Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 170 The End

Not long before Huangfuji and Qi Xuansu met, the first phase of the New Port project came to an end. At the celebration, Huangfuji not only summarized the past phase one project, but also opened a new chapter for the next phase two project and the development of Lanyun Island. First, Huangfuji led all the high-quality Taoist priests who participated in the construction of the new port to the construction site of the second phase of the project that had not yet started.

Huangfuji waved his arm, pointed at the dozens of miles of golden coast and the undulating sea, and said this -

"Fellow Taoists, today, we are making history and writing a new chapter. An ancient continent will open a new era. From now on, we will face the ocean and embrace the ocean. We must not shrink back and be landlubbers inland. . Since the times have given us this opportunity, we must seize it firmly and fight bravely to create the glory of our generation.”

"We are now walking on a brand new road. We have no experience to follow. We are crossing the river by feeling the stones. Our reform is exploration. Exploration cannot be without mistakes. Mistakes must be corrected and dealt with. We must face up to these mistakes. And shortcomings. In the past war years, when we fought against Westerners, casualties were inevitable. We buried the bodies of our fellow Taoists, and with the faith of our dead fellow Taoists, we forged ahead on their bloodstains. Today we are here. On the other front, we must also have this fearless spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, being allowed to make mistakes, having the courage to bear them, and using personal sacrifices to gain new life for the entire continent.”

Qi Xuansu was not present at the scene, but he also learned about Huangfuji's speech from other channels. It can be predicted that in the next few decades, Xidaomen's policies will undergo great changes, and the new group headed by Huangfuji will The senior leaders of Xidaomen will gradually abandon some of the past conventions and lead the direction of the Southern Continent with a more inclusive attitude. .??.

This also laid a solid foundation for win-win cooperation between Daomen and Xidaomen. If Qi Xuansu can successfully ascend to power, then both parties may be able to usher in a wave of great development. On the contrary, if the more radical Li Changge comes to power, then the situation will be difficult to say. The Daomen will dominate everything, but the Xidaomen will not agree, and it is inevitable that the two sides will become enemies.

This is also the focus of the meeting and conversation between Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji.

How to deal with the upcoming Li Changge?

Furthermore, will this cause instability in the harmonious situation of the southern continent?

This depends on whether Li Changge will also serve as the plenipotentiary special envoy. If he is just the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall, then Li Changge has no right to take care of the affairs of Xingang and Lanyun Island. But if Li Changge also serves as the plenipotentiary envoy, it will be difficult to say. After all, Xidaomen still needs the assistance of Daomen, and the plenipotentiary envoy represents Daomen has a great say.

Huangfu Ji did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "Tianyuan, do you think Jinque will award Li

The position of Yongyan Plenipotentiary Envoy? "

Qi Xuansu said, "I asked my master, but there is no conclusion yet. Taiping Dao will definitely work hard to fight for it, but in my opinion, the possibility of a plenipotentiary envoy is unlikely, because the crisis in the Southern Continent has been resolved. The Steam Gospel All the problems, Kukulkan’s problem, even the royal family’s problem, the immortal people’s problem, and the insect-people’s problem have been solved, so what’s the point of sending a plenipotentiary envoy here?”

"This is a temporary position, just like the former Wei Dynasty's seal of general. If there is an expedition, the governor will be ordered to wear the seal, and the commander will be handed over to the court to wear the seal. Now I have returned to the army in triumph, general. The seal will naturally be handed over. There is no war anymore, and there is no need to send a new general. "

"But just being the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall still seems a bit weak. Others are just that. Li Yongyan is known as the 'little national master', so I think that the status of a special envoy is still indispensable, but the word 'full power' is missing. ”

After listening to Qi Xuansu's analysis, Huangfuji pondered for a moment and asked, "The key is, can Li Yongyan interfere with the Taoist sect's assistance?"

Qi Xuansu said, "If he is determined to confront each other, then he can definitely do it, but Li Yongyan probably won't do this. If it leads to a lose-lose situation, he won't get a good result. After all, unity work still needs to be done, and it is also a big deal. With Li Yongyan's status, he came to the Southern Continent this time mainly to perform meritorious service, not to disrupt the situation. This kind of dirty work that harms others and does not benefit oneself is usually done by those who have no hope of promotion. "

Huangfuji nodded, agreeing with Qi Xuansu's statement.

The two of them fell into silence for a while, leaning back on their chairs. There was a table in the middle. On the table were two cups of tea, steaming hot. There is a pool of water outside the window, which is a good mood.

Then it was Qi Xuansu who broke the silence, "The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. If he wants to make meritorious deeds, we won't stop him. If we want to do things, he won't interfere. It's best if we can keep the water in the well and the water in the river."

Huangfu laughed and said, "Tianyuan, do you really think so? In any case, the Southern Continent is my territory. No matter how powerful the Li family is, their influence here is limited. It is not difficult to cause some obstacles. "

Qi Xuansu said, "That's not necessary. The key now is not who is better between Li Yongyan and I, but the victory or defeat between our master Donghua Zhenren and Qingwei Zhenren. When I go back this time, I will do my best to promote a successful outcome." something.”

"What's the matter?" Huangfu Ji

asked curiously.

