Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 178: Last resort

The heavy rain in Nanyang made Zhang Yuelu feel gloomy. It's not that Zhang Yuelu is helpless, but a series of recent encounters and blows have made Zhang Yuelu a little discouraged.

However, Zhang Yuelu quickly cheered up and was determined to overcome this difficulty.

Although "a man's heart is as hard as iron until death", Zhang Yuelu is obviously not the case. She has also wavered and retreated, but she persisted in ideological struggles again and again, and became more and more determined.

This does not mean that Zhang Yuelu has no emotions. She will still have the emotions she should have. Everyone will have emotions. Even Qi Xuansu, after learning about Zhou Mengyao's affairs, was very out of control, with shock, anger, grief and indignation.

However, when it comes to struggle experience, Qi Xuansu is still better. In fact, among these young people, Qi Xuansu is a gifted person. As the saying goes, I was born with talent and must be useful. Qi Xuansu's qualifications for cultivation are not good, but in this regard, he has a sense of self-taught. On the contrary, the three Taoists have the help of their families, and others have to go around them. There are not many opportunities for training, which has become a disadvantage.

Zhang Yuelu collected his mood, returned to his signing room in the Sheji Palace, calmed down, and analyzed the general situation.

In fact, the current situation can be divided into three forces: the clam and the crane fight, and the fisherman benefits.

The so-called clam and the crane are the forces behind Zhang Yuelu and the Taiping Dao forces that took the initiative to attack, and the fisherman who went to the sea is Yao Shu.

Yao Shu did not stand on the side of Zhang Yuelu or the Taiping Dao, he only stood on his side.

In fact, the key to solving the problem also lies in Yao Shu. After all, he is the real person in charge of the mansion. As long as Yao Shu changes his mind, the Borneo Dao Mansion from the real person in charge of the mansion to the second deputy mansion master is a solid block, and the entire Dao Mansion is a solid block, so the dominant power is in the hands of the Dao Mansion. Unless the level of Qingwei Zhenren or Jiang Da Zhenren personally intervenes, Fengxian Hall and Beichen Hall cannot compete with the local Dao Mansion where Pingzhang Da Zhenren sits.

Zhang Yuelu tried to think from another perspective. What would he do in Yao Shu's position?

According to common sense, Taiping Dao rushed to Nanyang and was determined to make Zhang Yuelu look bad. They would never show mercy to Zhang Yuelu. With her style and personality, Zhang Yuelu would definitely fight back with all her might. The forces behind Zhang Yuelu, including Qi Xuansu, would definitely launch a counterattack. The bloody battle between the two sides, a great opportunity for the fisherman to benefit is obvious.

The bloody battle between the two sides is most likely to be a loss for both sides. The balance of power in Borneo that Donghua Zhenren and Qi Xuansu, the master and apprentice, have painstakingly created will be broken, and Yao Shu will be able to take the opportunity to seize power and revive the authority of the Master of the House.

The Taoist sect pays attention to the size of the relationship. The chief and the second are the tools to restrain the Master of the House, and the Master of the House is also the tool to restrain the Master of the House. As long as there is no problem with the procedure, the Master of the House can't say anything.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

How can the fisherman who goes to the sea stop?

Of course, the two sides who are fighting turn around and unite to face the outside world, which can make the fisherman suffer.

But in the current situation, how can the two sides unite to face the outside world? Unless there is a big enough benefit, will Zhang Yuelu take the initiative to withdraw from the competition? That is putting the cart before the horse, there is no such reason.

This road is not feasible, what if pressure is applied from the top?

The person who can put pressure on Yao Shu is his old boss Donghua Zhenren, but that was in the past, and it is hard to say now. Lan Da Zhenren is Yao Shu's current boss. What he said in the meeting was very serious. Could it be that Yao Shu would not understand? For Yao Shu, he can listen to the words of the current boss and the old boss, or not.

The other one is the earth master.

There is no doubt that Yao Shu must listen to the earth master and dare not disobey.

Although Zhang Yuelu has some relationship with the earth master, they gradually drifted away, especially after the heavenly master intervened.

For Zhang Yuelu, there is no such thing as having the best of both worlds. He can only choose one of the heavenly master and the earth master.

Since the best and middle strategies are not feasible, there is only the worst strategy.

Grab Yao Shu's handle and force Yao Shu to compromise, so that the Borneo Daofu will be united against the outside world.

What flaws does Yao Shu have?

Having been in the Dao Sect for many years, it cannot be said that there are no such people who are completely clean, but it can only be said that there are very few.

Qi Xuansu did not take any property and did not have any luck with women because he had great ambitions and was determined to be the Grand Master, so Qi Xuansu did not care about these things from the bottom of his heart, and even regarded them as obstacles to the position of the Grand Master. But even Qi Xuansu could also dig into the problems of secret societies and the private killing of Wan Xiuwu, etc.

Yao Shu is probably not a perfect person. As long as he is not investigated, he will definitely be fine. But if he investigates deeply, it is hard to say.

As for why Yao Shu must be forced to compromise, it is because of the special and irreplaceable position of Yao Shu. There are many people in Fengxian Hall and Beichen Hall who handle cases. If one of these temporary conveners is not good, just change another one. But there is only one Master of the House, and there is no such thing as changing the Master of the House.

It’s just that in a hurry, it may not be effective immediately, but it can be used as a backhand. If it enters a tug-of-war situation, it will be effective.

