Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 179 A letter

Zhang Yuelu is not a person who insists on pursuing justice, and she doesn't mind using some means, because she can't fight others without means, and it's difficult to protect herself, so why talk about ideals? Isn't that a joke?

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Yuelu's ideal is to change the Taoist sect. This slogan is also known to everyone in the Taoist sect. Zhang Yuelu is for the Taoist sect, not for fairness and justice. This must be distinguished, and Zhang Yuelu cannot be said to have double standards.

Even if Zhang Yuelu implements the New Deal in Borneo, it cannot be said to be fair. She just wants to redistribute interests and ensure the interests of the bottom. At most, it will be relatively fair, but the big households will still be big households. Zhang Yuelu just asked the wealthy people to eat less, but he still suffered such backlash. If he really pursues absolute fairness, he is afraid that he will not only die without a burial place, but also suffer countless infamy.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu was not soft-hearted in this matter, nor did he think that it was correct to take down Yao Shu. It was not easy to reach a compromise with Yao Shu.

Zhang Jucheng has been the master of the Shangqing Palace for many years. In fact, he is also in charge of the affairs of the Dazhen Palace. Firstly, the two families are very close to each other. Secondly, he is the eldest son of the Zhang family. These assistants are from the Zhang family. I dare not disobey him. Even if Zhang Jucheng is no longer in Yunjin Mountain, but far away in Jinling Mansion, it only takes one sentence to send a message back.

Shi Jiaosan was also very cooperative.

In the past, Shi Jiao San was really tough. In order to protect his old boss, he took the initiative to take on everything on his own.

But people can change. A stone will not move at all once it is hammered, but if it is washed by water for a long time, the edges and corners will gradually be worn away.

The reason why Shi Jiao San was able to carry

He stayed because he thought that as long as Yao Shu was okay, he could be rescued. In other words, after he went out, Yao Shu thought about the past relationship and gave him a hand again.

But he never expected that Yao Shu not only ignored him, but also wanted to kill him. If it weren't for Zhang Jucheng, he would have died in Kunlun Taoist Mansion long ago. The death of a chief secretary is certainly not a trivial matter, but the death of a prisoner in custody is not a big deal and cannot cause any commotion.

It was from that time on that the seeds of hatred took root in Shi Jiaosan's heart: Who is Yao Shu? How can you be so heartless and unjust! He followed this man back and forth for three years. He treated Yao Shu as filially as a son would serve me. He had done many things, big and small, public and private, but Yao Shu actually treated him like this!

Since Yao Shu doesn't care about friendship, what else does he have to worry about? Of course, I have to look for opportunities to retaliate.

It's just that this opportunity is not easy to find. Shi Jiaosan is in jail and isolated from the outside world, while Yao Shu has been promoted step by step until he has become the chief deputy leader of Ziwei Hall. With the Earth Master and Donghua Zhenren protecting him, who dares Touch him? The key is that Zheng Yiyi joins forces with Quanzhen Tao to resist Taiping Tao. The two families are in their honeymoon period, and Zheng Yiyi will not allow him to do this.

Thinking of this, the seed of hatred almost withered, and Shi Jiaosan almost gave up on his idea of ​​revenge.

But I never expected that there would be no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there would be a bright future in another village. As expected, there are no eternal friends among big people, only eternal interests. Zhang Jucheng wants to fall out with Yao Shu.

In fact, Zhang Jucheng has been paying close attention to the developments in Nanyang. After Yao Shu expressed his stance, Zhang Jucheng immediately asked

People found Shi Jiao San.

This person was not someone else. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu both knew him. He was his cousin Zhang Chiyue, who had a fairly good relationship with Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Chiyue secretly returned to the Dazhen Mansion in Yunjin Mountain, and used Zhang Jucheng's warrant to bring Shi Jiao San from the Demon Suppressing Well. His first words came straight to the point: "Shi Jiao San, are the situations you reported back then true?"

Shi Jiaosan was stunned for a moment at first, trying to remember when "back then" specifically meant. Then the almost withered seed of hatred came to life again, and he immediately said: "It's true."

Zhang Chiyue asked again: "Can you write it in writing?"

Shi Jiaosan hesitated and said: "At the beginning, Mr. Zhang... he warned me not to say nonsense, especially words that are not conducive to unity. I must not say anything."

Zhang Chiyue smiled coldly: "The situation is different now. You should immediately write down relevant materials from that year."

Only then did Shi Jiaosan realize that the direction of the wind had really changed, and the wind had also brought rain and dew, making his seed of hatred not only alive, but also able to thrive.

If you think about it carefully, this is reasonable. If it wasn't for today, then why did you spare his life in the first place?

Shi Jiaosan was placed in a separate room not far from the Demon Suppression Platform. He did nothing but write down the materials from that year. No matter how big or small, write down everything. The more detailed the better, but don’t slander or leave behind. The flaws in human attacks must be proven as solid as a mountain.

After writing these materials, Zhang Chiyue asked Shi Jiaosan to write a letter to his old boss Yao Shu.

In the past, Shi Jiao San was a pen beside Yao Shu. A master of playing with words, he immediately understood Zhang Chiyue's spirit and wrote a letter with hidden needles.

, which made Zhang Chiyue very satisfied.

Then Zhang Chiyue rushed back to Jiangnan with this material and letter, and handed it to Zhang Jucheng personally.

After making these preparations, Zhang Jucheng waited for Zhang Yuelu to come to ask for help.

As expected, Zhang Yuelu did think of that last resort and asked Zhang Yuelu for help. Zhang Yuelu took Zhang Yuelu's favor and handed Zhang Yuelu the knife he had prepared.