Qi Xuansu's answer was very brief: "Kiss, kiss, kiss."

Huangfu thought for a moment, "You mean... Master Cihang."

Qi Xuansu said, "Since ancient times, marriage has been one of the best ways to form an alliance. I don't deny that, although Qingxiao and I are in love, share weal and woe, and have known each other since we were young, our marriage also has a strong sense of marriage. We are both Taoist companions and allies.”

Huangfu smiled and said, "This is indeed a clever move. It can resolve the deadlock. I'm afraid that the two real people are getting old and they won't be able to lose face."

"So, we have to rely on us juniors and the seniors above to work hard at the same time." Qi Xuansu picked up the tea bowl, "There is a saying that in the eyes of parents, children will always be children. Children, children's words are unbridled. . Since there is no scruple, it is like a monk holding an umbrella and being lawless.”

Huangfu Ji pointed at Qi Xuansu, "You are lying, but as long as you get things done, it doesn't matter."

Qi Xuansu drank tea leisurely. "Let's get down to business. After Li Yongyan takes over, the new official will definitely take some actions. The first is to rebuild the intelligence system of the Northern Continent. This does not matter much. At most, it is to let Jue Jue The Holy Church will cooperate. Next, we will sort out the system on the Southern Continent, which will be involved. I am more worried about Huangfu Xi’s side. Judging from the subsequent results, Unuratu is not principled. Wrong, if Li Yongyan wants to reverse the case, there may be some trouble. "

Huangfu was deep in thought.

This is a matter that concerns the interests of both parties. The Huangfu family naturally benefits from the fact that the adopted daughter of the Huangfu family controls the Tawanting royal family. It was Qi Xuansu who led a palace coup that pushed Huangfu Xi to the throne.

Maybe Qi Xuansu is wrong, maybe Qi Xuansu is right, after all, there is something unclear. In addition, this matter is one of the important pivots in Qi Xuansu's handling of the ancient god incident, and there is much to write about.

If Li Changge wants to overturn the verdict, it may not be against the Huangfu family, but to prove that Qi Xuansu is wrong, and then deny Qi Xuansu's strategy when he was in office, overturn Qi Xuansu's decision, and ultimately hit Qi Xuansu, but it will definitely damage the interests of the Huangfu family, which will It aroused opposition from the Huangfu family and formed resistance.

This is an alliance of interests, advancing together and retreating together.

Even if Qi Xuansu did nothing, the Huangfu family would still stand up against Li Changge.

This is what Zhang Yuelu encountered in Nanyang.

Huangfu Ji slowly said, "On this point, Xidaomen's attitude is clear. It has been discussed at Golden Palace and a resolution has been reached. Even if he is the special envoy of Daomen, he can disrespect me, Huangfuji."

Individuals must respect the highest organization of Xidaomen. "

This may be a strong statement, but it is also correct.

Even if the Taoist envoy is replaced by the third division, this sentence will still hold true when necessary.

Or it can be said that even if Qi Xuansu becomes the Grand Master of the Taoist Sect, he does not need to believe in the Taiping Dao Master, but he must respect Taiping Dao, one of the three great traditions.

The organization is more important than the individual.

This has been the iron rule since the Taoist revival.

Of course, having said that, it still takes some work to fully implement what you say.

Huangfuji continued, "Tianyuan can rest assured about this matter. I will communicate well with Xidaomen, and Ixichel is a sensible person. As long as Ixichel grasps it, no matter how powerful Li Yongyan is, I can’t afford to make waves.”

Qi Xuansu didn't say anything more, he just picked up the tea cup, made a gesture of replacing wine with tea, and raised the cup to Huangfu Ji.

Huangfuji also raised his glass from a distance.

Qi Xuansu's side was finishing things off in an orderly manner, but Zhang Yuelu's side was not so relaxed and happy.

Nanyang has another problem.

This time it is not the matter of the old Taoist priests. After all, the old Taoist priests are eager to send Zhang Yuelu's gift out of the country quickly, and of course they will not stumble Zhang Yuelu at this juncture.

The key is peace.

Regardless of whether the hope is great or not, we still have to fight. If you fight, you may go up; if you don't fight, you will definitely have no chance of going up.

To obey destiny, you must first do your best.

Li Minghuang wants to compete with Zhang Yuelu for the position of chief deputy leader of Tiangang Hall. How to compete?

It is definitely too late to make a great achievement temporarily. Even if there is such an opportunity, it must be prepared for Li Changge, and Li Minghuang will have to stay back.

Since you can't strengthen yourself, you have to weaken others.

Li Minghuang has no credit, but Zhang Yuelu can be allowed to make mistakes. The idea is the same as Qi Xuansu's. At the critical moment, apply the key eye drops and detonate the key thunder.

Although Taiping Dao is not very powerful in Nanyang, which is almost the territory of Quanzhen Dao, Taiping Dao controls Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall. Ziwei Hall is for people to go up, and these two halls are for people to come down.

There is also the "Heavenly Court" cooperating from inside and outside.

In other words, it is difficult for Taiping Dao to help people achieve good things in Nanyang, but it can still do bad things in Nanyang.

Therefore, Taipingdao launched an attack on Zhang Yuelu at this critical moment.

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