Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 187 The friend who shouldn’t be

When Li Changge came to the signing room that originally belonged to Qi Xuansu, there were actually not many documents. Qi Xuansu even spent very little time here, so Qi Xuansu did not hand over to Li Changge again here.

Li Changge looked around the entire signing room and could hardly see anything of Qi Xuansu's style. It could be seen that Qi Xuansu had not moved at all and basically maintained its original appearance. Obviously, Qi Xuansu knew that he would not stay in this position for too long and was too lazy to put any thought into it.

At this moment, Lu Yujue stopped talking, with a troubled look on his face.

Li Changge caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, turned around and asked, "Lu Fuli, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yujue glanced at Shen Yubing.

Li Changge understood and ordered: "Shen Fuli, you go and do your work first."

Shen Yubing led the others out knowingly, leaving only two people.

Lu Yujue then said: "Chief, I want to take a leave of absence."

Li Changge said nothing, just looked at Lu Yujue.

Lu Yujue continued: "I shouldn't have taken leave at this time. It's just my family's affairs that the chief should know about."

Li Changge muttered: "I know, can we deal with it later?"

Lu Yujue said: "Many people in Beichen Hall know about this now. Chief, if you compare yourself with others, haven't I embarrassed you enough?"

Li Changge also found it difficult.

As a son of an aristocratic family, all you have to do is live with dignity, and it is not an empty lie to insist on saving face and suffer hardships. If you lose your dignity, you will lose everything. Even if he becomes a cuckold, he still has to be criticized by others - even he, who was cuckolded by others, is still a cuckold. He has no temper when he wears the cuckold.

For the family members.

It's not scary to be a cuckold, it's scary if everyone knows about it.

Everyone knows it and is not afraid. It is scary to be a green turtle if others know that you dare not retaliate.

In short, cover it up if you can. At worst, everyone can do their own thing. If you can't cover it up, you can retaliate. If you can't cover it up, you won't be able to retaliate, and your reputation will be ruined.

It is not necessarily a bad thing for a woman to be weak, and she can still gain sympathy from others.

Men who are associated with the word "weak" will only get bullied.

When a woman is betrayed by her husband, she will gain sympathy from outsiders, and others will help her scold the betrayer, because they assume that women are weak.

A man who is betrayed by his wife will only be ridiculed by outsiders.

The reason given by Lu Yujue was very reasonable. He had to deal with this matter. Whether he covered it up or made peace with it, he had to have an attitude. He couldn't keep his head down and continue to be a green turtle.

Due to emotion and reason, Li Changge could not refuse. He could only ask Lu Yujue to deal with it later, rather than not dealing with it.

Lu Yujue's attitude was very tough: "Does it have to be postponed until next year? By then, it will be too late."

Li Changge asked again: "Why now?"

Lu Yujue said: "Because Master Qi is also going back to Yujing, and I can just catch a ride. Doesn't the chief suspect that there is something going on between Master Qi and me?"

Lu Yujue's calmness relieved some of Li Changge's suspicions.

However, Li Changge still did not agree. He was not suspicious, he just didn't like risks. Just because Lu Yujue did not conspire with Qi Xuansu did not mean that Lu Yujue gave up revenge on Li Minghuang. These are two different things.

Seeing Li Changge's resolute attitude, Lu Yujue simply expressed his attitude: "If the chief refuses to agree, then I have no choice but to submit my resignation to the chief. From now on, it is better to be an idler in the mountains than to be so aggrieved now."

Speaking of which, Li Changge was helpless.

Qi Xuansu was able to suppress him not because Qi Xuansu was more majestic than Li Changge, but because Qi Xuansu promised to help Lu Yujue take revenge and asked Lu Yujue to endure it for a while, so Lu Yujue endured it. Now that Li Changge was standing in the position of the Li family, he couldn't make such a promise, so Lu Yujue naturally couldn't bear it.

Li Changge sighed: "Okay then, I'll grant you leave. I hope you can go back quickly and don't act impulsively."

Lu Yujue looked at Li Changge deeply: "Thank you, Chief, for your understanding."

The next day, Lu Yujue appeared on Qi Xuansu's flying boat.

Qi Xuansu was not surprised. This was something the two of them had agreed on in advance.

In addition to Qi Xuansu and Deputy Hall Master Xu, Wuniang was also on the flying boat. With Wuniang escorting her, Qi Xuansu was not afraid of the previous accident happening again. He was singing songs while sitting in the flying boat, but suddenly the flying boat broke.

Qi Xuansu had already thought about it. When he became the real person in charge of the Wanxiang Dao Palace, Lu Yujue could be an assistant manager. Qi Xuansu had just lost an assistant manager in the Wanxiang Dao Palace, and the vacancy was still there.

Wanxiang Taoist Palace is the private residence of Shi Daren. Not only does Shi Daren value Qi Xuansu very much, but he also somewhat condones Qi Xuansu, just because Qi Xuansu was born in Wanxiang Taoist Palace and is his own child in every sense of the word. Among the others, Zhang Yuelu was from the Shangqing Palace, Li Changge was from the Qingling Palace, and Yao Pei was from the Wuxu Palace. They were all outsiders.

Factional divisions have penetrated into every corner of Dao Sect.

On the other side, after what happened in Nanyang, Zhang Yuelu sent Xiao Yin to Yujing to avoid getting her involved again.