Zhang Yuelu certainly can't do this herself. She doesn't have the time or the ability, because everyone has their own expertise, so let professionals do professional things.

However, Zhang Yuelu is not a pedantic person. After deciding to solve the problem, she asked Ke Qingqing to contact Zhang Jucheng's secretary.

It is said that she is the third-generation leader of the Zhang family. The fact that she rarely uses the banner of the Zhang family does not mean that the Zhang family is a decoration.

Such things will not alarm the Heavenly Master, and it is enough to reach Zhang Jucheng's level.

Zhang Jucheng has his own arrangements for how to solve the problem. He is the eldest son of the Zhang family.

Soon, Ke Qingqing contacted Zhang Jucheng's secretary. After the two communicated, Zhang Yuelu started talking to Zhang Jucheng.

"Uncle." Zhang Yuelu took the initiative and said, "I am Yuelu."

Zhang Jucheng knew this and asked, "Qingxiao, you are a rare visitor, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Yuelu knew that he had some shortcomings in human sophistication, so he didn't force it. He went straight to the point and explained the problems he encountered and his thoughts. Zhang Jucheng is still believable. Regardless of any conflicts in the past, look at the Buddha's face rather than the monk's face. If you don't look at the face of Zhang Yuelu, you should look at the face of the heavenly masters, including Qi Xuansu's face. No matter how you say it, Qi Xuansu's strong rise is an indisputable fact. No matter who it is, they can no longer pretend not to see it, and they must consider Qi Xuansu's influence. No matter how powerful the Celestial Master's power is, the Celestial Master's time is limited. Qi Xuansu has not yet entered the Taoist decision-making level, but his future is already unlimited. People always have to take a long-term view and consider the future.

After Zhang Jucheng listened, he said slowly: "I really know a thing or two about this matter. Before Yao Shu went to Ziweitang to be the chief deputy hall master, he once served as the chief deputy master of Zhongzhou Daofu. , at that time, he had a secretary named Shi Jiaosan, who was arrested for a certain case. The final conclusion was that Shi Jiaosan acted in the name of Yao Shu, and Yao Shu himself did not know it, but he was just responsible for his negligence. Responsibility, so this incident has little impact on Yao Shu himself. "

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

Judging from the timeline, she was still very young at that time and would not have known about these things. Since it had little impact on Yao Shu, no one would mention it too much in the future. It would be difficult for younger generations like them to know these old events if they didn't bother to investigate. However, people of the same generation like Zhang Jucheng will not forget it, and even remember it clearly. This is also a basic quality.

Zhang Jucheng continued: "Actually, this matter is very strange. The Taiping Dao people's insistence on this matter is not considered to be messing around, but there is no concrete evidence, and Shi Jiaosan's mouth is very tough, and he took over everything . Coupled with the fact that Quanzhen Dao people were watching, Taiping Dao couldn’t give Shi Jiao three methods, so in the end it was settled.”

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Uncle, do you mean there is a problem with this case?"

"Maybe there is a problem, maybe there is no problem. It doesn't matter. We can try mentioning it to Yao Shu and see his reaction." Zhang Jucheng said.

Zhang Yuelu said: "After so many years, Yao Shu may not admit it."

Zhang Jucheng said with a smile: "The reason why I remember it so clearly is because I participated in this case."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but be startled.

"At that time, Taiping Taoism and Quanzhen Taoism were at odds over this matter. They refused to give in to each other and did not trust each other. Things came to a standstill. The best way was to let a third party resolve the matter, which meant that we "Come forward together." Zhang Jucheng said calmly, "At that time, we still favored the Quanzhen Tao and decided to suppress the matter. After all, at that time, the Tianshi had already had the idea of ​​forming an alliance with the Quanzhen Tao to compete with the Taiping Tao. , this can be considered a good sale and releases goodwill.”

Zhang Yuelu did not expect to have such an inside story, but it is also very intriguing. Zhang Jucheng would not have known about Zhang Yuelu's difficulties, but he just watched and waited until Zhang Yuelu came to the door on his own initiative before he told these things. Among them, The intention was naturally to make Zhang Yuelu owe a favor.

Zhang Jucheng continued: "But at that time, I kept an eye on it and secretly moved Shi Jiaosan from Kunlun Taoist Mansion to the first floor of the Demon Suppressing Well. Shi Jiaosan has been imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Well all these years, which can be regarded as protected. . Yao Shu did not know about this. He thought that Shi Jiaosan had died in Kunlun Taoist Mansion and died of physical and mental exhaustion under torture, so Yao Shu dared to be confident. "

"I can ask someone to bring up Shi Jiaosan now and ask him to write a handwritten letter to Yao Shu. He has written so many manuscripts for Yao Shu in the past, and Yao Shu will not fail to recognize his handwriting." Zhang Jucheng At this time, the methods of the eldest son of the Zhang family were revealed.

Judging from Zhang Jucheng's series of methods, he had been prepared for a long time, which confirmed Zhang Yuelu's guess that Zhang Jucheng was ready for everything and was just waiting for Zhang Yuelu to come to ask for help. If Zhang Yuelu didn't come to the door, Zhang Jucheng would remain on the sidelines.

But when things got to this point, Zhang Yuelu had to admit it: "Then there is Uncle Lao. Yuelu thanked him."

Zhang Jucheng said with a smile: "A family doesn't have to speak two languages."

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