Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 169 Countdown

The matter on Lanyun Island has come to an end for the time being. Although Qi Xuansu lost some morals, he gained a lot.

Otherwise, personal interests and moral good customs always have to choose one or the other, and you cannot consider both sides of the dilemma.

Then Qi Xuansu will consider his ending in the Southern Continent.

He did not consider rebuilding the Northern Continent's intelligence system and left it to Li Changge.

There must be an explanation for Lu Yujue's matter, and he has already communicated it with Master Donghua. Because Li Changge wanted to take over Qi Xuansu's position, as long as Qi Xuansu didn't move, Li Changge couldn't move. Li Minghuang probably couldn't grab Zhang Yuelu, and he still had to go to the Imperial Palace and couldn't move, so there was no need to rush.

When the discussion about Li Minghuang's appointment comes, throw this thunderbolt out and blow him up.

When Qi Xuansu first entered Yujing and went to Tiangang Hall to meet Ji, Sun Yongfeng taught Qi Xuansu and said something that Qi Xuansu remembered deeply.

There must be key people who can speak the key words for you at critical moments.

Don't worry about whether what Qi Xuansu wants to say is good or bad, just ask Li Minghuang, it doesn't matter.

For this reason, Qi Xuansu had another in-depth talk with Lu Yujue. Lu Yujue still had a firm attitude. He vowed not to avenge his father's revenge and his wife's revenge. Even if he is suppressed by Taiping Dao, he will not hesitate.

Qi Xuansu gave a guarantee on the spot that if Taiping Dao suppressed Lu Yujue, he could come to him and he would help Lu Yujue solve the problem.

This sentence is really not meant to comfort Lu Yujue. Qi Xuansu does have this ability.

Strictly speaking, it is not Qi Xuansu who has this ability, but Master Donghua who has this ability. Master Donghua is in charge of Ziweitang and is in charge of personnel affairs.

On this matter, the master and the disciple had the same opinion.

It's easy to arrange the location. Isn't Qi Xuansu going to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace? Lu Yujue will also go there and be the assistant manager of the Taoist Palace first. When Qi Xuansu was released as the palace master, Lu Yujue went a step further and became the third deputy palace master. If he was lucky, it was not impossible to become the second deputy palace master. After all, Lu Yujue had been an assistant manager for so many years and had high qualifications. That's enough.

Li Minghuang from Zhengyi Dao can go to Taiping Dao, but Lu Yujue from Taiping Dao can't go to Quanzhen Dao?

The Li family and the Lu family couldn't do anything right in this matter. First, it was their own family, and second, they were in the wrong. Letting people wear cuckolds to take care of the overall situation somewhat affects internal unity. If the morals are not correct, forget about those children from poor families who have no background. Maybe there are people who are willing to get a green thumb in order to climb up. Lu Yujue is a child of an aristocratic family, who pays attention to respectability, and is connected to relatives.

Lu Yujue

He is not a fool. If there was no strong foreign aid like Qi Xuansu, then he might not dare to make such a desperate move. There is no need to risk the rest of his life for a woman. But with Qi Xuansu, it's different. Although this was a risky move, Lu Yujue made it after he saw it right.

That's why so many people rush to curry favor with Qi Xuansu just because Qi Xuansu can really interfere in personnel arrangements. Many female Taoist priests are eager to recommend themselves as pillow mats. It's not that they like Qi Xuansu so much. The key is that the benefits are tempting.

A night of happiness and a better future couldn't be more cost-effective. Moreover, Qi Zhenren is young and not a bad old man. The key is Zhang Yuelu's man. Sharing the same man with the legendary Zhang Yuelu, he not only does not suffer a loss, but also takes advantage.

There are many people with this kind of mentality, so Qi Xuansu has always been afraid of the peach blossoms that come to his door. It's okay for people outside the Taoist sect, but within the Taoist sect, he still mainly employs men, mainly to avoid suspicion. There are a few occasionally, such as Liuhu, which are also under special circumstances.

Now Qi Xuansu is only a disciple of Master Donghua. If Master Donghua wins, then Qi Xuansu will be the junior master, and his power can be imagined. Not abusing power and not having power are two different things.

In addition to Lu Yujue's matter, there is also Zhang Wuyue's matter.

Now Zhang Wuyue has two helpers, one is Zhong Boyu and the other is Huo Ling sent by Qi Xuansu. Zhang Wuyue also got in touch with people from Xidaomen, and had a fierce fight with He Shaoyang and Qian Xisheng, who were under Huangfu Ji.

Qi Xuansu called his brother-in-law-to-be over again, gave him a face-to-face discussion, and asked Zhang Wuyue to find an opportunity to visit Huen'ahan and establish a good relationship with Huen'ahan.

Although Hu En'a Khan was respectful to Qi Xuansu, it did not mean that Zhang Wuyue could win in front of Hu En'a Khan. Zhang Wuyue had to master the human world and sophistication here.

Qi Xuansu did not intend to do the important matter of developing Lanyun Island himself, nor did he intend to leave it to an immature boy like Zhang Wuyue. He planned to leave it to Hu En'ahan, who was both Tawanting's general and Xidaomen's general. The guest minister is a Taoist priest from the same second-grade Taiyi Taoist sect. He has rich experience and a wide network of contacts. It will be much more convenient for him to do things. He is also stable and not prone to mistakes.