Soon, Lin Yuanmiao went to Jiangnan in person according to Zhang Yuelu's instructions and met with Zhang Jucheng to ensure that nothing went wrong. After all, he is a pseudo-immortal. Unless an immortal intercepts it, there is no way he can make a mistake.

Zhang Jucheng handed all the letters and materials to Lin Yuanmiao. Zhang Yuelu figured out how to use them, so he didn't need to point them out.

However, Zhang Jucheng still warned: There must be no more omissions. Xie Jiaofeng is still within the control, but if something goes wrong with Zhang Wuyue, even if Yao Shu can be forced to compromise, it will be difficult to recover. situation, after all, the Li family is the enemy. You must remember to communicate with Tianyuan and ask him to take more precautions.

It has to be said that the Zhang family and the Li family have been enemies for many years. The people who know you best are not your friends, but your enemies. Zhang Jucheng's judgment on Taiping Dao was quite accurate, and he predicted a series of moves on Taiping Dao, but he said it a little late because he wanted to control Zhang Yuelu.

However, Qi Xuansu was temporarily absent due to Wu Niang's affairs, so the Taiping Dao people actually succeeded. Fortunately, Huangfu reacted quickly and blocked the group in Xingang again.

The battle between the two sides has reached a critical moment.

After Zhang Yuelu got the letter, he was not motivated. There are enemies on both sides, so we can only

It would be just to pull one against the other and break up with Yao Shu directly. The result would be to completely push Yao Shu to his opposite. Yao Shu would even temporarily join forces with the people of Taiping Dao, so the three-legged confrontation would become a two-legged confrontation. Going against one will only make your situation more difficult.

This is also the reason why Qi Xuansu is unwilling to talk about justice. If he insists on principles so much, there is no way to fight with others. The essence of unity is not to talk about principles, but only to talk about interests. If we don’t give up our interests, how can we talk about unity?

Whether it's red when it's close to vermillion, or black when it's close to ink, Zhang Yuelu has no choice but to learn Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu told Lin Yuanmiao to send this letter to Yao Shu so that no one could see it.

For Lin Yuanmiao, this is not a difficult task. The Sheji Palace is indeed heavily guarded, but the signature rooms of the chief and the palace master are both in the Sheji Palace. Lin Yuanmiao can move freely inside the Sheji Palace. It belongs to his own people. It's not impossible to go directly to Yao Shu's contract room to report to Yao Shu. Will others stop him?

The strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

Not to mention Lin Yuanmiao's pseudo-immortal cultivation, it is still simple to hide the traces. Of course, it cannot be hidden from Master Lan, but why did Master Lan want to expose Lin Yuanmiao?

Moreover, Yao Shu will not always be in the pledge room. He only needs to find a suitable opportunity to put this letter at Yao Shu's door while Yao Shu is away.

Soon, Yao Shu discovered the letter. There were four big characters written on the envelope, "Yours sincerely, Yao Shu", but nothing else.

Yao Shu had a bad feeling, so he picked up the letter.

This letter is very strange. It was obviously written during his absence.

Put it here.

The content of the letter had no beginning or end, no title, no signature, and no address. But Yao Shu still recognized the familiar handwriting at a glance. It was that of his secretary Shi Jiaosan who had written countless manuscripts for him in the past. As for handwriting, he repeatedly praised Shi Jiaosan’s writing skills.

This shocked Yao Shu.

Isn’t Shi Jiaosan dead? Yao Wu personally ordered this matter to be handled. It is said that he handled it very cleanly. He bribed several guarding spiritual officers and fellow prisoners in Kunlun Taoist Mansion. The guarding spiritual officers turned a blind eye, and those fellow prisoners The prisoners kept giving Shi Jiao three tricks, and soon he was "grinded" to death, or simply tortured to death, completely eliminating future troubles. Why did Shi Jiaosan's letter suddenly appear again? Could it be that Shi Jiao San left some fatal letter back then?

Yao Shu quickly rejected this guess, because the ink and paper were very new, and it should have been written not long ago.

Could it be that someone else imitated Shi Jiaosan's handwriting?

It's not like that, the writing has a style. Yao Shu is too familiar with Shi Jiaosan's style, and Shi Jiaosan is not a storyteller. He is only responsible for writing things for Yao Shu alone. Many small details are only known to two people. Outsiders It's hard to know.

Could it be said that Shijiao Sanguo is really not dead?

After all, Yao Shu had been ups and downs in Taoism for many years, he was frightened but not confused, and his mind was clear.

The Sheji Palace was like no other place. It was heavily guarded. If he could quietly deliver the letter to his signature room without alerting other people, it meant that there was a high probability that he was someone from inside the Sheji Palace.

It's nothing more than Master Landa, Zhang Yuelu, and Xu Jiaorong.

Both Landa Zhenren and Xu Jiaorong had been in Nanyang for a long time and had little to do with the events in Zhongzhou at that time, so they may not know the details.

Governor at that time

The person who handled this matter was Zhang Jucheng, and Zhang Yuelu's uncle was Zhang Jucheng.

Then the conclusion is very clear. The brothers were hiding outside the wall to resist their insults. They could not write two pieces of paper in one sentence. Zhang Yuelu asked Zhang Jucheng for help. Zhang Jucheng naturally wanted to support his niece. He immediately started to clear up the old scores and made some mistakes that he had deliberately done back then. He found the handle left behind and put pressure on him nakedly.

Although the letter didn't say anything explicitly, it was just a greeting or something, but the implication was already obvious, it was a threat.

Yao Shu slammed the letter in his hand on the table.

Good on you, Zhang Jucheng.

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