So Xiao Yin moved into the new home of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, and immediately became a tyrant here, because no one could take care of Xiao Yin. Lao Qi was not here, Lao Zhang was not here, Qiniang was not here, and even Lao Lin stayed in Nanyang.

There are indeed many people left in Taishangfang, including people from the Zhang family and the two old couples who have been with Zhang Yuelu for a long time, but how can these people control Xiao Yin, the little overlord? Xiao Yin has never been a good child. Some girls with weak temperaments will even be picked on by the servants around them. But Xiao Yin cares about you. Do you think you are Lao Zhang?

After all, Xiao Yin has long understood the truth of "you have harmed me" under the influence of his ears and eyes, and has a profound understanding of who is the source of power, and power is only responsible to the source of power.

So Qi Xuansu's new home suffered a lot. Xiao Yin often ran in front, and a group of people shouted "Little Ancestor" and chased after him.

Within a few days, these people realized the reality. This little ancestor had nothing to do with him, so he could do whatever he wanted.

So Xiao Yin walked out of the house and started walking through the streets.

It's just that Taishangfang is a famously deserted place. Many Taoist figures buy their property here. However, these Taoist figures don't live here most of the time. Most of them work in other places and live in Taoist mansions. In the Taoist Palace.

Xiao Yin often wanders around for a long time without seeing a single person, and feels very lonely.

There is another person who is equally lonely, Princess Chiying.

She grew up in the Imperial Capital since she was a child. She didn't have many friends in the royal family. Even if she had a few friends, they were all in the Imperial Capital.

After Princess Chiying was betrothed to Li Changge, she followed Li Changge to Yujing. Although she lived in Xuanyuanfang, it was a gathering place for people from the imperial court. For example, Lei Xiaohuan lived here back then and did not move until she married Pei Xiaolou. Although they left this place, these people also joined the Taoist sect, just like Lei Xiaohuan, they were finally separated by one layer.

Princess Chiying felt very lonely. Although the Jade Capital was bustling with people, she felt like a stranger in a foreign land and was out of tune with her surroundings.

Until she accidentally discovered the little girl who carelessly broke into Yujing and caused a gust of wind in Taishangfang.

It seems to be called Qi Xiaoyin.

When Princess Chiying is bored, she likes to be alone on the watchtower, watching the little girl running in and out from a distance, leaving the group of people helpless.

Every time at this time, Princess Chiying would always show a knowing smile.

What that little girl was doing was exactly what she wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

Royal etiquette, royal decency, and royal rules are all bound to her.

Li Changge always comes and goes in a hurry, and there are endless things to do every day.

Many times, others would compare Li Changge to Qi Xuansu, and naturally they could not avoid comparing her to Zhang Yuelu.

Princess Chiying was very curious, how did Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu get along?

Li Changge was very busy, and so were these two people.

In any case, at least she was not busy and could accommodate Li Changge. She could always meet Li Changge when he was free.

But Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are different. It may be that when you are free, I am not available, and when I am free, you are not available.

How should they get along?

There are rumors outside that the two have a great relationship and are a match made in heaven.

She was still doubtful at first, but after the incident in Nanyang, Qi Xuansu rushed back immediately to prove that this statement was not false.

Princess Chiying is not the kind of princess who interferes in politics forcefully. Instead, she is a bit naive.

This is not surprising.

The bottom is cunning, because without cunning, it is difficult to survive and survive. This is the greatest frustration.

Families at the bottom cannot raise innocent children, let alone innocent hearts. The pressure and cruelty of life will force people to grow.

Only those families who are wealthy enough can raise children who are innocent and ignorant of the world.

People born into the royal family tend to go to two extremes. One is extremely precocious. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he will play power and gain insight into people's hearts early on. One is the ultimate innocence, unaware of suffering and the sinister nature of people's hearts.

Princess Chiying is His Majesty the Emperor's favorite daughter. His Majesty the Emperor protects her so well that she still retains some innocence.

This is different from Zhang Yuelu. Zhang Yuelu became the Zhang Yuelu he is today because no one protected him.

Princess Chiying sees mountains as mountains, and Zhang Yuelu sees mountains as mountains.

So Princess Chiying did not think more deeply. She only saw the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, and then said to Li Changge: Master Qi knows that he loves the Taoist couple.

Li Changge obviously didn't think so, and he was very disapproving of Princess Chiying's views. If the two hadn't known each other since childhood, Li Changge would have scorned him.

This also left the two of them with nothing to say a lot of the time.

What can I say if my thoughts are out of sync?

Not everyone can be like-minded and walk side by side like Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu.

Huangfu Ji said that he envied Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, but Li Changge might not be the same.

This also makes Princess Chiying feel even more lonely.

Because of her loneliness, she had to visit the little girl every day. This was the only solace in her lonely time. At first, she looked from a distance on the watchtower, and then she started to look closer, right where the little girl must pass. On the way.

Finally, she plucked up the courage, stopped the little girl, and asked her if she could be friends.

The little girl tilted her head and looked at her for a while, then nodded in agreement.

So she invited the little girl to her home, but the little girl couldn't sit still and wanted to take her out to play.

The two secretly left Taishangfang, went to Taiqing City, went to Xiabafang, and even left Yujing, went to Yuzhu Peak, and went to Xingxiu Sea.

Princess Chiying did not dare to tell Li Changge these things, it was her own secret.

In a corner unknown to both Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, two people who should not have crossed paths became friends.

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