However, Qi Xuansu doesn't mind Zhang Wuyue taking a share of the pie here. After all, developing Lanyun Island is a big project no less important than building a new port. The business opportunities are endless. Many forces must be involved and make money together, but Qi Xuansu and Huangfu are the most dominant.

After Zhang Wuyue heard about it, his eyes lit up and he wanted to learn Western skills.

Give Qi Xuansu a hug.

Brother-in-law, you are truly my big brother.

Qi Xuansu then told him, "In addition to Hu En'ahan, there are also real people in Tantai, the new emperor Huangfu Xi, and Wu Tu from the Moon Temple. You have to move around more, build good relationships, and establish connections. In this game of chess in the Southern Continent, you It’s still very important.”

Zhang Wuyue patted his chest, "Brother-in-law, don't worry. I understand that our Zhang family cannot lose to the Li family."

Qi Xuansu glanced at him, "Don't confront Li Yongyan while I'm away. You are no match for him."

"Brother-in-law, I am self-aware." Zhang Wuyue also understood in his heart that Qi Xuansu had already begun to make arrangements for the future. In other words, the time for Qi Xuansu to stay in the Southern Continent had entered a countdown.

For Qi Xuansu, the highlight is Huangfuji.

The two made an appointment to meet in Xinxijing.

Speaking of which, the two of them were busy with a lot of things and hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Of course, this meeting is not just about reminiscing about old times, it is also related to the subsequent development of many people and many things.

The place where the two met was the Taiping Inn, the largest in Xijing. Huangfuji acted as the host and booked a single-family courtyard. He did not mobilize any troops and only brought a few followers, which was very low-key.

Qi Xuansu was simply alone.

After the two of them sat down, there was a pool outside with rippling blue waves. The sun was good today and the scenery was also very good.

After the waiter served tea, Huangfuji indicated that there was no need to keep anyone around. Only two people were left, and he took the initiative to say, "I would like to congratulate Tianyuan in advance. The youngest Master Shenzhi in the Taoist sect has a bright future."

Qi Xuansu said, "I'm going to be idle for a while. Although education is the foundation of the century-old plan, it is undeniable that the actual power of this position is a bit lacking."

Huangfu laughed and said, "That's wrong. Why does Brother Yu insist on building a new Taoist palace? The position of the Palm Palace depends on the person. If you are a teacher all your life, it is really meaningless. But if you can go one step further, then the students of that year will be He has become a natural confidant, and his followers are everywhere.”

Qi Xuansu said, "I understand what you're saying, but how many years can I do it? At most, it's just for one term. If you want to be famous all over the world, you have to work hard."

Huangfu Ji said, "You can work part-time. That's what I plan to do. Do I still have to stare at the Dao Palace all day long?"

Qi Xuansu was startled.

Huangfuji then said, "The master in charge of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is a

The position is not permanent. When there is a real person in charge of the palace, there is usually no real person in charge of the palace. This time the real person in charge of the palace is reset, it cannot be established for just a few years. I think that for a long time in the future, Tianyuan will also serve as the Master of the Wanxiang Dao Palace. Anyway, you, the Master of the Palace, don’t care about anything, just in name. The affairs of the Wanxiang Dao Palace are still handled by the Master of the Palace, but this name Points are very important. In name, during the period when you are the real person in charge of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, it is not too much for the Taoist priests who leave the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to call you "teacher", right? As long as it lasts for more than ten years, the world will be filled with peaches and plums. "

Qi Xuansu thought about it carefully and realized that Huangfuji's statement was indeed feasible.

Could this be Master Donghua’s arrangement?

After all, at the beginning it was said that as long as Qi Xuansu did things well in the Southern Continent, he might be directly promoted to the real person in charge of the palace, and later it became the real person in charge of the palace to settle down.

How to settle? If it is so settled, it is really much better than directly becoming the real person in charge.

This gave Qi Xuansu the opportunity to cultivate close confidants. So many students were naturally close to Qi Xuansu, and they were the backbone of Qi Xuansu's faction.

Facts have proven over and over again that the organized is better than the unorganized. If a person fights alone, even if he becomes the leader, he will still be ignored by others. The government orders cannot leave the Zixiao Palace, and the necessary confidants are indispensable. of.

Huangfuji changed the topic again, "About the matter of Lanyun Island, Tianyuan has given me another big gift. As the saying goes, it is indecent to come back without reciprocating. I know Tianyuan's rules. The Taoist sect has regulations and cannot accept expensive gifts. It’s just a small gift.”

There are indeed regulations in the Taoist sect, and Taoist priests of different grades have different amounts for normal courtesy exchanges. For example, a thousand Taiping coins are enough to be given to Taoist priests of the fourth grade of wine to ask them to do something, but it is a bit ridiculous to put it in front of Zhenzhi Zhenren. Therefore, the higher the grade, the greater the quota. Qi Xuansu also has a quota, which is 20,000 Taiping money per year.

If you have to regard it as a kind of special income with tacit approval, that is not impossible.

Huangfu Ji said, "The main thing is tobacco for Mrs. Tai. I heard that Mrs. Tai liked this, so I asked people to select the best and carefully prepare twenty boxes. There is also dragon meat for Miss Yin, and some for younger siblings Zhang." Gift."

"This is not for you. It doesn't count towards your quota. It's not your turn to refuse."

"As for your gift..."

Qi Xuansu interrupted him, "I will not refuse their gifts. As for the gifts given to me, there is no need to talk about these between us. Doing a good job in Xingang and Lanyun Island is the best gift."

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