Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 171: The drunkard doesn’t care about drinking

Known as the "Mansion in the Sky", the Tao Mansion's No. 3 Palace Master-level flying boat slowly landed on Guijian Lake outside Shenglong Mansion.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the continuous rain outside the window and sighed.

During the last period of time when she was about to leave her job, she decided to do some practical things for Nanyang. She visited all the countries in Nanyang, promoted many practical things, and signed many contracts. As a result, Zhang Yuelu was notified that Zhang Yuelu was about to come to Shenglong Mansion to attend Taoist affairs, so Zhang Yuelu had to interrupt his trip and return to Shenglong Mansion.

This is most likely the last time Zhang Yuelu participated in the Taoist meeting of the Borneo Taoist Government.

Ke Qingqing, the accompanying secretary, had already started to help Zhang Yuelu pack his luggage. Zhang Yuelu did not move and looked out the window.

The sky was dark, the rain and fog were misty, and the surface of Guijian Lake was completely white. In addition, the window glass was also covered with raindrops, making the scene very blurry.

This didn't seem to be a good sign, and it also made Zhang Yuelu feel a little depressed.

It was not Zhang Yuelu's first day as a Taoist priest. Of course she knew that the situation in the Borneo Taoist government was not peaceful. It seemed that after the Wang and Sun Yudu were eliminated, a new power structure was formed. Not to mention monolithic, it was also united internally and externally. After all, most of them were A man of all truth.

But in fact it is not that simple. There has been a rift between the people of Donghua Master and the Yao family, and they are no longer as close as they used to be. However, the current leader, Yao Shu, is a core member of the Yao family. This sudden Taoism Yao Shu personally presided over the affairs of the government.

Zhang Yuelu knew very well that as the personnel adjustments gradually deepened, some people were staring at her eagerly and making various comments. Many people hope that she will miss the mark. Although it cannot be said that she will fall into the abyss of eternal destruction, she will withdraw from the competition early.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu did not relax his vigilance just because this was the last shift, but instead he was very alert.

For example, in this meeting, she smelled something unusual.

Why can Qi Xuansu finish things so slowly? Over a cup of tea, the next direction was decided in a few words, because he united the biggest local snake Xidaomen and united all the forces that could be united. But Zhang Yuelu offended the local snakes in Nanyang, so Zhang Yuelu had to face many things alone.

Zhang Yuelu stepped off the flying boat surrounded by everyone. What came to greet him was Sun Yongfeng, the secretary of Master Landa, the first assistant manager of Sheji Palace, and Zhang Yuelu's old subordinate.

Zhang Yuelu and Sun Yongfeng exchanged polite greetings and boarded the carriage that had been prepared.

Sun Yongfeng also followed Zhang Yuelu's carriage, obviously he had something to report to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu didn't stop him. After sitting down, he got straight to the point: "What's going on?"

Sun Yongfeng lowered his voice: "Chief Zhang, people from Beichen Hall and Feng Xiantang are here, saying they are jointly handling the case."

"Handling a case? Whose case is it?" Zhang Yuelu was startled, but his face remained calm.

The rain was getting heavier, and it was even mixed with lightning and thunder. The lightning made the faces of the people in the car white and fleeting.

The sky outside the carriage seemed to have collapsed, the rain was pouring down, and the water columns formed a curtain of water, as if it was a water world - this is Nanyang, and there is no such heavy rain in the Central Plains at the moment.

Amidst the low thunder, Sun Yongfeng was still talking, his voice was not loud, but every word was louder than the thunder outside: "It's Xie Jiaofeng's case."

Zhang Yuelu frowned: "Why him? Even if something happens to Xie Jiaofeng, it should be handled by our Taoist government. How come Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall are involved?"

Sun Yongfeng said: "Someone directly took the materials and reported it to Yujing."

Zhang Yuelu asked directly: "Do you know who it is?"

Sun Yongfeng sighed, "It is said to be Lao Xie's lover Nangong Meng. This Nangong Meng is also a Taoist priest. He is good at dancing and has a wide network of contacts. It is said that he can also talk to some real people."

Zhang Yuelu snorted lightly and said nothing.

Sun Yongfeng continued: "This Nangong Meng has been with Lao Xie for many years. He always wanted to become a full-time official and wanted a status, but Lao Xie kept delaying and refused to give it. So the two of them fell out for some reason. As Nangong Meng's pillow, I got a lot of information about Lao Xie and threatened Lao Xie to expose Lao Xie. Lao Xie was also forced to take down Nangong Meng first. "

Zhang Yuelu interrupted and asked, "When did this happen?"

Sun Yongfeng said: "On the third day after you leave Lion City and start your tour of Southeast Asian countries."

Zhang Yuelu's face was a little gloomy. She didn't know these things, but there was nothing she could do about it. A person's time and energy were limited. She was so busy in the past that she had no time to care about her subordinates' private lives, and a female boss was inquiring. Male subordinates are also outrageous.

It's just that she didn't expect that someone would give her a trick to drain her away.

Zhang Yuelu signaled Sun Yongfeng to continue.

Sun Yongfeng said: "This Nangong Meng is the kind of female Taoist priest who is good at digging camps. She has several friends. Although her position is not high, she has a wide network of contacts in Yujing and has contacts with many high-quality Taoist priests."

