promote True Lord Taiyin to submit to the Taoist sect. He doesn't have such great power now. Maybe it will be possible to wait until Zhenren Donghua comes to power, or even if he comes to power himself. Maybe there will be a sentence in the history books to disprove everyone's opinions.

Not to mention

Saying that God Ho is still an evil god, even if the Taoist sect likes to unite this and that, God Ho will definitely be ranked behind Ixichel.

However, Qi Xuansu couldn't directly say that I don't have the power, nor could he directly block the words. He didn't mind making a few empty promises in exchange for freedom. When he gets out of trouble, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to jump, no matter what, of course Qi Xuansu must talk about credibility, but he must also analyze the specific situation. He can't die just to insist on the word "faith". Here may be the achievement of the god Ho Luo.

Qi Xuansu was afraid that He Luoshen would make a contract with him, and Xu Zu and Zhou Mengyao had learned from their mistakes, and both suffered the loss of being dumb. Xu Zu was betrayed by Zhang Zu, and Zhou Mengyao could not take action against Qiniang. This shows that the effectiveness of the contract is so strong that even immortals cannot ignore it, let alone Qi Xuansu, who is not even a fake immortal.

At this moment, God He Luo finally spoke: "Whether it's clan members or food, let's put it aside for now and call them subordinates. If you kill my subordinates, you must have an explanation."

Qi Xuansu said: "To be honest, I also obey orders. Many things are out of my control."

He Luo Shen didn't believe it: "Don't try to trick me. After I swallow the so-called insect people in your mouth, I can get their memories and know where you came from. You are the Taoist sect's plenipotentiary envoy. Your master is expected to become the seventh Taoist sect." Dai Grand Master, you yourself are expected to compete for the Eighth Generation Grand Master. You have to obey orders, and you also obey the orders of your master. What are you two masters and disciples that you can't help but use the lives of my subordinates as a stepping stone? It’s just a stone.”

Qi Xuansu didn't expect He Luoshen to have such a skill, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

What? He could only laugh dryly, his mind changed quickly, and he said: "In the beginning, the insect people colluded with Buddhism and the Holy Court to form the Nanyang United Taoist Salvation Association in Nanyang, and massacred my Taoist disciples. This was a blood feud. It is the so-called ten generations. It is a matter of course for me to be an exterminator."

He Luoshen's blue eyes flickered, as if he was thinking.

After a while, He Luo Shen spoke again, and he actually removed himself: "My spiritual world has been closed for many years, and I can't control what they do. They offended the Taoist sect, and I have nothing to do with the Taoist sect. enemy."

This is a bit unreasonable.

But under the eaves, Qi Xuansu couldn't speak too bluntly, so he could only say euphemistically: "You can't say that. Do the insects dare to disobey orders?"

He Luo Shendao: "Of course you can say that, don't you think you are doing something wrong? As a senior member of the Taoist sect, can you control the people below? Can you guarantee that they will not abuse their power, enrich their own pockets, or act arrogantly?"

Qi Xuansu was immediately speechless.

He really couldn't control it, let alone Xuan Sheng, he couldn't control it. He could only suppress it, but it couldn't be eradicated, and no one could escape.

Its prosperity is also booming, and its demise is also sudden.

At the beginning of the dynasty, when the officials governed the Qingming Dynasty, there was nothing they did without care and no one who did not work hard, just because it was difficult and difficult at that time, and they could only find a life out of ten thousand deaths. As it gradually gets better, it also gradually becomes lazy. The minority becomes the majority, and then laziness becomes the trend. Even with great efforts, it cannot be reversed. Some are driven by the desire for success, and the party members are united and opposed. When the talents are gradually exhausted and difficult to cope with, the situation becomes complicated. The annals of glorious history are filled with lazy officials.

There are also people who have died, and there are people who have lost their political power.

At this time, it was just two people talking. There was no third-party audience, and Qi Xuansu was still the weak side. There was no need to sing high-key and say that our Taoist sect has its own laws and rules. If you can't control it, you can't control it.

He Luo Shen didn't believe this, and neither did Qi Xuansu.

This time it really hit Qi Xuansu's Achilles' heel.

He Luo Shen seemed to chuckle: "Then you should also understand my difficulties. Everyone below me has their own thoughts, and human nature is the most unpredictable. If I rely on them for support, it is equivalent to being kidnapped by them in disguise. Emperor Taizu of the Wei Dynasty said , I will drink from the golden cup together, but I won’t show mercy with a bare sword. Who should I kill if I hold a bare sword in my hand?”

Qi Xuansu said: "So, He Luo Shen has no responsibility at all?"

The cyan ball of light flashed, and he seemed a little shocked: "As expected of the master of the Taoist sect, he can actually see my origin."

This is a disguised admission. The Queen of Insects is indeed Ho Luoyu. Although I don’t know what her name is, there is no problem in calling her Ho Luo Shen, just like Quetzalcoatl. There are some unique beings whose names are races, one person and one clan, such as God Lu Wu.