Zhang Yuelu's face was expressionless.

There will never be a shortage of such female Taoist priests. This is also the advantage of female Taoist priests. God knows what kind of big shots will be involved behind a pretty female Taoist priest, maybe she is a member of someone's harem.

"Nangong Meng was careful and wrote a blood letter in advance. The day before she was arrested, she gave the blood letter and some materials to a friend of hers in Yujing. This friend turned over the blood letter and materials several times. It was delivered to the hands of a real person, who finally handed it over to Feng Xiantang, which alarmed Feng Xiantang, leading to today's situation." After Sun Yongfeng finished speaking, he quietly observed Zhang Yuelu's face.

Zhang Yuelu fell into deep thought.

If Xie Jiaofeng has a problem, then he should be investigated strictly. She has no objections and will not protect Xie Jiaofeng. But she didn't naively think that it had nothing to do with her.

What is childishness? Thinking that if Xie Jiaofeng is cut off, people will let her go; thinking that it is just a coincidence that people just come to check Xie Jiaofeng; thinking that if you are acting upright and sitting upright, everything has nothing to do with you; this is naive.

Zhang Yuelu still knows a little about what it means to be a drunkard but not to drink.

The two chief deputy governors of the Borneo Taoist Palace were both Xie Jiaofeng's direct superiors. If something like this happened, was there any leadership responsibility? Are there any oversight issues? You can check this.

Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. If Xie Jiaofeng has financial problems, is there any exchange of interest as his immediate superior? You can check it too!

If Xie Jiaofeng falls into the hands of others, there will be some problems even if there are no problems.

If you advance, you can defeat Qi Xuansu, if you retreat, you can defeat Zhang Yuelu. The best result is to fight both of them, leaving both of them disgraced during this critical period.

In the past, it was Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu who were the ones checking others, but now they are checking Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu. This feeling is still a bit unfamiliar.

After a while, Zhang Yuelu asked: "What are the specific contents of the report?"

Sun Yongfeng replied: "I don't know yet. It is a secret belonging to the task force. However, Lao Xie has been rooted in Nanyang for many years and has experienced two real people and three chiefs. In a prosperous place like Lion City, the economy is probably not clean. Yes, more people may be involved.”

Another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth as bright as day. After a long time, a muffled thunder exploded, rolling across the sky with a rumble.

Sun Yongfeng continued: "I heard some gossip, saying that hundreds of thousands of peace money were found from Lao Xie's house, and there were countless real estate deeds. It seems that there is still confusion with some women. Let me tell you, this is also It has become a kind of normalcy. As long as there is no investigation, everyone is a good person, but if there is an investigation, who can withstand it? "

Zhang Yuelu closed his eyes.

If this news is true and Xie Jiaofeng has not been wronged, then the problem is serious.

Xie Jiaofeng turned out to be such a person. She was busy fighting with the old Taoist priests and implementing the New Deal. She even forgot about the principle of darkness under the lamp. It was her responsibility to neglect this point. She would not shirk the blame and could also be responsible for the discussion. Make a review to the Taoist government.

It's just that she has to be more alert to the series of changes that will follow. The wind is the head of the rain, and with this gust of wind, there will also be a violent storm targeting her.

Zhang Yuelu also understood that Sun Yongfeng came to say these things, which must have been instructed by Master Lan Da, and Master Lan Da was still on her side; Sun Yongfeng was able to know these situations, mostly because of Xu Jiaorong, who also stood on her side. On her side.

The Taoist government has not changed yet.

However, the Taoist government notified her to come back to discuss matters, which still shows that the problem is very serious, and Master Lan Da and Xu Jiaorong have no good solution.

What matters now is not any rash action, but calmness.

Although the problem was serious, the fire had not burned Zhang Yuelu, let alone Qi Xuansu. Zhang Yuelu didn't believe that as soon as she entered the door of the meeting hall, someone would come to take measures against her. She hadn't reached that step yet.

As long as the situation is not overpowering, she is still the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist House. She is the third-ranking figure in the Borneo Taoist House after the Grand Master and the Chief Master. She may still have the ability to organize A defensive battle to repel an enemy attack.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable. What should come will eventually come. And the time she chose was very clever, it was just when she was leaving the Lion City. If she stayed in the Lion City, the capture of Xie Jiaofeng would definitely not be hidden from her eyes, so she would have enough time to react without being caught off guard. Now that she has traveled around various countries in Southeast Asia, the Lion City has actually changed into a different world.

what else can we do? There is no way, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop.

Qi Tianyuan said it well, if you want to build a country, you must first learn to build a life. If you want to fight with heaven, you must first learn to fight with people.

Zhang Yuelu calmed down and asked, "What is the attitude of the real master now?"

Sun Yongfeng seemed to have been waiting for Zhang Yuelu to ask such a question, and immediately replied: "The real person in charge pointed out that the investigation and handling of this case must be carried out under the direct leadership of the Taoist government. If other senior members of the Taoist government are involved, be cautious , Don’t be afraid of this or that, we have to get to the bottom of it.”

Zhang Yuelu's eyes became dark.

Yao Shu's "want and want" attitude made her smell dangerous.

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