Qi Xuansu said: "Thanks to He Luo Shen's auspicious words, but the master is not the great master yet, so it is too early to say who will win and who will lose."

He Luoshen ignored this and continued: "It can't be said that I have no responsibility at all. I can't escape the responsibility of an oversight, but..."

Ho Luo Shinhwa changed his mind: "But in your words, this is also the limitation of history."

Qi Xuansu did not expect that He Luo Shen even knew this. He Luo Shen had been trapped in a closed spiritual world for many years and could be said to be deaf to what was happening outside the window.

, you should not know these emerging terms influenced by Western learning. But she happened to know it. Then there is only one explanation, which is the memory of the insect man. He Luo Shen is closed, but the insect people are not closed. They attack everywhere and even sneak into Tawanting. Even Qi Xuansu's details are very clear, which shows that they are well-informed.

As far as Qi Xuansu knows, other immortal blood sacrifices, including Lord Siming, cannot obtain the memory of the sacrifice, but He Luo Shen can obtain the memory, and it is a very complete and organized memory. This is different from the various memories obtained by soul searching. The memory fragments are still different. This is obviously not due to the supernatural powers of the immortals, but more to the specialness of the insect people. There is some special connection between the insect people and the god Ho Luo.

Rather than saying that the god Ho Luo swallowed the insect man, it is better to say that the insect man became a part of the god Ho Luo.

Qi Xuansu said: "According to He Luo Shen, all bad things are done by the insect people and have nothing to do with He Luo Shen. But the insect people were made by He Luo Shen. This is like raising a dog without a chain and letting it go. If they go out and bite people, don’t the dog owners have any responsibility?”

He Luo Shen said: "So I killed them and ate their meat. This is the biggest punishment."

Qi Xuansu immediately said: "If that's the case, then there seems to be no problem if I help God He Luo kill some wild dogs that bite people, right?"

He Luoshen was sophistical, but he didn't want to be bypassed by Qi Xuansu.

He Luoshen didn't know how to refute for a while, but she wanted to be reasonable but didn't want to be reasonable, so she simply stopped being reasonable.

For a moment, Qi Xuansu felt a huge sense of oppression, and even felt a little suffocated.

The god Ho Luo was angry with thunder, but he

He kept his mouth shut but said: "You are wrong!"

Qi Xuansu vaguely heard the underlying message: Lose money! Try it for free and see if I can kill you.

This is when a scholar meets a soldier, and there is no reason to explain.

Qi Xuansu could only ask: "What does He Luo want to do?"

He Luo Shen said: "As far as I know, your Taoist sect is not peaceful now. The three Taoists are fighting openly and secretly. As you said, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose. If I can help you, I will wait for you to ascend to the big palm. Is there any reward for teaching the honorable position?”

Needless to say, He Luo Shen also knew this from the insect man's memory.

Qi Xuansu's thoughts turned around. She Luo Shen had been trapped in the spiritual world for a long time, isolated from the world, and had no one to communicate with. She might be a little clumsy in verbal exchanges, but she was not stupid. She could come up with the idea of ​​cultivating insect-men with Taoist techniques. But she hides behind the scenes and is as calculating as Chakcheol.

Qi Xuansu asked tentatively: "If I fail to become the Great Master, naturally everything will be fine. There is no need for Ho Luo Shen to collect debts. People from Taiping Road will take action to make me irrecoverable and never be able to turn around. But if I become the Great Master , Sitting in the Dao Sect, he is the master of the world, turning his hands to make clouds and turning his hands to make rain, isn't He Luo Shen afraid that I will go back on my word? "

He Luo Shen said: "Of course I'm afraid, so we have to make a contract in advance."

The thing that Qi Xuansu was most worried about had come. It would not work to make empty promises.

But it's not without its benefits. After all, He Luoshen has given conditions, and she will help Qi Xuansu, and even use it to fight against Zhou Mengyao.

Qi Xuansu is like a company. He himself is the general assistant. The major shareholder is suspected to be the Earth Master, and is held on behalf of Qiniang and Zhou Mengyao. The board of directors initially only had two members, namely

Zhou Mengyao and Qiniang jointly managed the company. Later, Qiniang played some tricks and kicked Zhou Mengyao out of the board of directors while Zhou Mengyao was away, leaving Qiniang's family alone.

It's just that Qiniang's power is limited, and the company's development has encountered bottlenecks, so other external funds have been injected, such as the three major Yinwu, Donghua Zhenren, Tianshi, Xidaomen, Ixiqier, Jiang Dazhen, etc. With more and more funds, the company is developing better and bigger, but there are also more and more shareholders. Zhou Mengyao's equity has been diluted. It is already difficult for her to regain control of the company through the shareholders' meeting. . You can only use some informal means, such as grabbing seals.

This is what is called Qi Xuansu's body, which is no longer his alone's hard work.

Now He Luoshen expressed his optimism about Qi Xuansu's company and wanted to invest in it, waiting for dividends.

Qi Xuansu could only say: "We can talk about everything."

He Luoshen expressed his sincerity: "As long as we can talk about it, I can also love Taoism."

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